Evil As Humans

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: Warm Memories

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Yin Ren posed the question, but unfortunately, it didn’t successfully enter Zhong Chengshuo’s mind.

Unusually, Comrade Xiao Zhong was absent-minded.

The memories of the past three days kept spinning in his head, and Zhong Chengshuo found it hard to describe his feelings.

He had always been cautious, trying to minimize contact with others—just as bad habits could lead to disease and dirtiness, so could contact. Truthfully, Zhong Chengshuo wasn’t sure whether his condition could cause illness in ordinary people or what the consequences might be if they were infected.

All he could do was “raise” himself scientifically. Contact with people was too exhausting.

Perhaps due to his origins, Zhong Chengshuo had never had much sense of affiliation with “humanity”, let alone emotional needs. He knew very little about his physiological condition and had to be careful in every respect when he was in contact with his adoptive parents. Friends were naturally unnecessary, and he would never seek a romantic partner.

He had thought that he wouldn’t have any physiological desires—after all, he hadn’t even seen a member of his own kind.

Zhong Chengshuo had never thought that there would be a “person” who would instinctively make him wary, who was as afraid of the light as he was but attracted him in every way.

A few days ago, he felt more like a child who had never eaten ice cream.

Naturally, if he never tasted it, he wouldn’t crave it.

Sharing secrets with another person, creating secrets. The freshness of this “sharing” hadn’t yet passed, and it was an even greater shock.

‘What’s written in books wasn’t entirely right,’ Zhong Chengshuo thought.

If there was one word to describe the intermittent absurdity of the past, he would choose “safe”.

Even if this was the most dangerous situation of his human life.

Zhong Chengshuo’s fingers slid over the soft bundle of wings, passed over the firm and smooth skin, and finally delved into the fluttering wings. When Yin Ren breathed rapidly, those soft wings would tighten, and some would tremble slightly.

His monster accomplice was also unfamiliar, but extremely proficient in “how to adjust the state”. Yin Ren was still the calm Yin Ren. The Great Celestial Master of a thousand years ago, had never taken his eyes off him.

There was no infatuation or dissipation in those non-human red eyes; only the joy of being lost and found again, and a reassuring nonchalance.

But a strand of black hair always wound around his fingertips and never let go.

Perhaps they had never been so close to another person before. In their violent movements, there was tranquility. All uneasiness was expelled by those biting kisses, while worries faded by the skin sticking together, gradually disappearing without a trace. Zhong Chengshuo’s innate vigilance kept sounding the alarm until he became numb.

The only things left were desire and attachment.

Sensory and psychological stimulation hit at the same time, and Zhong Chengshuo didn’t want it to stop.

Inside the room, a sea of wings surged, and strange limbs that didn’t exist in the world passed over his fingers. Underneath his fingertips, there were slightly darkened, pale red marks. Yin Ren hung his head, and his soft hair scattered on Zhong Chengshuo’s chest.

For an Evil Spirit, his skin was slightly cool, probably specially controlled, and there was no sweat.

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There was only Yin Ren’s strong and pleasant scent.

…And mint.

As the wings swayed and shook with the rhythm, Yin Ren involuntarily tightened his waist. He held a piece of mint facial tissue in his hand and had a smile on his face.

“You sweat just like a human.”

In his rapid breathing, the thousand-year-old Ghost King muttered in a low voice.

The slightly cool tissue gently swept up Zhong Chengshuo’s throat, all the way up. Compared to the hot skin, it was as cold as ice, licking away the sweat on his cheek.

The wing cluster on Zhong Chengshuo’s back swayed slightly, teasing and embracing at the same time. At that moment, Yin Ren bent down with difficulty, looking down at him, and that beautiful face was incredibly close.

His crimson eyes emitted a faint light, like wine shining by candlelight.

Zhong Chengshuo felt for the first time that this person’s beauty wasn’t simply attractive to mortals.

It was a shocking impact that belonged to him alone.

The last of the sweat was wiped away, and Yin Ren’s eyes curved with a smile. This time, the thing that brushed past his cheek was Yin Ren’s hand, and although his body trembled, his movements were extremely gentle.

From his cheek to his throat, it returned to the position where Zhong Chengshuo’s head had been severed.

…The weakness was exposed, and the instinct sounded the alarm, but the fierce sense of security surged more and more, almost overwhelming Zhong Chengshuo.

This feeling might be what humans call “happiness”.

Zhong Chengshuo lay on his lover and carefully analyzed his memories.

And whenever he stopped to think like this, Yin Ren would always give him a kiss—whether he was naked or not.

“You were distracted just now.” Yin Ren pointed out seriously. “So do you have confidence in playing an illusion?”

He waved his hand, and a figure exactly like Zhong Chengshuo stood by the sofa. The illusion was dressed neatly, expressionless, and wearing the loose clothes that he often wore.

Zhong Chengshuo: “……”

Zhong Chengshuo looked at Yin Ren in amazement, and his ears were dyed pink again.

“Yes, I remember you very clearly.” Yin Ren didn’t blush at all. “Do you have any objections, Mr. Zhong?”

“I can simulate this state.” Zhong Chengshuo rubbed his ears and turned his gaze to the illusion. “But this is an illusion, right? Once I touch something, I might reveal the truth.”

Yin Ren chuckled, and his eyes crinkled in amusement.

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“Do you remember the ‘flesh puppet’ made by Fang Yuanyuan?”

“The fake Fang Yuanyuan that was used to test employees’ adherence to the rules when we joined the company?” It took less than half a second for Zhong Chengshuo to recall. “I remember, it’s a type of spirit weapon. Its breathing and heartbeat are indistinguishable from a living person’s, and even ordinary evil creatures can’t tell the difference.”

It was something that only high-level spirit smiths could create, and as “King Yama” of the Nightwalkers, Zhong Chengshuo had heard of it.

“I am the Great Celestial Master of Huajisi. Even if I’m only a spirit smith, I can still do it. It takes about three days… Well, top-level spirit smiths can make this kind of flesh puppet in three to four days, so that’s about right.”

Looking at the phantom sitting on the sofa, Yin Ren quickly calculated in his mind.

Even though he had been hesitant about the idea of “self-sealing” and felt embarrassed about changing his mind, he still didn’t want to stay outside for too long.

When the Evil Force erupted, he left Yellow Millet outside and made all the necessary preparations. With the symbol array suppressing the area and the incident happening in the hospital, his colleagues wouldn’t be wiped out on the spot.

But corruption was still a possibility.

If those corruption weren’t handled properly, there might be after-effects. Putting aside unfulfilled wishes, at least they were colleagues, and he didn’t want Unit 9 to end up with disabilities.

Even if the worst-case scenario happened and both Fu Xingchuan and Unit 9 were in danger… the world wouldn’t be in chaos. As a force to be reckoned with, he had to be at the forefront of Shian.


That night, the two of them, dressed in the same clothes, knocked on the door of the Zhong elders.

The one who answered was Cheng Xuehua, and her expression of surprise turned into delight when she saw her son and his boyfriend at the same time.

“Oh my, why didn’t you give us a heads-up before you came?” Zhong Youde’s voice boomed like a bell. “Your mom and I were just making plain noodles… Wife, bring out the lamb and make some more. There’s still time!”

“No need to trouble yourselves. We can just order takeout.”

Yin Ren squeezed Zhong Chengshuo’s hand tightly when he smelled the familiar scent of smoke.

Looking at the intertwined fingers of the two, Cheng Xuehua smiled and said, “Why order takeout? The oil and ingredients used outside aren’t good, unlike the food made at home. I just tried cooking lamb the other day, and it’s delicious—you two don’t move and just wait to eat!”

The old lady took out a full glass container from the freezer, which looked like it had been prepared carefully for a long time, and the amount of food inside didn’t look like leftovers at all. Even in its frozen state, the tempting aroma of the meat whetted their appetite.

“What’s wrong with you, Xiao Zhong? Your phone has been off for days, and your dad was worried sick!” Cheng Xuehua scolded as she heated up the lamb, throwing a sharp look at Zhong Chengshuo.

“In these past few days, I didn’t have time to prepare my phone.”

The two suspects had colluded with each other, and Zhong Chengshuo gave a straight-forward answer.

“It was our fault that Yin Ren happened to be busy as well.”

Cheng Xuehua replied, “It’s your fault. Don’t drag poor Xiao Yin in.”

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Zhong Chengshuo silently took two steps back, partially shielding himself behind Yin Ren. Cheng Xuehua shook her head with a smile and resumed her busywork.

Yin Ren: “…”

Perhaps Zhong Chengshuo hadn’t noticed it, but since stepping into this house, he had become more ordinary than ordinary people.

“We’ve been really busy these past few days, and as soon as we’re free, we came to see you guys. It was Zhong Ge’s idea to give you two a surprise.”

“You have a sweet tongue, but too bad my son’s brain can’t think that far ahead.”

Cheng Xuehua covered the pot with a lid.

“Don’t cover for him next time. You young people are really…”

Yin Ren inwardly smiled bitterly. If he were to be completely honest about his and Zhong Chengshuo’s “real work” in front of the Zhong elders, the old lady might have a heart attack.

But he suddenly realized a benefit—before, he felt a bit guilty facing the Zhong elders, but now that he saw that Zhong Chengshuo wasn’t really human, he didn’t feel guilty anymore as an ancient evil eating young grass*.

*(吃嫩草) Idiom referring to an older person having a romantic relationship with a much younger person (usually it’s a negative connotation implying the older person is taking advantage of the younger one).

Yin Ren happily sat down.

Tonight’s dinner at the Zhong family went from “vegetable and egg noodles” to “braised lamb noodles with garlic stir-fried vegetables and green onion omelet with tofu”, and the small dining table was nearly full of dishes.

The braised lamb was red and shiny, tender, and fragrant. The green onions paired with the chewy hand-pulled noodles emitted a warm aroma that made people’s appetites soar.

“This lamb is especially delicious when freshly stewed,” Cheng Xuehua said, poking at the meat and sighing. “Next time, give us some advance notice.”

“Going back to work tomorrow?” Zhong Youde casually picked up the conversation, handing Yin Ren a bottle of beer. “You’ve been so busy. Hasn’t Shian given you any time off? I heard there was a big incident at the Municipal Hospital.”

“Yeah, we’re going back to work tomorrow.”

Yin Ren paused in opening his beer.

“Uncle, what did you hear?”

“Isn’t Lao Sun’s daughter at the hospital? That girl, Sun Qi’an, works there. You guys met her—she was on duty there recently, and there were a lot of people yelling about ghosts in the hospital. There were also many suspicious-looking people around the hospital, and their abandoned building even collapsed… It was a disaster.”

Zhong Youde took a few sips of beer.

“Fortunately, that building had been abandoned for a long time, and there weren’t any homeless people in the hospital. No one died. Shian has been investigating it, and there were no signs of you two anywhere, so I thought you might be on some secret mission there…”

Yin Ren tightly gripped his beer bottle, his eyes shining slightly. “No one died?”

“We weren’t involved in the hospital operation.” Zhong Chengshuo truthfully added.

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“Right, I heard a few people were injured and treated on-site.” Zhong Youde breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s good as long as everyone’s safe… Yin Ren, let’s have a drink together!”

“Xiao Yin, what month is your birthday?” Cheng Xuehua smiled at the “elder and younger” pair. “Xiao Zhong’s is at the end of this month. It’s almost here. If it’s close, why not celebrate together and let Lao Zhong make a double-layer cake?”

“Twenty-ninth of the twelfth lunar month*.” Yin Ren smiled and looked at Zhong Cheng. “It’s still a bit far away.”

*Basically Chinese New Year’s Eve (which normally varies depending on the lunar calendar).

Zhong Chengshuo hummed lightly.

“Well, that’s a hassle. I’ll have to make two cakes.” Zhong Youde laughed loudly. “Did Zhong Chengshuo never tell you about his childhood? It’s quite interesting.”

This time, Yin Ren became genuinely interested. “His childhood?”

“Yes, my silly son’s first proper birthday party.”

Zhong Youde’s gaze stopped in the air; his face was slightly reddened from alcohol, and a hint of nostalgia appeared on his face.

“At that time, Zhong Chengshuo was so young… We thought, since he had just started first grade, let’s celebrate together and buy him a big cake. I’m ashamed to say that my wife and I hadn’t retired yet, and we hadn’t had much time to spend with him.”

The Ghost King listened with a smile, and a strand of long hair inadvertently draped over Zhong Chengshuo’s sleeve, wrapping around his arm.

“Then what happened?” Yin Ren asked eagerly.

“Then? Then we put candles on the cake and sang ‘Happy Birthday’. Do you know what his first reaction was?”

Zhong Youde chuckled.

“He asked very seriously, ‘Is this fresh milk, oil, sugar, and wheat for me?’ We said yes, and this kid still didn’t stop asking.”

“Then he asked, ‘Are these candles and the song for me too?’ My wife and I were amused and said yes, they’re all for you. Xiao Yin, can you guess how he responded?”

Zhong Youde put down his wine glass and laughed out loud.

“He said, ‘Okay, then you guys can make a wish.'”

The author has something to say:

When writing about Xiao Yin’s return, I suddenly remembered the story I had seen before about an “Indian couple jumping into the river for love, with one person faking the jump and the other knowing how to swim”…

After Xiao Yin and Xiao Zhong’s situation is revealed, I’m afraid it will become:

“Shian couple sealing their love by dying together, with one person faking death and the other not sealing.”

Ah, the tragic scene is ruined!

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