Evil As Humans

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Reunion

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The world suddenly stood still.

In the midst of chaotic perception, the rhythmic vibrations became the only order. At that moment, Yin Ren almost forgot the sniper he had been chasing.

Lu Xiaohe had analyzed that the hamster pendant existed in another dimension, which made it extremely difficult to locate. Normally, ordinary signals from other dimensions couldn’t reach his phone.

But his phone was vibrating.

Zhong Chengshuo’s hamster pendant was in this space… which meant he was likely to be here.

A pair of wings lightly flapped in the frozen, dark ocean.

Deep underground, Minister Han leaned back, and the legs of his chair made a piercing creaking sound. The surveillance footage from the relic warehouse suddenly flickered with black glitches and patches, frantically flashing in his eyes.

Something was wrong.

Warm liquid oozed out of his nostrils, and Minister Han quickly wiped it with his sleeve. He had to quickly notify the others…

His gaze unconsciously swept over his sleeve, and Minister Han’s eyes froze.

He thought he was facing some kind of evil, which affected his physical condition, and he had a nosebleed. But the white and murky liquid on his sleeve was mixed with soft, jelly-like matter.

It’s… brain… brain… brain…


Minister Han fell to the ground with his chair, clutching his phone tightly. His eyes were wide open, and his pupils shattered before they could enlarge. The large screen in the conference room finally couldn’t bear the weight, and a burst of electric light flashed, accompanied by a smell of burnt flesh.

The next moment, a piercing alarm sounded in the conference room.

Less than five minutes passed.

[All life signs in the relic warehouse area have disappeared.]

[Unknown attack in the storage area. The concentration of Evil Force is rapidly approaching the critical value of an Evil Spirit.]

[Help! Help!]

Wei Huaqian sat in the car, looking at the jumping messages on his phone screen expressionlessly.

After a moment of contemplation, he typed a line of text unhurriedly.

[No need for rescue. Protect the corpse vault. Abandon the storage area space if necessary.]

Most likely, that abnormal “Minister Zou” had done something, but unfortunately, the attacker was ultimately an outsider. The area he attacked was almost worthless, and he exposed his attack method. The most skilled thing about Sunken Society was timely abandonment and survival by sacrificing limbs. This failed attack would become nourishment for Sunken Society.

What Wei Huaqian was more concerned about was another matter.

Only the faction led by Mr. Qiu could cause such a big disturbance at Sunken Society Haigu Branch. Next, he had to talk to those people.


At the Haigu Municipal Hospital, Huang Jin stretched his lazy waist.

Since his fight with Ge Tingting, Huang Jin had been studying the tranquility talisman. After staying up until midnight, he finally made some progress. The wooden board was covered with complex and incomprehensible symbols, tied with a red string, neat and pleasing to the eye, and placed right in front of him.

Finally, Huang Jin thought to himself, he could rest. When they continued their work the next day, he could try out their effects.

The young smith rubbed his eyes and was about to stand up when suddenly a colorful giant eyeball appeared before him.

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Huang Jin: “……”

Huang Jin: “Aaahhhhh!!!”

Yellow Millet didn’t care about the mental health of this human and urgently screamed. Under its cognitive manipulation, the ward suddenly disappeared and turned into a miniature waiting room in a dilapidated building.

Everything was like a 3D movie, quickly displayed in front of Huang Jin.

After the display was over, Yellow Millet didn’t even wait for this human to digest it. It shrank to the size of a ping pong ball and bounced quickly around the ward. There was a jingling and clanging sound, and Huang Jin’s workbench was knocked into a mess by it.

Huang Jin’s carving knife and wood were scattered all over and a glass cup smashed on the floor, breaking into several pieces.

Ding Lizhi was awakened by the noise, and she opened her blind eyes in confusion. “Huang Jin, what’s that sound…?”

“I have diarrhea!” Huang Jin shouted hoarsely. “I need to go out first!”

He didn’t care about whether this was an A-level or non-A-level evil thing and grabbed Yellow Millet, who was threatening and going crazy. After hesitating for half a second, he grabbed the freshly baked tranquility talisman.

[Attackers in the hospital ruins!]

After the warning was sent out via text, Huang Jin ran towards the staff ward of the Shian Haigu branch. He was originally heading straight for the ward of Hao Wenzhe and Unit 7, but when he passed the ward of Unit 9, he stopped for a moment.

“Ge Tingting!” He knew she wouldn’t understand, but he still pounded on the door and shouted with the loudest voice. “There’s a mission! Attackers in the abandoned building!”

Her AI must be able to receive it.

After doing all this, he rushed towards the ward where Hao Wenzhe was located. Yellow Millet floated not far behind Huang Jin, frantically hitting him on the back of his head.

In Sunken Society Haigu Branch, darkness still lingered in the warehouse area.


In the almost-exploding train of thought, Yin Ren stretched his limbs desperately.

The person he was looking for was here.

Before he could search carefully, he had to remove the dangerous obstacles—such as the still annoying sniper. He was useless now and would only bring more unstable factors.

He had to deal with it, Yin Ren thought confusedly.

He wanted to bring its limbs as a gift for the person he liked.

The darkness spread wider and wider.

Miscellaneous items, boxes, ordinary corpses… all insignificant things mixed together. Semi-transparent wings piled up among them, pulling out thin threads like spider webs, wrapping around the space where Mr. Qiu’s huge hand was.

Mr. Qiu used his old trick, trying to tear space to escape again. But those semi-transparent black “spider webs” densely filled the space, and he couldn’t shake them off—

His sharp fingertips kept picking at them. The space, originally fragile and vulnerable, suddenly became unbreakable, no longer listening to his commands.

Who taught this cub?

He couldn’t even do this himself! Up until now, he had no idea who this cub belonged to or what its “essence” was.

Damn it!

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In the process of chasing him, this cub’s growth rate was terrifying. Mr. Qiu finally decided to let go of face and give up this part of his body.

It wasn’t difficult to find a human shell. Besides, after a thousand or eight hundred years, his original body’s damage would heal, and there was plenty of time ahead.

The huge hand no longer moved, and Mr. Qiu tried to cut off part of his limb, like a lizard cutting off its own tail.

…Wait. I can’t cut it off?

No, to be precise, he could cut off this body. But when he saw it cut in half, the feeling of being devoured not only didn’t disappear but spread even more rapidly.


Soft, translucent “spider silk” wrapped around him. Mr. Qiu decided to abandon part of his body and cut himself instead—but it was just a momentary pause, and the darkness surged, then a warm and cruel tide engulfed him.

The dark red giant hand hung softly on the pitch-black “water surface”, like the last cry of a drowning person.

…Why can’t I cut it off?!

An unfamiliar emotion rushed over him like a burn. How much he wished this cub would make a mistake—distracted, relaxed, or just give up. But those black “tides” continued to infiltrate his body, and the gnawing sensation grew stronger and stronger. It followed this part of his body, connected to his original body, and went straight to his core.

Has this little one gone mad?!

Yin Ren’s method was like a snake swallowing an elephant!

Under the influence of that strange emotion, Mr. Qiu didn’t dare to be careless. He focused all his attention, pouring the power of his body into an attack—

It was no longer time to consider whether “humans would be alerted”!

Dark red “fireworks” exploded in the space, and hundreds of hands burst out of the wrists of the giant hand in an instant. They formed a dense ball and bounced towards the soft black ocean, resembling a strange-shaped sea urchin.

The cub still clung tightly to the first hand.

It never stopped biting his body. The fragments falling from the giant hand were instantly submerged by wings, like snowflakes falling into the sea.

Yin Ren didn’t think too much. He even had the leisure to let his thoughts wander.

Buzz, buzz!

The distress signal from the hamster pendant was still vibrating. Did someone accidentally activate it, or was this Sunken Society’s work?

Shian’s phone must have been taken away separately and the enemy wouldn’t bother to leave the hamster pendant on Zheng Chengshuo’s body…

His thoughts were like a kite in a hurricane. In the past, Yin Ren would have been confused by this unprecedented sensory chaos.

But at this moment, a mental needle pinned Yin Ren’s thoughts, keeping his reason in place—

Zhong Chengshuo wasn’t with him, and he couldn’t lose control.

Yin Ren brutally kept himself alert.

Mr. Qiu attacked him, and his wings were subjected to countless tearing and bombing. Waves of power exploded in turn, making Yin Ren feel like an unlucky dough that was squeezed and flattened by a tremendous force from all directions.

But Yin Ren still didn’t let go.

He continued to bite Mr. Qiu’s body, instinctively devouring everything. He created wounds regardless of the consequences and then squeezed into the depths of the wound. The bone-like tissue of the giant hands was crushed into powder, and countless crimson characters dissipated and corroded the metal-like “blade epidermis”.

Buzz, buzz!

Devour, then continue to destroy.

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This order-like vibration kept inspiring Yin Ren, urging him to end the battle quickly. Yin Ren’s body was torn apart time and time again, but he quickly restored himself using the power obtained from devouring.

Countless red claws twitched desperately, and the space shook wildly, twisted, and distorted.

One side tried everything to crush, while the other side tried to devour and regenerate. Red and black entangled endlessly, so thick that it resembled a tangible relic warehouse with countless relics floating around. They swayed with Yin Ren’s movements, like ship debris in a storm.

In the intense vibration, the movements of the claws became increasingly chaotic.

Mr. Qiu could barely concentrate.

He never thought that he would lose, just as he never thought that he would be pushed to the brink of “destruction”.

The body of this cub was no different from toxins, and they crazily infiltrated his body, decomposing him alive. In human terms, his condition could be described as “rotting alive”.

It was just a cub… He only wanted to teach them a lesson…

Mr. Qiu’s body on the Other Side felt exhausted. He knew he should focus his energy, but deadly fatigue and weakness seized him. Although the cub’s strength wasn’t strong, it crossed the boundaries of space and corroded incessantly.

Along with it came the strange emotion he had briefly experienced when facing “that one”—he knew that this emotion was called “fear” and would make people numb and panic.

He was scared.

Mr. Qiu finally understood where his instinctive warning had come from not long ago.

…This deadly cub was a “predator” who could restrain him. Having been at the top of the food chain for too long, he had long forgotten what it was like to be prey.

[No… impossible…] As the increasingly dark surrounded, Mr. Qiu struggled in vain. [This cub… Have to inform… that one…]

As long as he concentrated his strength; as long as he concentrated his remaining strength, he could warn and call for help.

Mr. Qiu was extremely clear in this thought.

But he just couldn’t do it.

The transparent wings were warm and soft, but he felt like he was in nine feet of ice. Under the layers of fear and weakness, he gradually couldn’t even move a finger.

Buzz, buzz!

This was the last sound that Mr. Qiu heard.

In the gap of space, Mr. Qiu completely lost consciousness.

Yin Ren was still mechanically devouring, and he could sense that his enemy had only lost consciousness and had not yet completely disappeared. In the darkness beyond the hundreds of hands, there still existed an immensely huge body.

He needed to destroy more.

Yin Ren tried to digest Mr. Qiu’s body, which was lying paralyzed in this space. The transparent wings kept shaking, like the claws of a young beast that had nowhere to put its food.

In the chaos, he felt all kinds of dead things inside him.

The movements of his battle with Mr. Qiu were too big, and these small things mixed into his body and drifted around. They were too insignificant to be affected too much.

In the chaotic perception, Yin Ren tried hard to stabilize his touch. His wings rubbed against those fragments, sending signals back to his body.

A pen without a cap, a teddy bear with only one eye, a bulging schoolbag, an empty suitcase…

A wet and deformed helmet, eyeballs connected to nerves, twisted and deformed corpses…

The remains were all male figures, numbering in the dozens or even hundreds. Perhaps it was the sensation of living creatures that Yin Ren felt when he first arrived—those people either had bodies as thick as barrels or were as thin as monkeys, all of them being impatiently tossed aside by Yin Ren.

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This was a transitional space in the gap, where there would be no “ordinary people”.

Buzz, buzz!

Where is it? Where is the hamster pendant?

Where is Zhong Chengshuo?

As long as he carefully filled the entire space, he would definitely feel it. As long as he continued to devour… Destroy his enemies, and find his loved one; it was like killing two birds with one stone…

In the twisted space, Yin Ren’s consumption became increasingly frenzied, and impurities in his body were expelled faster and faster. The translucent wings grew rapidly, flowing over the corners of the relic warehouse and surging up the corridor.

Although they were soft and warm objects, the metal walls of the storage area collapsed one after another.

However, when he threw one of the bodies, Yin Ren suddenly stopped.

Compared with the other bodies, this one was particularly broken. It had lost its head, one leg was bent and deformed, and its upper body was embedded with many objects, with the back being even more badly damaged. The body was exposed, and its fists were clenched. Its arms were curled up in front of its chest, almost losing its human shape.

…But even though it was so damaged, it was still a very beautiful and sturdy body.

And on top of that, there was an exaggerated scar stretching across its chest and abdomen.

The ugly and huge scar that his own fingers had once lightly traced its shape.

Yin Ren’s thoughts almost came to a halt.

The destruction and devouring gradually stopped, and the wings were tightly wrapped around the remains in the center. Yin Ren’s movements were extremely light, as if he was afraid of waking up the person in his arms. Those swinging wings seemed a bit confused, and the surging power that was originally full dissipated in an instant, becoming lifeless.

Buzz buzz!

The phone was still vibrating, but it didn’t matter anymore. He found him.

A normal life, a normal death. Just like the beautiful words—”I’m fine.”

It turned out that there was no miracle.

…This was the expected answer. His last ray of hope was shattered, and it was even more bitter than he thought.


The ocean of wings struggled painfully. Yin Ren touched the boundary of the interstitial space at some point but couldn’t help but continue to expand. The boundless pain gradually became intense, and he needed this pain at the moment.

Swish, swish.

Zhong Chengshuo wasn’t by his side so he couldn’t lose control.

But now that Zhong Chengshuo was by his side, could he lose control, just a little?

The author’s has something to say:

Xiao Zhong: No, I just got a little motion sickness… (faints.jpg)

This counts as a reunion! The next chapter is a real reunion!!!

Kinky Thoughts:

Despite knowing Zhong Chengshuo is still alive, I still bawled for Yin Ren.

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