Evil As Humans

Chapter 180

Chapter 180: New Wishes

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A few days later, Yin Ren found an excuse and took Zhong Chengshuo to leave Haigu’s Municipal Hospital first.

However, since that day, Yin Ren started to appear and disappear mysteriously. Due to his surface identity as a flesh puppet, Yin Ren didn’t take Zhong Chengshuo along, so he couldn’t take proactive actions.

When Yin Ren wasn’t around, he could only wait obediently at home.

The residence in Ping’an Manor remained the same. Zhong Chengshuo sat on the edge of the bed, feeling restrained, his hand touching the edge of the bed. This had been his accustomed way of life for many years, but now it had become quiet to the point of unbearable.

The scenes from the world of memories continued to linger in his mind.

Zhong Chengshuo had never known that he used to be so enormous. In the past, his perception and cognition were limited. Now, he tried to recall earlier experiences, which was like asking an adult to reminisce about their infancy—a version where perception was completely disconnected.

No matter what, he couldn’t remember.

He was like a baby abandoned in a deserted world, not knowing why he was born, where he came from, or what he was supposed to be.

Zhong Chengshuo walked to the wardrobe, struggling for a moment, and pulled out a pack of cheese-flavored potato chips from the drawer. He chewed them slowly, one piece at a time. The crispy sound echoed in the room, and the rich and slightly salty cheese flavor mixed with the roasted potato aroma quickly spread between his lips and teeth.

Unfortunately, this familiar taste couldn’t calm Zhong Chengshuo down.

To be honest, up until now, Zhong Chengshuo only knew that he was a Primordial Elemental. As for things about the Other Side, he couldn’t recall anything.

But he knew that Yin Ren could probably guess—it seemed highly likely that the incident of the Divine Descent a thousand years ago was caused by him.

His true form shattered into pieces, blood splattered everywhere, giving birth to six Evil Spirits in succession, directly propelling the prosperity of evil creatures to its peak. It was easy to verify, simply by utilizing the highest-level Shian’s laboratory and comparing the nature of the Evil Spirit’s power with his own flesh and blood.

The suspense in this matter wasn’t significant.

If it were the previous Zhong Chengshuo, he would definitely be excited about this. Whether it was from the perspective of researching the Divine Descent or tracing his own origins, it was a great advancement.

But Zhong Chengshuo couldn’t feel happy now.

…If the legend of the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi was accurate, Yin Ren’s deranged mother was likely corrupted by Evil Force, leading to a distorted mind. Yin Ren, as a baby, absorbed an excessive amount of Evil Force and descended into the world as an evil in human form.

Accompanying him was the lingering pain of corruption and the destined loneliness of wandering in the wilderness.

All of this was caused by the Divine Descent he triggered a thousand years ago.

What would Yin Ren think about all of this?

Yin Village was a good village. If Yin Ren had been born normally, he would have lived a peaceful and fulfilling life as a mortal. He would have lived during the most stable period of the Gong Dynasty, without experiencing the wars that would occur hundreds of years later. He wouldn’t need to distance himself from the mortal world, seal his former companion with his own hands, or witness the agony of Yin Village’s destruction.

He wouldn’t have to personally end his own life when his body was on the verge of collapse.

…Faced with all of this, what would Yin Ren think?

These past few days, Yin Ren had been consciously avoiding him. Was it because he couldn’t overcome the hurdle in his heart and needed to contemplate alone?

Zhong Chengshuo took out the tub of spicy crayfish-flavored potato chips and opened it. The Evil Fruit silently flowed on its surface. Its dark red streams of light that were strangely beautiful, enough to make one’s heart tremble.

This was an Evil weapon created by Yin Ren’s own hands, forged through a blood oath.

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It carried the ominous blood of the Great Celestial Master and an Evil Spirit, yet it became a cursed weapon that repelled all unwelcome intentions to kill and do harm, cursing all “murderers” in the world.

Zhong Chengshuo pressed his fingertips against the blade and slowly closed his eyes, as if touching a lover who was not by his side.

The emotion called fear gradually spread, but this time it came in fragmented and gentle waves, like a soft thorn that incessantly scratched at the depths of his heart.

Just as Zhong Chengshuo was carefully savoring this delicate and subtle emotion, the bedroom door suddenly opened without a sound. Zhong Chengshuo, deeply absorbed in his thoughts, jolted, narrowly avoiding cutting his finger on the Evil Fruit.

Instinctively, he backed against the corner of the wall, tensing his body vigilantly.

Then he saw Yin Ren with a peculiar expression.

It was deep autumn, and Yin Ren tucked his long hair under a hat. He was dressed in a dark red hoodie, giving him a rather modern appearance. At the moment, his hands were behind his back, and his facial expression was indescribable—it contained a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation, with a hint of subtle cunningness.

“Oh, what’s this? Turns out it’s the Evil Fruit.”

Yin Ren stretched his neck to take a look at the potato chip tub.

“You were so secretive; I thought you were hiding something particularly exciting.”

“Like the special items hidden in your room… such as the two erotic books that Lu Xiaohe found on your bookshelf?” Zhong Chengshuo carefully pondered, his voice trailing off.

The small trace of smugness on Yin Ren’s face instantly turned into bitterness.

Listening to Zhong Chengshuo’s recounting, the Shian group must have witnessed the heroic battle where the Great Celestial Master swept through the Gouluo army. Yin Ren didn’t know how long the impact would last; he only knew that there would be a moment when it would end and that it wouldn’t be enough to erase Lu Xiaohe’s wonderful memories.

“It’s… It’s only natural!” Yin Ren’s face turned slightly red.

Zhong Chengshuo nodded, carefully observing Yin Ren. He squeezed out the emotional intelligence he had accumulated for a long time, trying to perceive any trace of Yin Ren’s desire to distance himself.

Meanwhile, Yin Ren looked up and down at him. For a moment, it seemed as if they were competing to see whose gaze was more penetrating.

“…Forget it.”

Yin Ren succumbed to that particularly earnest gaze.

He cleared his throat, walked up to Zhong Chengshuo, and finally extended the hand that he had been hiding behind his back. In Yin Ren’s slender fingers rested a moderately thick package. It was wrapped in gray-black gift paper with a rabbit pattern on its surface, tied with a crimson ribbon.

“Tomorrow is your birthday, and Uncle and Auntie have confirmed it.”

Yin Ren exhaled.

“We’re going to have dinner at your parents’ place tomorrow. This gift is quite special; you should open it first.”

Zhong Chengshuo stared at Yin Ren in a daze, still holding the Evil Fruit in his hand, frozen in place.

Yin Ren tilted his head and looked at him for a while before suddenly realizing something. “I understand. You’re probably thinking about the events in the world of memories and believe that the Divine Descent you triggered altered my life. You think I’m upset with you because of that. Have you been thinking that I’m avoiding you these past few days?”

Zhong Chengshuo slowly turned his head away, no longer meeting Yin Ren’s eyes directly.

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Yin Ren sat on the bed. His expression contorted for a moment, but he couldn’t hold back his smile. He grabbed the pillow and blanket from the bed and quickly arranged a soft makeshift altar. Then, he placed the gift box on top.

Immediately, he snapped his fingers, and a flame appeared in the air. Zhong Chengshuo’s computer, as if on its own, turned on and started playing a randomly selected tranquil music composed of natural elements.

“I have existed within your body; I know your state at that time. The Divine Descent was undoubtedly not something you intended. Why should I feel displeased with you for something you couldn’t control? …But then again, I do genuinely desire a mortal life.”

Yin Ren sat cross-legged in front of the soft makeshift altar. He took off his hat, and his long hair flowed like water on the bed sheet.

“However, the experiences of being the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi are equally precious to me. And at this moment, I am experiencing the best life that a mortal can have—I have no worries about food and clothing, good health, the company of my loved one, and a long future ahead.”

Zhong Chengshuo stood silently in place, his eyes behind his glasses blinking.

“Now, I offer this tribute for a wish.”

Yin Ren blinked slyly, and stood up, nearly collapsing the altar. He grabbed the delicately wrapped gift box and handed it to Zhong Chengshuo with one hand.

Zhong Chengshuo awkwardly took the box with both hands and looked at Yin Ren.

“My wish is for my beloved to like it—even if you don’t, please don’t tell me.”

Zhong Chengshuo’s throat bobbed, and he pressed his lips together. The radiance of the Evil Fruit flowed slowly as he gently cut open the ribbon of the gift. The wrapping paper with a rabbit pattern was carefully unwrapped by Zhong Chengshuo, without tearing it anywhere.

Inside the package was a hardcover notebook.

The surface of the notebook was jet black, giving it a business-like style. The paper inside was thick, and the craftsmanship was excellent. Zhong Chengshuo carefully opened the cover and found that the first page had the title “Compendium of the Primordial Elementals” neatly written, with a rabbit wearing glasses drawn below the title.

Zhong Chengshuo’s finger paused slightly, and he turned to the next page.

It was Yin Ren’s handwriting.

To be fair, Yin Ren’s handwriting wasn’t particularly mature, but he wrote with great seriousness. The handwriting was neat and pleasing to the eye, without any mistakes. Page after page, it recorded the “suspected Primordial Elementals” that the Great Celestial Master Zhong Yi had encountered during his hundred years in the mortal world.

Appearance, habits, characteristics, modes of communication… Yin Ren succinctly recorded them in plain language on the pages, even adding simple illustrations for each one.

Zhong Chengshuo quickly flipped through the pages, and after more than half of the notebook, the remaining pages were blank. And at the interrupted position, there was a drawing of Gao Mengyu’s “cat”.

That was where it all began.

“You said you like books.” Yin Ren touched his nose. “This will definitely become a book. Let me show you.”

Zhong Chengshuo’s grip on the notebook tightened slightly, and for some reason, his throat felt a bit dry.

“Still half empty,” he murmured, unfamiliar emotions flowing through his blood.

“Yeah, still half empty. We’ll perfect it together, great scientist.”

Yin Ren stood up completely, crossing over the makeshift altar of bedding and opening his arms.

Zhong Chengshuo took two steps forward and responded to the embrace. He buried his face in the crook of Yin Ren’s neck, savoring the person’s scent.

“Happy birthday.” Yin Ren’s chest trembled.

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“Your wish has come true. This is the first wish I have completely fulfilled.”

Zhong Chengshuo mumbled in a muffled voice.

“…I’ve never liked anything this much before.”

And I’ve never liked someone this much either.

Yin Ren patted his back. “Speaking of that, I always felt that it’s a pity to give up the wish for ‘having apples every day’. Zhong Ge, let’s make a deal. Can I change it?”


“I prefer your dad’s style of making wishes.” Yin Ren murmured. “I also have someone important to me. They fell from somewhere, severely injured, trapped in a narrow space, barely clinging to life. If it weren’t for their luck, they would have died there in pain and confusion.”

“Their situation couldn’t have been caused by a mere ‘accidental’ fall. I want to uncover the truth and find out who is behind all of this.”

“Please use this wish to replace the wish for ‘having apples every day’.”

Zhong Chengshuo tightened his arms, and the jet-black notebook lay quietly on the edge of the bed.

“…Alright,” he said softly.


Haigu Municipal Hospital.

In the hospital room, a slender little girl leaned against the head of the bed with her bright eyes looking towards her parents by the bedside.

“Tell me a story!” she pleaded, smiling and acting spoiled.

“What story do you want to hear?” Her mother gestured for her husband to fetch some water, while she sat down beside the bed.

“A story about ‘Death’,” the girl said. “The doctor lady told it before, and I want to hear it again!”

Her mother flipped through the storybook she held in confusion. It was a picture book titled <The Little Red Wolf>, and it didn’t contain any elements related to ‘Death’.

“What did that doctor lady tell you?” her mother asked softly, as she put away the storybook.

Maybe that doctor brought her own storybook, so as not to trouble others. After all, there are only a few fairy tales. Once she figured out which one it was, she could buy it later.

The little girl furrowed her brow, trying hard to remember for a while.

“A long time ago, there was a country with day and night. The residents were born during the day and died during the night.”

“Then, a hero appeared. The hero discovered that the night was the incarnation of Death. To pursue a better world, the hero gathered companions, and together they vanquished Death.”

“Death disappeared, and the night disappeared too. Everyone obtained eternal life and would no longer die due to aging.”

The girl’s mother thought for a moment but couldn’t think of any fairy tales that matched. However, the content of this story was simple and ordinary, and it was possible that the doctor had improvised it to encourage the patients.

“It has a good ending,” she said, stroking her daughter’s head.

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The little girl shook her head.

“She said the story doesn’t have an ending yet.”

Kinky Thoughts:

Well, as always, everything in previous arcs connects to each other. The cat was to explain about the “gaps” of the Other Side, and Feng Qi and Ge Tingting’s case was to hint about why Zhong Chengshuo was given the alias ‘Death’. Given how Yin Ren is part of Zhong Chnegshuo, it makes sense why he’s the dragon.

For those confused by the events, here is how things unraveled.

1,000+ years ago, Zhong Chengshuo descended into the mortal realm, triggering the Divine Descent of a thousand years ago. This gave rise to many Evil Spirits and evil beings. One of them was Yin Ren, whose mother was affected by the Evil Force from the Divine Descent and went crazy. She eventually gave birth while being corrupted by Evil Force, essentially birthing an evil in human form. This explains why Yin Ren could live for so long and is so powerful (enough to seal the other Evil Spirits).

Time fast forward, and Yin Ren eventually became known as the Great Celestial Master revered by many, and bestowed the name Zhong Yi by the Emperor (though in reality he was just a normal semi-human with normal mortal desires). The orphans he saved eventually created Huajisi, which is now known as Shian.

Near the end of the Gong Dynasty, the Gouluo army invaded and destroyed Yin Village, Yin Ren’s hometown. This triggered the event that led to the birth of Shian’s Evil Spirit. Yin Ren had left an evil dog there to guard the town. Seeing the villagers being slaughtered, it went crazy. The Gouluo army had brought a source of corruption which was then eaten by the evil dog, transforming it into an Evil Spirit.

Before the Evil Dog Spirit could transform, Yin Ren arrived and sealed it away, creating the Evil Fruit, which was the blood oath between him and the Evil Dog Spirit.

With this last seal, Yin Ren exhausted almost everything and was nearing the end of his life. He returned to his hideout, the Valley of Remains, which in modern times is where Haigu is, and to his little hut that he built in the mountains. The hut is built on the edge of a large expanse of darkness, which is basically what Zhong Chengshuo is.

During his time alive, Yin Ren would return to this hut to rest and encounter a black “rabbit” that Zhong Chengshuo sent out. Eventually, the black rabbit learned many things in the mortal world through Yin Ren, and they developed a connection.

In the last moments of Yin Ren’s life, the Gouluo army was able to trace him to his hideout and intend to steal his Evil Fruit (thinking it could command the army of evil spirits). To protect the orphans, Yin Ren created an altar and offered half a red apple as sacrifice to make a wish.

Seeing that he ate the apple that Yin Ren offered, Zhong Chengshuo was determined to grant his wish. Eventually, the Gouluo army who invaded the Valley of Remains was wiped out, and Zhong Chengshuo preserved Yin Ren’s corpse because he hadn’t “learn” enough yet about the mortal world. He gives the dying Yin Ren half of his power, but it wasn’t enough to revive him (yet).

This leads to the events of modern times. Zhong Chengshuo’s serial killer parents offered their own baby as a sacrifice, allowing Zhong Chengshuo to invade the dead baby’s body. Before he could grant their “wish” they were captured by the police, and he was adopted by his police parents. Determined to carry out part of Yin Ren’s wish for him to “learn about the human world” he grows up as a “human” that is Zhong Chengshuo.

This arc is now over. Summary below.

In order to learn more about what Zhong Chengshuo is and the Great Celestial Master’s past, they decided to enter Yin Ren’s memories via magic similar to the Archive. Using Shian’s Evil Spirit as part of the power source and to help fill in gaps of Yin Ren’s memories, they could do this.

In the meantime, Sunken Society had their own plans as well. Shen Mo, a Charon, planned to invade Shian’s Evil Spirit’s memories and “rewrite” them, triggering the Evil Spirit to go mad. Unfortunately, he was met with Shian forces that were also there from Yin Ren’s memories.

In the memory world, Zhong Chengshuo was sent into Yin Ren’s shell, Zhong Yi, while Yin Ren was sent to Zhong Chengshuo’s shell. Events started to unfold where the past was revealed (which you can read the summary above).

Eventually, the past is uncovered. Yin Ren turns out to be an evil that was affected by Evil Force from Zhong Chengshuo’s Divine Descent thousands of years ago. Zhong Chengshuo is a Primordial Elemental from “the Other Side” that somehow fell into the human world.

Now with this past revealed, they plan to investigate more on the Primordial Elementals and why Zhong Chengshuo fell to the human world in the first place, triggering the Divine Descent.


On a side note, there’s a lot of allusion here to the underworld. Zhong Chengshuo is seen as ‘Death’, his alias as ‘King Yama’ (the king of hell), and the Charon, which is the ferryman of Hades.

My theory is that the Other Side is similar to the underworld (but not in the sense that it’s literally the underworld but more like a different dimension). As the ferryman, the Charon can cross between both sides, which is why those with the Charon ability can enter and leave the ‘Other Side’. 

Also how funny Yin Ren called Zhong Chengshuo Zhong Ge before because of their “age” in the modern world but in actuality, Zhong Chengshuo is really older than him. Now the Ge is actually applicable… but rather it should be more like Zhong Lao, since it seems he’s much older than just Ge.

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