Evil As Humans

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Shelf Life

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Zhong Chengshuo stood in the kitchen, holding a slotted spoon, and for the first time in his life, he had serious doubts.

Since Yin Ren brought up the issue in the taxi, he hadn’t uttered a word. The moment he returned home, he opened the refrigerator door. Lord Ghost King leaned against the refrigerator partition with a deep gaze and focused on the inside of the refrigerator.

Zhong Chengshuo tied on his apron as usual, which had “Dangerous Person” written on it. Only now did he realize that someone had added an extra stroke to the apron, changing “Dangerous Person” to “Big Shot”*.

*Yin Ren added a line across (人) in person (人物) changing it to (大) Beast (大物) (transliteral would be “big thing”).


He glanced at Yin Ren, who was intimately close to the refrigerator, and silently adjusted the modified apron. He decided to make a lamb stew. Thirty minutes later, Zhong Chengshuo’s foam had been skimmed off ninety-nine times, but Yin Ren still had his head in the refrigerator. The aroma of the lamb drifted into the living room, but it didn’t seem to affect him.

Finally unable to bear it any longer, Zhong Chengshuo covered the stew pot and walked over to Yin Ren. Mimicking Yin Ren’s movements, he leaned forward and rested his chin on the refrigerator partition.

It was cool, but nothing special. Lately, they hadn’t been at home much, and the eggs were no longer fresh. Zhong Chengshuo’s gaze swept over rows of ingredients as he quickly calculated in his mind.

Two grown men squeezed in front of the refrigerator, creating a scene that defied description.

To the point that when Hu Tao happily crawled back to the living room, she let out a high-pitched scream. Only then did Yin Ren snap out of his daze and tilt his head slightly. “What are you doing?”

“Just see if you’ve noticed anything.”

Amidst the bubbling sound of the stew, Zhong Chengshuo focused on the inside of the refrigerator.

“…” Yin Ren pulled his head back and reached for two bottles of soda. “Let’s go to the sofa.”

Hu Tao looked at the two seemingly insane people, while floating silently on the ceiling. Yin Ren glanced at her, unusually not shooing her away. He squeezed onto one end of the sofa and made room for Zhong Chengshuo. “Come.”

Zhong Chengshuo didn’t even bother taking off his apron. He obediently sat cross-legged on the other end.

“Based on your current conjecture, the Other Side is like the ‘internet’ composed of the brains of countless organisms. The Elementals are like ‘programmatic’ creatures living within it. They have their own food chain and their own feeding criteria.”

Yin Ren struggled to make an analogy.

Zhong Chengshuo held the soda bottle tightly in his hands and nodded silently. On the other hand, Hu Tao’s expression became even more bewildered, and her neck was about to twist ninety degrees.

“One thing you mentioned earlier caught my attention. You said that human emotions can’t be used as a benchmark.” Yin Ren shook the soda bottle.

Zhong Chengshuo nodded more vigorously.

Yin Ren no longer leaned against the sofa. He leaned forward and placed the soda in front of Zhong Chengshuo.

It was apple juice soda that he specifically bought. Zhong Chengshuo didn’t like these overly industrialized products, whereas Yin Ren was the opposite. After negotiations between the two Primordial Elementals, they finally reached a certain consensus, compromising between taste and health.

The transparent bottle was adorned with vibrant packaging paper, and the ingredients were relatively simple and healthy. However, the shelf life was longer than that of freshly squeezed juice.

Yin Ren turned the side with the shelf life information towards Zhong Chengshuo. “Since human conditions cannot be used as a benchmark, why don’t we just forget about those subtle standards of love and affection… What if we look at it from the perspective of a Primordial Elemental?”

Zhong Chengshuo’s gaze was blank for a moment, then gradually became sharper. The next second, he turned his head to look at the refrigerator.

The refrigerator stood silently in its place, emitting an almost inaudible hum.

“Human bodies can be preserved for a longer time on the Other Side. When Gao Mengyu disappeared for a few weeks initially, she was just a little weak when she was rescued,” Zhong Chengshuo muttered to himself, holding the chilled beverage. “This is physical preservation.”

“But according to Jiao Lian, the human mind can’t last for long on the Other Side. Even strong-willed individuals will go insane after spending too much time there. Those people turned into furniture by Bai Yongji didn’t remain clear-minded for long.”

Yin Ren shook the soda in his hand, causing countless bubbles to escape from the juice.

“Even madmen have emotions, but it’s hard to determine the category of those emotions, right? Even if the body can be preserved, the quality of food will deteriorate. If it were me, I would want chilled soda—with a long shelf life and a consistent taste.”

But that was all he could think of. Yin Ren knew he had grasped the right clue, but he always felt like he missed something.

Zhong Chengshuo suddenly got up from the sofa. He quickly dashed into the bedroom and soon came back, holding his tablet in his hand.

“These are the people who didn’t meet the ‘good personality’ criteria.”

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He directly grabbed Yin Ren and swiftly scrolled through the screen.

Several small gangsters had poor reputations, but they all had a peculiar commonality—

They only had one family member left.

Young siblings, parents with only one person remaining, or lone grandparents.

That street vendor, who was infamous for being stingy, worked from dawn until night, earning money for her deaf daughter’s surgery.

They also met the criteria of “love”.

“According to what you said, it’s indeed possible that it has nothing to do with the intensity of love,” Zhong Chengshuo said softly, sliding his fingertip across the screen. It stopped at the profile of Lu Xiaohe’s mother, “He Huan”.

“If it’s for the sake of ‘shelf life’, then all of this makes sense. Yin Ren, you thought I was dead. During that time, would you have gone crazy or wanted to die?”

“Huh?” Yin Ren was taken aback. “I just wanted to find your body, maybe go into seclusion for a few hundred years while holding you. But if you’re talking about really going crazy or wanting to die, I…”

“I would still live my life well, but I would always remember you.” Yin Ren pondered for a moment and gave a firm reply.

He really was past the age of <Romeo and Juliet>, so he wouldn’t go crazy or die for love on the spot. What was going on? Could it be that he wasn’t chosen by the wooden talisman because his mind wasn’t consumed by love?

“You like me, but I’m not your ‘main reason to keep living’. You have much more experience than me, so you’re not that naive. Someone like you, if trapped on the Other Side, it wouldn’t necessarily be ‘love’ that supports you.”

Yin Ren pondered and couldn’t deny it.

Once thrown into the Other Side, he couldn’t say for sure if he would be one-third curious, one-third sorrowful, and one-third longing for Zhong Chengshuo, with the remaining reminiscing about various modern delicacies.

Zhong Chengshuo nodded.

“But these people are different.”

“The lives of these gangsters are a mess, and their loved ones are their only concern. That street vendor sacrificed her own life in exchange for her child’s health… Lu Xiaohe’s mother is seriously ill, and her concern for her child is her greatest support. Zhong Chengfeng truly loves her work and life; her faith comes from her love for ‘others’.”

“Huang Jin is even easier to explain. He had genuinely sought death. When Ding Lizi pulled him back, she, in a certain sense, became his obsession.”

Yin Ren’s eyes lit up as he tightly gripped the bottle. “That’s it! If these people were trapped on the Other Side, what would keep them clear-minded is undoubtedly intense ‘love’—long shelf life, high purity, perfect food.”

Zhong Chengshuo placed his tablet aside and picked up his bottle of apple soda, tapping it against Yin Ren’s bottle.

“Yes,” Zhong Chengshuo said as he adjusted his glasses. “But so far, it’s just speculation.”

“Indeed, but it can only be tested with different people, which is also difficult to verify.” Yin Ren deflated quickly.

“…Boring, I thought you were going to say something else.” Hu Tao’s voice echoed faintly from the ceiling.

“In the end, it’s still about the case; not exciting at all. Xiao Yin, come on, find something interesting for Sister to watch. It’s time for a break.”

“This case is quite important.” Yin Ren opened the juice and took a sip. The aroma of apples instantly filled his mouth, bringing a sense of refreshment.

“Huh? Is that how you put it?” Hu Tao floated closer, wearing a gossipy expression. “What case? What case? Can I go on a business trip? You haven’t called us recently.”

“Missing people case, which is likely related to the disappearance cases from twenty-eight… twenty-nine years ago.” Faced with Hu Tao, who had a contract with him, Yin Ren didn’t bother hiding it.

A peculiar expression of curiosity froze on Hu Tao’s face and her complexion turned somewhat grim.

“Oh, the cases from twenty-nine years ago.” Her tone was cheerful but slightly peculiar. “Those should be thoroughly investigated.”

After saying that, she brushed aside her overgrown bangs, and her dim eyes locked onto Yin Ren.

“Uh, I don’t really understand the Other Side and all, but if you want to obtain ‘intense love’, I might have a way.”


Dawn at the Haigu Public Security Bureau.

“Hey sweetie, Dad won’t be coming home tonight.” Officer Sun sent a voice message to his daughter, then vigorously scratched his head at his desk.

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Since Shian mentioned “a little trouble,” there had been many challenging cases in Haigu. The cases themselves weren’t particularly sensational and solving them wasn’t difficult. The trouble lay in the fact that these cases always sparked a significant amount of online public opinion.

Several unemployed young individuals anonymously posted criminal threats online, then proceeded to splash sulfuric acid on fashionable girls in the city center. Another aimless hoodlum lurked in the commercial district alley and slit the throat of a young boss.

Nighttime assaults, random arson, homemade bomb injuries… one crime after another, all indiscriminate.

Although the cases were solved, the impact they brought couldn’t dissipate quickly. The negative influence didn’t diminish; instead, it grew larger. Just as they apprehended the inept acid-splashing imitator, another person emerged on the streets, slashing people. Seeing the situation gradually worsen, the pressure from higher-ups also increased significantly.

Officer Sun forcefully rubbed his face, feeling as if he had aged ten years.

“Everyone’s gone mad.”

He wearily patted the case files, unsure of what to do.

Compared to these inexplicable cases, previous incidents of bloody street brawls and domestic violence seemed “ordinary.” Judging by recent public opinion, many people no longer regarded the previous cases of harm to acquaintances as a big deal.

Not to mention that some cases were “contagious”. Allowing them to spread freely, causing panic and imitation. However, if the information was tightly controlled, suspicions of “covering up” would arise. Given the current state of public opinion, no matter what they did, people would find fault with it.

Unfortunately, the police force had been stretched thin recently, with each officer essentially doing the work of two. Officer Sun felt a throbbing pain in his head, and the cursor on his computer had been blinking after the word “proposal” for half an hour, yet not a single word had been written.

“This can’t go on. If we don’t handle it properly, who knows what Haigu will become…”

Officer Sun took a sip of strong tea, a tinge of blue appearing in his eyes.

“Lao Sun, something’s happened!”

Officer Sun almost choked on his tea, still halfway through drinking.

“What happened? Tell me!”

“There’s an incident at Haigu Junior High. A young girl was buried alive!” Another officer gasped for breath. “When she was found, she was still breathing and was rushed to the municipal hospital for treatment… Regardless of whether it’s murder or attempted murder, it’s our case.”

Officer Sun grabbed a handful of his hair and pounded it against the thick stack of case files.

“Damn it!”

At the same time, a red dot appeared in the upper right corner of his WeChat.

[Let Me See Your Heart: Dad, it’s alright. I can’t come back either. There are patients to save.]

[Let Me See Your Heart: One of my previous patients, a girl with congenital heart disease, claims she was buried alive.]

[Let Me See Your Heart: This is absolutely insane!]

Well, at least he could see his daughter.

Officer Sun stood up and put on his leather jacket. Just as he was about to leave, he paused and grabbed a handful of chocolate candies from the drawer.


Between his fingertips, Yin Ren held something resembling a chocolate candy with a complicated expression that was extremely delicate.

“…Is this progress in society? No, is this even considered progress?”

Sitting upright on the couch, Zhong Chengshuo didn’t answer him.

“I’ve heard from the Nightwalkers that it’s guaranteed to work,” Hu Tao assured, patting her chest. “It doesn’t harm the body, and apparently, it tastes good too.”

“Oh.” Yin Ren continued to observe the chocolate-like substance. “Safety certification from Shian is unquestionable, while certification from Sunken Society is undoubtedly problematic. As for what the Nightwalkers can certify, that’s truly a mystery. No one knows how effective it will be.”

This was the “intense love” that Miss Hu Tao highly recommended.

Following the instructions of this formidable Miss Hu Tao, the two of them went to the Ghost Market at night. They used up half of Yin Ren’s savings to buy a single pill. Considering the need to keep the progress of their investigation as discreet as possible, they probably couldn’t submit a reimbursement for this item.

Gazing at the object, Yin Ren felt a strange mixture of gain and loss in his emotions.

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The Nightwalkers gave it an elegant name, “Innocent Thoughts”. But according to Zhong Chengshuo’s summary, it was more like a “rationality-evaporating agent”. Unlike those “aphrodisiacs” that primarily targeted physical attraction, this potion was mainly used for psychological attraction.

In Hu Tao’s words, it could turn anyone into a youth brimming with vitality, consumed by the desire to live and die for love. While the user’s fondness for the object of their affection wouldn’t actually skyrocket, all other emotions, thoughts… even morals and principles would vanish.

Theoretically, the effect of this substance was permanent. For Lord Ghost King, it would take a minute to erase its magical influence. However, erasing aside, the process… there had to be a process.

The hand holding the pill trembled slightly. Zhong Chengshuo innocently blinked his eyes while his face was still expressionless.

“You were previously worried that your level of love wasn’t enough, so this will allow you to experience it,” Zhong Chengshuo said sincerely.

“You also said before that we didn’t need to use human emotions as a benchmark.” Yin Ren frowned and retorted. “Would anyone really give this thing to someone they liked? I think it’s more suitable for poisoning enemies.”

He really wanted to stuff it into Wei Huaqian’s mouth from Sunken Society, which seemed more useful.

The chocolate coating on the pill began to melt, but Yin Ren kept it far away from his mouth.

“You tested it on yourself before, so it will serve as a very useful reference. As long as we can gather data, our hypothesis can be properly verified,” Zhong Chengshuo said with a touch of earnestness in his tone.

Lord Ghost King sneered twice. “Zhong Chengshuo, why do I feel like you’re reveling in someone else’s misfortune?”

Zhong Chengshuo slowly turned his head, not answering.

Whether he advanced or retreated, he would still be in danger. As Yin Ren leisurely brought the pill to his lips, Zhong Chengshuo quickly turned his head back, and his eyes shined with curiosity.

This person rarely showed such vivid emotions. ‘If only this was in a different situation, that would be great,’ Yin Ren thought sorrowfully.

In the cozy living room, the two of them silently locked gazes. A desolate atmosphere lingered around Yin Ren, carrying a chilling sensation reminiscent of a cold river.

“This is a metaphysical item. It won’t work if I consume it,” Zhong Chengshuo heartlessly added.

“I know. I’ll take it. I’ll take it… Damn it, can this count as a work-related injury?”

Yin Ren’s throat choked with two sobs, and with his mouth open, he swallowed the pill the size of a malted milk ball.

Hu Tao floated in the air without moving, while Zhong Chengshuo sat on the couch like a stiff statue. Yin Ren stood in the center of the living room. His head was slightly bowed, and his long hair casually cascaded. After a long while, Yin Ren made a move. He slowly raised his face, but there was no obvious change in his expression.

“Is that it?” Hu Tao was greatly disappointed. “This thing cost nearly a hundred thousand yuan. What a waste of money.”

Unfortunately, Zhong Chengshuo couldn’t hear her complaints. He simply stared at Yin Ren, waiting for his reaction.

“No special reaction, huh?” After observing Zhong Chengshuo for quite some time, Yin Ren finally opened his mouth, sounding as if he had let out a sigh of relief. “It’s getting late. Let’s go to sleep.”

Zhong Chengshuo took out the wooden rabbit talisman. “Let’s test it first…”

“Why test it?” Yin Ren lightly said, “It’s already so late. You should pay attention to your health and not sleep so late.”

Zhong Chengshuo: “But—”

“Let’s sleep.” Yin Ren instantly teleported and appeared in front of Zhong Chengshuo. He held Zhong Chengshuo’s hands and smiled like a gentle spring breeze. “We can talk tomorrow.”

His crimson eyes sparkled in the lamplight, and Yin Ren’s tone carried a hint of the commanding authority typical of an elder. His hair gradually entwined around Zhong Chengshuo’s limbs, gently but irresistibly pulling him down onto the couch.

It was Yin Ren’s face, Yin Ren’s voice, but it didn’t feel like Yin Ren.

Those eyes were tender and fervent, yet apart from an overwhelming sense of love, there was nothing else.

Zhong Chengshuo never expected that even now, he could experience the uncanny valley effect with his lover. Instinctively, Zhong Chengshuo tightened his grip on the couch, feeling goosebumps rising on his back.

“What’s wrong?”

Bending down, Yin Ren raised one leg, knelt on the couch, and opened his arms, enveloping Zhong Chengshuo entirely.

“Aren’t you sleepy?” Yin Ren asked, then lightly kissed the corner of Zhong Chengshuo’s mouth.

Zhong Chengshuo blankly glanced at the empty living room. He had never longed for a little clairvoyance as much as he did now. After all, Miss Hu Tao was at least a teammate. At this moment, he could only struggle to hide himself within the couch. If it weren’t for the resilience of human bones, he would have wished to flatten himself like a pancake on the couch.

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“Why are you hiding?”

Yin Ren furrowed his brows slightly, opened his mouth a little, revealing relatively sharp canine teeth. The tip of Yin Ren’s finger touched Zhong Chengshuo’s skin. It was a rough and warm sensation, but it sent shivers down Zhong Chengshuo’s spine.

“Yin Ren, I don’t like this.”

He nestled further into the couch.

“According to the plan, we need to gather data,” Zhong Chengshuo dryly stated.

“It’s just a few mortals. If they die, they die. They wouldn’t have lived long anyway,” Yin Ren casually replied. “Tomorrow, I’ll resume my normal work. I’ve already shown them some face… Now that you and I understand the situation, we don’t need to worry about them.”

He held Zhong Chengshuo tightly, as if hugging a large doll.

Zhong Chengshuo dared not move.

“Well… if you’re worried, we can hide your parents in a safe place. Then we can find a way to cause some trouble on the Other Side and look for Zhong Chengfeng. In this way, you can fulfill the wish, and then we can do whatever we want.”

Yin Ren chatted casually as his fingertip traced back and forth on Zhong Chengshuo’s tender neck.

“Do you like this plan?”

Zhong Chengshuo, always honest, replied, “I don’t like it. I’d rather test the data right now.”

It was simply terrifying. In this moment, he fully agreed with Yin Ren’s viewpoint. Such a cursed object should be used to poison enemies.

Zhong Chengshuo wanted to break free, but he didn’t want to attack Yin Ren. He could only forcefully shrink his head, attempting to squeeze out of Yin Ren’s embrace.

Yin Ren sat still on the couch, gradually revealing a deeply hurt expression.

“You used to be so indifferent to the mortal world.” He looked at Zhong Chengshuo in disbelief, his tone filled with sadness. “Do you consider work more important than me?”

“Hahaha!” Hu Tao couldn’t help but burst into laughter, rolling in the air. “Why didn’t I record this with my phone?”

Before Hu Tao could finish laughing, a beam of light grazed her ear, and the residual aura of magic was bone-chilling, carrying a warning from top to bottom. It felt as if something was gripping her throat, and Hu Tao’s laughter abruptly ceased.

In panic, she swiftly flew to the next room, not even staying for half a second.

“And you, what’s your answer?”

Yin Ren turned his face again, looking at Zhong Chengshuo, who seemed to want to stick himself to the wallpaper.

“Why don’t you want to go to the Other Side together? Is Shian really that important to you?” Yin Ren expressed with sadness. “Ah, I remember now. You even covered Huang Jin with a blanket… Do you really like him?”

After speaking, a faint killing intent actually emanated from Yin Ren’s surroundings.

“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you answering?” Yin Ren continued, “Forget it. It doesn’t matter. I will make him disappear. I know your personality. It definitely wouldn’t be your fault.”

As Yin Ren spoke, he laughed again.

His smile had never appeared so much like an “Evil Spirit”.

“You’re acting so unusual today; you must be too tired. Am I right? Let’s discuss it again tomorrow morning…”

Zhong Chengshuo took a deep breath and opened his arms. “Yin Ren.”


“Hug me,” Zhong Chengshuo said while hiding the wooden talisman in his sleeve and trying to maintain a calm expression.

Yin Ren’s eyes curved, and he walked gracefully towards Zhong Chengshuo. But just one step away from Zhong Chengshuo, he stopped.

“What are you hiding in your sleeve?” he asked gently. “Could it be that you want to use that wooden talisman to send me to the Other Side?”

The author has something to say:

The vixen Hu Tao: ?

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