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While the lady was away, Kyon hid her handkerchief with a couple of drops of blood thrown by Juna into his pocket . Having returned to his former place, he decided to use Flitz's therapeutic ointment. Here it is - his salvation from injuries, he wondered how it worked? And, most importantly, how effective is it?

He squeezed a thin strip of golden ointment onto his finger and smeared the most painful bruise on his thigh – his leg was immediately enveloped by a pleasant chill.

{Uh... How nice…}

After analyzing the Synergy of changes under the skin, he came to an incredible conclusion.

{As I thought, this world does not work like mine. If we have all the energy by the same by its nature and it has fixed constants, prescribing its behavior entirely, but in this world the energy in addition has an internal memory, which can change its behavior beyond recognition!}

Kyon discovered how the energy of the ointment was transformed under the skin into organics necessary for healing which increased the speed of processes inside. It was as if she had been programmed to act according to a certain logic. This can do just nanorobots, but what the hell nanorobots in this world? It is very interesting how you could set any behavioral reaction for the matter, how to change its internal information and make certain trigger reactions. As far as he could remember, the attribute of darkness and light was even more unique and unusual in its behavior. He would like to know more about everything.

Scratches overgrown instantly, bruising disappeared – all clearly and harmoniously, as if the ointment was operating the information, where and what to do. Such properties in his world could be achieved only by much more complex technologies, from nanorobots to bioprinting, but not by the programmed energy.

Juno returned only five minutes later, surprised to find a slave lying on the floor, realized that he simply could not stand on his feet - yet, the order is the order.

«I order you to stand up and defend yourself, I'm not done with you so far.» - the maiden dropped in a lordly manner, having waved her hand upwards.

Kyon, obeying the formation, rose to his feet with a grim expression.

The girl turned her shoulders, warming up, clenched her fists (just did not spit on them) and rushed into battle. She would get on top of this slave, so that he would feel the depth of the mistake made by him in the first seconds of their acquaintance. Would he survive after that or not... It didn't matter.

The dangerous dance lasted about two minutes, when a drop of sweat treacherously rolled to the eyes of Ken, the guy was forced to blink and missed a fatal shot in the leg, which caused that he lost the balance at the same moment. This split second was enough for Juno, who happily took advantage of the moment to knock him to the ground completely.

{I have done it! Come on, beg for mercy!} – just in time, she had almost used up all her energy. The rest of the energy the girl without sparing poured into her feet, to give some good kicks at the sides of the slave.

He shrank into a ball and clamped his hands over his head, involuntarily moaning in pain. Ah, what a beautiful music for the lady's ears! However, for some reason, she still could not pleas for mercy, and cries are quiet... Just moans, weird. No, definitely, it's some kind of defective slave. She's not satisfied with Flitz's gift.

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Half a minute later, the girl was wiping the sweat from her forehead, stretched with satisfaction, with contented grin looking at the work of her hands and feet. Having left the half-dead scum on the land, she galloped with a spring in her step into the estate to take a shower and redress. She didn't care about the beaten guy as she wouldn't take care of a dying fly. Her thing, so what's the problem?

The guy gave a demonic glance at her back, then sprawled on the ground, moaning in pain. The whole body ached from the bruises but there were so many bruises that they seemed to cause anemia. The young man's face was deathly pale, his leg was numb and almost refused to obey. The Synergy like hurricane rushed across the body, trying to cover all the injuries at once. There was a ringing emptiness in his head – to be the who is capable of almost anything, but not being able to get out the mess with 13-year old girl. What a crappy destiny - it seems that it tears away this guest in this world and decided to show him his position.

Anyway, the only ray of light in this pitch darkness was remaining awareness that he was still alive. Wow, earlier he did not have to seek out positive things in a nasty situation – and now, he had to do it.

Apparently, this little sadist had taken a special pleasure in hitting a lying, listening to his moans of pain. He would have screamed, as it should be, but strictly forbade himself to give the bitch what she wanted. It was evidently that she needed his humiliation and pain, pain, pain... It really didn't matter how he started acquaintance with her... all she needed was his suffering. What an irony: the former Emperor of the illusory planet should scream and beg for mercy for the little girl, but fuck her.

Although it may seem that the guy was humiliated and devastated, but all this was an absolute lie. His spirit is hardened enough to never give up, especially when it comes to his life. Not about the pride – it, like EGO, might bring harm, sometimes they should be suppress, but his spirit was irresistible.

{This butcher in the guise of an angel will surely kill me if I do nothing...} - he laughed bitterly at his miserable position, for which the body immediately took revenge on him with an attack of acute pain.

Having recovered recovering himself slightly, Kyon, was holding his side, slowly rose and sat on the only bench. The ground was still cold, it was no use lying around all day long. He couldn't afford to die because of pneumonia to please this small splinter.

There were so many injuries that it required to apply a huge amount of the Synergy and resources of the body. At this moment the guy naturally cursed the vanity – his efforts to "pump" the body to a condition "the sinewy athlete" turned to be useless. How useful would be at least a minimal layer of fat – attenuation is better and the energy level is higher. Flitz might have been shy to present him to this bitch.

It took exactly two hours, when the gate to the training area opened, and the little devil in angelic guise fluttered inside. Juno ran to the bench scopping.

Kyon was shuddered having seen just her appearance - green eyes, pretty face, golden curls, how he wish turned her pretty neck! Then he would have a look how she would continue to smile maliciously!

{Give me a stick, please...} – he mentally prayed the heavens, lifting them slightly damp eyes. It seems that it is time to use his tongue in violation of the order, otherwise he has no chance.

His appearance incredibly surprised miss – her "method" of re-education had a great success, maybe she should go to the guards?

Despite a very good mood, she had only an expression of angry irritation for a miserable living (so far) dummy :

«Wretched slave, I did not allow you to lie on my bench! I order you to punch yourself in the face three times and hide somewhere. I'll cope with you another time.»

Kyon was amazed, already had his mouth open. It seems that he jumped to conclusions – he had still chances. He rose with clenched teeth, made the required three blows (of course, pretend – enough for today with his beatings) and, drooping head, wandered to the hill of mannequins. His dignity demanded bloody revenge. If not wring her neck, then at least beat her to death, but how?! He wanted to put everything in its rightful place as soon as possible.

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Juno, pleased with the self-destruction of the guy, pressed on the wrist and after five seconds there came two servants inside, who at her direction carefully washed the bench from any dirt that could leave a slave.

While the servants were working, the girl began to warm up for future training with the master: she reached her fingertips to her feet, arched her back, gracefully made the splits…

All of these actions looked very appetizing and attractive – but Kyon was not up admiring the miss-toadstool. The only thing he appreciated was the flexibility of the girl: as reality he had already fancied how he would he tightly knot her and would kick across the training area, like a soccer ball. Suddenly, he pulled himself back and gave a mental slap – what was going on: he was angry and planned a brutal revenge13-year-old girl. Shame. It would seem that he reached bottom, but someone knocked from below.

Soon after the servants had gone, a mature, fifty-year-old man with long dark hair gathered into a careless tail at the back of his head entered the gate. Judging upon his clothing, reminiscent of djudo clothes, it was a master of the small toadstool.

The man still at the entrance caught a glimpse of hiding the boy – judging upon the formation on his forehead it was an ordinary slave, and therefore he hardly worth special attention. It's not the first time he'd seen something like this. It's strange, of course, but it was better not to meddle in the affairs of others.

Having approached the girl, he bowed low. «Mistress Juno, Hello.»

The little girl stood up with a nimble somersault from the splits and respectfully said:

«Master Jean, Hello.»

Kyon raised his eyebrows in surprise.: what a courtesy! By the way, he called her mistress, which meant that this master's rank was lower, but she communicated with him much more respectfully than, for example, with Flitz. Hypocritical snake.

Jean smiled:

«How are you doing in the study of ether?»

Juno shiny smiled back, forcing the man to look away so as not to go blind.

«Master Jean, I'm making progress. I've now increased my understanding of ether to advanced discharge! Check me out!»

Her pleasant voice definitely made the man nervous.

Jean babbled surprisingly.:

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«R-really?! Miss... I must be a terrible master if I can't believe what you're saying... Please demonstrate! My eyes need it!»

Juno proudly raised her little chin and theatrically raised her hand; there was a sharp crack and a finger began to shine with silvery current sparkles.

The man's eyes widened in disbelief.:

«What a control! What a quality! Juno, You... Have you really developed the ether to an advanced level?! Y-you're even more talented than your sister!» - delight was overflowing him, he could not help but quietly added: - «The only pity is the cleanness of the keys is low…»

His words were extremely vulnerable, because the purity of the keys was the most painful place for any practitioner. It is necessary to have incredible luck to achieve high purity while establishing connection with the soul. For example, the lords of at least one element exist in legends only. The best geniuses have an indicator of purity is not far from high, especially in the most simple of elements, but perfectly clean, as absolutely dirty – nowhere to meet. Kyon could be proud of himself.

But the girl having heard the whisper of the master naturally erupted with rage. Confidently straightening her shoulders, she firmly growled:

«I'm even more talented. I will surpass her, and even the goddess will not stop me!» - a wave of the hand…


A lightning flash hit the center of the mannequin's forehead. The wood smoked and almost caught fire.

Jean, shocked, stared in shock at the place of the blow:

«I-incredible! Impossible! Y-you've definitely raised your understanding of the ether to advanced! Just during three months! Impossible! "I-incredible!"»

The man had a lot of students, and he knew how long the understanding of the elements, especially such a complex as ether, is studied. And it's a given that the new generation of the Stones as a whole are mediocrity!

The development of the main category of ether takes up to six months, advanced – from five years to infinity. But this girl studied ether in just a couple of months! At the same time, she had been training other elements and techniques, and very successfully! The baby is an absolute unsurpassed genius of his family, perhaps, really better than his sister. It is a pity that the purity of the keys is low... But nothing can be done about it – it's the same as being born with one hand. Nature deprived her of purity, and it had always been a sore point of the lady, which was not surprising. An easy test discovers your future – whether you will be a mediocre for the rest of your life, or become a respected genius, which will have a great future, that will have hundreds of fans and admirers. Such a cruel world. Purity not only enhances the attack/defense ability, but also very significantly affects the pace of development. And yet, the girl achieved the 5th rank very quickly, which also witnesses her extraordinary talent.

There is a reliable opinion that the talent of development largely depends on the life goal, aspiration, will and strength of spirit. And this noble miss is a clear example to support that theory. Her goal is to beat her sister, to put her down and manifest herself to everyone, and it helps her to be a stubborn donkey to move forward.

Juno was pleased with the master's reaction – yet, easy posturing was in her nature.

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Kohn was shocked. He saw the girl was immediately launched a coin, and only when that hit about the forehead, from her finger to the coin with the speed of light projectiles a spark.

{Mother Mary! If this shit hits me, electric shock and paralysis are guaranteed! This is what happens, the girl in me still restrained?} – the guy chuckled skeptically: to hope for the kindness of the young mistress was not necessary, because she decided not to finish him too quickly. And judging by the ever-smiling face while she was striking him, she got a sadistic pleasure caused by physical contact with soft flesh, not a magical effect.

Soon Jean finally quieted his enthusiasm – though his heart was still fluttering – and, pressing his hand to his chest, bowed:

«Miss Juno, your heavenly talent is far superior to mine... in just three months, you have developed an advanced understanding of the ether, and this is my limit, I don't have an ability to do more. But, please, don't give up on me, I can still teach you to understand your chosen wind element.»

Juno tilted her head slightly, becoming even more charming, and pressed her finger thoughtfully against the dimple on her cheek. She liked nervous look of Jean who was so concerned for his position.

It took a few painful seconds, seemed to the man who had grown up with excitement for an eternity, before the girl smiled cheerfully:

«Well, Master, how can I?»

Jean almost fell down with relief.

Kohn, impressed extremely lousy character of the toadstool, mentally groaned. - {She's a bitch... who am I messing with?! Flitz, bad motherfucker!}

«Then... let's Start training our understanding of the wind to an advanced level...» - the man wiped the sweat from his forehead and muttered in a weakened voice.

Juno stood in a fighting position and rushed to attack the master. Her attacks contained the element of wind which was noticeable by air blows, how fluttered his sleeves and how tousled hair of the men while dodging.

It is during training that you rise to new stages of development much faster than just sitting, doing cycles. It is because of the sense of energy fluctuations of the element of wind, which come from Jean, the girl was easier to raise the discharge.

A person can be considered a real "master" only as long as at least one of his elements is higher than that of a "disciple". In more rare cases, if he knowledge is wider, which a student is needed to be taught. Meanwhile, he must possess the formations of these techniques or categories.

While these two were dancing in combat, Kyon watched intently, trying not to miss a single detail: {Juno, to my regret, is very talented... Unexcelled talented in her family, if believe his words. And the master is clearly unclean in thought. I won't be surprised if during training this demoness in the guise of the angel he became attached to her too much. Yes, definitely... look how he stares at her shapes, when the girl cannot see it. And he takes away his look only when she needs to hold eye contact longer than three seconds. Ugh, he's totally into her! I've known a pervert master with the same oily look... May he rest in peace.}

Apparently, this Jean is a hidden pervert. And maybe an explicit one. However, here's nothing surprising – when such a beautiful looking creature is constantly at your eyes, it is difficult to restrain oneself within the framework of adequacy.

There appeared a plan in his mind.

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