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While creating the barrier against electricity, the guy decided to find out experimentally how spatial things worked. He took the ring in his hands and poured pure force into it. An instant later, his mind filled with information about its scope and content. It felt like emptiness. As if you think about an empty bag.

He touched the ring with two fingers and stretched out black film, black like the darkness of the night. It resembled soap film by its nature. He wrapped the ball of Enzymes with it and, with a click, detached the film from his fingers.

The bubble burst at once, and there was emptiness in its place.

With raised his eyebrows, he checked the contents of the ring with pure force. Now, he had information in his mind about the ball and its location inside.

{Hmm... That's how it is, then...}

While practicing, he emphasized the information he got from the books that the time inside the ring was almost still. Also, it took him only little effort to get the ball back. Apparently, Tetris skills can come handy while using spatial objects.

{Our spatial pockets absorb a huge amount of energy. Not every millionaire can afford it. And that's the way it works here... However, it doesn't come cheap, either. Spatial magicians-formacists spend about a week to make them.}

As far as he knew, the formacists applied a formation to the ring that held a pocket, located between the spaces of the spirit world and the physical one, like a string of a kite.

By seven o'clock in the morning, Kyon had joyfully exclaimed: «I finally did it!» His voice was bubbling with enthusiasm. There was a sparkle in his eyes.

He managed to create from scratch the ether technique "protection against electricity"! It will allow him to block not only electric charges but also other residual attacks with charged particles. Its only drawback was an incompatibility with the barrier of the ether. The guy assumed that when he raised the category of the ether to an advanced one and higher, the barrier would get stronger.

He was overwhelmed by a wild desire to test it immediately on demoness Juno, but his empty stomach had other plans. He had to have breakfast and drop by dreamland for a few hours.

Yegorka didn't want to look intrusive in Juno eyes, so he didn't visit her more than three times a week. He'd never forgive himself if the girl, his thoughts were devoted to, called him clingy.

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He madly wanted to be with her as often as possible, listen to her voice and admire her beauty, but he held back. Sometimes, he told her he was busy, only playing hard to get. But Juno never once asked how he was doing. She was not interested. And the guy kept hoping, believing and dreaming that he could become a better man, worthy of her heart.

It seemed that the day was shining with new bright colors, because, literally a couple of hours ago, a servant brought Yegorka good news: Juno wanted to see him. Therefore, he was approaching the mansion in high spirits. It was a bit strange, though. She used to call, and now, for the first time, she sent a servant with a message.

His last name was enough for the security to let him in. Anyone from the VIP club could visit the park as much as they wanted. The elders (first rank) could enjoy such advantages, and, with their permission, other people up to the third rank.

The guy was anxious. He diligently smoothed his blond hair, gently straightened his jacket. He must shine and hold on confidently in front of Juno. An elderly uncle, now residing in the imperial capital Dantes, taught him that wisdom once.

The guard put his wrist to his mouth and informed the lady about the visit.

Yegorka's ears caught the sound of soft steps from above. He cleared his throat and swallowed nervously. His voice should sound smooth and pleasant, and by no means tremble. A sincere smile lit up his face, flames were dancing in his eyes.

He saw an adorable, charming angel descending the stairs. The gorgeous girl was dressed in gray clothes. She fluttered like a gracious butterfly down the steps. Her hair fell down her back in long curls, dancing against her shoulders like a reflection of the setting sun in the smooth surface of the water. Her lovely face... Indeed, the gods went all out on their creation. Only her eyes were half-closed, for some reason, as if she were in dreamy reverie.

«Hello, Juno, my little angel…» - just as Yegorka greeted her blissfully, the girl threw herself into his arms.

«Ju-Juno...» - his heart missed a beat. She'd never hugged him before... Even for his birthday... What's the occasion now? Could it be possible that she has feelings for him?

He did not know the exact answer, but he wanted to believe it... His soul rejoiced! Could it be that she realized at last how good-looking he is? He could not believe what was happening. It all seemed like a happy dream. With eyes clouded with tears, Yegorka buried his nose in her shoulder. It wasn't a dream, but a sweet reality... What was happening?

It was harder to get rid of Yegorka's tenacious embraces than she'd expected. Juno was looking at him with a calm face and large, pleading eyes as if she wanted to say something.

«What's the matter? Are you okay?» - He asked, concerned.

She wanted to kiss that empathetic moron for being so sensitive. No, she wasn't! She was a slave! And she couldn't say anything or give him a hint because she was on a cage of the orders! Juno had trouble falling into his arms. She had to pretend he was imaginary.

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The girl looked around, frowned her beautiful face and went somewhere with a calm step.

Yegorka was stupefied. He immediately followed her. «Juno, what are you doing? Did you miss me? Why are you so quiet?»

«Good weather today, isn't it?» - sounded her angelic voice.

«Hmm... Yes, wonderful! Tell me, what happened?» - The guy asked, wondering what was going on. Was he only imagining things? Something impossible had happened.

Juno went to the door on the ground floor, opened it, and entered the room. Yegorka, who was walking behind, followed her.

The door swung open so unexpectedly that Kyon dropped a sausage from his mouth. He frowned at the uninvited guest. «Why didn't you knock?» - but there was no answer. The cute angel took a running jump straight into his arms, put her thin arms around his neck like a vine, and, wrapping him in a light floral scent, closed her eyes.

And, of course, right at that moment, Yegorka entered the room and saw what he could not understand and accept. Juno was hanging around some guy's neck! Well, if it isn't the slave! His black clothes were hard to forget! And his nasty, ugly face... His heart almost stopped at the fact he'd just faced. «What's going on here?!»

Juno opened her eyes the cage of orders leaves her with some personality when she's next to Kyon but completely deprives of it next to someone else. And now a third party appeared in the room, limiting her essence totally and completely.

The girl immediately hurried out. She thought Yegorka was obliged to finish off the slave. That's what the whole thing was about. He must die... Die, nasty slave, die!

Kyon was shocked to recognize in Yegorka the person who was twice his accidental savior. Every second counted. He connected Synergy to his mind.

When he saw that Juno had left the room, Kyon ran to the window, broke it, jumped out and rolled on the ground, disappearing in the bushes. Let's not forget that the guy, trying to figure things out, is now more dangerous than any Dinah. He has enough strength to kill with one blow.

A wild roar came from behind. The blond guy with a pale bloodthirsty face jumped out of the window. Surprisingly, instead of asking Juno to shed light on the situation, the distraught macho decided to kill the object of his jealousy. «Wait, you, asshole! I have business with you, and the price is your worthless life!» - However, when he looked around, he did not find anyone.

Kyon had to reap the benefits of being the ghost in the mansion. He knew the location of every leaf, every web and blade of grass.

Yegorka snorted, activated scanning with pure force, instantly caught the silhouette in the bushes, and darted toward him lightning fast. «Don't move, scum!»

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Kyon had just taken out the sound transmitter when he heard the guy's voice. He turned pale and rushed forward, calling Juno all the names under the sun.

He didn't run far. The young man with a bloodthirsty expression appeared in front of him. Yegorka's speed was incredible. He could catch up with him in seconds, like a hare chasing a tortoise. He grabbed Kyon by the neck, lifted him like he was a fluff, squeezed his hand into a fist and slowly prepared to deliver a fatal blow. His hand radiated a bright orange glow that could easily turn flesh into a charred piece of meat. «Die.»

Kyon's journey had only just begun. He did not want to finish it like that. An idea flashed through his mind at the speed of light. He cried out:

«Juno loves you!»

The approaching fist froze. The residual heat scorched Kyon's face with a hot wave. His eyebrows, eyelashes and part of the hair got instantly singed. The skin on his face was scarlet. It was peeling off, exposing scarlet flesh.

Kyon's mind was going through excruciating pain, which he suppressed by Synergy. He had inhuman endurance. Anyone in his place would have wailed in pain, but he continued to say:

«Lady was testing you! She hugged me because she wanted to know your reaction! It was a test of jealousy!» - Kyon said hoarsely but convincingly. It was all or nothing.

Yegorka's eyes widened. He loosened the grip on the slave's neck. «Are you serious?! She… It is true?..»

Kyon coughed and fell to his knees. He picked up the sound transmitter, called Juno's frequency. The girl always had the device with her, she'd definitely answer the call. He'd taken every precaution.

While Kyon was calling Juno, he answered to Yegorka:

«Of course, I am serious! It's true! I'm calling her right now. Lady Juno will be pleased with your reaction. You've passed the test...» - his voice sounded of pain he felt, despite attempts to suppress it. Blisters on his face turned his handsome face into deformity. The devil himself would be horrified.

Yegorka flinched. He wanted to believe those words. The strange behavior of the girl and, even more so, her indifferent face after she hugged the slave confirmed everything. {A test, really! Ha! It's a good thing I didn't kill him! Or... What if she wanted me to...}

Kyon finally got through. «Mrs. Juno, would you please go to the W-shaped bushes near the corner of the mansion where Yegorka is waiting for you. Your fiancé has passed the test.»

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«I will.» - sounded ringing girl's voice, that Yegorka could hear well.
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{Your fiancé? I will?!} - the guy got inspired, his suspicions evaporated. Everything around him seemed fantastic, unrealistic. He pinched himself to make sure he was not sleeping. It was not a dream! Incredible! His amazing, beloved girl was testing him?! He passed her test?! A blissful, dreamy smile lit up his face, but... Something was bugging him… It seemed a bit weird… He'd almost destroyed that hagborn and here a sudden turn. He must apologize to the slave for the disfigured appearance, but the humiliation was not part of his plans. He was worried about what lady would say...

Kyon groaned and fell to one knee. Lovesick Yegorka was looking around in search of the girl. He couldn't care less what state was the guy he'd crippled.

Soon, like a beautiful vision, Juno appeared, calm and peaceful.

A terror gripped her when she saw burnt beyond recognition but alive master. He did not die... Dumb, jealous cretin Egorka did not finish him off! Why?! She hugged the slave, after all!

The embarrassed blond guy smiled awkwardly. «Juno… Uhm… I'm sorry, I got a little carried away… I've passed the test? He's alive, you see? How did I do?»

The girl was steaming, overcoming the urge to hit the stupid on the head. No, he failed! He should have destroyed the slave! If the guy had done everything according to the plan, he'd received a reward. But now she wanted to beat him to death.

Gullible Yegorka would never forgive himself if only he knew that he'd missed a chance to get closer to the object of his adoration.

«My Lady, please, take Yegorka to your room. I am sure that he'll appreciate the gift you've prepared for him.» - Kyon "ordered" without hesitation and bowed slightly.

Juno nodded and silently led Yegorka to her room. She wanted to cry from the bitter offense, but she had no tears. The cunning slave had somehow outwitted the idiot! Her idea had completely failed. Well, on the plus side, his face had burned. Let him suffer, stay ugly until the end of his pitiful life. Her wretched luck was going to get her a fresh set of punches... What injustice! She just wanted to kill the parasite. Uh, she was counting on the stupid blond guy in vain. He'd only complicated her life.

«Juno, my little angel! Tell me what you have for me?» - asked her the young man, anticipating a pleasant surprise. - «Juno, say something! Talk to me.»

«Good weather today, isn't it?» - The girl asked indifferently, leading him to her room.

«Uhm... Yes, it is…»

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