Evil As Humans

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Healing

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At the moment when the Yin Ren fell to the ground, black hair danced and blocked the gap that hadn’t yet been closed. However, it was like trying to block a burst water pipe with bare hands. Countless Evil Force still squeezed through the gap. The power, full of resentment and pain, was like concentrated acid, burning Yin Ren’s wing with intense pain.

Finally reaching Sunken Society, he couldn’t afford to be passive anymore.

While the raging Evil Force hadn’t yet turned into a torrent, Yin Ren disregarded everything and blocked the gaps, quickly surveying the surrounding situation.

He smelled Zhong Chengshuo’s breath, as well as various kinds of corpse odors. Among them, there were various strange and evil qi. Compared to the Ant Nest in Gengsheng Town, this ghostly place was no less daunting.

A huge and dangerous corpse vault.

Zhong Chengshuo was once “stored” here.

Having been in contact with modern times for a long time, Yin Ren probably knew what kind of situation a place to store corpses would be. As soon as he thought of Zhong Chengshuo dragging his mutilated corpse out of here, Yin Ren’s hostility couldn’t be suppressed.

Nor did he want to suppress it.

In the blink of an eye, Yin Ren’s Evil Force surged in all directions. Countless mortuary cabinets sounded with frantic banging noises, responding with all their might. In an instant, sharp magic alarms echoed in the darkness.

Yin Ren sneered.

There was no need to reveal the true form of the Evil Force. As the “Great Celestial Master,” he was proficient in being a ghost master, corpse servant, and spirit smith. Since awakening in this era, Yin Ren hadn’t found a place suitable for “controlling corpses”.

At the moment when Yin Ren was tightly blocking the external Evil Force, the corpses shrouded in evil qi broke open the sturdy metal door and walked unsteadily towards Yin Ren.

Clack, clack.

The cold and stiff flesh slapped against the floor.

The first to break through the door were two century-old zombies. Behind them were all sorts of strange and terrifying evil beings, contaminated and mutated by Evil Force. They shook their extra limbs, opened different numbers of eyes, and emitted wailing cries from their throats.

A few bodies were missing arms and legs during the process of breaking through the door, so they stuck together to form a large, fused corpse monster. The strange smell spread in the corridor, and the thick evil qi stirred up ripples.

Cack, clack.

The dark corridor was crowded with shadows, and the bodies were all naked. The broken internal organs swayed slowly, and the deformed flesh shone with a watery sheen. Countless bones bulged, and turbid yellow corpse fluid dripped on the ground. The bluish-white color of dead flesh and the brownish yellow of dried corpses were mixed together, contrasting against the gray-white corridor, as if everything had lost its color.

This was truly a hellish scene.

Only the heavy seal of Yin Ren that was woven into his red clothes emitted a bright light in the shadows. The bodies stood obediently behind Yin Ren, solemn as if they were a funeral procession.

They gradually crowded the corridor, lifting their heavy, deformed heads, and their bones made a dry, turning sound.

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It was almost over.

Perhaps for an individual, this place was an unsolvable maze. But when all the corpses had left, the only entrance disguised as a door became incredibly distinct.

Amid the almost piercing alarm, Yin Ren finally released those gaps that had reached their limit.

The next moment, the raging Evil Force in the previous interstitial space spewed out. Dozens of corpses behind Yin Ren bounced out, blocking him and rapidly stretching their arms to instantly generate layers of hard and dry membranes.

Yin Ren turned around smoothly and passed over each corpse without looking back, heading straight for the exit.

Behind him, countless bodies rushed forward into the torrent of the Evil Force. In the distorted space, the corpses were either crushed or devoured. However, they still went forward ignorantly, and all kinds of vicious corpse spells rained down on the pure Evil Force.

Even if it was a mantis trying to stop a car, with so many mantis corpses, the sticky corpse fluid could still cause the wheels to skid.

The quality of the goods of Sunken Society was quite high. Countless fierce corpses acted as sandbags in the flood, and the speed of the Evil Force slowed down a bit.

In the flood, Mr. Qiu’s remains were splashed everywhere. Any corpse that came into contact with the solid debris would expand and burst, blossoming into flesh and blood fireworks.

The sharp alarm, the sound of the walls collapsing, and the sound of corpse explosions mixed together. The quiet corpse vault suddenly became unbelievably lively, as if it were New Year’s.

Yin Ren dragged the suitcase left and right, executing each floor the same way. Even if he was frantically consumed by this strange Evil Force, the number of corpses running out of the corpse vault only increased as if it were inexhaustible.

If he wasn’t being chased, Yin Ren would love this exhilarating feeling, like a mouse falling into a rice bin*.

*An expression describing a situation where someone unexpectedly benefits from a mistake or mishap.

Meanwhile, Zhong Chengshuo obediently sat in the half-open suitcase. His body was surrounded by wings, and his hands were clinging to the edge of the suitcase, not knowing what he was sensing.

Soon, Yin Ren rushed up to the third floor connected to the elevator.

However, in the deafening alarm, the elevator was thoroughly sealed off.

There was no escape route again.

Just as Yin Ren had this thought, Zhong Chengshuo pinched the bundle of wings again. He typed quickly, and Yin Ren simply grew an eye on one of the wing clusters and distracted himself to watch.

[You triggered the magic alarm, so you can only escape up to three floors. Above the third floor, the elevator will be heavily guarded, making it difficult to break through. Erase your presence, and you can use the bottom of the elevator to borrow force.]

Yin Ren reacted instantly.

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There must be a gap below the elevator shaft. He could take Zhong Chengshuo with him and hide in there, completely sealing off their breath, and let some of his hair strands crawl up—when the Evil Force arrived like a mudslide, it could help them break through all defenses.

After most of the Evil Force had surged out, they could use the remaining corpses as a consumable shield, which could indeed surprise the enemy and avoid being caught in a pincer attack.


“It’s hard to defend when hiding. I can tolerate it, but you will briefly come into contact with those things.”

Yin Ren spoke very fast.

“That kind of Evil Force is different from mine. It’s exceptionally violent—”

Zhong Chengshuo just patted his wings and made an OK gesture.

Yin Ren didn’t waste any more words, nor did he hesitate.

With several spells, he shattered the elevator and went straight to the bottom of the elevator shaft, suppressing all aura. Only a strand of black hair broke away from Yin Ren’s body and spread its momentum, crawling up through numerous obstacles and cracks.

As a strand of weak and unconnected hair, it crawled exceptionally fast. As expected, the Evil Force fell for the trap and chased after the strand of hair aggressively.




The sound of massive explosions kept coming from above the elevator shaft, where the Evil Force collided head-on with the heavy protection of Sunken Society. Countless debris burst down like bullets. Yin Ren used his wing ball to protect himself and his suitcase while being completely soaked in the Evil Force. It felt like he had fallen into a strong acid and every skin on his body was aching.

Zhong Chengshuo, on the other hand, quietly curled up his body, just like a baby in a womb. Yin Ren couldn’t open his eyes, so he could only hold his lover tightly with his wings.

In the warm embrace of his wings, Zhong Chengshuo clenched his fists slightly.

At first, Yin Ren didn’t understand the meaning of this behavior, but the rhythm of that clenched fist was so familiar that he quickly remembered where it came from.

It was Zhong Chengshuo’s heartbeat.

No words, no heartbeat, no breath. Zhong Chengshuo used this posture to tell him that he was okay and that he didn’t need to worry.

…Zhong Chengshuo knew he would worry.

In the midst of pain and burning, Yin Ren curled up the corners of his mouth.

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The sound of explosions became more frequent and blurred. The surging Evil Force also became thinner, and finally, a trace of the breath of the living seeped down from far above. Screams and another wave of alarms entered Yin Ren’s ears.


In an instant, a large army of corpses crowded into the narrow elevator shaft. Yin Ren protected Zhong Chengshuo and rushed straight up. Behind him, the corpses passed over his body, acting as a shield and blocking the front. When they encountered the scattered Evil Force, there were bursts of corpse explosions.

Yin Ren displayed the fastest speed of his life. In less than three seconds, he rushed straight to the top of the elevator.

Finding that something was off, the torrent of Evil Force turned with difficulty.

“The more, the merrier.”

Yin Ren wiped the blood and sweat off his face.

“…I love lively places the most.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the flood of corpses behind him collided head-on with the Evil Force.

Another explosion of corpses sounded, and the sturdy barriers around them immediately collapsed. The electronic alarms changed their tone into a hoarse and unpleasant mixing like a funeral march.

The space twisted, and the corpses were thrown askew. In the center of it all, Yin Ren was covered in red clothes, revealing an almost relieved smile.

It was a chilling sight to behold.

On the surface of the distant world, Wei Huaqian furrowed his brow.

His personal interface was filled with various alarms, and the blood-red warnings kept scrolling.

Something had gone wrong in the underground corpse vault.

Sunken Society had immediately sealed off the storage area and dispatched the cleanup crew. They even cut off Minister Zou’s access to the relic warehouse. Everything was executed in the fastest and most ruthless manner possible. If the risky areas were compared to carrion, he had already cut out the wound at the fastest speed possible.

…Why did something happen in the underground corpse vault?!

And it was the highest level alert!

Wei Huaqian tried to access the surveillance of the incident, but no matter which camera he looked at, the screen was pitch black—as if a bottomless eye was pressed against the lens.

Only data was frantically being transmitted, screen after screen.

An unprecedented amount of Evil Force had erupted.

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…Wait, unprecedented? An eruption of Evil Force with no source?

Wei Huaqian’s hand, which was operating the tablet computer, stopped in mid-air, and his back instantly became damp with sweat. He didn’t even have time to feel sorry for the precious items in the vault. There were only two words in his mind—

Divine Descent.

He pinched his brow hard and quickly examined the rows of data.

No, no, this isn’t right.

In recent years, Sunken Society had conducted many experiments on Evil Force and gained a deep understanding of its characteristics. Wei Huaqian was very certain that the data in front of him was much weaker than a real Divine Descent. This outbreak was more like a weakened version of Divine Descent in a small area. The nature of the Evil Force had significant differences from a true Divine Descent.

The Evil Force that erupted twenty-eight years ago during Divine Descent was… fresher?

And the Evil Force that was currently causing destruction everywhere was quickly deteriorating into evil qi, like it was rapidly decaying. This level… Sunken Society should still be able to handle it at this level.

He held his breath and quickly gave instructions one by one.

Quickly separate the transition space and connect it to the human world, luring the destroyers away!

Sunken Society was his most convenient tool. The top priority was to guard the branch; even if this tool became damaged and difficult to use, it was still better than bare hands.

At the moment when Wei Huaqian was fully focused on giving orders, a certain data on the screen suddenly plummeted like a cliff.

At the same time, in the interstitial space, Yin Ren’s movements suddenly stopped.

The Evil Force around him still surged, but there was something clearly different. It was a subtle, instinctive awareness—

Just now, the source of the Evil Force had completely “died”.

The pain in that power disappeared, leaving only icy resentment and endless chaos.

And at the moment when Yin Ren was fully focused on sensing it, behind him, inside the suitcase…

The wounds on the body of this headless corpse soaked in this Evil Force were quietly closing, little by little.

The author has something to say:

Xiao Yin: Explosion of fireworks! I emptied your inventory.

Xiao Zhong: Stay quiet and get better.

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