Evil As Humans

Chapter 156

Chapter 156: The Scene of Deception

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Huang Jin didn’t look back.

As long as he didn’t turn around, he could treat that voice as an illusion and hold onto the positivity and relief he felt just a few minutes ago.

The terrible evil hadn’t let him go—it patted Huang Jin’s shoulder with one hand, and Yin Ren’s tone became gentler. “I actually wanted to visit you first, but now I don’t have to. Do you know where Fu Xingchuan is?”

Yin Ren’s hand lightly pressed on Huang Jin’s shoulder, and Huang Jin could feel the lingering Evil Force within him being quickly suppressed and drained. The coldness in his organs faded away, replaced by a warm flow like some kind of healing magic.

Thanks. Huang Jin painfully closed his eyes, realizing his full salary sick leave was being shortened again.

He tremblingly leaned on the IV stand, struggling to turn and face Yin Ren.

“I don’t know where Fu Xingchuan is,” Huang Jin said dreamily.

Yin Ren was still dressed in Zhong Chengshuo’s clothes, and his long hair was casually tied back behind his head. The warm sunlight slanted down, neutralizing the eerie atmosphere in Yin Ren’s eyes, giving him a look of classical beauty.

But in Huang Jin’s eyes, the mosaic was still there, appearing a lot calmer than before, without any signs of weakness.

And not far from him, there was another person standing. That person’s footsteps were as light as if they had pads on their feet, and Huang Jin hadn’t noticed them earlier.

The familiar pattern operated, and the familiar edge “diffused” into a fuzzy state. Huang Jin stared blankly at the person, only to see a thought slowly rolling by. “Is today a supermarket member day? I remember beef is 20% off. I can make some fresh beef slices on the weekend.”

People’s thoughts were like fingerprints—similar at first glance but with significant differences in features.

Huang Jin remembered this thought pattern, and this thought pattern belonged to a dead person.

Zhong Chengshuo.

So that’s it. Huang Jin thought peacefully. I’m dreaming. Now everything makes sense!

Thinking of this, even a smile like a stone Buddha statue appeared on his face.

Yin Ren saw through him but didn’t expose him. “Scared you? This is my flesh puppet. I found Zhong Ge… a part of Zhong Ge there.”

Although Yin Ren knew Huang Jin couldn’t see his expression, he still faithfully sprinkled sadness around.

Huang Jin’s eyes were blank.

What are you talking about? A flesh puppet can’t think.

Yin Ren sorrowfully stroked the face of the “flesh puppet”.

And the thoughts of the Zhong Chengshuo-brand “flesh puppet” shifted to “Oh right, Yin Ren likes to eat beef dumplings. We should buy more scallions and ginger when we go back.” and “We can make some extra and give it to the elders.”

“I can only bring him back this way.” Yin Ren lightly touched Zhong Chengshuo’s face. He “put on a forced smile” and said, “His parents are both criminal police officers, and a tangible ‘illusion’ is more reliable. It’s also more comforting.”

Huang Jin: “…” This dream was too weird that he couldn’t understand it.

Comrade Huang Jin stood like a statue in place.

Yin Ren let go of Zhong Chengshuo’s face and took two steps forward, pressing both hands on Huang Jin’s shoulders, adding a little force. “Huang Jin, with your expertise as a spirit smith, this is still qualified to be considered a flesh puppet.”

He spoke very slowly, with an extremely sad tone that made listeners feel heartbroken and brought tears to their eyes.

Huang Jin really did feel like crying.

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Yin Ren’s pressure on his shoulder was neither light nor heavy, making him shudder. The pain was so real that Huang Jin couldn’t deceive himself any longer.

The gruesome scene of Zhong Chengshuo’s head being blown off was still vivid in his mind, while the “Zhong Chengshuo” with a complete thought process in front of him was contemplating ten different ways to wrap beef dumplings and his exact division of labor with Yin Ren. This scene was so fragmented that Huang Jin couldn’t comprehend it.

He foolishly stuttered a few “ahs” with empty eyes.

Yin Ren didn’t let go of Huang Jin, and his words became even more solemn and slow. “Do you really have no suggestions for my flesh puppet?”

Huang Jin: “Uh…um…”

“Great. If there are any shortcomings in the future, I’ll come to you for advice first.” Yin Ren forced a smile.

Huang Jin’s eyes were numb as they shifted, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Wait a minute.

Regardless of what this Zhong Chengshuo was, he was definitely not a flesh puppet. Yin Ren dared to bring him back so brazenly, indicating that this thing was either Zhong Chengshuo himself or a creature that couldn’t be detected like Yin Ren.

Either situation was terrifying. Yin Ren came to find him specifically, probably to give him a heads-up.

Anyway, he was stuck dealing with these two scourges! As a small fry, he shouldn’t get involved in the fights of the gods.

Huang Jin wilted like a dying flower in the scorching sun. “Um, this, ahem, flesh puppet is perfect. I have nothing to add…”

It’s up to you to reveal the truth, Minister Fu. Huang Jin thought to himself.


Yin Ren not only didn’t leave, but his hands tightened even more.

“What about your wish?”

Huang Jin almost blurted out, “Can I never see you guys again?”, but he instinctively closed his mouth.

He couldn’t make wishes casually. If he had to make one, it must be within human capabilities.

Otherwise, he would be “followed” by “certain things”, which may not be a good thing.

…If he wished for wealth and riches right now, perhaps Yin Ren could really figure out a way to make it happen. With the bottomless power of this evil, producing some mystical treasures was probably not a problem.

Thinking about the wish, Huang Jin quickly became focused, and his limbs weren’t as stiff as before.

“Can I really make a wish?” He swallowed his saliva.

“Mm, I found him.” Yin Ren smirked. “We had a deal.”

Fear, numbness, desire, tension… Countless emotions pelted Huang Jin like hail.

He wanted to wish for money—to escape from everything and live a carefree life.

The idea buzzed in his head like a hornet’s nest. As long as he had a lot of wealth, he could spend his life in anonymity and comfort.

“Remember. Be cautious when making a wish,” Yin Ren answered softly. “I will only help you realize it, and I am not responsible for after-sales.”

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Huang Jin looked at Yin Ren’s distorted mosaic, and suddenly became a little sober.

No matter how powerful an otherworldly evil was, it couldn’t alter the digits in a bank account. Even if it could, banks had skilled technicians and lawyers who could track the money. And if Huang Jin couldn’t explain where the money came from, he could get into trouble.

No matter whether it was a large amount of gold that Yin Ren offered him or some rare treasures to sell, with the advanced technology of modern times, anyone with a will could trace the whereabouts of the money. Whether he could protect himself when that happened was another question.

Unless the amount wasn’t too large, in the range of several million or tens of millions, at least it wouldn’t alarm those big shots. But if that were the case, this hard-won opportunity would lose its meaning.

Not everyone had the opportunity to make a wish to a “relatively friendly” evil.

Wishes must be made cautiously, and one shouldn’t be too greedy*.

*Beware of a snake’s stomach being too small for its prey (切忌人心不足蛇吞象) Idiom referring to one should not be too greedy or overreach oneself.

Huang Jin bit his nails.

Yin Ren let go of Huang Jin’s shoulder. “If you can’t think of anything, I’ll put it on credit for now and pay it off later.”

“Heal Ding Lizhi’s eyesight, without leaving any other effects,” Huang Jin said.

Yin Ren was slightly stunned.

“Are you sure?” he said seriously.

“Yeah.” Huang Jin scratched his head. “I’ve thought about it, and this is the best wish.”

Under the thick mosaic, Yin Ren’s eyes and eyebrows curved, and he clicked his tongue twice. “I see. You rest, I’ll go find Fu Xingchuan myself.”


Yin Ren had just taken a few steps when Huang Jin called out to him from behind.

Is he regretting it? Yin Ren raised his eyebrows and turned around.

“Don’t tell her that I made the wish. Just say that Shian found a treatment plan,” Huang Jin stared at the floor crack. “And please symbolically charge her some money. Thank you.”

“Huang Jin.”


“Did I ever tell you that you might make a big achievement in the future?”

“No, you didn’t!” Huang Jin forgot about going to the toilet and started limping towards the ward. “Ah, what did you say just now? I didn’t hear anything…”


“The spatial partitioning is complete. According to the plan, we abandoned half of the base as a transition space and used it as a barrier layer. Theoretically, Shian can’t detect the remaining half. After careful processing, the base can still be used.”

Wei Huaqian returned to the top floor of the luxurious hotel.

He savored the liquid in the wine glass while listening to the incessant report in the communication line.

“The materials in the corpse vault are almost all destroyed, leaving only digital samples. There is no loss in the research data, but if there are to be any sacrificial activities in the future…”

Wei Huaqian moved his finger and cut off the line.

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“Has the Minister of Technology returned from his investigation?” Wei Huaqian asked the newly cut line.

“Reporting, no. According to the current progress, Minister Shen and his team will not be able to return until next week.”

“I see.”

“Regarding the loss of sacrificial materials…” the voice on the other end trailed off.

“I’ll figure out a way,” Wei Huaqian replied impatiently and cut off the line again.

The large hotel room suddenly became quiet. The top-level manager of Sunken Society didn’t move, staring at the shaking wine in the glass.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Someone was knocking on the door. The sound was very light, and the interval was exactly the same.

“Come in,” Wei Huaqian said in a flat tone.


The soundproof and tightly locked door was pushed open by someone.

The man who came in was wearing a black coat and old-fashioned cloth shoes. He looked around forty, with a bald head. This person should have had a round and cheerful face, but he was so thin that he looked disfigured, matched with two huge bags under his eyes, and his face looked gray and harsh.

The man sat opposite Wei Huaqian, panting heavily, and his throat made a heavy sound of phlegm. Even through the fabric, one could see the sharp corners of his bones, making him seem like a shriveled, dry leaf that could be blown away with just a breath.

“It’s really not easy to see you. After so many years of cooperation, I don’t even know what your organization is called,” the man said.

Wei Huaqian stood up and poured him a glass of wine.

“This is the first time I’ve seen ‘you’. What should I call you?”

“My surname is Le, just call me Lao Le.”

Lao Le wrinkled his face and showed a bitter smile, not saying anything more. Wei Huaqian didn’t know if he didn’t understand his sarcasm or pretended not to understand.

Wei Huaqian’s gaze moved from Lao Le’s gray hair to his dusty cloth shoes.

“You have shown your face, which is considered a gesture of goodwill. Our branch suffered heavy losses this time. We hope that your side can provide some support in terms of sacrificial materials.”

Mr. Le looked at him bitterly. “There was a small Divine Descent in your base, and the remnants left behind are enough to use.”

“That’s the second thing I want to say—with all this commotion, our base’s location has been exposed to Shian. Whatever the minor Divine Descent left behind has fallen into the hands of Shian. Their elites have not been harmed but have gained a large amount of data.”

“I had to divide the territory in half, allowing those hypocrites from Shian to think they found the complete Haigu stronghold. Before we transfer to the backup stronghold, we can only play in the dark like this.”

He paused meaningfully for a moment.

“We couldn’t get the things we needed and instead added a lot of risks. If your side still wants to continue funding the research, you’ll have to show more sincerity.”

Mr. Le sighed loudly, wheezing for a while before turning his cloudy eyes to him. “Your research cannot stop. We can help you find another safe interstitial space, like before. As for the materials…”

He grabbed his hair in distress. “We don’t have much on our hands either. So, for the next six months, we will compensate you with six tons of Evil Force corruption sources—the high-quality type…yes, yes… it’ll be free.”

Wei Huaqian instinctively wanted to raise the price, but at this moment, a subtle sense of satisfaction and happiness rose from the bottom of his heart.

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Enough. He made a lot of money. He needed to celebrate this successful negotiation. With six tons of Evil Force corruption sources, he didn’t know how much material he could produce from it. This made him truly happy…

It wasn’t until Mr. Le left coughing that Wei Huaqian realized that this compensation was almost worthless—the other side was willing to provide Evil Force corruption sources just to invest in the human experiments conducted by Sunken Society. The money collected wasn’t much to begin with.

That mysterious organization had only agreed to help them find a new place—but Sunken Society had already prepared a backup stronghold, so this “assistance” wasn’t substantive.

Wei Huaqian’s face turned black like the bottom of a pot.

This negotiation wasn’t even worth being called a negotiation; it was more like a scam. But when Mr. Le spoke, he genuinely felt excited and satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

And when he tried to recall Mr. Le’s face, he could only remember a blank space.

“Damn it.” Wei Huaqian gritted his teeth and cursed.

Forget it. For the sake of their goal, he would endure it.


At the same time, in Haigu Municipal Hospital.

After wandering around, Yin Ren finally found Fu Xingchuan’s ward. Fu Xingchuan had a leg injury even before the incident, and unlike Huang Jin, he was someone who knew about Yin Ren’s “self-sealing”.

Yin Ren hesitated for a moment, and the corners of his mouth drooped involuntarily.

“It’s over, it’s over.” The former Great Celestial Master was full of pain. “I gave him such a big melodrama. Even if I know how to explain it, it’s still too embarrassing!”

It’s just like if Romeo announced the death of Juliet, declared he was going to commit suicide, and then went home as if nothing had happened.

He needed to brew his emotions and adjust his state of mind. Moreover, he needed to be careful in his approach. In case Fu Xingchuan was seriously injured and weak, he might startle him…


As Yin Ren was contemplating, a shrill scream accompanied by a loud bang echoed, and a colorful ball smashed through the door, pouncing straight onto his chest.

Through the broken door, Yin Ren quickly scanned the area and locked eyes with Fu Xingchuan, who was lying on the bed, along with Professor Li Nian.

Yin Ren: “……”

Fu Xingchuan and Li Nian: “……”

The “flesh puppet”, Zhong Chengshuo, had a serious face on while quietly taking half a step back.

The author has something to say:

Fu Xingchuan immediately set his new mobile phone ringtone: I don’t believe you asshole, you old rascal*.mp3

*This comes from an internet meme that refers to not believing what someone is saying. It spawned from a clip of a food delivery boy who took a short video and said this sentence, which was later made popular by netizens.

Kinky Thoughts:

You know, a lot of people don’t seem to like Huang Jin, but I feel for him. Poor guy is constantly met with misfortune in life, and he’s the only one (besides Fu Xingchuan) who somewhat knows the truth about Yin Ren (and also Zhong Chengshuo).

Homeboy just want a peaceful life.

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