Evil As Humans

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Impending Disaster

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About half an hour ago, Lu Xiaohe slumped in the darkness.

After Yin Ren entered the rift, the darkness around them suddenly collapsed, and the sharp sound of glass breaking came from outside. Looking out through the protective shield, the dim waiting hall twisted into a mess, and the world around them seemed to be collapsing.

The evil qi readings returned by the equipment remained high, far beyond that of a large evil appearing. However, there was no evil around; only the evil qi of unknown origin lingered.

Fu Tianyi had never seen such a scene before, and he shook from head to toe.

Unfortunately, Lu Xiaohe’s data collection didn’t stop, and he didn’t know whether to stop maintaining the Corpse Cage, so he had to bear it. He had never output such a huge amount of power for such a long time. Fu Tianyi’s face turned pale, and he felt like even his bone marrow was being squeezed into powder.

The two of them guarded Yin Ren’s single hair and didn’t dare to breathe.

A burst of fire broke through the darkness, and a sturdy fire dragon pierced through the broken space, hovering in the darkness. The space that was originally eerie and broken looked somewhat normal after being illuminated by the flames. There were also three figures following the fire.

“Fu Xingchuan!” Fu Tianyi immediately recognized his senior, and tears almost burst out of his eyes. Even so, he didn’t dare to stop his spell.

However, Fu Xingchuan didn’t immediately reassure the two of them. He limped over to the gap and looked at the hair left outside by Yin Ren.

Ge Tingting quickly ran towards Lu Xiaohe and hugged the science post who was covered in sweat. Huang Jin took out two talismans from his bag and threw one at each of them.

“Yin Ren went in, and the attacker didn’t appear again. I don’t know if he also went in.” Fu Tianyi quickly stuffed the talisman into his chest and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Suddenly there was a spatial fluctuation, but I didn’t detect the aura of any evil creature—”

“Shh.” Fu Xingchuan made a quiet gesture.

He pinched several spells, and more than a dozen giant fire dragons shrank to the size of snakes. They roamed around the hair left by Yin Ren and successively drilled into the gap.

After doing all this, Fu Xingchuan sighed. He took out a small knife and cut a deep and long wound on his arm.

The oozing blood didn’t gather and drip but instead condensed into pea-sized droplets that floated in the air. Fu Xingchuan’s hair and earring floated and solidified, hanging unnaturally in the deep shadows.

He cleared his throat and recited a series of obscure and difficult-to-understand syllables. The rhythm was peculiar and had an ancient feel.

The distortion of the air in the nearby ten square meters suddenly slowed down. The ruins vibrated incessantly, as if a force was competing against the collapse here, trying to squeeze the space together.

At the moment when the basic spatial integration was about to be completed, Fu Xingchuan’s chanting rhythm gradually accelerated. Countless thin threads shot out from the blood beads, thoroughly piercing the nearby space as if adding countless veins to it.

The space was still trembling slightly, squeezing out a tiny crack, but at least it was possible to see its original appearance.

Fu Xingchuan pinched a strange spell and pressed his wound wearily. “You can use protective spells now. It’s safe.”

Fu Tianyi didn’t dare to move at all.

Fu Xingchuan glared at him. “That’s enough. Until when are you going to keep giving blood to that Corpse Cage?”

“But… Yin Ren…” Fu Tianyi hesitated.

Seeing that Fu Xingchuan also used an amazing spell, the impact of power from Yin Ren was slightly reduced.

Maybe it was just because he had no reference point, Fu Tianyi thought dazedly. The situation was critical, and he was definitely intimidated. No matter how mysterious and powerful Yin Ren was, he couldn’t beat the real #1 Ghost General.

As soon as Fu Tianyi let go, a watermelon-sized ball with a shimmering surface squeezed out of the gap and shot towards Fu Xingchuan like a bullet. At the same time, the strand of hair from Yin Ren, which was left outside, suddenly snapped, and the protective spell collapsed in an instant.

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In extreme exhaustion, the young cultivator’s brain was blank.

He turned his power toward the ball with an almost tragic feeling. He had to protect Fu Xingchuan…

Before Fu Tianyi’s thoughts had even turned, the ball broke through his defense line with a swish, just like punching through a piece of wet tissue paper.

The ball hit Fu Xingchuan’s forehead, and it pressed against his brow as it delivered cognitive magic while whimpering and whining.

…An A-level evil, Yellow Millet.

Why is Yellow Millet here? And why did Fu Xingchuan seem familiar with this Yellow Millet?!

It was taboo to have private dealings with dangerous evils! Fu Tianyi stared at Yellow Millet without blinking, almost forgetting to breathe.

After the perception transmission of Yellow Millet ended, Fu Xingchuan’s expression was so dark that it was almost dripping with water. The warm and melting light of the fire dragon illuminated the surrounding space, but Fu Xingchuan’s face was still cold.

Perhaps because she was ignorant and fearless, Ge Tingting from Unit 9 was the first to speak. “What about Yin Ren? What happened to him?”

“He’s dead.” Fu Xingchuan answered with an ugly face. “It’s not safe here. I’ll send you out right away.”

There was a hint of sharpness in his words, indicating that he wouldn’t accept any questions.

In the darkness, Ge Tingting widened her eyes, her face lost and confused. She stood there, apparently unable to digest this news. Lu Xiaohe supported her shoulder, with slightly red eyes.

Huang Jin lowered his head, his features sinking into the shadows.

“Is that it?” he asked, with an underlying meaning. “Could he really…”

“Yes, how could it be that simple? Yin Ren is too powerful.”

Fu Tianyi interrupted Huang Jin in a daze. His head was seemingly emitting smoke.

“Was that Yellow Millet a messenger? Can Yin Ren control Yellow Millet? Are you sure he’s dead? What happened in that gap?”

“Curiosity can lead to death. I remember that was Shian’s first lesson,” Fu Xingchuan said without candor. The blood from his wound continued to gather and gradually congealed into a ball of blood.

“In our line of work, death is always sudden. It seems that Beijing is still too peaceful.”

Ge Tingting still stared at that gap in a daze.

She had seen Zhong Chengshuo being brutally shot in front of her—his blood splattering onto her feet. The senior’s death was particularly intense, making it hard for her to breathe.

Yin Ren… But Yin Ren only said a brief goodbye to them before disappearing into the unknown. They didn’t even know how he died, like the glistening dew on leaves at night, disappearing without a trace before sunrise.

In just a few months, two people…

Two people who lived by her side, whose bodies couldn’t even be brought home.

Ge Tingting stared with wide eyes, staring at the darkness that devoured everything. She didn’t cry, but her eyes just hurt from being dry.

Fu Xingchuan was already fortifying the retreat route, while Fu Tianyi squatted by his feet, poking at Yellow Millet while busy questioning his life. Yellow Millet paid him no attention and just lay on the ground sobbing.

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Lu Xiaohe was tugging at her clothes, saying something, but Ge Tingting wasn’t in the mood to look at her phone. She could probably guess that Lu Xiaohe was trying to persuade her to go back. Huang Jin activated a tranquility talisman and carefully put it in Ge Tingting’s pocket.

But… but…

Ge Tingting couldn’t take her eyes off that void of darkness.

At this moment, it was like death itself.

She didn’t know if it was her imagination, but it seemed like something was moving in that pitch-black depth.

Like a vortex.

But compared to a calm and orderly vortex, this one was particularly restless. There were many strange, lumpy objects mixed inside, like chunks of meat that hadn’t been crushed in a blender.

Ge Tingting stared at that strange vortex, pulling on Lu Xiaohe’s hand. Lu Xiaohe said something sadly, turning to face Ge Tingting directly. But as soon as she saw Ge Tingting’s face, she let out a scream.

The next moment, the surrounding detection machines and she herself screamed together.

The once stable space tore apart into strands of blood vessels and violently churned again. This time, instead of breaking into neat fragments, they twisted into vortices of different sizes, like liquid special effects gone awry.

Fu Xingchuan suddenly stopped in his tracks, rushing back in disbelief—

The youngest member of Unit 9 was staring at the gap, eyes wide open, continuously shedding tears. Fu Xingchuan acted decisively, using a shroud spell to cover Ge Tingting’s eyes.

Huang Jin consciously approached, and Fu Tianyi was struck hard in the abdomen by Yellow Millet and thrown back to the foot of Fu Xingchuan.

Fu Xingchuan didn’t care at all whether he would lose too much blood. Strands of blood gathered around the five people, forming a strong sphere. Compared to Fu Xingchuan’s current expression, his previous icy look could be described as “reveling in the spring breeze*”.

*(如沐春风) Idiom often used to describe the feeling of being in a pleasant and comfortable environment, which makes one happy and content.

Fu Tianyi had never seen such a fierce expression from Fu Xingchuan before.

He dared not inquire further about Yellow Millet and couldn’t even muster the strength to stand up. The new rising star of the Fu family lay honestly on the ground. “What’s going on?”

“The aura of a Divine Descent.”

Fu Xingchuan’s face was pale, letting the blood flow.

He didn’t answer Fu Tianyi’s question but murmured into his phone.

“Completely seal off the Haigu Municipal Hospital. Get the people outside to prepare for preventive sealing measures and great sealing arrays!”

Huang Jin’s expression changed. “Wait, what do we do?”

“Stop this wave first!” Fu Xingchuan gritted his teeth. “It’s too late to run. When the concentration of the evil qi goes up, we don’t even know how people will die!”

At the same time, on the other side.

Mr. Qiu was stuck in the wreckage of the interstitial space, violently shaking as many pieces of his flesh flew off. It was as if there was something invisible gnawing at it, causing the space to twist into ominous vortexes.

An extremely cold momentum was stirring in midair.

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Half an hour ago, Yin Ren might have been cold and ruthless, fighting to the death with this unknown force. Now—Lord Ghost King quickly pulled out a large suitcase, padded it with a winged ball, and stuffed Zhong Chengshuo into it.

Zhong Chengshuo looked at him in confusion and tilted his neck.

“Something’s wrong. Let’s run!” Yin Ren said loudly.

Now that Zhong Chengshuo wasn’t wearing clothes, he could only use other things to support the levitation spell. The huge suitcase flew up and carried his lover, whom he couldn’t make sense of in any way.

With everything ready, Yin Ren flew out at the fastest speed, breaking through the darkness with a suitcase like a reindeer pulling a sleigh. He wanted to imitate Mr. Qiu and tear open a rift to another interstitial space, but he was afraid that the other side would be a deep sea of magma, which would hurt Zhong Chengshuo, whom he had finally found.

He had to escape through this interstitial space.

The distortion behind him grew larger and closer, and a strange tremor came from the west, like chewing.

Along with the indistinct sound of chewing, an unfamiliar Evil Force inside the space became even more intense, filled with pain and madness. They didn’t scatter and escape, but aimed at Yin Ren, pressing straight towards him.

If the Evil Force Yin Ren had previously absorbed from Mr. Qiu was like clear water, the things in front of him would be like a dirty mudslide. This Evil Force was too unstable that taking a bite might drive him crazy.

Yin Ren could only barely cut through the surging power and rush towards the boundary of space.

But the space was small, and he had already known this when he stretched his body just now.

Soon, Lord Ghost King and his underworld sleigh arrived at the end. On the other side wasn’t darkness but countless youths in red and blue clothes. The broken space was like coping and pasting, connecting regularly in the void.

And beyond the dilapidated corridor, the violent Evil Force almost turned into liquid. Where it flowed, countless spaces twisted and rotated, instantly losing their original shape.

Yin Ren turned the suitcase behind him. The Evil Force in the air had already become so strong that even he, an Evil Spirit, was uncomfortable. Yin Ren didn’t want to know what would happen if he was engulfed by that thing, let alone what would happen if Zhong Chengshuo encountered it.

What the hell is that thing?!

Five seconds.

The raging Evil Force formed a wave and quickly approached the two of them.

As soon as Yin Ren changed his previous passivity, he was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He shielded the suitcase with his whole body and had never thought so quickly before.

“Splitting space and escape” was like drawing lots, and he had to be cautious with Zhong Chengshuo. Even if they were lucky enough to draw a suitable space, this thing might still chase after them.

The fire dragon of Fu Xingchuan just now indicated the direction to the outside world. But if they escaped directly to the outside world and this Evil Force surged even a little, it would cause great disaster.

Four seconds.

Yin Ren could almost see the dizzying vortex in the muddy flood.

…Think. He must think.

This place was likely a Sunken Society stronghold. Those people established a stronghold in the interstitial space and took precautions—this space was like one of the building blocks. If any part had a problem, it could be directly “dismantled” and isolated.

But mortals weren’t gods after all, and such “dismantling” was just using magic to lower barriers and forcibly divide.

In other words, there must be remaining parts of Sunken Society’s stronghold connected to this interstitial space.

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Three seconds.

Beyond that, he had no other choice.

Yin Ren hugged the suitcase, and his black hair suddenly stretched out. He deliberately avoided the area where Fu Xingchuan came into contact, and his hair scattered in the remaining direction.

With the skills he just learned from Mr. Qiu and techniques he had never used before; Yin Ren had no confidence.

But he had to do it, even if he wasn’t sure.

With surging power, his hair pierced through millions of adjacent interstitial spaces in an instant. A torrent of sensations flooded Yin Ren’s mind, almost knocking him out. Yin Ren endured the pain and breathed heavily, forcing himself to feel everything.

……The void, sea water, mud, ice, and lava… There is no trace of life…

……Steel, cement, stone, sand, and strong acid… Still no trace of life…

No… no… no…

His own skills were still too immature and unfamiliar, and it was difficult to distinguish the breath of living creatures. The surge of Evil Force was approaching, and the trembling of his wings became more and more obvious.

Perhaps they could just gamble…

Two seconds.

A hand reached out from the luggage and grabbed Yin Ren’s hair. That hand moved its bent fingers and pointed at itself, then pointed in the distance.

In the blink of an eye, Yin Ren understood the meaning of his partner.

Before the space was split, Zhong Chengshuo might have stayed in other areas. Yin Ren wasn’t used to identifying unfamiliar breaths, but if it was the breath of his lover that he was familiar with to the extreme…

In the space filled with countless bubbles, a strand of hair moved slightly.

One second.

A breaking sound rang out.

In the next moment, Yin Ren, dressed in red, dragged a floating silver suitcase and landed on one knee on the neatly arranged ground.

In front of him was an endless corridor with the same style as the deepest part of the Sunken Society’s corpse vault.

Author’s note:

The headless boyfriend in the suitcase… It sounds like quite a scary story.

Xiao Zhong and Xiao Yin: Hello, friends of Sunken Society. We’re back again!

Kinky Thoughts:

Note: The title is an idiom (祸水东引) that directly translates to disaster water flows to the east. It refers to an impending disaster that is spreading and affecting others, and it is often used to describe a situation where a bad influence or bad luck is spreading to others.

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