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Yegorka looked impatiently at the mansion, eager to see the little angel he adored. He dialed Makar again, but there was no answer... {Why does it take you so long?! All you need to do is strike him once!}

The guy was desperate for good news. His estate turned into a pond of molten magma. His once beautiful face was ugly, at least till the moment his hair grew back. He was left without money, morale, and place to live. Yegorka had to demean himself to the point that he asked his former master for shelter... The man couldn't recognize the bald, dirty and charred at some places boy as his ex-student.

His friends arrived early in the morning, and he gave them an urgent task to kill the slave. A moment later, Elder Boe called him and said they needed to talk about the recent lightning. The old man added he'd received no end of complaints. People blamed all the mess on Yegorka and demanded compensation for material and moral damage.
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The boy could only laugh bitterly. He gave the elder the following answer:

«I am not going to pay for the pants they soiled in fear. By the way, if I was behind the trick with the lightning I should be god, don't you think?» - He had to apologize for his insolence later trying to write it off like a fit of temper.

Yegorka sighed heavily yet again, took out a shiny box and stroked it lovingly. The soaring angel pill inside the box gave him hope. If his idea works, Juno will accept him at the party and then he will move in with her.

«I will work out… Everything must work out.» - He kept whispering to himself, his eyes closed.

When he opened them, he saw the maliciously smiling old man and the hated slave next to him.

«Hello, handsome!»


Everything went dark. Yegorka fainted.

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Kyon was surprised when he saw the browless Yegorka. Not so long ago, the guy scorched his face but life is fair, after all. The favor had been returned. However, something else kept nugging Kyon at the moment.

Flitz placed the unconscious blond boy on his shoulder and headed in the direction only he knew.

«Mr. Flitz, when I offered you to get even with him, I meant to kill him. Where are you taking him? Do you want to bury him alive? Or maybe you are thinking of torturing him?» - Kyon asked with hope in his voice.

«I don't usually find fault with words but you said to get even "once and for all." You have to understand, kid, I have no right to kill him. Murdering family members is severely punished. Besides, there are witnesses.» - The old man nodded to some passers-by, who were whispering suspiciously, pointing to them. - «Moreover, Yegorka is the most promising genius among the Stones. They will turn everything upside down investigating his murder. The elders will either deprive me of all my property and the 2nd rank or they will imprison me for life. I mean… and to boot Yegorka is the son of my former student who died from a fucking bun.» - Flitz finished with distaste.

Kyon frowned. «But he did kiss Marina! Are you going to forgive him so easily?!»

«Ha ha! Of course not! He will get a fair punishment for his daring feat…»

Kyon silently followed the old man. He saw a gleaming ring on Yegorka's finger and took it for himself. Robbing an enemy is sacred even if you have a whole treasury at your disposal. Too bad the old man does not want to kill the bastard... His position in society is too dear for him. It means Kyon would have to use the service of Juno's powerful guard.

All of a sudden, the old man burst into the medical office with Yegorka on his shoulder. He threw him on a chair and ordered in a rough voice:

«Bilya, give him a shot of evilball. Let's put aside our differences.»

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«Uncle!» - The woman gasped. – «You could have warned me! And how dare you come again…»

«Less talking!» - Flitz snapped at her. – «Give him the shot or I will tear this place apart!»

Bilya nearly jumped out of her skin. She glanced at the cabinet and then at Yegorka and Flitz again. «You know uncle… Just today, a girl who wanted to remain anonymous took the last dose.»

Just at that moment, Kyon arrived at the office.

«Damn it! Alright then, cut the balls off! It would make no difference.»

Kyon opened his eyes in surprise. Flitz was a hell of an avenger! Yegorka will suffer the rest of his life. He will remember this punishment for sure.

«But he is...» - The fat woman remembered the boy no longer had the high-ranking father and calmed down. - «Alright then. But you will take responsibility for this!»

The old man grinned unkindly. «I will. As long as he stops molesting my baby. It will all come down to an official reprimand and that's it. Let's calm the boy's hot temper a notch. You'll see, he'll focus on his training and get even stronger.»

Bilya shuddered and squealed in a nasty voice:

«I didn't expect this of you, Uncle! Okay then... Today I'll make an exception for you…» - She was already anticipating the upcoming procedure.

Leaning against the wall, Kyon watched the evil fat woman that was looking for a dull scalpel. {I would even feel pity for him if he wasn't my enemy. This woman is insane. In the future, I have to bury her alive. The world will be a better place without her.}

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Flitz took out his pipe and lit it right in the office. The mere thought that some kid dared to kiss Marina infuriated him. What if she really likes brazen daredevils?

Bilya's small eyes lit up with evil fire. She furiously pulled the straps tighter, took off Yegorka's pants and set to work.

The sadist often castrated slaves but it was the first time she'd dealt with someone like that. She enjoyed their screaming and resistance during the procedure but above all, she liked the moment afterward… That guy was unconscious. It only ruined the atmosphere. Although, his high position changed everything...

The maniac professionally cut up the scrotum. With a deft movement, she made the testicles slip out and cut them off in the middle of the duct. The incision she made was so bad that blood squirted into her face.

Yegorka's face did not move. The boy was left without a chance to be a father and take precious sexual pleasures of life. It's all because he dared to stand in Kyon's way.

Bilya gripped the seminal ducts with hanging testicles between her fingers and moved them. «You owe me, Flitz. Are you taking his testicles with you?»

«Fry them and eat them up, you good for nothing viper.» - The old man spat and left the hospital.

Kyon shook his head and followed him. «Mr. Flitz, what if this renowned genius surpasses you one day and takes his revenge?»

«I've seen a lot of them, buddy. Such people as Yegorka cannot get through the superior phase. I'll have died from old age or illness by the time he ever succeeds. Khe-khe or I'll have to leave for faraway lands and he'll never find me. The world is too big. It only matters that no one bothers Marina, not even my former student's son.»

Kyon coughed nervously. Not so long ago, he kissed Marina and she did not resist at all. Moreover, he plans to make her a child. But he has some doubts about that... He has to be more careful now. The jealous old man shouldn't suspect anything. The future is uncertain. Only time will tell.

Yegorka woke up with a layer of sweat. He had a nightmare where he screamed, darted to and fro, cursed while the dirty slave was cutting up his penis until he succeeded.

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Sharp pain in his groin forced him to look down. He wanted to touch his soft spot but his hands were tied up with straps. His heart beat faster.

«What's happening?! Why does it hurt ?! Ahhh!»

A plump woman came up to him with an unpleasant smile. «You're finally awake, dear! Evil uncle Flitz gave me the order to castrate you. I'm sorry but I could not argue with him. Cheer up, there's a whole childless life ahead of you! Now, do you want to take these as a keepsake?» - She kindly held out a saucer with two bells.

Yegorka turned pale, gave a glassy stare at his testicles, spat blood and blacked out again.

The sadist laughed her ass off. The reaction of the slaves was way waker. She should do it again. As the saying goes, what's done is done.

Five minutes later, Yegorka saw the same saucer with...

«Chin up, honey. I don't know what you did to Uncle Flitz but what he did to you was cruel. I can give you medicine for pain if you need some.»

«А-А-АА-А-АH!» - Yegorka screamed blue murder trying to get out of the fixed position.

Bilya got the fright of her life. «Yegorka, please, do not get excited! Flitz is a demon incarnate!» - When the straps snapped, the screeching fat woman ran out of the office. «Guards! He's mentally ill and aggressive! Guards! Ahhhh» - It was her last scream.

Yegorka broke her neck in an affective state. He killed Elder Boe's daughter. His appearance could scare anyone. The unfortunate guy checked his groin... With trembling hands, he took his severed testicles. His eyes filled with despair - he had been neutered! His whole world was crumbling, and his groin was sore.

At that very moment, the disfigured boy noticed the absence of the ring and all his belongings, including the expensive soaring angel pill. He lost all hope, his body went limp, he fell on the cold floor and gave a roar of rage.

Even the heavens would take pity on him. Yegorka went over the entire office but found nothing. Exhausted, he fell to his knees and looked up, his eyes blood red. «Gods… What did I do? WHY?!»

Just one week and the life of the rich, talented boy, the Elders' pet and the first choice for Juno's husband plunged into an abyss of grief and despair. He has lost everything: his house, all his money, the ring with a valuable pill, even his own balls! Reality spelled a brutal end to all his aspirations and utterly ruined all his plans.

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