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This time the massage was better. Kyon breathed deeply, feeling completely, blissfully happy. He gave his apprentice a patronizing smile. The girl's charming face turned red while her delicate fingers were ineptly trying to give pleasure to his feet. Fate favors him, after all... And Yegorka would sell his soul just to be in his place.

Juno tried to control her aversion massaging her "master's" smelly feet. She will do anything for the desired purifying of her keys. She is ready to massage the jerk's feet all day long.

{God, how did I get here? Please, stop staring at me...}

Kyon leaned back on the pillow, purring blissfully under his breath like a contented cat. The unfortunate killers left him an inheritance in their rings: some money, a couple of pills with enzymes and emerald token of the Stones. With its help, he was going to make believe he was of the 3d rank at the party. However, it was too early to rejoice.

The party where the young man was going to prove himself will take place just two weeks from now and he hasn't come up with his own technique of movements yet! Besides, he has yet to master the advanced grade of all the elements and create his own unique body that meets all the high requirements.

At first, Kyon decided to deal with the unique body, or rather to figure out which direction he should move. The time has come to analyze the information he got from the ancient heritage and stored in his mind.

Synergy visualized his knowledge.

There were thirty-three nephrites, each containing the information about a unique body.

The foundation is the base for his future development. The boy's got a chance to make the best of his life, all thanks to the heritage of the ancients. When he thought about that, he was too thrilled for words.

The language underwent several insignificant changes but in general, everything was clear on an intuitive level. The differences with the modern dialect were minimal. The ancient beings seemed to be humans.

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Each nephrite contained the following information: the name of a unique body; its properties and disadvantages; installation requirements; development requirements; ingredients for producing the body; nuances, methods, and ways of producing the body; additional information on the key ingredients.

The instruction manual to the medicine of a unique body helps understand correctly and interpret the data. Therefore, all the information ss complete and has a comprehensive description.

Kyon began to study each recipe: "The body of day and night", "The body of the messenger of the sun", "The body of the artist of fate", "The body of the belligerent Amazon", "The body of the whale god", "The body of the completed mosaic", "The body of the extract of wisdom"...

The boy carefully studied the properties and ways of development of each recipe as well as methods of their producing.

He frowned. {Are you kidding me? All these bodies are of a maximum "A" rank. They are good but their properties are weak. It will be near to impossible to suppress the enemy who is a stage above me. What the hell?}

Kyon went through all the information once again, visibly disappointed. To begin with, he set aside the bodies that piqued his interest.

The body of Archangel gives significant physical strength, improves the attribute of light, grants unique abilities. There are 3 ways to obtain it: by ascending to higher phases of development; increasing the level of the body; due to the talent and unique human features.

Alas, for its activation he needs to have the attribute of light, a high level of purity of the key of light, the morality of creatures of light as well as a kind and judicious soul. Otherwise, the body will reject its owner.

The body of Archdevil grants significant physical enhancement, improves the attribute of darkness, and gifts unique abilities. Its main requirement is to be a corrupt person. Well, that's interesting...

The body of a Divine Flower of Development increases the speed of soul development and gives its owner a chance to reveal their beauty like a blossoming bud of a delicate rose. The requirement at the opening is to be a virgin with a soul of 12 years old. Thanks to this body, the owner becomes more beautiful and with due talent gets unique abilities.

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The young man was surprised that the age of the soul could decide anything. He was puzzled by the very fact of its existence.

There was mentioned a "weaknesses" of the body: if the owner lost their virginity, they'd lose their development and transfer it to the sexual partner.

These lines rolled like thunder through his mind. The body of Divine Flower of Development was created to use the little devil in every way! Juno is a virgin, but... she is 13 years old... The must be a way to adjust her age in her mind. He just needs to wrap his head around alchemy. The girl owes him huge, this body is ideal for his revenge! It's like a gift from above! He will never miss this chance. And now her strength and development in potential will benefit him greatly and purifying her keys is not equivalent to tightening a loop around his own neck!

Kyon made a decision to grow this body for Juno.

Two more bodies attracted his attention.

The body of Titan. The requirements were as follows: to be stocky, strong, courageous, sincere, ingenuous and simple-hearted. Among its properties are high resistance to the elements and incredible physical strength.

And finally, the body of Leviathan. It transforms its owner into a powerful creature and increases all the parameters by a high percentage. The only catch is the requirement for the age of the soul. It must be above two hundred years old. Would there be anyone to destroy their foundation at the age of 200 and begin developing a new body?

Each of the five bodies Kyon had chosen wasn't good enough for him.

{Hm... What if I work on them, try and improve them, change something? Anyway, they are at the beginning of rank "A" which is not the highest one... Why not delve into alchemy and try my abilities?}

That's what the talented owner of all nine elements decided to do without any delay.

Kyon lifted his body a bit. «Not bad... Your master is pleased with the massage. Congratulations, your skills are improving. You know, when your pulse starts racing with pleasure I feel tense. Are you getting a taste for it?»

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«No!» - Juno exclaimed angrily. She took a wet towel and wiped her thin, delicate hands.

«Master…» - The girl muttered through her gritted teeth. – «Aren't you forgetting anything?»

«Right!» - He snapped his fingers. - «After you leave my room, I order you to send a guard to kill Yegorka. And tell him to do everything quietly and keep mum or he will not live long. I want to see the head of that asshole in the nearest future. He might try and take revenge on me.»

He has no choice. He has to take a chance. The castrate must die. If Flitz didn't solve the situation then the guard will do it.

Juno rose to her full height. «You can't kill him! He is my childhood friend! We've gone through a lot together!» - She exclaimed with a plea in her voice.

«I couldn't care less.» - Kyon replied indifferently.

Yegorka signed a death sentence the moment he sent the two losers for him.

«Master, please!» - The girl looked at him plaintively. - «He's a complete fool, but…»

«He wanted to kill me! Use your head at least sometimes, fool! Why should I keep him alive?»


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«Another "but" and you will not get the cleaning for several months.»

Juno pressed her little pink lips into a thin line and nodded obediently. «I will do it, master.»

They stared into each other's eyes for several more seconds.

Kyon sighed. «Okay, come here.»

The girl gave him a dazzling smile and sat down beside him, trembling. She'd been waiting for this moment and here it is, at last!

The guy unceremoniously put his hand under her blouse, poked his finger into her plexus and smiled at her reaction. The girl cringed as if there was a slug on her skin.
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He decided he would purify the key of pure energy no more because it was the most significant key for any practitioner. He proceeded to the key of the wind.

When it was purified by 10%, he remembered the unfortunate tomb where he would hardly have recovered so quickly without her help, which means he would have died of thirst and purified another 10%. Besides, her recent order to the guards was quite impressive. She may blow as much as she liked.

After Kyon removed his hand, Juno thanked him enthusiastically:

«Thank you, master!!»

The happy little demon peered into her formation to find out if there was anyone behind the door and ran out of the room to test the newfound wind power.

Kyon shook his head. {I guess I chose the option of purifying her keys instead of killing her for a reason. Massage performed by the little small, albeit insidious devil is quite pleasant... Her face burning with shame and my future revenge alone are worth a lot!}

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