Evil As Humans

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Distress Signal

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The night grew darker, and the room became increasingly dim. The gaps blended into the darkness, and the air became as thick as the ocean floor.

Fu Tianyi dared not even take a breath.

When he saw the moment the hamster pendant was destroyed, his sympathy barely emerged before it was engulfed by endless fear.

Yin Ren spun back into the protective barrier without any particular expression on his face. However, in that short moment, the evil qi around him suddenly stopped—Fu Tianyi had already felt that this person was “overflowing with murderous intent”, but only now did he realize what true killing intent was.

There was nothing except pure malice.

It struck like a tsunami, with no room for resistance.

Fu Tianyi had come into contact with many dangerous evil things and boasted of having seen things in the depths of darkness. But compared to Yin Ren, those things were nothing more than clowns on stage.

Fear almost instantly devoured Fu Tianyi, and he almost forgot how to move his body. Unfortunately, he dared not stop the input of his power. The shroud emitted a grayish light and crazily drained his strength.

Fu Tianyi felt as if he had turned into a dried-up cicada shell that could be crushed into pieces by a gust of wind.

He couldn’t stop; absolutely couldn’t stop.

If he alarmed Yin Ren now, who knew what would happen. This thought weighed heavily on him, and his self-esteem, beliefs, and hesitation were all crushed to powder. Fu Tianyi didn’t even care if the sniper attacked him. In his gradually disordered mind, only the words “can’t stop” remained.

Even Lu Xiaohe, who was a science post, sensed that something was wrong and breathed out slowly. Although it was autumn, her exhaled breath was like that of a bitterly cold winter.

She unusually said nothing and gradually increased the speed of typing on the keyboard.

Now there was no hamster pendant that could be used as a locator; only brief records of Yin Ren’s previous attempts. If they relied on them for calculations, there would be a significant margin of error.

But she had to do something. If she did nothing, Yin Ren…

Lu Xiaohe gritted her teeth and quickly activated the emergency program, trying to send the distress signal to Shian’s main processor. However, the attacker outside did something unknown, and her distress signal couldn’t be sent out.

Yin Ren’s right hand hadn’t recovered.

She didn’t dare think too much about what material the bullet was made of. It had exploded Yin Ren’s entire arm, revealing a translucent, sticky black-grey substance at the break. Something was wriggling in the cross-section, but it couldn’t reconstruct the arm as it had before.

Lu Xiaohe didn’t dare to think about it.

“I—I can calculate the approximate range,” she said. Her throat was so hoarse that it even scared herself. “Even if there’s no hamster pendant, as long as you fight for some more time.”

She tried to make the faint hope sound more optimistic, completely ignoring the fact that her voice was trembling.

Outside the window, some dark clouds covered the moon, and there was no light left in the room.

The attacker’s bullets repeatedly hit the protective barrier, causing the entire space to shake. They looked like three poor creatures crammed into a submarine, waiting for it to be destroyed and buried in the infinite darkness.

Lu Xiaohe heard a light laughter.

It was Yin Ren’s voice, and her back instantly broke out in goosebumps.

Why is Yin Ren laughing?

“Yellow Millet, I’ll throw you out of the building later. Go and find the Shian personnel in the ward area,” Yin Ren instructed dreamily. “Fu Tianyi, continue with your work. Everything’s fine.”

His tone was strangely soft.

“Lu Xiaohe, give me the general area,” he repeated.

“The current range is too big!” Lu Xiaohe almost screamed; her laptop was almost smashed by her frantic typing. “According to the previous calculations, that area contains at least hundreds of ‘interstitial spaces’. You won’t be able to find them all!”

“Give it to me,” Yin Ren repeated.

Lu Xiaohe knew Yin Ren didn’t mean any harm, but those words still made her shiver.

She quickly marked the model area and turned the screen over—her hand was too cold and stiff that she almost didn’t catch the computer screen.

Yin Ren didn’t say anything else; he plucked the “spherical charm” on his phone with his remaining left hand and tossed it towards the side window. Accompanied by the small ball’s cry of “puffff—” Yin Ren turned sideways at the same time.

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There was a dull sound of tearing.

The gap was torn open again, larger than ever before.

Yin Ren roughly glanced at it, then leaped into one of the shimmering spaces without hesitation. The next second, the gap closed quickly, like a scared clamshell, tighter than ever before.

Lu Xiaohe was shocked to the point of exploding.

No one knew what the interstitial space inside the gap would look like. Lucky ones might be just an ordinary open space or room, but the possibility of high altitude, underwater, or even inside magma couldn’t be ruled out.

Is Yin Ren really that desperate?!

Her fingers trembled in midair and couldn’t hit the keyboard for a long time. It was Fu Tianyi who reacted first. He breathed heavily and said urgently, “Look!”

A long black hair penetrated through the gap, sticking to the dark red coffin like spider silk. It was immersed in the thick night, with a soft halo flashing at the edge.

“The protective barrier is still here.” Fu Tianyi’s nose was bleeding with two black and red streaks, and his tongue was obviously not cooperating. “As long as the barrier is here, he’s still alive.”

Lu Xiaohe’s body, which was stretched tight, relaxed slightly, with sweat all over her forehead.

“I understand.” Amid the buzzing sound in her ears, she replied reluctantly.

The space outside the protective barrier continued to shake, but the gunfire disappeared.

In the gap, Yin Ren plunged into the front yard of an abandoned kindergarten.

As with all gaps, there were no living creatures in this “interstitial space”. The paint on the slide was peeling off, the door was covered in thick rust, and the gray windows were cracked. Inside was pure blackness. The colors outside the park were chaotic and dreamlike, making it difficult to see clearly.

Everything was terrifyingly silent.

…It was an excellent place that wouldn’t affect anyone.

Yin Ren lowered his right hand, which had been blown up, and slowly moved his head. In this silent place, another presence was particularly obvious—


Another shot directly blew up Yin Ren’s right shoulder. He didn’t even try to dodge, as if the injury wasn’t his own.

It really hurts.

Zhong Chengshuo must have hurt like this too.

Bang! Bang!

Yin Ren’s head was blown off, and another shot pierced through his abdomen. Gray-black, moist fragments splashed on Yin Ren’s face, sliding down like tears.

Yin Ren still stood quietly in place, motionless, with his clothes torn apart.


Not far away, Qiu Fang withdrew his hand.

Did that evil give up completely when it saw its hope destroyed? He wondered in suspicion.

But no matter what kind of evil it was, it was remarkable that it could withstand four bullets. It was a pity that if it was willing to go crazy outside and put on a good show of killing its colleagues, it would be more to his liking.

Qiu Fang shook his head, clapped, twisted his shoulders, and raised his hand again—

But what he saw in his field of vision was no longer the figure in tattered white clothes.

He saw black.

Yin Ren’s battered body was like a leaking bag that was overflowing with countless translucent black wings that surged out of it. They extended rapidly, like a natural disaster. Just as Qiu Fang realized something was wrong, several wings had already slipped past him.

Like a black avalanche.

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Those black snow waves appeared out of nowhere and rushed in all directions. In the center of the surging black wave, a huge vortex appeared. The vortex kept twisting, and the surroundings seemed to want to take shape but were powerless to disperse. In the depths of the vortex, there were distant and sad whispers.

Is that “Yin Ren”?

Qiu Fang was stunned for a moment.

Those translucent black substances spewed out between heaven and earth, almost covering the sky.

“Qi…” A look of panic suddenly appeared on Qiu Fang’s bewildered face. “That bastard…”

He reflexively tore open a gap and tried to escape to another interstitial space. Yin Ren’s situation was really off, and although he hadn’t attacked, Qiu Fang’s instincts transmitted a faint warning.

It was a faint, unfamiliar sense of oppression.

The same kind of breath.

…It was the breath of the “same kind” that he had never encountered before. Although it was unfamiliar and clumsy, he would never misjudge it.

A cub, and a very dangerous one at that.

That one surnamed Qi did this on purpose!

Qiu Fang fired several shots and moved towards the back of the interstitial space. He instantly sank into the dark sea and almost lost his human form.

This “interstitial space” was a lightless ocean abyss without any living beings. Qiu Fang cautiously sealed the gap and clicked his tongue in frustration.

It was better to kill those two Shian employees earlier first and then report the matter to “that one” as soon as possible. Qi Xin, that bastard, had a hidden agenda, and this young creature was also very suspicious… Huh?

Something cold coiled around his ankle.

There shouldn’t be any living creatures here.

Qiu Fang stiffly lowered his head and saw the space being violently torn open. Several translucent tentacles stretched out and tried to reach him.

[Give it back to me.]

The thought seemed to be directly implanted in his brain.

[Give it back to me.]

The mental noise was like strong acid, growing stronger and clearer. Qiu Fang shot and shattered the tentacles that were coming his way, and a powerful and violent energy emanated from the severed tips.

[Give it back to me.]

The thought repeated softly, as if it couldn’t feel any pain.

Swish, swish.

More tentacles pierced through the space, and the darkness spread like ink on the seabed. Countless wings rose and fell with the water flow, creating a string of pearl-like bubbles.

Swish, swish.

The thing that used to be called “Yin Ren” stretched its body and slowly spread out on the seabed in the gap. Although it was a lightless seabed, the surrounding darkness suddenly became heavier.

Qiu Fang knew that, in the face of such a strange situation, he should probably run away with his tail between his legs.

But if he did that, he would undoubtedly fall into Qi Xin’s trap, and that old thing would make fun of him for thousands of years. Just thinking about that bastard’s smug look made Qiu Fang’s teeth itch.

Anyway, this body was only a small part of him, and he had to teach this young cub a lesson.

Qiu Fang put away his gun and stopped shooting. The next moment, his clothes disappeared.

Something cracked in the void and gradually revealed white bones and black-gray metal. They merged together, forming a giant human hand.

The bones were twisted, and the blades served as skin. In the gaps between hard objects, countless “texts” of languages were scattered, filling every trench.

Various texts appeared in an ugly black-red color, constantly twitching, accompanied by various hoarse and unpleasant sound fragments.

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Overall, it looked like a giant burned hand. The wrist was completely broken, disappearing into the bottomless darkness.

The hand’s five fingers twisted and reached out towards the soft and delicate sea of wings with a menacing aura. It grabbed one of them, squeezed it hard, and blood spurted out from between its fingers.

The shattered wings leaked out from its fingers, but they gathered again, stiff but still able to move.

Swish, swish.

The giant hand suddenly stopped moving.

Several semi-transparent soft limbs wrapped around its seams, seeping inside, like finely packed teeth constantly nibbling away. The giant spider-like hand struggled, but those weak and fragile limbs clung on like a bone-deep ulcer. They brought a very unpleasant feeling of coldness, and a sense of damage radiated from this small part of his body.

[What the hell are you?!] Qiu Fang’s “hand” wildly flailed, and his thoughts pierced straight at those semi-transparent limbs. [There’s no such kind on the Other Side!]

But his enemy would only ever answer with one sentence.

[Give it back to me.]

Temporal rifts bloomed behind the giant hand like surgical blades, cutting through successive layers of space. The giant hand moved at its fastest speed through the rifts, trying to shake off these soft and fragile but ominous and broken limbs.

During this time, the broken limbs were still eating away at his “body”, like some kind of infection.

Whenever Qiu Fang tried to stop, the space around him would slowly crack open, spewing out soft, semi-transparent wings. The broken pieces of wings on the giant hand gradually increased, and the icy erosion sensation became more vivid.

An empty blue sky, a desert in a storm, a snow-capped mountain peak, a dark underground.

One after another, the interstitial spaces became like afterimages, and the speed at which the Yin Ren tore through the rifts became faster and faster. In a trance, Qiu Fang suddenly remembered a scene he had seen in the human world.

It was a nature documentary playing in a hospital.

A young leopard stumbled and chased after its prey. At first, its movements were so clumsy that they were laughable, and the prey frightened it so much that it stumbled around.

But as time passed, it ran faster and faster, biting more and more accurately. Eventually, its movements became more and more brutal.

…This damn cub was hunting him.

The moment Qiu Fang realized this, his mind almost went blank. The hollow feeling of invasion on his body became heavier and heavier, and he had to think quickly of a solution.

Should he escape to the human side? No, that would completely alert humans and jeopardize that one’s plan. 

Should he go back to the other side? No, he couldn’t let this unexplained thing in…

That’s right. Yin Ren is just a cub!

Cubs never knew their limits, so he could exhaust this unknown Yin Ren to the limit and let him self-destruct. If all else failed, he could just abandon this part of his body.

The situation was urgent, and even if he was ridiculed by Qi Xin for a hundred million years, he would still admit it.

An abandoned factory, a dirty chimney, a quiet classroom with slanting sunlight, an unmanned dance floor with dazzling lights.

The giant hand was boneless and weak, like an octopus swimming through the shattered space. The black tide composed of wings chased after it without fatigue, surging like some kind of inanimate object.


In a trance, Zhong Chengshuo saw a huge black shadow.

It flew past the relic warehouse, faint and ethereal, as if it wasn’t part of this world.

Is it an illusion? Is it because he had sewn the head too hastily, and now his visual nerves were malfunctioning?

It wasn’t surprising. He had been wandering around the warehouse for several hours, and despite finding several newer shelves, there were no traces of the hamster pendant. This was already the 382nd shelf he had checked, so it was no wonder he was experiencing visual fatigue.

Zhong Chengshuo carefully held his head and continued to inspect the huge shelf in front of him.

“This is so fucking weird.”

Not far away, a criminal punched a shelf.

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“People are disappearing one by one, yet there’s no sign of that bastard. Such a waste of my time. It’s just one bastard!”

The shelf trembled slightly, and something gold and red jumped out of the pile of clutter.

Zhong Chengshuo held his breath and cautiously took two steps forward. Meanwhile, the criminal swept the shelves with a stick as if to vent his anger. The clutter scattered all over the floor and the golden and red light bounced a few times before rolling into the mess on the ground.

It would be suspicious to squat down and search through the mess so Zhong Chengshuo tried to stabilize himself as much as possible and forced himself to stay in place.

He had to wait until the person left…

“Motherfucker, what are you looking at?” Unexpectedly, the red-eyed criminal not only didn’t leave but also turned his stick towards Zhong Chengshuo.

Zhong Chengshuo tightly gripped his bayonet knife and quickly considered an appropriate response.

What happened next was like a slow-motion scene from a movie.

A black and red giant hand came through the air, and the sturdy metal shelf bent like rubber. The criminal’s incredibly tough helmet was easily crushed, and his eyeballs burst out of his broken skull. The clutter on the shelf became like a bomb full of nails, shooting out at deadly speeds in all directions.

A hammer directly smashed into Zhong Chengshuo’s chest, and a fruit knife pierced the helmet and lodged in his makeshift head.

Despite the inexplicable scene in front of him, Zhong Chengshuo’s eyes only saw the faint light.

He dragged his broken body forward and desperately searched through the clutter on the ground. The mountainous giant hand swept past him again, and his already weak head was sliced off, instantly turning into minced meat.

His senses were lost once again.

Zhong Chengshuo didn’t stop searching. The hard debris cut his fingers and scraped off the flesh on his fingertips. His body was slowly deteriorating, and his sense of touch became increasingly blurry.

Finally, his palm touched something.

Round, smooth, and cool to the touch. The small hamster looked cute and silly, and he had played with that silhouette countless times before.

I’m here.

Zhong Chengshuo gripped the hamster pendant tightly and triggered the emergency call mechanism.

Yin Ren, I’m here.


Yin Ren’s five senses were already in disorder.

Perception seemed to have scattered into countless fragments, suddenly thrusting him into a shell of a centipede, amplifying the sensation by billions of times, which was essentially his current sense of confusion.

He couldn’t feel anything, and there was only one goal left in his world. The sniper was like a faint ripple, swaying not far away from him.

Yin Ren was completely relying on instinct to track. His mind was freezing, and his perception was dissipating. His body had become too massive, but he didn’t want to stop.

Just a little more. Just a little more to catch him.

His body continued to surge forward, pouring into another space again. This space was slightly different from before, with a few weak reactions, probably most of which were living things.

He didn’t care.

He just wanted…

Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!

Somewhere in Yin Ren’s body, his phone was vibrating like crazy. The black ocean suddenly froze in place, and every wing stopped flapping.

It was the distress signal from Zhong Chengshuo’s hamster.

The author has something to say:

We are in the same room! We are in the same room!

Will we ever be apart again?

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