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Yegorka wanted to see the punishment of the slave with his own eyes, so he followed the couple. He was having the time of his life. The noble young man was giggling uncontrollably, which was at odds with his high status.

«Dear God! Will you keep your trap shut?» - Kyon couldn't help it. That asshole was driving him nuts, and he couldn't concentrate and come up with a way out.

«How dare you... I...» - Yegorka's eyes went dark with desire for bloodshed. - «How dare you address me so disrespectfully?! Do you think I am equal to you?! Some pathetic slave?!»

«Shut up both of you. Otherwise, I'll send you to the next world.» - Flitz ominously warned them.

The three of them silently continued on their way.

At the entrance to the familiar white building, which smelled of medicine, Flitz turned into the nearest alley and went to the garbage container. The old man took Kyon by the collar, bent him over the tank and put his hand on the guy's head.

«Are you going to behead me?!» - It was all Kyon could say when sharp blades whizzed over him. With a blank look, he watched his black hair fall into the tank.

«What… Not this… No! My hair!» - He was out of breath. It felt cool on the head: he had really lost his precious hair…The heartless old brute cattle, he could as well cut off his arms.

When Yegorka saw the slave in that state, he laughed so hard that he cried like a hyena.

Flitz squinted and looked at the bald guy suspiciously. «Had Juno removed your formation? I expected anything from the young lady, but clearly not caring for you. The girl must have had mushrooms for breakfast…» - He touched his forehead, just in case, and made sure that the formation was still there. Alright, she went crazy, but not completely.

Kyon was feeling his head as if he was hoping to find his hair there, his eyes went blank. «How could you… My hair…» - He felt like his soul was cut off in place of his hair.

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The decrepit old man snorted contemptuously. «No big deal… I am a kind man. I'd never have cut your hair of my own free will. The balls, that's another matter. The young lady's wish is my command. Complain to her. Now stop whining and follow me. It won't hurt, but do I know…»

«Maybe we could make a deal? The lady wouldn't check! And I'll pretend that they don't exist! Sir, you've already ruined my life by shaving off my hair, like a demon. Can you at least leave my dear ones?»

Flitz rolled his eyes. He hadn't seen such demanding, arrogant slaves for a long time. «Zip your lip and forward march, private Kyon.» - he ordered and headed for the entrance.

Yegorka bent over in half and was dying of laughter.

Kyon went around the humanlike hyena and followed Flitz. The young man's face turned pale, he was disturbed. It would take at least some months to restore the testicles. But what really matters... The very fact of their absence! It's a humiliation god level! It's a violation of humans rights!

The three of them went upstairs and entered the office.

Kyon remembered the place: the dangerous carnivorous creature Bilya lived there. Kyon felt oppressive emptiness and tension in his chest.
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The fat, unpleasant woman with deep-set eyes turned around lightning fast and spoke in her nasty high voice:

«Uncle Flitz! My, my, you dared to come… No, you didn't! You bothered to come! Are you concerned about health?» - She asked with hope in her voice.

«Fuck you! I am healthy like a bull, cough, cough…» - he coughed painfully, covering his mouth with his hand, which only made the plump woman smile. - «I forgot to bring the pies, but I brought someone for your shenanigans.» - The old man waved his hand Kyon, standing behind him. When Bilya saw the pale boy she knew well, her lips stretched in a predatory, sinister smile. «How are you doing, my dear? Does anything bother you below the tummy? How did you find Evilball?»

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Kyon remained indifferent and silent while in his mind, he was feverishly making up a follow-up action plan.

A handsome blond teen came inside. «Hello, Aunt Bilya!» - He broke into a smile.

«Yegorka! Dear! Hello! Long time no see.» - The doctor smiled benevolently.

«How is Butuzik doing in the Fat sect?»

«Oh, he's fine. Your friend is getting stronger with each day, and you don't fall behind.» - the big woman patted the guy on the blond hair.

Madame looked threateningly at Flitz. «What procedure does he need? Shall I inject him with Evilball again?»

«Nothing of the kind. Remove his testicles. I know you like it. So, you'll do it for free...» - The old man said in an even tone, not tolerating objections. He went to the window, took out his pipe and smoked. His dreary glance was away with the pixies. Someone was about to be castrated... He couldn't care less.

Kyon got even paler. They were talking about his vital organs like it was a tooth that should be removed.

Bilya grumbled for the sake of decency:

«What? I like that? What are you talking about? Uncle Flitz, that's how little you think of me…» - The woman went on ranting as she came to the shelf with the surgical instruments.

Yegorka's smile Egorka acquired demonic hints. «Ha-ha-ha! Testicles off! Aunt Bilya, can you do it with a dull scalpel? He deserves it, I assure you. I, Butuzik's best friend, will be grateful to you for understanding.»

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The sadist mentally praised the guy: she'd been looking for the dull scalpel but she reacted differently:

«Yegorka, why are you so angry… This operation is done only with sharp scalpels. You'd better tie him up over there. The stronger, the better.» - She pointed to a special chair with sturdy straps without looking that way.

Meanwhile, Flitz let out a couple of smoke rings. He was feeling lonely and depressed.

Yegorka grinned mischievously and slowly approached the slave. A person of a noble origin like his should not gloat over filthy scum. But...

«Take it easy. You are not getting away with just your balls off. You dared to insult me. You are going to regret that you were born into the world. And now…» - The blond guy took great pleasure in taunting the boy.

Kyon cautiously looked at the rusty scalpel, which Bilya was meticulously examining, licking, tasting, smacking her lips. He started feeling dizzy, and he turned his eyes at the old man, downhearted, sitting at the window. Flitz seemed not to give a damn about what was happening... He was worried about something else... Something else... Oh, shit! He didn't need to have a supermind to guess! Of course! Marina told him a dozen times about their life together, about the place she occupied in the old man's heart! There it was, a ray of hope! The savior of his sacred balls!

Kyong rushed headlong to Flitz, but Yegorka quickly grabbed him by the wrist.

«Where do you think you're going?»

Kyon painfully gritted his teeth and yelled:

«Flitz, I know where Marina is!»

The old man was looking blankly in the window. His pipe fell out of his hands, the ashes scattered on the floor with bright sparks. A second... The next one... The third… The tenth... What did he just hear? Was he hearing things? The last two weeks had been a nightmare. He looked for Marina every day, with all means available. He was in pain, suffering mentally and physically. He had to take time off from work. From the excessive stress, ulcers developed all over his senile body. His mind refused to accept that the girl that gave him the purpose of life, had simply disappeared. Marina was a real beauty, she was a goddess for him. But he preferred to express his love only in sex. He could propose to her, but then he'd have to act like a husband: not to ignore her requests, not to be too cruel, not to violate her in bed, give her the right to freedom of expression, give heed to her. He doubted that he could live like that, that's why he treated her solely like a maid that would give anything her master wanted. In fact, he was head over heels in love with his maid and had been for a long time.

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Now he was left guessing if she had left him if she had met a handsome man. Maybe she was kidnapped and locked up. In any case, he did not lose hope and kept looking for her by after day. His heart was aching from the devastating thought that he'd never see her again, never kiss his darling on the lips, they'd never become one again. His mind was gradually darkened with black depression so unbearable that it was slowly driving him into the grave. The goal he had pursued in the last years to recover his seed and have babies with Marina was gone. And suddenly he heard from the slave that he had long thought dead that he knew the whereabouts of his beloved one. How could he believe his ears? It was more likely that he had finally lost his mind from grief, and was now hearing voices.

Kyon kept shouting the same words to Flitz, but he didn't seem to hear them. The old man's strange behavior filled him with despair. He didn't want to be neutered like a stray dog.

At the same time, he was eager to wring Yegorka's neck, who was roughly fastening him to the chair and giggling wickedly in doing so. If he were to fasten Juno, the actions of the blond would be more gentle than a breeze, and now every touch was going to turn into a bruise... What a nasty guy. What did he do to him? Insulted? No, he didn't. The guy wanted to finish him off long before that, moreover, twice. Maybe in that world, everyone wanted to kill him? It was high time to invent a revolver to make them all equal...

Bilya approached the slave with a rusty scalpel in her hands and an impatient nasty smile on her lips.

«Honey, that's enough crying. I'm an old hand at this! As the saying goes: "no offsprings, no cry," right? Haha!»

Flitz snapped out of his torpor and finally asked quietly:

«What did you say?»

Kyon desperately shouted again:

«I said I know where Marina is! But if I get my balls cut off, I will carry this secret to the grave with them!»

Yegorka barked:

«Shut the hell up, piece of trash! You are going to lose your balls, and all you're all talking about is Marina! You'd better pray for salvation!» - what a freaky feeling to anticipate an unsightly spectacle of how the hated slave will get his balls cut off. How much he wanted to see the slave's suffering, revel in his grief and blank eyes.

As for Bilya, she was trembling with anticipation and couldn't even breathe evenly. She pulled the lever which made the guy's legs, fastened with straps, spread apart.

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