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«Seriously?! What do they feed you here?»

The girl had long known that her "master" spent almost all his time in the hidden library. She headed off there, hoping that Flitz would follow her. She had no restrictions on visiting Kyon. It was forbidden to bring anyone, but she wasn't taking anyone on purpose. Flitz was following her! Juno had learned about herself that she had an extraordinary ability of self-deception. No one but Kyon would appreciate it, though. The guy wouldn't pat her on the head for that talent. Well, he wouldn't ever pat anyone anymore.

When Juno came to the passage to the library, the "master" was just leaving.

«And what are we doing here?» – Kyon inquired sneering when he stood petrified: there was Flitz behind the girl's back! He looked rather unhealthy like a skeleton wrapped up in the skin.

When the girl had accomplished her plans, she turned around royally, her gray skirt blew up with the centrifugal force as if emphasizing her invisible wings. She went to the door, pleased with herself, poking with her elbow the stunned old man in the side on her way out.

How convenient... Just in two meters, there was a turn and no one there. Her chains weakened. She put her fingers in her ears and rushed to hide. Even if her owner came to his senses and shouted an order after her, he wouldn't have time to stop her, she would not hear him.

Flitz rubbed his eyes, dazed. Was he seeing things? Was it a ghost in front of him?

«You are alive! It's a few weeks already! But hooooow?!» – A chicken egg could easily fit into his shocked open mouth. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Kyon could hardly stifle his confusion and surprise. Juno had pulled another stunt! How did she do it?! Does he have to keep her on a chain so that she doesn't do anything?! Why doesn't his stable formation work on her?! Someone like Dinah wouldn't be able to overcome a formation a hundred times lower quality, but that trouble-maker had already done it for the second time! It can't go on like this, he needs to do something.

For the time being, the guy was calm... What a stupid girl! He had a sound transmitter. He'd simply call her and give an order that would nullify her plans at once. He thought she was smarter, he was a little disappointed in her.

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«Mr. Flitz, it was so nice of you to give me to the lady who didn't leave a living place on me day by day. Fortunately, she'd seen some abilities in me and didn't let me perish. By the way, are you not ashamed?»
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The old man finally closed his mouth and rubbed his tired eyes with black bags under them.

«Ashamed? Me? You wish… I am ashamed only before my unborn children! But as for you, I was just sure the young lady wouldn't kill you.»

His words were flattering, but he kept his eyes averted.

Kyon wanted to snort indignantly at such a blatant lie, but he convinced himself it was better not to go too far, he was still just a servant.

At the next moment, Flitz's face darkened and he said in a tone of the exasperated and tired boss:

«You've survived, that's alright. Rejoice while your balls are in the place. Speaking of while, today I am going to make you a eunuch. Don't you worry, nothing will change for you. You should have already understood by now that Evilball is too evil for your libido. So, there's nothing to lose. And now follow me while I am still kind.» – The old man waved to him invitingly and went to the exit from the mansion.

Kyon froze, speechless. {Little beast! How did she do it?} A vein popped out on his forehead. However, he got it together, took out the sound transmitter and dialed the desired frequency.

Flitz noticed that the slave was not following him. He turned questioningly, saw the sound transmitter in Kyon's hands and recalled Juno's request. He lazily approached the guy and snatched the device out of his hands.

«I have to confiscate this.»

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Kyon protested indignantly:

«The lady gave it to me! It's mine! Give it back!»

«Is it a fly buzzing in my ear? Should I swat it?! If I've taken it away, then it has to be done! Juno asked me to. I guess she can't stand your mournful squeak about the lost testicles! And now follow me the easy way, or I will make it the hard way.» – The old man growled, turning again in the right direction.

Flitz made it clear that he was out of sorts, annoyed, exhausted, and he would be happy to strangle someone. He'd not argue with him.

Kyon bit his lip almost to the blood, exhaled convulsively, and followed the old man. How weird he felt then... He thought that Juno was an idiot, and the little devil had foreseen everything!

{Bitch... if... If I lose them… You... You'll pay all your life for that} - inside the guy was fuming with fury like a waking volcano. How could he underestimate the granddaughter of the Patriarch... The little shit wouldn't accept her fate of a slave. He thought that after the last humiliation in the fight and being a victim of harassment, she'd be afraid to oppose him. He'd pulled all her strings, and she decided to cut off the root cause of his possible lust.

She is insane, crazy, unhinged! What the fuck is the point to cut off his balls if he's still alive?! It's like pushing from the bridge the hated enemy, knowing that you are closely tied! It's absurd. Her action defied all reason. It was beyond Kyon's understanding. But without even knowing it, he saw in her a piece of his beloved self. He was close to letting out a stream of swear words and spine-chilling curses. He'd never surrendered, just like her. But the current situation didn't get better. It drove him crazy!

Kyon was shaking from the desire to strangle the girl's neck. Only, he couldn't escape from Flitz under his own steam, and the pain-in-the-ass must have hidden well. Unless he could try and talk to the old man and convince him that she was only joking.

«Sir, lady Juno is kidding! She is always making fun of me. She didn't seriously ask you to castrate me! Haha! Please don't believe her. You probably have more important things to do, right?!» - Kyon tried to talk some sense into the old man.

«If so, then she'd know that I have no time for joking! Now, would you please shut up. All this is giving me a headache.» - Flitz grunted. He was under orders, and orders are no joke.

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They had just come to the door.

The guy was averse to the idea of going somewhere, and even more so, to lose his dear... The familiar feeling of helplessness was growing in his heart. It wasn't for the first time that reason for that was Juno. She was the root of all evil.

«Sir... Juno…»

«One. More. Word. And I will wring your neck, puppy. I swear by my mother.» - The old man said coldly, without turning around.

Kyon opened his mouth, choking with indignation. He was to be executed, in a way, and he couldn't change anything. He believed that she heeded to his threat, but no way.

{I'd kill her right now… How did she do it?!} – He was absolutely confident in his subjugating formation, and yet, the little devil managed to bypass it. The sly girl had deceived her subconscious! She wasn't supposed to...

The boy, pale as a ghost, and Flitz full of determination left the mansion. They were obviously heading for the hospital. The guards knew their work well. They simply deleted the couple from the log, after they carefully checked their formations.

Yegorka couldn't believe his eyes. He froze in amazement when he saw the slave who had just left. {It's unthinkable! Where is the burn on the slave's face?!}

The blond guy got intoxicated with an unquenchable thirst for blood. He, one of the most promising practitioners of his generation, was not allowed into the mansion, got beaten by the guards, and was thrown out practically into the dumpster. And all that because of that scum!

When he saw Juno's approaching admirer, Kyon frowned even more. {Ugh, skunk... Have you been waiting here, or what?}

«Who do I see?! The walking dead?!» - Yegorka grinned maliciously and rushed to the attack, ready to hit with bright fire. The guy obviously intended to smudge the slave's boiling brains over the asphalt.

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The swing speed was so great that his fist seemed a blurry orange spot.

Kyon concentrated and prepared to dodge. He'd hardly manage with his speed, though...

Fortunately, Flitz stopped Yegorka's fist with his bare hand and whacked him hard. «Get your hands off other people's things!» - The old man snapped and engulfed the attacker with the pressure of his developed soul.

Yegorka flinched, scared. Powerful pressure squeezing his body reminded him it was the respected Flitz, who he had completely forgotten in a fit of rage.

«I'm sorry, Sir. I am Juno's friend... This slave... He must die! It's personal. I am willing to pay you money for his life, whatever the cost!»

Kyon swallowed and turned his gaze to the elderly formacist.

Flitz snorted. «I don't care that you are a friend of the lady. And your affair with the slave is not my concern. He is getting castrated today, and that's it. Have fun with him in the next life. Piss off, until I kicked the hell out of you, sucker!»

Overwhelmed, Ygorka looked at the slave. «Castrated?!» - his confusion gradually gave way to gloating. - «Ha! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha!»

The mean laughter grated on Kyon's ears. He felt the urge punch the idiot's on the nose, but he was worried about something else. «Dear Mr. Flitz, can I make just one call to her highness? I assure you she will be grateful for not selling me…»

«I don't give a shit about her, you, anyone! Just shut up before I kill you all!» - The old man snarled furiously and walked fast to the hospital.

Kyon hurried after the formacist. He had no desire to stay near the crazed Yegorka. {The brainless slug... First, he saves me twice, then almost kills. And now he's attacked me again. Oh, the fickle teenage heart!}

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