Evil As Humans

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Death

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At a rooftop restaurant terrace in Haigu.

It was midnight, and the restaurant had already closed. The large terrace was empty, except for a dowdy-looking woman named Qi Xin.

She casually pulled out a chair and sat down, tapping her fingers on the edge of the table. In the center of the table was a stylish mirror vase, which distorted her features in a somewhat comical way.

Her twisted features spoke first, emitting a gentle voice that humans couldn’t hear.

“Qiu Fang has been severely injured,” the voice said. “The shell it found was destroyed, which is one thing, but this time the enemy has hurt its true body in its hometown.”

“How severe are the injuries?” Qi Xin asked absentmindedly.

“Near-death and comatose.”

“So it’s no use to you anymore… It was just a hot-headed rookie, so you only dared to give him the job of a watchdog, right?”

The distorted image didn’t answer.

“Let me rephrase the question.” Qi Xin took out a pair of chopsticks from the restaurant’s spare box and played with them between her fingers. “It’s a burden now. Do you still want to protect it?”

“We’re comrades after all, and some things don’t need to be done so harshly.”

The voice spoke softly.

“Its food supply is the most abundant, and even if it’s near death and comatose, it will slowly recover from its injuries over time. The rest of us can handle it.”

Qi Xin’s movements paused, and her tone was indifferent. “‘Comrades’? I see why Qiu Fang respects you so much. You’re printed from the same mold, and the human stench is overwhelming.”

The voice didn’t respond. “You should deal with the thing that hurt Qiu Fang. I know you don’t like to be ordered around…but you seem to know something about this. Give me an answer as soon as possible.”

The voice remained gentle, but Qi Xin could sense the warning in it.

“Fine,” she said. “Can I do whatever I want?”


“Qiu Fang’s body is stuck between a gap and its hometown, comatose and unable to move due to its injuries,” Qi Xin said suggestively. “It must be very painful; I can’t bear to watch… I’ve come up with a good idea to kill two birds with one stone.”

The image on the vase had returned to normal at some point, and her voice floated around the empty terrace.

Qi Xin shook her head, stood up, and looked in the direction of Haigu Municipal Hospital.

She casually threw the chopsticks on the table, and they stood straight up on the table.


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Yin Ren remained limp on the ground—given that the winged ocean really collapsed, this state couldn’t be considered wrong.

Zhong Chengshuo was a science post and couldn’t become an evil after death.

Even in his most outrageous and hopeless imagination, Zhong Chengshuo should not… Should not show such behavior if he wasn’t a normal human being. He had lived for thousands of years and had never seen such a “thing”.

But Zhong Chengshuo might still be alive.

This idea was like a flickering flame that suddenly broke through the thick darkness. As long as there was a little light, he knew which direction to go.

His scattered thoughts gathered together, and Yin Ren became more and more sober. He desperately squeezed his body, trying to regain his human form.

Without a human form, there were no five senses, and his current form only had touch and a new and strange “perception”. These perceptions were too weak, and he had to confirm them with his own eyes.

He must confirm them with his own eyes.

The winged ocean gradually stirred up a vortex again, and the translucent black wings rushed towards the center of the vortex. They disappeared as if out of thin air, and a humanoid figure gradually appeared in the vortex.

The wreckage and ruins were stirred up by the vortex, leaving strange-shaped ruins in circles. In the center of the ruins, black hair spread all over the ground. Yin Ren attacked again, and the sealing talismans attached to the wall crawled up his skin. Soon, an ancient red robe formed.

The corpse lay in Yin Ren’s arms, still embracing the wing cluster at the end of his long hair. The various scars on its body were still there, but it had relaxed its posture a bit.

‘Is this an illusion,’ Yin Ren thought nervously.

There were no traces of evil qi or Evil Force on Zhong Chengshuo’s body, which meant it was no different from an ordinary human corpse. Could it be that the scene of the corpse moving just now was caused by his excessive sadness and his perception was wrong?

Yin Ren reached out his cold hand and gently touched Zhong Chengshuo’s hand—there seemed to be something in the palm of that hand just now, and his touch was particularly clear.

Zhong Chengshuo’s hand clenched in vain, and Yin Ren easily pried it open. A round little hamster pendant fell out of his hand, and the words “Wealth and Prosperity” were particularly clear in the darkness.

Yin Ren’s eyes were hot.

It’s not an illusion, not a hallucination.

The enemy had no reason to leave it specifically for the defenseless Zhong Chengshuo.

Although he couldn’t figure out why, the fact was in front of him—his lover was alive for some reason.

Yin Ren quickly cast one healing spell after another on the corpse, but unfortunately, even the smallest wounds couldn’t be healed.

Even in such an outrageous state, Zhong Chengshuo was still unaffected by the metaphysics.

“Zhong Chengshuo!” Yin Ren was at a loss. He tightly held the corpse’s hand and dared not move, afraid of destroying its inexplicable vitality. “Zhong Chengshuo…”

The stiff fingertips of the headless corpse moved, gently grasping Yin Ren’s hand. However, no matter how Yin Ren called, he didn’t make any further movements.

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Could it be that Zhong Chengshuo couldn’t hear him? Is this considered an evil? Yin Ren could hardly believe it.

Just when he was at a loss, the hand of the corpse moved again. Zhong Chengshuo struggled to raise his injured arm and gently touched Yin Ren’s throat with his fingertips.

Vibration, yes, vibration.

They could still communicate.

A strand of long hair stumbled out and quickly picked up the cell phone that had been playing dead for a long time. The phone seemed to have been shocked and was shaking like a sieve without even making a buzzing sound.

Yin Ren quickly brought up the input interface.

As he had expected, as soon as he held the phone, as if Zhong Chengshuo could see, he quickly typed out words.

[Are you okay?]

Yin Ren caressed Zhong Chengshuo’s injured arm. “Not good.”

Zhong Chengshuo seemed shocked: [Is Haigu still there?]

Yin Ren: “…”

Good. This familiar thought process undoubtedly belonged to the Zhong Chengshuo he knew well.

“It’s still there.” Yin Ren answered weakly. “Auntie Tao was killed by the sniper, and the others were just injured. Other than that, the situation outside is relatively stable. The Fu family knows that I am Zhong Yi, an evil. But your identity as King Yama and my identity as an Evil Spirit haven’t been exposed. Do you have any more questions?”

As he spoke, Yin Ren gently held the person in his arms. Zhong Chengshuo’s head was gone, and his limbs were broken, so he was much lighter than before.

He held the other person quietly, as if embracing a fragile soap bubble.

[To be fair, it’s your turn to ask questions.] Zhong Chengshuo typed quickly. Without waiting for Yin Ren’s response, his fingertips touched Yin Ren’s throat again.

Yin Ren took a deep breath, and the tips of his black hair flicked restlessly on the ground.

“What are you exactly?” Yin Ren spoke slowly and clearly, trying to suppress the trembling in his voice, “How can I heal you?”

After confirming that Zhong Chengshuo was alive, Yin Ren was frightened by his condition. With his body in such a state, Yin Ren wasn’t even sure how long Zhong Chengshuo’s “life” would last.

[I don’t know.] For a moment, Zhong Chengshuo seemed to transform into Dog Thing. [Now it seems that strictly speaking, I shouldn’t be considered human.]

Yin Ren fell silent.

He stared at the corpse in his arms and rubbed the back of the body that had been shot full of holes. He wanted to delve into this terrifying confession, but his heart was filled with relief, drowning out all doubts.

Seeing Yin Ren not answer for a long time, Zhong Chengshuo’s corpse pondered for a moment.

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[Are you okay?] He withdrew his hand from Yin Ren’s throat and repeated the question.

Yin Ren was startled.

“Better,” he answered truthfully.

Next, a pair of cold and deformed hands touched Yin Ren’s cheek. The fingers, covered in wounds, pressed against Yin Ren’s lips, gently moving like a cool kiss.

[But I’m not okay.] After a moment, Zhong Chengshuo withdrew his hands.

[I’m afraid you’ll be angry because of me and expose your identity, causing harm to Haigu.]

[But I’m also afraid that you won’t be angry and soon forget about me, and I’ll have to stay in the corpse vault thinking of this forever.]

On the pale phone screen, the words jumped quickly.

[I was afraid when we separated.] This was how the body summarized it.

Yin Ren didn’t know how to react for a moment. This was the first time Zhong Chengshuo expressed the emotion of “fear”. He was like a patient in a hurry to seek medical advice, describing his feelings openly and straightforwardly.

“I thought you would ask about the battle or the opponent just now…” Yin Ren murmured after a long while.

[I haven’t finished being afraid yet.] Zhong Chengshuo typed with difficulty in the gap of their embrace. [Let’s talk about it after I finish being afraid. We still have a lot of time to communicate.]

In the midst of great sadness and joy, Yin Ren didn’t know how to react. When he realized the movement of his mouth, he had already laughed out loud. Zhong Chengshuo thought he was trembling and quickly reached out to touch him.

It wasn’t until the other’s fingers frantically wiped his cheeks that Yin Ren noticed the tears on his face. He didn’t choke up, but the tears continued to flow. They dripped onto Zhong Chengshuo’s body, quickly spreading a sheen on the cold skin.

Zhong Chengshuo never made baseless assumptions. What he said must have firm support.

Just now he said that they still had a lot of time to communicate.

Zhong Chengshuo was frightened by the warm tears. He hugged the wings beside him tightly and awkwardly patted them, with very stiff movements. Yin Ren found it funny again. He wiped away a few tears haphazardly and pretended to be fine.

Now Zhong Chengshuo seemed to be especially “afraid”.

“What are you afraid of?” Yin Ren cleared his throat and held Zhong Chengshuo’s flailing paws.

[I’m afraid you’ll know that I’m not human and start to guard against me.] Zhong Chengshuo typed faster. [Aren’t you upset? I can’t tell now that I can’t see.]

“Especially upset.”

Yin Ren quickly gathered his hair and made a large wing bundle beside him, letting Zhong Chengshuo soak in it.

“When you recover, you have to compensate me with a lifetime of self-service barbecue.”

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…But could Zhong Chengshuo really recover? Yin Ren wasn’t sure. He was still covered in the remains of Mr. Qiu’s body, and his Evil Force was definitely over the limit. He didn’t know if Zhong Chengshuo would be affected.

Feeling the warmth of the wing bundle, Zhong Chengshuo buried himself inside. Although he had no head, he looked serious in his gestures.

[Yin Ren, I don’t know why I haven’t died yet, and I didn’t mean to worry you.]

Zhong Chengshuo explained sincerely.

Yin Ren: “…” He really thought I was upset!

He sighed heavily, lowered his head, and kissed the grim wound on Zhong Chengshuo’s chest, where his heart should have been.

“I’ll answer you again. I’m so happy, I don’t know what to do.”

Yin Ren sniffled and deliberately raised his voice.

“When you recover, we’ll continue to eat together for a lifetime.”

This time, Zhong Chengshuo didn’t respond. His hand stayed near Yin Ren’s neck and trembled slightly. Yin Ren was startled and broke out in a cold sweat in an instant.

“Zhong Chengshuo. Are you okay? Zhong Chengshuo—”

[But I don’t know how to grow back my head.] Zhong Chengshuo finally freed up a hand and slowly typed another line. [Yin Ren, what should I do?]

Yin Ren’s wings, which had been flapping frantically, slowly settled down. He took a deep breath to steady himself and licked his dry lips. “It’s okay. When the time comes, I’ll sneak you out. There’s always a way if we try hard enough…”

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly realized something.

A little over ten minutes ago, he had asked Yellow Millet to pass a message to Fu Xingchuan, saying that he wanted to self-seal himself. His attention had been focused on Zhong Chengshuo until now, and he only noticed it just now. Fu Xingchuan’s fire dragon, which had been maintaining the gap, had disappeared long ago. Obviously, he had received Yellow Millet’s message and closed the gap completely. With Fu Xingchuan’s means, to conceal Yin Ren’s situation, he must have said that Yin Ren “sacrificed himself in the gap”.

…And Zhong Chengshuo wasn’t human. Before he could figure out Zhong Chengshuo’s situation, he absolutely couldn’t expose him to Shian. For safety’s sake, he couldn’t even openly change his mind and bring Zhong Chengshuo back to the human world.

Had he… “died” too?

Forget about self-service barbecue or healing people. How to leave without arousing suspicion was a big problem.

In the narrow interstitial space, Yin Ren held Zhong Chengshuo tightly with a blank mind.

In the entire dark interstitial space, only the wreckage of Mr. Qiu was suspended in mid-air.

Just as Yin Ren stared at the air in a daze, the wreckage moved slightly.

The author has something to say:

Xiao Zhong’s head can’t grow back immediately. How unexpected! (…

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