Evil As Humans

Chapter 189

Chapter 189: Each Takes What They Need

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Zhong Chengshuo silently tightened his grip on Qi Xin. Ever since this person appeared, he hadn’t exchanged any eye contact with Yin Ren.

Yin Ren tried to calm his emotions. With Qi Xin’s allegiance still uncertain, he couldn’t casually reveal that “Zhong Chengshuo is a powerful Primordial Elemental”. After all, when they met in Gengsheng Town, she only focused on him and called him a “cub”, seemingly unaware of Zhong Chengshuo’s special nature.

“Alright, it’s not a flesh puppet.” Yin Ren adopted the demeanor of the Great Celestial Master of a thousand years ago, speaking calmly and casually. “But you should also know that Zhong Chengshuo was killed by Mr. Qiu, and I don’t have the ability to resurrect the dead.”

Since Qi Xin knew that Yin Ren killed Mr. Qiu, she must have some understanding of Mr. Qiu’s attack on the Fu residence. As expected, her expression remained unchanged upon hearing that Zhong Chengshuo was killed.

“As for what this is, it has nothing to do with you.”

Yin Ren continued reluctantly. He casually pulled over an interrogation chair and sat down with an indifferent posture.

“You come and go mysteriously without speaking human language, and now I have to explain everything to you in detail?”

Qi Xin’s gaze shifted between Zhong Chengshuo and Yin Ren. Suddenly, her neck twitched like a snake, and she leaned forward to sniff the back of Zhong Chengshuo’s neck. Zhong Chengshuo remained motionless, as if he had turned into a wax figure on the spot.

After sniffing, Qi Xin moved her restrained wrist, and her expression became even more puzzled.

“We have already determined that Primordial Elementals exist in a food chain system. The higher up the food chain, the more primal and purer the emotions, and the fewer the number of individuals within the species.”

Zhong Chengshuo suddenly spoke with a flat tone.

“Mr. Qiu represents the emotion of ‘disgust’, while the emotion you possess is ‘sorrow’. Both of you are top-tier Elementals in the food chain, and it is highly likely that only one of each exists. After the original dies, a cub will appear.”

Qi Xin stopped struggling. She stood calmly in place, examining Yin Ren once again with an almost scrutinizing gaze.

Yin Ren chuckled softly. “This is the result of my investigation. Surprised?”

God knew how many facial twitches he suppressed behind this relaxed smile.

He himself was surprised! Zhong Chengshuo didn’t mention anything about “the death of the original individual and the birth of a new offspring”! This guy must have secretly studied something and hadn’t had a chance to tell him yet.

Feigning ignorance while keeping his eyes open, this was probably the essence of being an accomplice.

Fortunately, the intelligence Zhong Chengshuo provided was indeed useful.

“Interesting. You can have your puppet release me now. I can listen to what you have to say.” Qi Xin raised her chin. “Of course, I won’t guarantee cooperation.”

“Release her,” Yin Ren ordered.

Zhong Chengshuo finally released his grip on Qi Xin’s arm. Qi Xin disregarded the shattered glass on the table and sat cross-legged on it. Zhong Chengshuo remained standing in his original position. It must be said that he was truly suited to play the role of a puppet, reaching the pinnacle of acting skills.

Yin Ren pressed his temples and quickly assessed the current situation.

[’You’ are still alive. No… No, it should be said, ‘You’ are back… I knew it would be like this…]

[You have to grow up quickly. Come back soon and kill us well.]

That was what Qi Xin said when they met in Gengsheng Town. At that time, she was devouring the Semi-Evil Spirit old mayor with overwhelming strength that was truly shocking.

At this critical moment, Zhong Chengshuo wouldn’t waste words. If he wanted to intimidate Qi Xin, he would surely mention information that they both knew so as not to disrupt Yin Ren’s “performance”. But he deliberately chose information that Yin Ren was unaware of, so there must be some deeper meaning to “targeting Qi Xin” within it.

Yin Ren’s mind had never worked so hard before. In a flash of lightning, countless thoughts raced through his mind.

The death of the original individual and the birth of a new offspring… The “You” that Qi Xin mentioned, who could kill many Primordial Elementals, was likely a representation of the top-tier species in the food chain. After all, “top-tier Primordial Elementals are highly likely to exist as the only one”.

Literally speaking, there was once an Elemental on the Other Side that had killed countless others and was extremely formidable. If Qi Xin wasn’t mistaken, this “You” likely referred to Zhong Chengshuo.

However, Yin Ren couldn’t see how this science post, who even haggled at the market, could match the image of a “killer of many”. Even in the role of King Yama, Zhong Chengshuo demanded payment for his services.

And aside from that, why would Qi Xin yearn for “death”?

Mr. Qiu was annihilated, indicating that Primordial Elementals could be completely destroyed. If Miss Qi truly desired death so much, she could simply ask her companions to tear her apart.

However, this Primordial Elemental representing “sorrow” had appeared just minutes ago, seeking something to eat, showing clear concern for the quality of life.

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It was too contradictory. Could the phrase “kill us” be some mysterious symbol? Yin Ren wished he could pry open her mouth and make her speak more intelligibly.

But all he could do was think in his mind.

In less than ten seconds, Yin Ren resumed the conversation.

“Now I have some understanding of the Primordial Elementals and have the means to suppress them. Of course, all of this is based on my exploration using human technology. As for your so-called Primordial Elemental skills in combat, I simply cannot comprehend them out of thin air.”

For the former Great Celestial Master, adopting the tone of a superior came naturally.

“Since our encounter in Gengsheng Town, your attitude toward me has been rather strange… Since you have a favor to ask, your attitude should at least be a bit better.”

Qi Xin’s neck had returned to its original state. She remained silent, only eagerly observing Yin Ren.

“Of course, I also have a favor to ask of you. How about we each take what we need and make a deal?”

“…Hmm, what should I do?”

Qi Xin’s fingers rubbed her lower lip, her tone full of playfulness. She toyed with the shards of glass on the table with her fingertips, but her delicate fingers showed no signs of any wounds.

“If I were to reveal secrets that should not be revealed, in human terms, I would be a ‘sinner to my race’. I still need to operate on the Other Side, and it wouldn’t be cost-effective to offend all of my kind for an immature cub.”

Zhong Chengshuo opened his mouth as if he wanted to speak, but Yin Ren gently shook his head at him.

“I only have two questions I want to ask.”

Yin Ren said.

“I guarantee you that these questions are very ordinary, and no one would suspect that it was you who asked them.”

Qi Xin stopped playing with the shards and said, “Go ahead, ask.”

“The first question: I know that recently, people who have gone missing have been sent to the Other Side. I want to know if, with the resources we currently have, we can rescue them?”

Yin Ren tapped his fingers on the armrest of the interrogation chair, his palms slightly sweaty. His tone was slow, attempting to make every word clear to Qi Xin.

“The second question… The corruption source of slight Evil Force shouldn’t have such a significant impact on the mortal realm. Behind the recent chaos, there must have been the intervention of your ‘friend’. What I want to ask is, if I can disrupt Sunken Society’s plans and kill your friend, would you be willing to cooperate with me?”

“You have few questions, but many doubts to clarify.” Qi Xin chuckled, but her smile was extremely stiff, like a mask carved by an amateur. “Indeed, these questions won’t cause me any trouble.”

Her neck extended once again, and her plain and lackluster face leaned toward Yin Ren.

“For the first question, you can save them. But a small suggestion, don’t use the pile of brains from just now… They have defects that will conveniently lead you astray from the correct answer.”

“For the second question, if you can kill Mr. Le, I am more than willing to cooperate with you. I will keep a close eye on you, little cub.”

With that, Qi Xin stood up, preparing to leave.

But just as she was about halfway through disappearing, her wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone with a loud snap.

“What is the meaning of this?” Ms. Qi Xin’s smile carried a hint of hidden anger as she looked at Zhong Chengshuo’s hand.

“These models are precious, valuable relics left behind by Zhong Chengshuo.” Zhong Chengshuo stated seriously. “You destroyed all of them, and you need to compensate.”

Qi Xin was straightforward. “How much?”

“It’s priceless and can only be exchanged for intelligence.” Zhong Chengshuo tightened his grip causing Qi Xin’s joints to crack. “Provide more information about saving people.”

Qi Xin raised her brows, and her expression gradually turned meaningful.

“It seems your understanding of the Other Side is still limited.” Qi Xin smiled uncomfortably. “Don’t you have a readily-made helper, Shian?”

After speaking, she broke each of Zhong Chengshuo’s fingers one by one and vanished into thin air.

The basement was once again a mess. The soy milk mixed with glass shards had turned cold. It was already 6:30 in the morning, they had no experiments to do, no time for a complete rest, and could only face the blown-up experimental equipment in sadness.

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“Can those models be restored?” After a while, Yin Ren cautiously spoke.

“The basic data is backed up,” Zhong Chengshuo said gloomily, walking heavily towards Yin Ren. “But those instruments were specially made and very expensive.”

“You can use my bank card.”

Zhong Chengshuo glanced at Yin Ren, not saying a word. The emotions in his gaze were subtle, and even Yin Ren became disheartened.

“Alright, I understand. No need to say anything.”

So, it turned out that what was blown up just now was not only the precious models but also the fortune accumulated by King Yama over the years, far surpassing Shian’s compensation. Yin Ren’s tone was filled with infinite regret, almost tempting Qi Xin to come over again.

The two melancholic figures sat together on the chair, silently listening to the ticking of the second hand.

“We still have over two hours before work,” Yin Ren said.


“Is there still time to conduct any research or verification?”

“No materials.” Zhong Chengshuo rubbed the back of his head, and he spoke with a hint of bitterness in his tone.

It was rare to see him so listless. Yin Ren pondered for a moment, glanced at the clock, and suddenly had a brilliant idea. Wings rustled and covered the floor as Yin Ren leaned close to Zhong Chengshuo’s ear. There was a hint of amusement in his serious tone.

“It just suddenly occurred to me that we can still conduct a research study. Time might be a bit tight, but we should have enough time.”

Zhong Chengshuo turned his head with confusion. Yin Ren happened to lean in front of him, so their noses almost touched. Several warm wings gently brushed past him.

“Do you want to study whether the same species of Elementals can reproduce?”


As the memories faded, Yin Ren rubbed his slightly darkened eyes and looked at Unit 9 in front of him.

Lu Xiaohe wore an anxious expression. In just one day, she looked much more haggard. Yin Ren sighed inwardly and decided to make the hint more explicit—to ensure that they wouldn’t draw attention to Zhong Chengshuo, they needed to appear “normal.”

“Speaking of which, I still think this case is similar to the Bai Yongji case.” Yin Ren sat on the sofa in the office. “Although in that case, it was because I was accidentally… well, not entirely accidentally—kidnapped, that it was solved. Now, thinking back, this disappearance case clearly involves the Other Side. It’s unlikely that there has been no reaction from the higher-ups at Shian.”

Since Qi Xin asked them to seek help from Shian, there must be a reason behind it. For someone as clever as Lu Xiaohe, giving her a clue should be enough to prompt her.

Sure enough, Lu Xiaohe raised her face, stiff as a board, and a hint of light appeared in her lifeless eyes.

She seemed to recall something, and her lips trembled slightly.

“Encrypted report! The Bai Yongji case had an encrypted report from the Emergency Management Department… The number, let me think… SA8729948719.”

She murmured to herself and rushed to the console.

Today was different from the past. Now, Lu Xiaohe had the authority equivalent to that of the Emergency Management Department. She typed on the keyboard with great force, almost smashing it. In the silent gaze of everyone, she swiftly accessed that high-level report. Lu Xiaohe even forgot to enlarge the text, lowering her head and quickly scanning through the dense words.

One name that appeared multiple times quickly caught Lu Xiaohe’s attention.

Current Minister of Foreign Object Identification Department, Minister Jiao, Jiao Lian.

Twenty-eight years ago, during the Divine Descent incident, she was a “Charon” in the Emergency Management Department, dedicated to researching the Other Side. The report indicated that if they wanted to determine the victim’s location as soon as possible, they could seek help from Jiao Lian.

Lu Xiaohe swallowed her saliva.

Without discussing with any of her colleagues, she immediately called Fu Xingchuan.

“Minister Fu.”

Her voice was hoarse as she spoke.

“I think… No, this case requires the support of Minister Jiao.”

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Fu Xingchuan, on the other end of the phone, remained silent for a long time. “Jiao Lian?”

“In the Bai Yongji case, she assisted Shian in locating the victims.” Lu Xiaohe tightly closed the office door and activated the speakerphone. “She can access the Other Side, right? As long as she can find the person, we will definitely…”

“Definitely what?” Fu Xingchuan’s tone was somewhat complicated.

“Definitely… definitely…” Lu Xiaohe choked up.

In the end, she pursed her lips and fell silent.

“In the Bai Yongji case, all the victims had only half of their bodies sent to the Other Side. In other words, they were all stuck in place. These people have completely entered the Other Side, so they naturally would move around before dying, making it difficult to track them.”

Fu Xingchuan sighed.

“I’ll be frank with you. When Minister Jiao searches for someone, she needs the precise thoughts of the missing person. And as long as the person is found, we can ‘pull them back’ through the remaining half of their body in the human world… Your cases have completely disappeared from the human realm, with no thoughts as clues. Even if we can find them, except for a true Charon, no one can bring people in and out of the other side.”

“But… But the previous Archive… the memory world…” Lu Xiaohe instinctively retorted.

“Those places are similar to interstitial spaces, but they’re not the real Other Side,” Fu Xingchuan patiently explained. “In Minister Jiao’s case… she can no longer send people to the Other Side. Personally, I think it’s better for you to search for the conditions that triggered the disappearances.”

Having experienced ups and downs, Lu Xiaohe slumped back in her chair, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. She still held the phone in her hand, her mouth moving silently.

It seemed like she was saying, “Mom.”

On the other end of the phone, Fu Xingchuan didn’t hang up, patiently waiting for her to catch her breath.

“…I understand.” After about half a minute, Lu Xiaohe forced out a smile. “If Minister Jiao could easily find people, Minister Meng Huai wouldn’t have been out of touch for so long. I’m sorry, my mind was clouded, and I didn’t think it through.”

After speaking, she stared blankly at the screen of her phone. Fu Xingchuan didn’t say anything; the only change was the duration of the call with each passing second.

“The rear command shouldn’t act so recklessly. Perhaps I shouldn’t be in charge of this case. I should…”

Before she could utter a trembling “recluse”, Yin Ren snatched the phone from her hand.

“I also want to meet Minister Jiao,” Yin Ren said.


“Because I have a hypothesis that was halfway verified yesterday before the equipment was damaged. If we want to verify it more accurately, we can only ask for Minister Jiao’s help,” Yin Ren replied.

“…” Fu Xingchuan fell into silence for a long time. “If you just want to try to find someone again, I can tell you clearly, it’s useless. Every method you can think of to find someone has been tried before.”

“No, it’s not about finding someone. You’ll know when the time comes.”


In the dim room, the “blood and flesh wires” of the neural network crawled up the walls, and a malformed monster leaned against the headboard with frantically flickering screens embedded in its body. They were tangled together, and indecipherable patterns quickly flickered and changed on the screens. In front of the soft bedsheet, a phone was in the middle of a call.

Li Nian stood on the left, and Fu Xingchuan stood on the right, both beside the bed. Their expressions were unusually serious, with their gazes fixed on Yin Ren.

The air in the room was dry and pleasant, at a temperature that was most comfortable, yet Lu Xiaohe shivered. The “monster” in front of her emitted an oppressive feeling that was hard to bear, causing goosebumps to cover her entire body. Huang Jin and Ge Tingting, who were following behind her, were even more nervous. Ge Tingting plugged her ears, while Huang Jin didn’t know what he had seen and simply closed his eyes.

“Why did they ask us to come too?” he even muttered softly.

In front of Lu Xiaohe, Yin Ren stood with Zhong Chengshuo. He looked up at the glittering “pile of monitors” and fell silent.

“Alright, everyone.”

They stood in place as a synthesized voice sounded from the phone.

“I am, Jiao Lian. What do, you guys need?”

Yin Ren took a deep breath and took a step forward. “Hello, I am Zhong Yi. I believe you have heard of my name.”

The flickering on the screen stopped at that very moment. Even Fu Xingchuan turned his head, looking over with a hint of surprise.

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“During the Divine Descent twenty-eight years ago, many people went missing. Now, due to the corruption caused by Evil Force, disappearances have occurred in Haigu once again. After studying these disappearance cases, we have a hypothesis.”

The flickering on the screen stopped at that very moment, and even Fu Xingchuan turned his head, looking over with a slightly surprised expression.

“Twenty-eight years ago during the Divine Descent, many people went missing. Now, in Haigu, there are once again disappearances caused by the corruption of Evil Force. After conducting research, we have a hypothesis regarding these disappearance cases.”


Jiao Lian remained silent, but her screen began to flicker again. It was clear that she was listening. This time, it was Professor Li Nian, who was usually as steady as Mount Tai, who turned his body and fixed his gaze on Yin Ren.

“All the missing individuals are mentally resilient. Most of them have good personalities; it’s simply an expression of their mental health and strength… This characteristic allows these people to survive longer on the Other Side.”

“Yes, they should go, ‘mad’ later. Going ‘mad’ later, means dying later.”

Jiao Lian finally responded, but her synthesized voice didn’t reveal any emotions.

“Just like me.”

Yin Ren hummed with a complicated mood. “These people were sent into the other side by Primordial Elementals. These beings enjoy consuming emotions. Perhaps there is some commonality in emotions among them… Unfortunately, my materials were damaged yesterday, and I couldn’t find that common point.”

He opened his palm, revealing a wooden talisman in his hand.

“I have another hypothesis that needs to be verified. Can you help me?”

“How can, I help?”

“Next, I will use this wooden talisman to influence the people around me.”

Yin Ren took a step back, his gaze sweeping around.

“The people here are relatively mentally resilient. I will conduct further experiments with them. I kindly request that you observe any activity on the Other Side… I believe that if we find the ‘trigger’ for the disappearances, there will definitely be a reaction on the Other Side. Please help me keep an eye out.”

Even Ms. Qi had to tear open a space to find food and accessing the Archive and Memory World required using magic and energy as mediums. People couldn’t pass through the cracks between the human realm and the Other Side without leaving traces.

In the face of these mind-boggling statements, everyone else remained silent, except for two individuals who spoke almost simultaneously.

Huang Jin: “Who are you going to experiment on?!”

Ge Tingting: “I’m willing to help Xiaohe Jie!”

The rest remained silent. With Ge Tingting’s response, Huang Jin couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed. Even so, he still firmly displayed his cowardice.

“It’s not me, but this person… This person must have had a problem while crossing the Other Side, which caused them to end up like this, right?” Huang Jin pointed at Jiao Lian on the bed with a pale face. “Her thoughts are fragmented and disjointed, but she’s still trying to hold on. There are many thoughts mixed in her that don’t belong to her, it looks incredibly… incredibly…”

Just like Frankenstein’s monster, stitched together from the corpses of various minds.

“I also want to save Lu Xiaohe’s mother, but I have people to take care of too. What if—what if that wooden talisman really…?”

“Then you can go last.” Ge Tingting reassured him with confidence. “With your bad personality, it probably won’t succeed.”

Huang Jin: “…”

“It’s okay. Once anything unusual happens, I will inform Zhong Yi and stop.” Jiao Lian’s voice came from the phone. Perhaps it was an illusion, but her voice had a faint hint of amusement. “Don’t be afraid, young man. I’m not trying to hold on, either.”

A low and mournful sound escaped from Huang Jin’s throat.

“Xiao Huang, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to participate.”

Lu Xiaohe stepped forward solemnly.

“It’s not your obligation, so you can completely refuse. It won’t change how I see you.”

Huang Jin: “I…”

His handsome face, now clouded, contorted slightly.

“Forget it. I have a bad personality. It’s fine.” He turned his head, keeping a distance. “It’s settled. I’ll go last.”

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