Evil As Humans

Chapter 187

Chapter 187: Once Upon A Time

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The night was deep, but the lights in the Shian building were brightly lit.

Li Nian sat in his seat, pinching the bridge of his nose. Xiang Jiang sat across from him, silently playing with his phone.

Li Nian wasn’t unfamiliar with Xiang Jiang’s state. Since Xiang Jiang became the Minister of the Emergency Management Department, they had never cooperated on a mission again. Even when they discovered a branch of Sunken Society below the abandoned building of the hospital, they didn’t have a true “battlefield collaboration”.

Since returning from Gengsheng Town, Li Nian had been having Hao Wenzhe keep an eye on Xiang Jiang’s communications. Unfortunately, there was no trace of any problems in this person’s communication records.

If it weren’t for Fu Xingchuan insisting that he had a hunch that this person would cause trouble, Li Nian himself would have given up.

Xiang Jiang’s work state was very peculiar. Besides never taking the initiative, he handled daily work without making any mistakes, even doing it neatly and efficiently. But if one were to say that he would willingly take the initiative to discover clues and work diligently like Fu Xingchuan, it was far from the truth.

It was like a machine devoid of personal emotions.

For example, at this moment, Li Nian was working overtime until past two in the morning, and this person was just keeping him company. He didn’t even touch his computer; he was just immersed in playing games.

“Have you read today’s report?” Li Nian took the initiative to speak.

“The cases of minor corruption caused by Evil Force have increased by 5.7%. Someone’s deliberately spreading corruption. According to the feedback from various investigation teams, the sources of corruption are small objects with auspicious signs, and according to the regulations, investigation teams of B-level or higher shouldn’t be deployed.” Xiang Jiang answered while staring at his phone, not even moving his eyes.

However, when he mentioned “according to the regulations,” he paused subtly.

Li Nian made a sound of acknowledgement.

According to Shian’s explicit regulations, this level of corruption indeed didn’t warrant the deployment of an A-level investigation team unless the higher-ups actively requested it. In the past, Fu Xingchuan would have taken a step forward and jointly applied with him to completely suppress this subtle doubt. But judging by Xiang Jiang’s reaction, it would be troublesome to apply for the intervention of a stronger individual in advance.

Sometimes, a passive individual who strictly follows the rules and avoids making mistakes was more difficult to deal with than an intentionally disruptive villain.

…But looking at it now, it was truly a blessing in disguise.

Thinking about the powerful individual surnamed Yin who had secretly taken over the case, not a single trace of emotion appeared on Li Nian’s face.

“We recently dismantled the stronghold of Sunken Society, so they will probably try to cause trouble in retaliation. The timing is sensitive, and Unit 9 is inexperienced, so I’ll send two B-level investigation teams to other areas for investigation,” Li Nian said lightly. “I sent you an email. Reply to it.”

Xiang Jiang finally looked up and glanced at Li Nian. In the end, he didn’t say anything and simply added “agree” to the email request.

Li Nian didn’t pay any attention to him either. Professor Li opened his book under the cover of the night and lowered his gaze.

The quiet atmosphere lasted for less than three minutes when Xiang Jiang’s phone vibrated. He answered the call expressionlessly. “Hello, Director Zhou.”

It was Director Zhou from the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Li Nian continued flipping through his book, holding his breath, and listening.

“There have been frequent incidents of small-scale conflicts and injuries in the city? Well, we have discovered someone spreading harmful substances. No, it’s not dangerous. We can handle it.”

Xiang Jiang responded in an official tone.

“Sorry, Director Zhou, based on our comprehensive judgment, the situation hasn’t reached a point where Shian’s intervention is necessary. As for public opinion matters, we can’t help.”

After speaking, Xiang Jiang hung up the phone directly.

“I’m leaving first.” Li Nian closed his book, stood up, and said, “You should go back early too.”

Xiang Jiang nodded but showed no intention of moving. As the office door closed, he continued to sit in the empty office, half-closing his eyes, playing a flashy mobile game.

In the unseen world for Li Nian, Xiang Jiang’s twin brother, Xiang Hai, was crouching behind Xiang Jiang. His pitch-black eye sockets were slightly tilted downward, staring straight at the colorful screen of the mobile phone.


In the early hours of the morning, Li Nian parked his car in front of an old residential complex.

Outside the vacant security room, there was a sign at the entrance that read “Qingzhu Jiayuan”.

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Qingzhu Jiayuan was located in the old city district, with only five-story buildings and a style reminiscent of the previous century. Most of the residents here were elderly. The paint on the buildings was mottled and cracked, resembling the weathered back of an old person’s hand. The trees around the buildings were withered, and the flower beds were filled with weeds. The stench from an uncovered drain emitted a suffocating and peculiar odor.

In the early hours of the morning, all the windows were darkened. Looking from the entrance of the residential complex, the compact buildings resembled heavy tombstones.

After stopping in front of his home’s entrance, Li Nian didn’t immediately take out his keys.

He turned around and looked at the door opposite his own.

“I’m back,” he said.

The hallway was old, with the cement floor covered in dust, resembling an unfinished, rough construction site. Under the flickering lights, the security door of the door opposite his was slightly ajar, and inside was dark.

There were numerous scratches on the security door, and the walls were filled with graffiti, undoubtedly the work of children. There was also some partially removed sticky residue on the door, with remnants of yellow talisman paper clearly visible.

However, they were all coated with a layer of gloomy colors by time.

Li Nian stood silently in place, dressed in formal attire that seemed out of place in this setting. After nearly a minute, Professor Li turned around. He effortlessly opened the door with his keys, and the living room lights illuminated as Li Nian stepped into his dwelling.

Li Nian’s home was almost like a different world from the outside. The room was small, but the interior design appeared sleek, sophisticated, and aesthetically pleasing. The furniture and fixtures used high-quality materials. If a few pictures were taken inside this house and presented as a high-end apartment in a metropolis, it would likely deceive many people.

“You finally came back. How did it go?” Fu Xingchuan climbed up from Li Nian’s sofa in one swift motion.

On the coffee table in the living room was a thermal casserole containing a light stew that was still warm. Next to the casserole lay an empty bowl with rice grains, clearly indicating that someone had already eaten.

“Not great. Xiang Jiang still only knows how to follow the rules. We’ll have to rely on Unit 9 for this matter, and you have to assist them wholeheartedly.” Li Nian took off his coat and served himself a bowl of rice. “What about your end?”

“I made sure it wasn’t discovered by anyone.” Fu Xingchuan respectfully saluted.

“You didn’t need to come personally. The risk is too high if Sunken Society finds out,” Li Nian remarked.

“There’s one thing I need to ask you in person.” Fu Xingchuan’s tone unintentionally turned serious. “You had them investigate Meng Huai’s case under the pretense of a decoy operation. Li Nian, what were you thinking?”

Li Nian’s chopsticks paused.

“It was a decoy operation. With so many missing people back then, it wouldn’t appear natural to investigate only Zhong Chengfeng, an unrelated individual.” Li Nian set down his chopsticks and responded in a flat tone. “Now, there are also missing cases. Whether to merge the cases or how to prioritize them, Lu Xiaohe has it under control.”

“You know that’s not what I’m asking.” Fu Xingchuan crossed his arms, wiping away all the smile from his face.

“Why so serious today?”

“Regardless of whether it was a decoy operation or not, as long as you inserted this case into their considerations, Yin Ren and the others will take a comprehensive approach. Compared to Minister Meng, two elderly people also went missing from the nursing home back then. Their situation is more closely related to Zhong Chengfeng than Minister Meng.”

Li Nian pondered for a moment before picking up his chopsticks again.

“Meng Huai’s disappearance is valuable intelligence for reference. With an unclear situation, this case with significant deviations from similar missing persons cases can better illustrate the problem… It’s a logical deduction on my part.”

Li Nian picked up a piece of tofu with his chopsticks and spoke with a calm and composed tone.

“But if you ask me whether there are personal feelings involved in this decision, what would you do if I say ‘yes’? Give up working with me or report the situation to Shian?”

Fu Xingchuan’s gaze became complex.

“So troublesome. That’s why I said I’m not good at dealing with science posts.”

After a while, Fu Xingchuan also picked up a piece of tofu to eat.

“All of you are the same, coming with a purpose and leaving once the purpose is fulfilled. It’s true for the lowest-level employees, and even at your level… Haa.”

“Now that you’ve got the answer, it doesn’t matter. There’s no need for you to ask me.” Li Nian’s words were devoid of emotion.

“Who said that?”

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Fu Xingchuan snatched another piece of tofu from the casserole.

“If you let it go, I’ll fully assist our Great Celestial Master. If you don’t let it go… I can’t reach Yin Ren’s level, but I’ll keep an eye on the progress and assist you as much as I can. At this point, I don’t want the most steadfast ally of Shian to be distracted.”

Li Nian fell silent for a moment. “There’s beer in the fridge. Help yourself.”

“I never would have guessed. I’ve been partnering with you for so long, and I didn’t know you could drink. When did you learn?”

“I knew you would come sooner or later,” Li Nian replied without answering the question.

As Fu Xingchuan opened the beer bottle with a “pop”, Li Nian had almost finished eating. He held the bowl, consuming the last piece of cabbage, and a faint glimmer reflected off the ring on his finger.

Fu Xingchuan instinctively glanced towards the direction of the living room door.

He had met Meng Huai.

Over twenty years ago, he was working in the A-level investigation team at the Shian Haigu branch. At that time, Meng Huai was being considered for the position of Minister of the Emergency Management Department. She was only two or three years older than him.

Fu Xingchuan, at that time, was in the prime of his youth and was rumored to be a genius of the Fu family. Suddenly encountering someone who was even more recognized, he felt somewhat dissatisfied with this unconventional sister.

However, contrary to her exaggerated appearance, Meng Huai was lively and talkative. Before Fu Xingchuan could display his own youthful awkwardness, Meng Huai approached him.

“Xiao Fu, I heard you are also a ghost master and a corpse servant? Impressive! When I was your age, I could never quite get the hang of controlling corpses. Even now, in the assessment for promotion to ghost general, I’m still lacking compared to other corpse servants… How about exchanging ideas?”

Her tone was particularly cheerful, making it hard to refuse.

At that time, Fu Xingchuan wasn’t even twenty yet, and he was particularly receptive to this “equal” style of conversation. After a few exchanges, he felt hesitant to express his “dissatisfaction” in front of Meng Huai—

After a few more exchanges, he realized that Meng Huai did indeed lack proficiency in controlling corpses, but she was indeed stronger than him. Every time she genuinely learned something from him, Meng Huai sincerely thanked him. More often than not, it was Meng Huai subtly guiding him, helping him avoid detours in the corpse servant field.

That girl truly had no airs about her.

Compared to Shen Mo, the mentor assigned to him by Shian at the time, Meng Huai felt more like a genuine elder. After completely resolving his internal conflicts, Fu Xingchuan had asked Meng Huai face-to-face why she had concerns about him, who wasn’t her subordinate. Meng Huai simply smiled in response.

“Because you are talented—more talented than I was initially. And you have a good character; one day, you will become a responsible boss. Also…”

“What else?”

“I also have a younger brother living next door to me. We grew up together. I’ve been eating at his house for more than ten years. What do boys your age possibly mind? Don’t you think I don’t know?”

“Which family is he from?” Fu Xingchuan suddenly became cautious—someone who had known Meng Huai, a genius, from childhood couldn’t be too far behind.

Meng Huai burst into laughter and ruffled his dyed hair. “Hey, don’t believe that.”

Through their frequent interactions, Fu Xingchuan learned more or less about the mysterious “younger brother neighbor” from Meng Huai and roughly understood Meng Huai’s situation.

Meng Huai’s parents were Nightwalkers and died in a gray transaction. Meng Huai became an orphan at the age of four or five and lived with her slightly senile grandfather. Two teachers lived next door to them, and they started taking care of their unfortunate neighbors, sending them food every day—

“Xiao Li actually doesn’t appreciate our ancestral profession of ‘ghost and divinity’,” Meng Huai had said. “I guess he’ll become a professor or something in the future. He’s extremely rule-bound. When I initially went to their house for a meal, he would lock himself inside his room and not come out.”

“I came to Shian right after graduating from high school, and we even had an argument about it. That kid doesn’t even recognize Shian. He probably thinks that not going to college would lead to imprisonment. He even said that I will suffer sooner or later because I engage in feudal superstitions every day.”

To be honest, as soon as Fu Xingchuan heard that the younger brother was an “uninteresting ordinary person”, he lost interest.

Meng Huai had a keen eye for people. Seeing Fu Xingchuan’s lack of interest, she rarely mentioned this childhood friend and neighbor again. But even without mentioning him, the image of this person would occasionally flash through Meng Huai’s words.

For example, one day, Meng Huai suddenly had a bracelet on her hand that completely didn’t match her style.

“Oh, this? It’s a birthday gift from Xiao Li… I guess he was idle in college and decided to learn from others in giving gifts. You have no idea how grumpy he looked when he gave it to me, as if I owed him a great debt.”

“Love? Impossible. That guy is solely focused on academia. I also don’t have the conditions for love here. In our line of work, who knows, one day we might not even be around.”

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But shortly after that, Meng Huai had a ring on her finger.

“Xiao Li’s parents had an accident. Uncle and Auntie are like half-parents to me. They don’t have much time left, and we want to put their minds at ease. This is just for show. After the act is over, I’ll return it to him.”

“But occasionally, I do think that marrying Xiao Li wouldn’t be bad at all.”

When this extravagant genius uttered the word “marriage” for the first time, Fu Xingchuan was startled. Unable to resist, he asked, “Why?”

“Because even if I die one day, my brother Xiao Li won’t be heartbroken. You haven’t met him; his only hobby is skipping grades, and he has a face that wants to be dedicated to academia for a lifetime.” Meng Huai made a funny face. “And maybe I like him a little bit.”

“You can confess your feelings.” Fu Xingchuan offered sincere advice as someone who was still single.

“No, that won’t do. That guy takes everything seriously. I won’t bring harm to him. What if I die early for real?”

“Um, Meng Jie, you keep mentioning ‘death’ a lot…”

“…Fu Xingchuan, I know you want to climb up. Avoiding this matter is useless. On the contrary, you must firmly remember this fact.”

In Fu Xingchuan’s impression, it was the first time he had seen Meng Huai with such a serious expression.

“With your abilities, you can completely choose an easier path. The high positions in Shian are not trophies for you to prove yourself… Death is not as simple as you think.”

At that time, Fu Xingchuan only considered it as a general statement. Haigu had good public security and a peaceful atmosphere. During the night, there were only some ordinary evil creatures wandering around, causing minor disturbances. The six Evil Spirits had been sealed for a thousand years. Even if there were one or two accidents, how severe could they be?

He didn’t expect at that time that it would be the last time he saw Meng Huai.

The day after that conversation ended, the “Divine Descent” that hadn’t occurred for a thousand years appeared once again.

And on the two-hundredth day after that conversation ended, he met the “Xiao Li” mentioned by Meng Huai.

That young man had a proper appearance but a face devoid of expression, like facial paralysis. He was dressed in a suit, with even the top button of his shirt buttoned up, resembling a real estate agent.

“Li Nian, double major in history and folklore at B University, still studying,” the person said, extending his hand to the leader of the previous C-level investigation team. “Please take care of me in the future.”

Fu Xingchuan stood several steps away. The sunlight shining on the young man who called himself “Li Nian” reflected a dazzling light.

In a daze, that glimmer of light coincided with the reflection of the ring under it. Fu Xingchuan woke up from his memories, finishing the last sip of beer. Li Nian had already started tidying up the table, still maintaining that indifferent appearance as if the sky could collapse and it wouldn’t matter.

At a glance, this person really hadn’t changed at all.

If Meng Huai really married this guy, he had no idea what kind of life they would have together.

Unfortunately, Meng Huai made him think it through, and she herself was no different. She could command ghosts and control corpses, and she had the awareness. But if she chose a different path, such as becoming a detective, it would be safer than being in Shian after all…


A wave of sweat broke out, and the alcohol in the beer completely lost its effect. Fu Xingchuan immediately took out his tablet and quickly browsed through the missing persons files from twenty-eight years ago.

Names, genders, ages, past occupations, level of involvement in metaphysical matters…

As he looked through the information, Fu Xingchuan wiped the sweat off his face.

With one hand scrolling through the screen, he took out his phone with the other hand and dialed Yin Ren’s number directly.


When Yin Ren was awakened by Fu Xingchuan’s call, he felt a sense of desolation in his heart.

He had just fallen asleep with Zhong Chengshuo, and the bed was still not warm when they were abruptly awakened by the intrusive ringing. To make matters worse, Zhong Chengshuo, who had only just fallen asleep, was now wide awake with a head full of question marks.

Looking at his disoriented and sleepy lover, Yin Ren hugged him by the neck and answered the phone with a hint of killing intent.

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“Mr. Fu Xingchuan, you better have an explanation for this.”

Lord Ghost King spoke in a cold tone.

“I rarely work overtime voluntarily, and we had just fallen asleep. If this isn’t urgent, I’ll demand overtime pay from Li Nian tomorrow.”

“It’s about personality.”

Fu Xingchuan said, and Zhong Chengshuo tilted his head, leaning in to listen.

“…What?” Yin Ren didn’t understand for a moment.

“Whether it’s twenty-eight years ago or the ‘corruption material obtained from Old Dog Peng’s place’ that you reported tonight. Not everyone who comes into contact with Evil Force corruption will go missing. Among the missing persons, there must be some commonality.”

“I have also studied every missing person’s case from twenty-eight years ago when I was the department head… Broadly speaking, the missing persons varied in gender, age, occupation, and beliefs. At that time, we never found a common thread among the missing people.”

Yin Ren became completely awake. He let go of Zhong Chengshuo and switched the call to speakerphone.

“Go on.”

“I know Meng Huai, and you know Zhong Chengfeng’s situation. I have a vague understanding of He Huan’s condition from Lu Xiaohe. It’s difficult to obtain this kind of information from unfamiliar missing people. Considering the current situation… their commonality might be their ‘personality’.”

Fu Xingchuan repeated it once more.

“At that time, there were also two elderly people missing from the nursing home. One of them was a highly respected retired teacher, and the other was unemployed but known for their kindness.”

“Among the missing people at that time, volunteers, doctors, teachers, and other professionals accounted for a high percentage. I know it’s ridiculous to judge people’s morals based on their occupation, but they can indeed reflect some traits of the missing people. When analyzing the source of the Evil Force corruption, you can consider it from this perspective.”

Yin Ren became fully awake. He got out of bed and sat up straight.

“I understand, thank you.” Yin Ren said solemnly, “I will consider it.”

With that said, he attempted to get out of bed and continue his research in the middle of the night. However, as Yin Ren approached the edge of the bed, he felt a warm resistance against his abdomen—Zhong Chengshuo extended his arms and hugged Yin Ren’s waist.

Encountering such clinginess from King Yama, Yin Ren didn’t know if he was more surprised or frightened.

“W-What’s wrong with you?” Yin Ren tried his best to remain calm.

“Just wait for me.”

Zhong Chengshuo buried his face against Yin Ren’s back, and the fluffy edge of his nightcap brushed against Yin Ren’s skin.

“I want to go too…”

“I’m researching the nature of the Evil Force, so you won’t be able to help.” Yin Ren tried to pry Zhong Chengshuo’s hands apart. “Our physical conditions are different, so it’s better for you to get enough sleep.”

“Human personality is closely related to the brain and its physical structure.”

Zhong Chengshuo was now fully awake. He finally released his grip on Yin Ren’s waist, and his speech became clearer.

“I happen to have data in this regard.”

“Then you can send it to me, and we can discuss it tomorrow…”

“No, the data isn’t here. We need to go to my base, and we can only do it now.”

Zhong Chengshuo rubbed his eyes and took off his nightcap.

“After catching so many serial killers, what have I done to them… Yin Ren, haven’t you been curious about it at all?”

Yin Ren slowly turned his head. In the darkness, Zhong Chengshuo’s eyes were pitch black and lifeless, like two perfect circles cut out of black paper.

“In my base, there are more than just specimens of evil beings.”

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