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Anna walked up to the young man. It was unusual to see a former slave in the mansion. It violated all the rules.

Kyon bowed slightly, playing his part of a servant:

«Mrs. Anna, would you be so kind as to show me where my chambers are?»

«Follow me.» - She went to one of the doors on the ground floor and opened it.

The room decor was at a high level, even if it was much inferior to any other room. Kyon was pleased: a lot of space, a big and soft bed, a dining table, an armchair, and several cupboards.

Anna closed the door from the inside, crossed her arms, put on a cold hearted look and coughed loudly, forcing the young man to turn around. It was time to comply with Dinah's request and interrogate him. Tons of questions had been bugging her all day long. As for her sister, she'd lost her patience completely, got irritable, and rushed everything.

«Answer my questions quickly, boy. And don't try to lie to me. I can feel it when someone lies to me.»

Kyon gave an affirmative nod as if he wasn't even thinking that.

«How did you survive? Where did you live all the time?»

After a short pause, Kyon answered the questions of the maid, sharp as a tack. He was still acting a servant, keeping his voice soft and shy:

«Lady Juno left me alive when she saw my combat potential.»

Anna's beautiful eyes widened in surprise. «Your teeth... They are safe and sound! Every single one of them!»

«Yes, they are. The Lady gave me a strange, round pill, and they got quickly restored... And what's more, the formation was gone.» - He tousled his bangs as if in embarrassment.

Anna could barely contain her surprise. For Mrs. Juno to have appreciated the guy's skills so high? It couldn't be true. «And what did you eat? Where did you relieve yourself?»

Kyon got red in the face, he lowered his head and replied:

«The Lady rewarded me with food and water every time I proved myself in the fight…»

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The girl put her white hand on her forehead. {Did she train him?!} - it was hard to believe that the Lady treated the boy as her pet and took care of him. But Kyon, very much alive, was standing right in front of her. There was only one question left without an answer...

«As for relieving myself, I used the toilet in secret. I didn't want to bother you.»

Anna snorted in disbelief.

«That's pure nonsense... You could not get past me! More than two weeks have passed, and you think you could go unnoticed?!»

In response to her attack, Kyon just shrugged and confidently looked into her eyes. «As you see.»

The maid grinned:

«I know you're keeping something back!» – She said shrilly. She looked at him with her fixed, chilling gaze which forced him to look down in embarrassment. - {I don't believe him! I can't believe it! The Lady had taken care of him?! My servants always keep their mouths shut. But so that he sneaked into the toilet? I should punish him but…}

Kyon added important words:

«There's something else… I am a good friend of Marina's. You can ask her yourself. Here is her handkerchief. She gave it to me.» - He said, holding out the present he received recently.

«You? Her friend?» - Anna was a little confused when she took the snowy handkerchief. She returned it at once. What else could she do, sniff it? The maid was aware that the lady was on good terms with a girl who resembled her mother, Diana.

The guy nodded, and the maid decided she should by all means speak with Marina later. She didn't doubt that the servant was telling the truth, but she wanted to find out what kind of friends they were.

Before Kyon knew it, she grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the room. {What?! Where is she taking me?!} - his fears were totally justified because the maids didn't only know Juno very well, they also serious challenge in a fight, with outstanding strength and assassin skills.

Anna brought the guy to the training area and said:

«I am going to check it myself if Lady Juno was right about you. Are you ready to fight?»

Kyon opened his mouth in astonishment. «My lady, but you are way stronger than I am. I mean many times stronger…»

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The girl theatrically rolled her eyes and said, visibly displeased:

«I will lower my stage of development. Attack, have no fear. I won't kill you.»

All practitioners, beginning with the 2nd stage, can lower their level of development, but they do not do this trick too often, or rather, extremely rarely. Some consider it as an insult, others take as humiliation, and certain individuals dismiss it as mere posturing. But no matter what others think, Anna had rapidly reduced her development to the fourth stage of the baseline.

With his fists in front of him, Kyon took up a fighting stance. He thought with sorrow he could use a better technique of movement. He'd move like a cheetah, not a turtle. But even without it, the guy was slightly hurt by the underestimation of his strength. Considering that Anna had high-heeled shoes on, it must tough for her to fight. She wasn't going to use the blades, which were probably hidden inside the heels.


Anna interrupted the Kyon's thoughts, quickly reducing the distance to him, with intention to hit him directly in the chest.

Kyon instantly jumped back, avoided the attack and moved forward. The maid was now inferior to Juno by two stages, and her speed was within his control. He could fight any way he wanted.

The maid was surprised: the boy was the real deal. He dodged and immediately went on the attack. {Anyway, with my movement skills, he will lose in a few seconds...} - she decided so. In response to the blatant attack, Anna gracefully arched her slender body, made a spectacular flip back and gave him a flash kick. She was firmly convinced that it was top of the line to attack and defense in one movement. But suddenly her plans failed. The boy didn't seem to attack at all. The balance of his body shifted back, and he had to move by inertia directly towards her attack...

Then something happened that Anna wasn't expecting: Kyon grabbed her ankles, and with one deft movement interrupted her maneuver. She was standing on two hands, like an inverted Christmas tree. Her short skirt treacherously succumbed to gravity and fell, revealing all that was hidden underneath.
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When Kyon saw the charms of the girl's body, his pupils dilated. The low frequency of sex in one mental year and his weakness for all the beautiful took their toll on him.

{White and lace... Oops…}

He hadn't come to his senses, as he saw an illusory movement and felt a sharp pain in his chest. The blow sent Kyon a few meters away, and then he rolled some more. His empty eyes looked into the night sky, wondering what the meaning of life was?

Anna pulled down her skirt. Her face turned red with anger and humiliation. She was steaming with desire to deal with the insolent boy, and her insides were churning: a servant had seen her underwear! Such a disgrace, as if the dirty boy had touched her! Who is he anyway?! It's was unacceptable, unforgivable for him to see something like that. But the good nature of the girl quickly calmed her down. Her common sense reminded her that she'd screwed up, letting the boy get her backed into a corner. Silly her... She thought her attack was unexpected and sudden! But as it turned out...

She looked at the body lying on the ground and felt guilty, but the rage has not subsided inside her yet. Trying to play it cool, Anna resolutely approached the young man. «Have you seen it, boy?»

Kyon put on a miserable expression and mumbled pitifully:

«Madam, I... Please, don't kill me…» - His eyes were full of tears and regret.

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Anna wavered, he saw everything and didn't deny it. She'd have had the moral right to punish him if he'd lied, but the boy was pure as snowflakes. She looked aside, bit her full lip, reflexively adjusting her skirt. «Let's call it today. I'm sure your bones are intact. But if you… Oh well, forget it.» - She had no more taste for fighting and left.

The girl went away, but the blush never left her face: she could not understand that uncomfortable sensation haunting her. Was it helplessness? She caught herself thinking that her sister's character had its advantages. If the guy had seen Dinah in the same position, he'd have been dead in a second, saving her from all remorse. But Anna wasn't like that.

The maid entered the mansion and went into the bedroom. It so happened that she shared her bedroom with her sister. When she came into the room, Anna saw Dinah lying on the bed, gracefully crossing her legs, dressed in irresistible, black lace underwear.

«Did you interrogate him?»

Anna sat on the bed silently, touched her nose as if hiding something, and finally said:

«According to him, they are close friends with Marina. I don't think he is lying, but I'll definitely talk to her myself. And the boy said that the Lady appreciated his fighting skills.»

«What skills can this jerk have?»

Anna was nervously playing with a lock of her blond hair. «I'm not quite sure…»

«And that's it?!» - Dinah squinted. «No one knows how the guy went unnoticed for two weeks, how he could survive, become the Lady's servant, and that's all you've got?!»

«Dinah, stop it! I will talk to Lady Juno, to Marina, and…»

«All you needed was to question him. We were taught to torture. We can get any information. Why didn't you interrogate him properly? Do you feel pity for him? When it comes to the mansion, and especially the Lady, we must never doubt.»

Anna stared at his sister, not daring to answer her. Dinah was ruthless and relentless, as ever. But even she wouldn't react to the usual slave like that... Something was wrong. «You mustn't let an ordinary servant get to you. Could you possibly have any feelings for…»

«Shut up!» - screamed Dinah. – «I'd gladly kill him, but he's no longer in my power because of the... The order…»

After those words, there was silence in the room. Then Anna went to the shower, lost in her thoughts. {{Sister has been acting out of sorts. She says he's getting fresh with her. I don't buy that! I wonder if she fancies..?}

Kyon was out of breath. He was gradually coming to his senses. He felt a dull pain in his chest, but fortunately, no bones were broken. Sexy, alluring, seductive charms of Anna did not come from his head, leaving a deep trace in consciousness. The masters kept saying to him that his weakness for beauty was going to get him in trouble, but there was nothing he could do.

In the simulation Earth, he had almost no interest in women. They didn't attract him. It was below him to mess around with the programs. And outside the simulation, he spent almost all the time on the tasks the masters gave him. His so-called weakness did not bother him at all. Moreover, his interest in average girls and below was absolutely absent. He had to be alert, given that any rich old woman could afford to buy youth and virginity. But here everything was different. Beauty was a valuable gift and a great blessing. Generations, following one after another, became stronger and more attractive because the beautiful young girls were not burned at stake, and the most worthy husbands took them as wives. In this world, beauty was a valuable resource for gentlemen.

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As soon as Kyon recovered, he returned to his room. He remembered that he'd ordered a little box and didn't have time to check its contents. He took it in his hands and began to inspect.

He found inside: a spatial ring of several meters in size where he'd store the most valuable things; a handful of balls with medicinal Enzymes. They were of a smoky shade of white, similar to spheres of the baseline. Those Enzymes were also of the baseline, since it was beyond the reach of his body to metabolize the advanced ones.

Kyon took the pale ball in his hand and scanned it with Synergy. Inside, there was the essence of Enzymes which can be found in small amounts in food. The local population had long guessed that eating meat and plants that included Enzymes of their category didn't make sense. It was easier to remove from the food the most valuable part get it concentrated, increasing the purity (the number of beneficial Enzymes) at the same time.

Here is an example, where can you find the chicken for the noble stage? The young man saw in his imagination a chicken walking about the farm, scaring people stiff. Gradually, they left food alone and converted Enzymes into the pills tablets. Thanks to that, the body developed faster, and the soul along with it. "A stronger body makes a stronger spirit."

A thought flashed through his mind:

{I wonder how faster my development will go?}

Kyon was disappointed to find out that Synergy and Enzymes in contact mutually destroyed each other as if exposed to alien energy. He couldn't send beams of energy into the cells and have an advantage over other people.

By the time he arrived, he was able to complete the modernization of his nervous system, which significantly increased the stress resistance of his organs. From literary sources, he got to know that the useful Enzymes are absorbed much faster while the worthless ones overload the body and take a long time to get exctreted from the blood.

According to Juno, the purity of such medicinal is about 80%: an amazing rate for the Iron Throne Kingdom. He decided to study the state of his body further and took the pill.

A stream of microscopic energy balls spread through his body like oil. Their effect was similar to the one of alcohol, only the symptoms were absent. Judging by the descriptions in the books, the symptoms appear if taking more Enzymes than should be.

The jet-black night had long wrapped the world in its embrace, covering it with a thick dark blanket. Kyon didn't want to waste his precious time. He went to the training area. Sleeping was not part of his plan; he could sleep in later. He needed less time for sleep than others, anyway. Using Synergy, he could be in the deep and fast phase of sleep at the same time, that is, get enough sleep twice as fast.

Gradually, step by step, the young man began mastering the protection against electricity. He knows the theory, so the creation of high resistance from such a powerful element as ether was only a matter of time.

An hour and a half of training just flew by. He discovered that his body quickly absorbed one pill of Enzymes. Kyon took the second one without hesitation. Such a knock-out dose would poison an average person, but the guy's body could easily withstand the stress.

Less than a couple of seconds later, his organs seemed to have gained weight. However, everything remained within the normal range. There were no irregularities or disorders. He was doing well for the time being. Bundles of Enzymes safely penetrated the cells of his body.

Half an hour later, the guy dared to take the third pill. Intoxication increased to the maximum level. He shouldn't perhaps take the fourth; otherwise each organ would suffer from stress.

{Come on… I can develop my body three times faster than an ordinary person?!} – a pleased smile lit up Kyon's face. He came to this world with the only treasure of Synergy. It wasn't the first time it had pleased him with its amazing advantages and unique properties. Increased intoxication, perfect purity of keys, bonuses from the development of the body, and so on. Any mortal would sell their soul to the devil for the privilege to possess such unique abilities!

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