Evil As Humans

Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Doorway

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Time reversed a little.

Fu Xingchuan didn’t faint on the spot and instead went to sleep normally last night. To be precise, out of the five people trapped inside the abandoned building, only Fu Xingchuan remained conscious from beginning to end.

Otherwise, the heart of the Corpse Cage wrapped in a dark red shroud would most likely hit the space cracks, old scaffolding, damaged electrical wires… In short, there was a 99% chance that it would get stuck inside the building and not flow out smoothly with the Evil Force.

The rotten heart wrapped in the dark red shroud was quite conspicuous in the translucent stream of Evil Force. Zhou Gong, the “#1 Evil Craftsman” who could also control corpses, noticed this thing in less than five seconds.

Fu Xingchuan strained himself to lift the corpse-retraining spell. The members of Unit 9 and Fu Tianyi all fainted due to the excessively strong Evil Force.

Minister Fu… No, Advisor Fu, supported it for nearly 48 hours, confirming that all reports and samples were completed before falling into a deep sleep on the sickbed.

The high-risk evil, Yellow Millet, was held tightly in his hand like a stress ball that he refused to let go.

The next day, Li Nian arrived at 6 in the morning. Fu Xingchuan, who had slept for most of the day, woke up slowly.

“The situation is special. The participating team will stay in the hospital for recuperation for the time being, Zhou Gong and Qiao Shang will also stay behind. The base built in interstitial space is being cleaned up. Most likely it’s an internal stronghold of Sunken Society, so we’ll be quite busy after.”

Professor Li moved a chair, crossed his legs, and clasped his hands on his knees. He was dressed cleanly, with a shaven, smooth chin, but his eyes were full of exhaustion.

“As for the on-site data and samples, they have been followed up on. From the current research, this incident is very helpful for the study of ‘Evil Spirits’ and ‘the Other Side’.”

When he said the second half of the sentence, there was a bit of brilliance in his eyes.

Minister Fu turned his head on the pillow and grimaced. “Why are you telling me all this? I’m just an innocent advisor—I’ve been up for two days straight!”

Professor Li shot him a piercing glare.

“The person you brought up, Xiang Jiang, is so ‘capable’, that there’s nothing I can do about it.” Li Nian sneered.

“I didn’t die in the accident, so that kid is probably a little disappointed.” Fu Xingchuan finally let go of Yellow Millet in his hand. The latter made a small puff and then quickly slipped under the pillow.

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Li Nian pretended not to see this tangible evil.

“Let’s talk about business. You wouldn’t be so bored as to ask me here just to have a chat.”

“Yin Ren sealed himself in the interstitial space. Be careful when you investigate.” Fu Xingchuan turned his head and looked at the ceiling. “I announced to the public that he died.”

Professor Li: “……”

He didn’t answer directly.

Fu Xingchuan chuckled wryly and said, “Lao Li, I guess we’re thinking the same thing.”

Sealing himself off might be a good outcome for everyone when it came to Yin Ren.

“The Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi sealed six Evil Spirits. I have never had doubts about this historical event.” Li Nian sat motionless in his chair and lowered his gaze slightly. “Even if it’s possible for one person to subdue countless evil beings, or even if those evil beings were helping him, it’s an exaggeration to say that ants can kill elephants.”

“Zhong Yi is definitely a very powerful evil. According to records, his strength is at least on par with or even greater than the Evil Force.”

“I know what you want to say—regardless of what kind of species Yin Ren is, his danger is no less than the Evil Force.” Fu Xingchuan pointed to Yellow Millet, who was peeking over the pillow, and it quickly scurried back under.

“There is no record of why Huajisi didn’t leave any information about Zhong Yi or why the Great Celestial Master was sealed for a thousand years. To trust an evil after only a few months of contact is too risky.”

Professor Li remained calm and composed.

“The current situation might not be a bad thing—Sunken Society has already reached interstitial space, so it would be nice to have fewer ‘unknown forces’ to worry about.”

“I’m just thinking, he has the ability to seal himself off and even break free, but still… Yin Ren is a very emotional and loyal person. Now I understand why the Fu family admired Zhong Yi so much,” Fu Xingchuan said softly.

“Now that Yin Ren has sealed himself off, and Zhong Chengshuo is dead, we can put the investigation aside for now. As for comforting the family, we’ll just follow Zhong Chengshuo’s own arrangements…”

After their musing, Fu Xingchuan put on a serious expression and intended to discuss important matters with Professor Li. Suddenly, he felt his pillow shake violently, and something shot out from underneath.

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A loud bang shortly followed.

The flying Yellow Millet had smashed open half of the door of the isolation ward. Fu Xingchuan frowned and was about to perform a spell, but his gaze froze.

On the other side of the broken door, there was a familiar face.

The “emotional and loyal” Yin Ren was standing outside the door with a smile on his face, but his smile was a bit…no, very stiff. Yellow Millet was sticking to Yin Ren’s chest and making soft, puffing noises.

Fu Xingchuan: “…”

He stiffly turned his head to look at Li Nian, whose eyes widened slightly in rare surprise.

Oh no, it’s not an illusion.

‘Truly you can’t trust an evil being’s words,’ Fu Xingchuan thought blankly. Not to mention sealing himself off, Yin Ren’s skin looked radiant, and his hair was silky smooth—his condition was much better than before.

Fu Xingchuan straightened up solemnly, and he decided to find a serious expression in his head to at least calm the situation down—but as he moved, his angle changed, and he saw another familiar face behind Yin Ren.

Zhong Chengshuo stood expressionlessly behind Yin Ren with his hollow black eyes without focus.

Fu Xingchuan laid down.

Since the appearance of the small Divine Descent, this #1 Ghost General had been working tirelessly, yet his spirit had never been as exhausted as it was now.

Forget it, let’s talk while lying down. Anyway, he couldn’t win in a fight, and he didn’t feel like fooling around anymore. Fu Xingchuan even slowly turned over, leaving his back to Yin Ren outside the door.

Yin Ren: “……”

In the end, it was Li Nian who spoke, but the person he spoke to was Zhong Chengshuo. “What’s your situation?”

Zhong Chengshuo glanced at Yin Ren, maintaining his expressionless state, and responded with a calm, AI-like tone. “I am a flesh puppet created by Yin Ren to take care of the two Zhong elders and help them live out their later years in peace.”

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After speaking, he even bowed properly.

Yin Ren quickly switched to a mournful tone and added, “That’s right. Zhong Chengshuo’s sudden departure was too abrupt, and I also wanted to use him to help me cope.”

“You’re saying this is a spirit weapon?” Li Nian frowned, completely ignoring the deep sadness.

As a result, Professor Li waited for a while but didn’t get a response from his partner. Li Nian turned around and saw that Fu Xingchuan was resolutely playing dead, facing away from them.

Without hesitation, Professor Li pinched him.

Fu Xingchuan squirmed in his blanket for a while before saying softly, “It’s hard to investigate these flesh puppets. Naturally the things made by the Great Celestial Master can certainly pass as genuine. If we want to check properly, we need to completely dismantle the flesh puppet.”

‘”Protocol”. Is this word even relevant in this room?,’ Fu Xingchuan thought mournfully.

Whether or not they could dismantle the flesh puppet depended on Yin Ren—to be honest, Fu Xingchuan had no interest in this so-called flesh puppet. With nuclear warhead Yin Ren right in front of them, it wasn’t necessary to worry about whether the warhead had been poisoned or not.

“No need to dismantle it.” Sure enough, Yin Ren quickly spoke up. “I can guarantee that as long as we’re inside Shian, I’ll be with him all the time, and won’t let him wander around on his own.”

Finally, Fu Xingchuan slowly sat up again with an expression that was hard to describe.

“You want to go back to Shian? I’ve already written your death report.” Fu Xingchuan looked melancholy. “It’s not impossible, but at least explain the situation first.”

After living for more than forty years, Fu Xingchuan suddenly felt that his life was really heavy, and he was afraid that even after death, he would have to carry a tombstone made of lead. The Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi was indeed a very emotional and loyal person, but his temperament was a bit too much, making it really difficult to judge.

For example, at this moment, Yin Ren instinctively grabbed the hand of the flesh puppet and held its fingers tightly.

It’s hard to say whether this was pitiful or creepy.


Under the abandoned building, Sunken Society Haigu Branch.

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The stronghold in the interstitial space was mostly destroyed, and the other half was completely cut off from the original space, hidden in the vast expanse of interstitial spaces. Unless Shian could find a “Charon” who was proficient in breaking open space, they would never be able to dig here.

Shian did have a Charon named “Jiao Lian”, but she had long been disabled and was no longer a threat.

With the loss of the underground corpse vault, the Haigu Branch suffered heavy losses. However, the members coming and going in the stronghold had no worries on their faces. Instead, they showed a subtle excitement—

“Minister Shen has sent a signal!”

The group rushed towards the surface, their faces flushing.

“Quick, inform Boss Wei. Minister Shen is coming back early. He said next week, but he’s coming back early!”

Their destination was the deepest part of the Haigu Branch, almost as deep as the underground corpse vault.

Before the split in the interstitial space, along with the underground corpse vault, these two parts formed a perfect inverted pyramid structure, connected to form two sharp peaks. Now that half of the underground corpse vault was gone, the only thing left was the “brain door”.

The group of people in white coats hurriedly rushed towards the underground. They crossed the equally complex, infinite corridors and reached the deepest part.

There were no doors here; only a vast and empty darkness.

In the darkness, there stood an old-fashioned, dark white “city gate” about three meters high. There were no walls on either side, nor anything behind it, and it was only as thick as a hair.

The team cautiously stopped ten steps away from the gate.

At this distance, they could clearly see the brain-like structure on the city gate—or rather, it was a genuine brain. Hundreds of brains were interconnected, emitting a faint shimmer under the illumination.

The capillaries on their surface were semi-transparent black, and their orange-like convolutions were twisted and distorted.

Under the cover of the black blood vessels, hundreds of brains emitted soft squeezing sounds, twitching and trembling non-stop. Countless soft tubes were inserted into these brains, tangled like a snake, extending in the darkness and leading to machines placed in all directions.

In the next moment, the door opened.

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