Evil As Humans

Chapter 188

Chapter 188: Experimental Accident

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Yin Ren had become accustomed to Zhong Chengshuo’s horror-inducing behavior by now.

Zhong Chengshuo, sleep-deprived and groggy, climbed out of bed and squinted as he changed his clothes. Yin Ren pulled out a linen shirt from the wardrobe, put it on, and made two cups of chilled fruit juice from the apples in the refrigerator, considering it a refreshing drink.

In just a quarter of an hour, the windows of the living room were wide open. Yin Ren held Zhong Chengshuo tightly, and the two flew towards the secret base in the old city district.

Zhong Chengshuo’s secret basement remained the same as before. Compared to the summer, the indoor air felt cooler and drier.

As Yin Ren touched the steel frame along the wall, he couldn’t help but feel a bit sentimental. There were memories of intimacy and sweetness mixed with sorrow and despair about this place. His gaze swept over the interrogation chair, where they first experienced an intimate melding of body and soul, and then turned to the storage room hidden behind the clamp, where the sweetness and bitterness in his heart merged into a rich chocolate-like flavor.

His gaze finally landed on Zhong Chengshuo, who had entered the room ahead of him.

The room’s layout was as cold and rigid as before. It truly needed Zhong Chengshuo to walk around in it to avoid feeling lifeless.

Zhong Chengshuo immediately headed for the refrigerator, attempting to find some chocolate or juice for Yin Ren. Unfortunately, they had indulged here for an absurd amount of time, exhausting their energy, and all the food and drinks had been emptied at once.

So Comrade Xiao Zhong could only hang his head, with a stern face, and walk towards the shelves.

He took down a stainless steel canister and carefully moved it to the table. He called Yin Ren closer, and then verified his fingerprint at the top of the canister. With a slight hissing sound, the canister emitted a strange-smelling gas. The contents inside rose on their own, revealing their true nature.

It was a human brain.

Yin Ren’s pupils contracted, and then he looked at Zhong Chengshuo in shock.

Embedded in the stainless steel canister was a glass container, and floating inside it was a human brain. The brain had a full and rounded shape, with a fresh grayish-pink hue on its surface, as if it were still alive. With Zhong Chengshuo’s movements, it gently swayed inside the glass container.

“Zhong Ge… What is this…”

Even though Lord Ghost King’s biological knowledge was close to zero, he still knew that a person couldn’t survive without a brain.

Zhong Chengshuo blinked and tapped on the glass canister. Suddenly, the brain inside the canister became semi-transparent, shimmering with countless subtle streams of light.

“This is the refined modeling method I’ve found. In terms of microscopic structure and level of detail, it is no different from a living brain.” Zhong Chengshuo solemnly introduced. “Unfortunately, this technology is not suitable for exposure at the moment. To obtain accurate information from the brain’s interior, a significant amount of stimulation is required, and the methods are somewhat inhumane.”

He pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose. His tone was devoid of guilt, as if it were more like making some kind of judgment.

Yin Ren silently looked at the colorful brain model. “I have indeed been curious. What did you do to Guo Laifu back then?”

He had seen Guo Laifu’s memories. That beast who sacrificed his own son had been driven mad by Zhong Chengshuo. Unfortunately, the memories lacked the process, leaving Guo Laifu’s mind shrouded in darkness.

Zhong Chengshuo pondered for a moment, took a deep breath, and lifted his eyes. “Yin Ren, look at me.”

Yin Ren subconsciously looked at those familiar eyes, and the next moment, those crimson irises slightly widened.

Just like the pitch-black ocean beneath the cliff back then, Zhong Chengshuo’s eyes were not truly “black”.

Upon closer inspection, it was unclear whether this person’s pupils were too dilated or his irises were too dark, but Yin Ren couldn’t find the boundary between Zhong Chengshuo’s irises and pupils. However, he could see clearly that something was squirming, squeezing, and rotating within those eyes, revealing vague contours.

That refined and elegant face seemed to transform into some kind of exquisite container in that moment. This body called “Zhong Chengshuo” only resembled a human in appearance but lacked a crucial “living human” aura.

Just through their gaze, every hair on Yin Ren’s back stood up, overwhelmed by an unprecedented sense of repulsion.

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Just like a fierce tiger sensing another.

As time passed, a bone-deep fear, directly penetrating his soul, seeped into Yin Ren. It bypassed the steps of “perception” and “thought” and went straight to the depths of his heart, like instinct. Fortunately, the intensity of this fear was relatively mild, equivalent to “discovering that the usual late-night snack shop was closed”.

Zhong Chengshuo was about to avert his gaze when he felt a not-too-light, not-too-heavy pulling sensation on his cheek.

The audacious Lord Ghost King approached, tugging at his face.

The situation was similar to his speculation. Zhong Chengshuo hadn’t completely merged his body into a human form; he retained some of his original structure within his eyeballs. Just like the venomous fangs of a venomous snake—as long as they were used appropriately, they could transform into a terrifying weapon at any moment.

It was fortunate that Zhong Yude and Cheng Xuehua had adopted this guy. Zhong Chengshuo had no sense of belonging to the “human” race. If he had been raised by Sunken Society, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

It was great that before him, there was still the pure and naive “god” from back then.

“You held back with me, right? It’s true that seeing your true form would be enough to scare an ordinary person to death,” Yin Ren sincerely remarked.

“Yes.” Zhong Chengshuo’s voice was strained as his face was still being tugged. “Mmm… I will test their limits of fear.”

Yin Ren took the opportunity to give him a kiss, then released his hand. Seeing that Yin Ren had no other reaction, Zhong Chengshuo adjusted his askew glasses, and his brows and eyes softened quite a bit.

He started moving around the secret base again. Before long, the entire table was filled with highly detailed models of human brains. Countless brains flickered with subtle lights, neatly arranged on the table. Zhong Chengshuo sat down in front of the computer and started typing on the keyboard.

Yin Ren, on the other hand, lay idle on the table, gazing at the mesmerizing flow of lights from the brains before him.

It was truly fascinating how these models, obtained from heinous serial killers, could be so beautiful. They emitted a faint glow within their glass containers, resembling some kind of bizarre-shaped deep-sea jellyfish.

Yin Ren clenched the wooden rabbit talisman in his hand, but these brains showed no peculiar reactions.

All he could hear was the tapping of Zhong Chengshuo’s keyboard, mixed with the crisp clicking sound of the mouse. Yin Ren tightened his grip on the wooden rabbit talisman, and his eyelids grew heavier.

In the next moment, Yin Ren was abruptly awakened by an overwhelming killing intent.

The source of the killing intent was numerous, coming from all directions. And at this moment, he was no longer in the familiar underground basement but floating amidst chaos. At the end of the killing intent, countless shimmering and translucent “brain jellyfish” floated around him, radiating intense malice and killing intent.

Yin Ren instinctively suppressed his aura.

He could sense that the killing intent didn’t stem from hatred or anger but purely from “pleasure”. Those flickering brains were like sharks catching the scent of blood, lingering around him.

And in the distance, Yin Ren couldn’t see clearly. His senses were exceptionally chaotic, as if submerged in murky seawater. The brain jellyfish gradually faded away, sinking deeper into the sea, while more indistinct entities appeared around him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The chaos was filled with rhythmic vibrations, and its sensation was difficult to describe. Unrelated to hearing, unrelated to touch, but Yin Ren just knew that the collision sound never ceased.

What kind of place is this?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The rhythmic vibrations were irregular, with subtle variations in rhythm. If forced to describe, it was as if someone was manually striking something.

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Yin Ren couldn’t help but move his body, quietly approaching the source of the strikes. However, this place was bizarre. He wandered in place for a long time, unable to make any progress or successfully move even a bit.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The “sound” became clearer, causing discomfort throughout Yin Ren’s body. Just as he was about to further investigate, something suddenly grabbed hold of him. It possessed a formidable aura, pulling him in the opposite direction of the pounding sound.

Yin Ren wanted to confirm the identity of the assailant, but the perception remained chaotic, and he couldn’t glean any further information about the “attacker.”

Who could it be?

Before Yin Ren could fully comprehend the situation, a warmth pressed against his shoulder. He instantly opened his eyes and found himself back in the basement, bathed in the cold light.

“…Yin Ren.”

At some point, Zhong Chengshuo had stopped his search. He gently shook Yin Ren’s shoulder and called out in a low voice.

“Yin Ren, wake up. I’ve almost finished the search.”

Yin Ren pressed his slightly throbbing temple, abruptly transitioning from a dream to reality. The sensation of weightlessness threatened to swallow him whole.


“Twenty-eight years ago, the missing people from the Divine Descent.” Zhong Chengshuo displayed his computer screen, and beside the computer, a stack of thick paper documents appeared out of nowhere. “I’ve observed some families and recorded more detailed information than the Shian officials. It’s a fact that most of the missing individuals had good personalities.”

Yin Ren momentarily set aside the inexplicable dream and perked up his ears. “You said ‘most of them had good personalities’?”

“Yes, unfortunately, there were a few individuals with not-so-good reputations.” As he spoke, Zhong Chengshuo brought up some data.

Yin Ren glanced at them briefly. Several were local troublemakers, while others were notoriously stingy vendors. Their information was very ordinary, lacking any earth-shattering positive deeds.

No matter how he looked at it, these individuals had no connection to the so-called “good personality”.

Zhong Chengshuo asked Yin Ren to sit in the chair while he wrapped his arms around the back of the chair and manipulated the mouse.

“You know, as long as there are exceptions, Fu Xingchuan’s speculation doesn’t hold. But he raised an interesting perspective: most of the missing individuals had good personalities, and that can’t be a mere coincidence.”

Yin Ren stared at the dense explanatory text on the computer screen.

Zhong Chengshuo’s investigation was incredibly detailed. Over the years, in order to determine the cause of Zhong Chengfeng’s disappearance, apart from basic elements like gender, age, and occupation, he even looked into the family composition and reputation of other missing individuals, compiling their “character profiles”.

Regardless of gender, regardless of age, regardless of occupation…

Unlike Zhong Chengshuo, Yin Ren’s memory of the modern era was limited. He looked at the seemingly unrelated data, and suddenly something flashed in his mind.

“…Zhong Ge, do you remember the series of disappearances involving Bai Yongji? The case where the victims were fused into furniture?”

“I remember.”

“His criteria were ‘enduring suffering while maintaining optimism’.” Yin Ren looked at the data in front of him, trying to organize his thoughts. “But it doesn’t have much to do with psychological reasons. It’s just because he wanted to send half of the victims’ bodies to the Other Side. Judging from his intentions, individuals with that personality trait would last a bit longer on the Other Side.”

Zhong Chengshuo hummed in response on his shoulder.

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“Of course, these people disappeared entirely during the Divine Descent, and the circumstances aren’t entirely consistent. But I wonder… I’m just speculating—could this practice have something to do with ‘preservation on the Other Side’? All the Elementals we have encountered so far feed on emotions, and emotions arise when people are alive.”

Zhong Chengshuo released the chair.

He pondered for a moment and connected the numerous brains on the table to the computer.

“If your speculation is correct, these people disappeared because their ‘shelf life’ is longer and their ‘nutritional value’ is higher. It works perfectly.”

“These brain models belonged to serial killers, and their mental intensity is more than enough. Now, I will use them to simulate some common emotions. If your speculation is correct, there should be some useful data to be obtained if there is a corruption source from Evil Force nearby.”


The next day, Ge Tingting and Huang Jin saw dark circles under the eyes of the other three, indicating lack of sleep.

Lu Xiaohe’s insomnia was understandable, and Yin Ren’s sleeplessness could be attributed to coincidence. As for why the “flesh puppet” also had dark circles, that was a matter not worth pondering. For some reason, Ge Tingting felt a subtle sense of unease from Yin Ren today.

“Do you have any progress on your side?” Despite knowing that Yin Ren’s expression wasn’t good, Lu Xiaohe couldn’t help but ask. “Anything, really anything.”

“I have some speculations, but it’s not going smoothly.” Yin Ren evaded the question.

It wasn’t just going smoothly; it was causing big trouble.

That night, Zhong Chengshuo retrieved the emotional measurement scale from within Shian’s Archive. It was said to be the emotion data observed and analyzed by the Shian Observation and Analysis Archive, a meticulously revised and reasonably categorized scale—

Under the two basic categories of “fear” and “satisfaction”, there were subdivisions of “sorrow” and “hatred”, “joy” and “love”, as well as countless smaller, more subtle emotions extending further down the scale. It felt like it would take a hundred years to try them all.

So they started from the top with “satisfaction” and slowly proceeded along the positive emotions. The rabbit talisman was surrounded by brains on the table, and there was no change on either side.

The night ended, and the sun rose. The two Primordial Elementals went from being enthusiastic to bitter. Zhong Chengshuo started to yawn, and Yin Ren slipped out to buy breakfast. The faint smell of medicine in the room was overpowered by the aroma of deep-fried dough sticks and soy milk. Zhong Chengshuo finally decided to abandon the “quiet pleasure” according to the emotional data from Shian and switch to the “fear” category for another experiment.

This time, Zhong Chengshuo even wrote an emotion simulation script for this experiment.

A large amount of simulated fear emotions succeeded, but there was no response.

Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo each had a dough stick, dipping it in soy milk and eating bite by bite.

A large amount of disgust emotions were successfully simulated, but there was no response.

Yin Ren started to savor a tea egg slowly, and Zhong Chengshuo bit into a row of corn, occasionally glancing at his watch.

“It’s morning.” Zhong Chengshuo announced the time on the hour.

“Yes, it’s dawn.” Yin Ren wiped his mouth, his face filled with melancholy.

Zhong Chengshuo finished the corn, wiped the corners of his mouth earnestly, and leaned in to kiss Yin Ren’s forehead. “Good morning.”

At that moment, the program automatically simulated “sorrow”.

The rabbit talisman suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and sparks of electricity and magical brilliance erupted simultaneously. After a series of explosions, the surrounding brain models were destroyed one by one.

Amidst the smoke and broken glass, the space slowly cracked, and a familiar figure appeared before the two of them.

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When Qi Xin appeared in this basement, Zhong Chengshuo hadn’t had the chance to finish kissing Yin Ren’s forehead. More than a dozen shards of glass fell into the steaming soy milk.

Qi Xin: “…” She stood on the table with her flat shoes, stepping on the wet glass and emitting squeaking and creaking sounds. All the brain models were completely damaged, and King Yama’s years of hunting records turned into nothingness in an instant.

Zhong Chengshuo and Yin Ren: “…”

The air was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

“I thought there was food.” Qi Xin glanced at Yin Ren, casually adjusting her hair. “Sorry for the interruption. Maybe we’ll meet again.”

“Wait!” Yin Ren spoke up. “I have something to discuss!”

“You did well in thwarting Mr. Qiu.”

Qi Xin looked down at Yin Ren from a high vantage point, and under the pale light, the faint red at the corner of her eyes appeared particularly striking.

“You have grown quickly, and I am pleased… In terms of power, you may have matured. But right now, you have no fighting skills. With your current level, there is nothing for us to discuss.”

She kept her gaze on Yin Ren as if Zhong Chengshuo on the side was just a decoration in the room.

“Maybe we’ll meet again, cub. Remember not to approach if you hear knocking sounds next time.”

Thinking of the inexplicable dream just now and the force that pulled him away, Yin Ren was taken aback. “Was it you just now…”

Qi Xin smiled lightly, and her figure began to fade away.

But this time, before Yin Ren could make a move, Zhong Chengshuo rushed forward like a cannonball and grabbed Qi Xin’s wrist. There was no expression on his face, but strangely, Yin Ren knew that his lover was displeased.

Qi Xin paid no attention to it. However, after a few seconds, all the profound and unfathomable expressions on her face turned into question marks.

Her body disappeared up to her wrist, and then, as if a skill had been interrupted, she solidified once again. Qi Xin and Zhong Chengshuo remained silent, staring at each other, and she slowly shook her wrist.

Zhong Chengshuo didn’t let go.

Qi Xin exerted more force to shake him off.

Zhong Chengshuo remained unmoved, and his expression turned even colder.

“What is this?” Qi Xin narrowed her eyes, and the aura of killing intent gradually intensified around her.

Yin Ren gasped for breath, his hand forming a seal, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his back.

Qi Xin was a mysterious figure, one of the strongest Primordial Elementals they had encountered. With Lu Xiaohe’s mother’s life hanging in the balance, this was indeed a rare opportunity. If they could keep her here, they could join forces to suppress Qi Xin.

However… there was an obvious difference between Qi Xin and Zhong Chengshuo. Although she was a Primordial Elemental, she possessed emotional intelligence close to that of an ordinary person.

He needed to choose a more suitable means of communication.

“That is… cough, I made a flesh puppet, from my own flesh and blood.” Yin Ren coughed loudly.

Qi Xin: “You call this a flesh puppet? Do you think I’m stupid?”

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