Evil As Humans

Chapter 179

Chapter 179: Fairy Tale

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On the top floor of a luxurious hotel in Haigu.

This time, Wei Huaqian changed hotels, and the only thing that remained the same was the height and the view outside the window, overlooking the entire city of Haigu.

He took a puff of his cigarette and flicked the ashes into the ashtray. Outside the window, it was dusk, and the surroundings were dim. In the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling window, the wrinkles and scattered white hair on his face were clearly visible.

Wei Huaqian’s gaze occasionally swept over his phone, which lay silent, without making a sound.


At the moment when the sun completely set, the door behind him slowly opened. Wei Huaqian’s motion of flicking the cigarette ashes paused for half a second, and his gaze followed the falling black-gray ash, without raising his head. “Shen Mo.”

Shen Mo had changed into a simple and neat shirt, and his hair still carried the moistness of a shower. He casually closed the door and sat opposite Wei Huaqian in a carefree manner. His every move exuded relaxation, and the fabric of his clothes outlined the contours of a youthful body.

“Xiao Wei, it’s been a few days, and you’ve aged even more,” he greeted casually.

The flesh on Wei Huaqian’s face trembled, and he forced a polite smile. “Seems like Shian’s mad dog is quite obedient. Did Shen Xiong* make a mistake?”

*Honorific to address someone who is older or of higher status than you. It shows respect and also familiarity (similar to Ge, but more respectful).

Shen Mo casually picked up a fig and squeezed it slightly. The yellow-white flesh revealed a sweet and bloody core. He took a bite and chewed it for a while. “Yeah, I made a mistake. I happened to run into the people of Shian investigating.”

Wei Huaqian remained silent.

Ignoring him, Shen Mo picked up two more figs and leisurely enjoyed them.

“That world is not reality. Even if Fu Xingchuan personally intervenes, you won’t suffer,” Wei Huaqian said in a low voice. “Or did he really intervene, and you can’t bear to act against the junior you brought up?”

Shen Mo replied, “…Xiao Wei, what are you saying? We’ve known each other for so long. If I had the chance, I’d be the first to kill him.”

“Give me a reason for your mistake.”

“I also want to ask you. I saw quite a lot of things this time.” Shen Mo shook his head. “The people from Shian obtained some powerful memories—I didn’t notice before that there was such a colossal monster hidden in the Valley of Remains. Compared to it, the Evil Spirits are simply small and cute.”

Wei Huaqian’s face turned gloomy, and the cigarette ash grew long. “Monster?”

“Yes, Shian somehow obtained those memories and projected them as illusions using Yellow Millet. Those memories were detailed enough that not even the Great Celestial Master himself has such recollections.”

Shen Mo played with the soft, red-skinned fig in his hand, rolling it around in his palm, as if it were a stale organ.

“Absolutely impossible.” Wei Huaqian stood up, stubbing his cigarette fiercely in the ashtray. “Zhong Yi is already dead. You’ve seen our files. In the end, his body was completely deteriorated. Not to mention preserving memories, he couldn’t even preserve his whole corpse!”

“But no one has ever found his body, right?” Shen Mo shrugged. “I paid close attention, and the seal of the Great Celestial Master is in the Valley of Remains… Well, it should be Haigu judging from the terrain. Most likely, those predecessors changed it because they found the word ‘hai’ in ‘Haigu’ unlucky*. I can’t be mistaken about that.”

*Clarity: The Valley of Remains is [Haigu] (骸谷). The predecessor renamed it to Sea Valley [Haigu] (海谷) as the [hai] (骸) in the Valley of Remains means skeleton/remains, which isn’t auspicious.

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“I remember the fluctuation of the demonic energy during that period in the summer. It seemed like a demonic emergence, but when you used the blood sacrifice to attract it, not even a single strand of demonic hair was drawn in. Do you think that maybe…” Shen Mo’s voice trailed off meaningfully.

Upon hearing these words, Wei Huaqian became calm.

“You’ve spent more time ‘over there’, so you might not be familiar with the details. I had people investigate all the suspicious individuals related to the ‘outbreak of Evil Force’.”

Wei Huaqian reclined in his armchair and rubbed his temples. He casually took out a tablet and operated it for a while before pushing it in front of Shen Mo.

“The most suspicious one is this young man. Take a look for yourself.”

Shen Mo raised an eyebrow and wiped the juice off his hand. “Yin Ren? …The surname is interesting. Is he a descendant of the hidden Yin Village?”

He casually flipped through the information on the tablet and grew increasingly silent.

This person’s origins were unknown, making him highly suspicious. However, he passed all of Shian’s medical tests and is currently a non-science staff member of Special Operations Unit 9, rated as a C-level.

Wei Huaqian had intentionally or unintentionally tested Yin Ren and his partner Zhong Chengshuo with the corruption source case but didn’t obtain any substantial evidence of “abnormality”. In the recent attack by Mr. Qiu, Yin Ren’s partner Zhong Chengshuo was shot dead on the spot.

Shen Mo was shocked when he saw the phrase “Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo are in a romantic relationship”.

According to the information obtained from Shian, after Zhong Chengshuo’s death, Yin Ren specially created a flesh puppet to commemorate his lover, and the doll was always by his side.

Shen Mo quickly looked through the photos of Yin Ren. This person had a somewhat sinister appearance that was different from ordinary people’s. However, whether by chance or otherwise, the photos obtained by Wei Huaqian had a certain… element to them.

For example, this person couldn’t move his feet in front of a game experience store. For example, this person held three ice cream cones in both hands simultaneously. For example, this person held a large bucket of fried chicken with gleaming eyes…

Even in group scenes, he could only see photos like “the little couple feeding each other”, “the little couple shopping in a supermarket”, “the little couple wearing toy ears and playing in an amusement park”, and so on.

Shen Mo: “…Tsk.”

Wei Huaqian: “Hmm, he’s got some talent. But besides eating, drinking, and having fun, this person hasn’t done much. In the previous cases involving Unit 9, he didn’t show any special performances either.”

Shen Mo pressed his temple. “I understand. This person has no connection with the Great Celestial Master.”

His gaze lingered on a photo of Yin Ren holding skewers in both hands, imitating the pose of a hero fan. There was no trace of arrogance in those crimson eyes, only pure joy as he looked at Zhong Chengshuo, who was chewing on grilled baby cabbage.

Shen Mo decisively closed the screen.

“Let me think… At this point in time, it should be the ‘Ant Nest’ in Gengsheng Town that had a problem. There might be information about the Great Celestial Master hidden there, which you didn’t find, and it was discovered by the Shian afterward. After all, it’s a thousand-year-old ant nest, and the members of the Sunken Society are skilled at hiding things. You should know that best.”

“Mm,” Wei Huaqian neither confirmed nor denied it.

“That competition organized by Shian a while ago. Did they bring in a shaman named Sang Jie? If I remember correctly, the Shaman faction in Linnan is skilled in the Golden Light Exorcism magic, and they all have Gouluo lineage—Gouluo has its own unique research on ‘Monsters’ and ‘Primordial Elements’.”

Shen Mo tapped on the table with his fingertips.

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“Perhaps they discovered something in Gengsheng Town and used the ruse of the competition to invite a descendant of the Gouluo tribe to Haigu. That girl is still in the hospital. You can use her as a breakthrough point.”

When he said these words, Shen Mo dropped his casual demeanor and became unusually serious.

“Wei Huaqian, I don’t know how much new information Shian has obtained. All I know is that after this encounter, their understanding of the Other Side will only grow. You better make early preparations for your ‘sacrifice’ plan.”

“Our time is running out.”


In the memory world.

The fire in Huajisi burned throughout the night before it was extinguished. Due to the large number of onlookers, the members of the Shian didn’t sleep all night.

This directly led to Fu Xingchuan thinking he was hallucinating when he saw Yin Ren approaching wearing a “Leader’s Close Confidant with a Great Problem” t-shirt.

However, just by looking at this person’s temperament, Fu Xingchuan could tell at a glance that “Yin Ren” was the genuine master. He saw the man carrying a chubby black rabbit, calmly chewing on vegetable leaves.

The members of Huajisi who were watching took two steps back upon seeing this strange individual.

Fortunately, the elites of Huajisi were well-experienced and remained calm. The metaphysical world was filled with strange individuals, but at least this one had a pleasing face.

Lu Xiaohe was the first to regain control of her expression and clear her throat in a composed manner. “Xiao Yin, what is this rabbit?”

She cast a suspicious glance at the rabbit—unlike the illusory rabbits they had seen before, this black rabbit had a distinct nose and eyes. It looked plump and quite adorable. At the moment, its nose twitched as it steadily consumed the fresh green leaves.

“This is Zhong Chengshuo.” Yin Ren held the rabbit tightly with a touch of sorrow. “This is a long story. In short, he gave me my body back, and I found a new place for him. He… He was created by my own hands, so he doesn’t need a complicated vessel.”

Fu Xingchuan stared deeply at the rabbit, feeling that something was amiss, but he couldn’t quite pinpoint it.

“Actually, I should have chosen a healthier one,” Yin Ren suddenly added, with a somewhat flat tone—flat to the point of familiarity.

Everyone’s gaze instantly turned to Yin Ren.

“Unfortunately, the grass and trees near the Valley of Remains are lush, and all the rabbits were plump.” Yin Ren quickly resumed his original tone, with an imperceptible tension in his voice.

Lu Xiaohe’s expression gradually became puzzled.

“But it’s really too fat.” Just when she thought this irrelevant topic was about to end, Yin Ren spoke up again. The rabbit stopped eating, and its moist black eyes looked at Yin Ren.

“It’s cute when it’s chubby.” This time, Yin Ren’s tone had a touch of determination. “It’s very suitable.”

Lu Xiaohe: “Uh…”

Could it be that the self-sacrifice of the flesh puppet, who “died” once again, had triggered some emotional scar in Yin Ren? She looked around and wisely remained silent.

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Inside Yin Ren.

Zhong Chengshuo: [.…..] He watched helplessly as Yin Ren held the “fake Zhong Chengshuo” and kneaded it; a series of ellipses rolled through his mind.

This chubby rabbit was clearly a masterful creation, made by Yin Ren to deceive Shian, bought from the vegetable market. In order to appease its emotions, Yin Ren also bought it the freshest vegetable leaves.

[Yin Ren could have chosen the healthiest one.] He contemplated quietly. [Is there something wrong with the impression I’ve given him?]

Yin Ren cleared his throat loudly, changing the subject. “Anyway, you must have seen the memories I shared. Everyone—what’s going on? Why is there one person missing?”

The young girl from the Lu family, Fu Shangliu, Li Heyan, and that… that solemn-looking dyed dog—everyone had communication earpieces in their ears.

Yin Ren casually glanced at the corner where Yellow Millet was, walked up to “Fu Shangliu”, and had a serious expression. “Fu Xingchuan, who exactly is in trouble?”

Fu Tianyi: “?”

Fu Xingchuan silently opened his mouth and bit Yin Ren’s calf.


In the evening, a shimmering light emerged in the underground of Shian.

After nearly two weeks of disappearance, seven figures reappeared on the bed. Fu Xingchuan was the first to struggle and sit up, his movements somewhat awkward and uncoordinated. Li Nian strode forward in large steps, his face looking as gloomy as if he had just experienced a funeral.

“What happened? Why did we lose contact for so long?”

“We made a mistake in judging the nature of the memory world and made several temporary adjustments to the details of our spell, woof.”

Fu Xingchuan murmured, still immersed in Yin Ren’s analogy about the “network”.

During the process of perfecting the spell, Yin Ren explained his speculation about the nature of the memory world in great detail. Suddenly receiving this unprecedented speculation, Fu Xingchuan’s mind hadn’t fully grasped it even after leaving the memory world.

Li Nian: “…”

Li Nian: “What do you mean by ‘we made a mistake in judging the nature of the memory world’?”

“It concerns the Other Side, and it’s not suitable to discuss it here.” Fu Xingchuan lowered his voice and glanced at Yin Ren and the “flesh puppet” still lying on the bed. “Let everyone rest for now, and we’ll arrange another time.”

Li Nian remained silent for an even longer time this time.

“Alright,” he said in a firm tone, “It seems that certain individuals need time to recover mentally.”

He made a gesture, and Shian’s medical team swiftly entered the scene. Huang Jin reached out his hand towards the medical team with a melancholic whimper. Fu Xingchuan finally snapped out of it and cleared his throat.

“This will be a long story,” he said slowly and deliberately. “Remember to set aside enough time and free up the laboratory. By the way, it’s best to arrange for them to stay at the Municipal Hospital to avoid drawing too much attention.”

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“I understand.”

Seeing his former partner so serious, Li Nian’s expression held a hint of surprise.

“I will handle it properly.” This time, his response was equally solemn.

When Shian’s Unit 9 returned to Haigu’s Municipal Hospital, it was already late at night.

The damage in the memory world was relatively minor, but everyone was exhausted to the extreme. Except for Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo, the others received an intravenous drip and fell asleep immediately. Despite having many things to say, Yin Ren made a great effort to hold back his words.

He could only occasionally touch Zhong Chengshuo, who was lying on the bed next to him. Since having a physical form, that strange sense of repulsion had returned. But to some extent, understanding this guy’s situation made that subconscious repulsion feel amusing.

Zhong Chengshuo contemplated for a moment and nudged towards Yin Ren’s direction, indulging in his poking actions.

“In a while, Fu Xingchuan and the others will definitely ‘summon’ the two of us to solve the real issue. We don’t have much free time until then.”

“Mm,” Zhong Chengshuo softly responded.

In the darkness, Zhong Chengshuo’s body outline appeared solid and handsome. Even now, Yin Ren still couldn’t connect the messy-looking rabbit with the attractive human figure in front of him.

“Do you have any plans?”

Yin Ren stopped poking him and instead reached out, placing his palm against the person’s back.

It was incredibly warm.

“Let’s celebrate properly together,” Zhong Chengshuo muttered with his back turned to Yin Ren. “Stay with you… just be together.”

“Is there anything else?” Yin Ren raised an eyebrow.

“There’s… “

“It’s the end of the month, Zhong Chengshuo.” Yin Ren leaned down; his body a fist’s distance away from Zhong Chengshuo.

He blew into the person’s ear. “It’s your birthday, isn’t it?”

At this moment, in the neighboring building.

“I’m here, I’m here.” Sun Qi’an yawned, forcing herself to stay alert as she sat in front of a hospital bed. “We agreed. Sister will read you a story, so Qianqian, please don’t cry anymore, okay?”

The little girl’s face was pale, her lips turning white. Her thin hand had prominent veins, as she was receiving intravenous therapy.

Sun Qi’an gently stroked her hair and picked up the fairy tale book by the girl’s pillow.

The cover of the fairy tale book was soft and beautiful, clearly a classic fairy tale. Sun Qi’an opened it to a page, and her gaze suddenly became incredibly gentle. When she spoke again, her voice remained the same, but there was an added soothing magic.

“Well… today, let’s tell the story of ‘Death’.”

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