Evil As Humans

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Return

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As Zhong Youde spoke, Zhong Chengshuo was calmly picking up garlic vegetables stir-fried and chewing them in small bites.

Half of the dishes on the dinner table were missing, and all kinds of aromas were mixed together. There were smiles on the faces of the two elders, as if they were treating it as an amusing little matter.

Yin Ren almost choked on his beer and had to hold back from coughing.

“Did you make a wish?” he asked, pretending everything was normal.

“How could we? We’re both too old to be fooling around like children.”

Cheng Xuehua laughed, making her wrinkles gather as she did. She had cut her hair short and dyed it black to look younger than her actual age.

“It must be that I told him that it was for the birthday boy to make a wish, and we didn’t want to interfere.”

Zhong Chengshuo continued chewing on his vegetables as if it had nothing to do with him.

“Really?” Yin Ren began to suspect something was amiss.

Seeing Yin Ren had a strange reaction, the two elders looked at each other.

“What happened at the time—I went to answer the phone after I finished speaking. Lao Zhong, you didn’t really make a wish, did you?”

“Isn’t this a way to get closer to children?” Zhong Youde was slightly drunk, shaking his head, “Xuehua’er*, you were too stubborn back then, so I was a bit more lax…”

*Adding an [er] (儿) to the end of a name when used as an address is a common way to express endearment towards that person.

Cheng Xuehua clicked her tongue and took the wine bottle away. “After drinking just two sips, you can’t even remember your own name. Cut it out.”

“What did you wish for, uncle?” Yin Ren looked at Zhong Chengshuo from the corner of his eyes and asked while still smiling.

Comrade Xiao Zhong was undoubtedly aware of Yin Ren’s gaze. He thought for a moment, then pushed the garlic vegetables in front of Yin Ren.

Zhong Youde was about to answer, but then something seemed to occur to him, and his expression became somewhat gloomy. Seeing her husband’s expression, Cheng Xuehua’s face suddenly became serious. “Lao Zhong, what did you say at that time?”

“It was nothing,” Zhong Youde said, shrugging his neck. “I couldn’t deceive the child. At that time, Xiao Zhong was so insistent, so I said, Dad will make a wish with you. At that time, we couldn’t let go of that case…”

“Zhong Youde!” Cheng Xuehua called out her husband’s full name.

“I, ahem, I just said that, ‘Daddy and Mommy hope to find your sister soon.’ Our son was so young and hadn’t heard about the case, so I just mentioned it briefly.”

Cheng Xuehua opened her mouth but only sighed. “You…”

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Zhong Youde scratched his head and handed Cheng Xuehua an egg. “Don’t be mad.”

Yin Ren timely changed the topic. “Uncle and Auntie, shall we stay here tonight? We’ve just finished dinner, so let’s clean up the guest room. We haven’t seen each other for so long, let’s spend some more time together.”

Cheng Xuehua’s displeasure disappeared instantly. “Ah, that sounds good!”

The guest room in the elder couple’s house wasn’t big, with only a bed and a wardrobe, and the bedside table was squeezed into a small gap. When Yin Ren closed the door, it made the space even more cramped.

Zhong Chengshuo sat on the bed with his hands on his knees, innocently looking at Yin Ren. He wasn’t wearing his glasses now, which made him look even more innocent.

“…So you investigated the Divine Descent because of your sister. And you investigated your sister’s case just because your father made a wish on your birthday?” Yin Ren cut to the chase.

“That’s right.”

Without explaining or using ambiguous words, Zhong Chengshuo answered directly. He even seemed to wonder why he was being asked such a simple question, making Yin Ren speechless.

Since elementary school, Zhong Chengshuo had been conducting outrageous investigations. On the one hand, he transformed into “King Yama” and slew evil spirits to accumulate funds, while on the other hand, he was studying the “Divine Descent”, a huge topic that even Shian couldn’t handle. He even took the risk of exposing his own anomalies and joined Shian to gather more intelligence.

And all of this was just because his “sister”, whom he had never met, went missing during the Divine Descent.

This was already ridiculous enough, but it could still be explained by the desire to “repay his foster parents”.

But the reason this person started investigating in the first place was only because of a joke-like wish made by his adoptive father… And all of this investigation still hadn’t stopped to this day, all for the cost of a cake.

Sometimes Yin Ren really couldn’t tell if Zhong Chengshuo was too smart for his own good or if he was really a bit foolish.

When he was the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi, he also listened to all kinds of wishes.

When faced with someone much stronger than themselves, many people liked to make wishes, from small things like stealing chickens from one’s neighbor to grander things like destiny and their future—Yin Ren didn’t know how many wishes he had heard.

And yet, those were just wishes.

As for him, he helped as much as he could, and if he couldn’t, he would tell them straight up. He had too few contacts, and compared to listening to wishes from a higher position, he believed his approach was more like “helping neighbors”. People gave him daily necessities and food, and he sold his strength in return. It was a fair exchange.

This was how he, as a “person”, perceived things. Even if he lived like an Evil Spirit, he was a child born of humans. His physique prevented him from belonging to the human world, but he still yearned for the sights and sounds of the other side.

The problem was, Zhong Chengshuo didn’t care about any of that.

…So where did Zhong Chengshuo’s idea of “fulfilling other people’s wishes” come from?

Yin Ren reached out and cupped Zhong Chengshuo’s face. Zhong Chengshuo blinked and lifted his head to cooperate.

“Why?” Yin Ren’s voice was a bit hoarse.

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Zhong Chengshuo clearly understood the question. He smiled very slowly, and his black eyes were still dim.

“Because everyone thinks this way,” he said. “People offer sacrifices to gods, and gods fulfill their wishes.”

Yin Ren’s palm was as cold as ice. “You said before that you didn’t know what you were.”

“That’s right, I don’t know.” Zhong Chengshuo tilted his head slightly and leaned against Yin Ren’s palm. “But this ‘concept’ has been acknowledged by someone before. So even if I do become a human, I still have to keep the promise.”

Someone had acknowledged it before.

In other words, before Zhong Chengshuo’s elementary school days, someone had acknowledged it.

“How long ago was that?” Yin Ren subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

“I don’t know. Actually, I’m quite interested in myself.” There was a hint of anticipation in Zhong Chengshuo’s eyes. “Now we can study each other to our heart’s content, Yin Ren.”

Yin Ren: “……”

Just when he thought he wouldn’t be surprised by any weirder things, Zhong Chengshuo always managed to surprise him.

Perhaps Yin Ren’s expression was too serious that Zhong Chengshuo’s face went from expectant to uncertain, and then to a slight nervousness. He stared at Yin Ren’s face fixedly without blinking.

“I have confirmed that except for being particularly healthy and having good physical fitness, I am no different from an ordinary person.”

Zhong Chengshuo sincerely added, “There’s nothing special about me, and I will bleed if I am injured. I have always guessed that if I were fatally injured at the human level, I would also die.”

Maintaining the posture of holding each other’s faces with both hands, Yin Ren leaned down. His smooth black hair slid down Zhong Chengshuo’s shirt as he spoke, swaying gently.

It was a kiss.

“I understand,” Yin Ren said gloomily. “The secret of the degree of marriage you mentioned refers to the difficulty of obtaining a marriage license, right?”

With his own situation already unclear and coupled with the even more unpredictable Zhong Chengshuo, Yin Ren was already worried for the people of Shian.

Zhong Chengshuo hesitated for a moment before reaching out his hand, then held Yin Ren’s waist with bated breath and focused attention.

He rested his forehead on Yin Ren’s chest, visibly relaxing his body.

“It seems that this time, we can’t avoid returning to Shian.”

Yin Ren stroked Zhong Chengshuo’s nape, and the soft hair brushed through his fingers.

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The level of trouble with the current problem wasn’t something they could solve on their own. Compared to the infinite unknowns in front of them, the mediocre card of the “Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi” should be played out.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door.

“Xiao Yin, Xiao Zhong, do you want some fruit?” Zhong Youde cautiously greeted them from outside the door. “Dad just peeled some pomegranates, and the seeds are soft.”

“We’re coming!” Yin Ren replied loudly, then turned to see that Zhong Chengshuo had already gone to the closet to look for a nightcap.

The Ghost King couldn’t help but smile.

Oh well, the truth had been exposed. The real body of the sniper appeared, leaving many clues pointing to the Other Side—they had already caught a glimpse of the truth.

Zhong Chengshuo was still Zhong Chengshuo, and life had to go on.

The origin of the Divine Descent and Evil Spirits, the truth of the Other Side, and his mysterious lover. Let them unravel these mysteries one by one.


When Huang Jin woke up again, he saw the pale ceiling of the hospital.

His whole body felt like it had been run over by a truck, and every joint in his body creaked when he moved. Huang Jin nervously raised his head—luckily, his limbs were still intact and he hadn’t turned into a mutant or become disabled.

Huang Jin laid heavily back on his pillow.

This was a single-person ward, and his field of vision was filled with lightly colored IV drips. The palm of his hand, which had been cut open during the battle, was wrapped in thick gauze, and it was both painful and itchy. However, based on Huang Jin’s experience with injuries, this was already the result of scientific and metaphysical dual treatment.

They had come into close contact with a high concentration of Evil Force corruption, and just dealing with the contamination had probably exhausted all the efforts of the black seals of Shian. If they had left it alone, not only would his wound not heal, but it might even twist into a mouth.

Huang Jin grinned self-deprecatingly and struggled to recall his recent memories…

He remembered Fu Xingchuan repeatedly using sealing techniques to reinforce the flesh walls, and soon there was no place to apply his own tranquility talismans. He didn’t know what was happening outside, but the flesh walls they were in shook violently.

Although the flesh was relatively soft, it was still very dangerous. Lu Xiaohe came up with a clever idea and had everyone take off their jackets and tear them into strips to tie everyone together.

No one cared about gender differences, and everyone hugged tightly together. Within the spinning and swirling flesh cavity, Huang Jin quickly lost consciousness.

Since he had woken up, things were probably not too bad for the others.

Huang Jin instinctively breathed a sigh of relief, but then felt uneasy about it.

He chewed on the short few seconds of the outbreak of Evil Force, and the miraculous cooperation of the group. If he had been alone in that situation, he would have lost all his bones long ago.

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This feeling of having support behind him was a bit exhilarating.

Huang Jin struggled to twist and finally sat up halfway at the head of the bed. Outside the window, it was already bright daylight, and the leaves had been dyed golden-red by autumn.

Maybe he shouldn’t have been so hostile to Shian… Even if they were sometimes excessive, they were the most reliable organization for metaphysicians. Maybe if he accepted this job, set his mind straight, his life would be more comfortable.

After this battle, it showed that his tranquility talismans were truly effective. Maybe he could use this to negotiate a raise?

Lu Xiaohe and Ge Tingting were also good partners. They had formed a bond through life and death, and it would be easy to get along with them in the future.

And… and King Yama was already dead, and according to Fu Xingchuan, Yin Ren, that monster, had also “died”. Although it was sad, without these two big obstacles, their future tasks would definitely be much more normal.

Next, even if the sky fell, it had nothing to do with their small C-level investigation team.

From today on, he would embrace life with optimism, and a peaceful life was ahead!

He had been on the IV drip for too long, and his bladder couldn’t take it anymore. Huang Jin took a few deep breaths and decided to solve the problem himself. He reluctantly got out of bed, propped up the IV pole, and planned to go to the bathroom.

This was Shian’s special campus, and the birds were singing outside. Huang Jin held the IV pole and basked in the sunshine of the corridor. The temperature was just right, and the air was filled with a sense of release.

Footsteps sounded behind him, and they sounded like those of a man.

It was probably a hospital staff member, so Huang Jin didn’t turn around and continued to feel the first ray of sunshine in his new life.

“Huang Jin, are you okay? That’s really great.”

A familiar voice sounded from behind him. The voice was soft and pleasant, and Huang Jin recognized it even if he turned to ashes.

Yin Ren.

Comrade Huang Jin’s face turned pale, and the warmth of the sun just now turned into ice and snow. His whole body was stiff, and he couldn’t move at all.

Although it was a bit immoral to say so, Fu Xingchuan had said it himself—Yin Ren was already dead! How could an evil die once and then become an evil again? What exactly was Yin Ren—some kind of evil matryoshka doll?

Fuck Shian, the world is really going to be destroyed!

The author has something to say:

The three-day period is up, and the Ghost King returns!

Huang Jin: (expletive)

End of the story.

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