Evil As Humans

Chapter 192

Chapter 192: Answer

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“Do you want to use that wooden talisman to send me to the Other Side?”

Yin Ren smiled, causing his brows and eyes to curve.

But beneath that smile, Zhong Chengshuo faintly sensed a warning. Although he wasn’t adept at social affairs, as King Yama of the Nightwalkers, Zhong Chengshuo was always sensitive to changes in “enemies”.

“I don’t think so.” Yin Ren’s smile grew even brighter. “You must have been too careless, right?”

The subtle warning became even more apparent.

Zhong Chengshuo slowly lowered his arms. “No, I really wanted you to touch the wooden talisman.”

“Oh, I remember. Before I took the medicine, I did let you create a control plan on your own… Zhong Ge, your plan can’t be that simple, right? Just a hug?”

Yin Ren took a half-step back, allowing his hair to slide casually on the wooden floor, leaving deep marks.

“This plan is really adorable. How could I not sense the Evil Force carried by the wooden talisman?”

“I still need to test it anyway. It seems that ‘Innocent Thoughts’ doesn’t have much impact on intelligence,” Zhong Chengshuo muttered. “It only affects thought patterns…”

“Well, I like this state. My mind is much clearer. It’s strange, though. Why did I resist that pill before?”

Seeing that Zhong Chengshuo stubbornly refused to wear his nightcap, Yin Ren concluded that he wouldn’t be going to sleep anytime soon. He simply sat on the sofa without blinking as he looked at Zhong Chengshuo.

“Since you’re so insistent on experimenting with that stuff, I’ll be straightforward. Until the situation is clear, I don’t want to take risks by testing the wooden talisman myself.”

“There’s still some stewed lamb soup left. Do you want to eat lamb noodles?” Zhong Chengshuo didn’t answer directly, keeping the wooden talisman hidden in his sleeve and pretending nothing happened.

Yin Ren’s expression stiffened for a few seconds, and his eyebrows furrowed. His blood-red eyes stared intensely at Zhong Chengshuo, but after a few seconds, he smiled as if nothing had happened.

“No, I won’t eat. Didn’t you say late-night eating is unhealthy? Then I won’t eat either.”

Yin Ren stretched lazily on the sofa, keeping the tablet and phone he used to watch shows far away from him, showing no intention of touching them.

In the dim light, through that familiar face, Zhong Chengshuo saw the past Yin Ren.

While he used to go to sleep early, Yin Ren liked to watch movies or TV dramas in the living room by himself. He wasn’t particular about his posture, often lying on the sofa in various positions, sometimes even upside down. When he had seen enough, Yin Ren would quietly climb into bed. Sometimes, even after getting into bed, he would still play with his phone quietly.

During his half-dream state, Zhong Chengshuo had once felt Yin Ren lean forward and gently kiss the top of his head, whispering a goodnight.

When they woke up the next day, they would always be close together, absorbing each other’s warmth.

Zhong Chengshuo used to think that it was the most ordinary state when they were together. But now, it felt so sweet and warm, yet so out of reach.

“…Then I’ll cook my own portion since you don’t want to test it yourself. I’ll have to come up with a new experimental plan.”

As Zhong Chengshuo said this, he didn’t look at Yin Ren.

He stood up, tied on an apron, and casually flicked off the broken line on the “Big Shot” as if jokingly, then plucked it off.

Yin Ren remained motionless, right where he was, but a clear hum escaped him, and his expression became even darker than before. Zhong Chengshuo, on the other hand, walked into the kitchen as usual and began simmering the leftover lamb soup from the previous night.

He simmered the soup on the lowest heat and heated a cup of milk for himself. Efficiently completing these tasks, Zhong Chengshuo returned to the table with a mug in hand. He held a book and a pen, lowered his head, and started reading an academic book on neuroscience.

Throughout, his gaze never turned towards Yin Ren, as if there was no one else in the room.

“Since there are arrangements, you can focus on your tasks first, and when you’re done, we’ll sleep together.”

Seeing that Zhong Chengshuo no longer responded, Yin Ren stopped smiling, and his tone carried a hint of suppressed anger.

Expressionless, he sat in his original spot, and his black hair climbed along the table. It carefully avoided the position of the wooden talisman and reached Zhong Chengshuo’s arm, then moved closer to his cheek. Zhong Chengshuo glanced sideways—the grape-sized crimson eyeballs at the tips of the hair were looking at him from multiple directions.

Still, Zhong Chengshuo remained silent. He clenched his fist cautiously, his palm sweating.

The delicious aroma of the lamb soup wafted from the pot. In the past, Yin Ren would have already rushed to the kitchen to steal a taste. But now, Yin Ren remained firmly seated on the sofa, showing no intention of standing up.

The crimson eyeballs at the tips of his hair seemed alive. They dragged their nerve-like dark hair, floating near Zhong Chengshuo’s hand. Whenever Zhong Chengshuo lifted his pen, several eyeballs would roll over and brush against the back of his hand.

Cold and wet; the sensation was akin to touching an ice cube dipped in water.

For a moment, the atmosphere indoors felt less like a “home” and more like a battlefield filled with ominous energy.

The usual scene of one person drinking milk and reading a book at the table while the other snacked on the sofa and watched shows had lost its casual atmosphere. The occasional small talk seemed to have vanished without a trace.

Zhong Chengshuo had never experienced such an uncomfortable silence before.

“I don’t want to be bothered by those trivial matters of the Other Side anymore. If those Elementals continue to cause trouble, we might as well move away from Haigu.”

Yin Ren seemed to dislike the silence as well, and he was the first to break it.

As soon as he spoke, dozens of eyeballs suddenly approached Zhong Chengshuo, almost reaching his face, and the connecting hairs at the tips of the eyeballs stood stiff. Zhong Chengshuo wondered if these eyeballs would try to enter his mouth if he didn’t respond.

“I still have the wish to ‘protect the descendants of those children’, and that wish has no limits. As I understand it, the descendants of those descendants children are included,” he said, clearing his throat, his tone devoid of emotion.

“You’re so stubborn. If I revoke the wish, then it’s fine.” Yin Ren played with his long hair.

Zhong Chengshuo’s response wasn’t unexpected. He silently turned a page and continued to plan his next move in his mind.

“What about the answer?”

For a moment, Zhong Chengshuo didn’t react. “What?”

When he looked up again, Yin Ren had already flashed to the opposite side. His black hair cascaded to the floor, like flowing shadows. A pair of crimson eyes brimmed with amusement sent shivers down one’s spine.

The tips of the hair scratched against the floor, emitting an uncomfortable and sharp sound.

“I said I can revoke the wish, but you haven’t answered me.” Yin Ren rested his cheek on his hand. “Zhong Ge, what’s your answer?”

“…I don’t want to discuss this matter for now.”

After saying that, Zhong Chengshuo took a sip of milk and made a few more notes in his book with the pen.

“That won’t do. Weren’t we always so in sync?”

A few strands of hair wrapped around the pen, forcibly stopping Zhong Chengshuo’s movements. The crimson eyeballs slid along Zhong Chengshuo’s skin, lightly brushing against his Adam’s apple.

“Since just now, you’ve been ignoring me. Well, let’s do this: you must answer immediately to everything I say.”

The air in the room became increasingly heavy, and the feeling of oppression was suffocating. There was no hint of killing intent in the pressure, but it still rendered one immobile. Even during the days when they had just met, there was never such a tense atmosphere.

Zhong Chengshuo stared at Yin Ren intently.

Back then, he had split half of his power with Yin Ren. As he fused into a human body, his aura “disappeared”. The power took root and merged within Yin Ren’s body, giving birth to a brand new and formidable Primordial Elemental.

He had lost half of his power, and even if he could recover it, Yin Ren, who had received that half of his power, would also grow.

…Grow into a stronger, more exceptional new generation; growing into the very enemy that should swallow him—the most dangerous one.

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For the first time, Zhong Chengshuo vividly realized how bloody their relationship should have been.


Before his thoughts had finished processing, the book in Zhong Chengshuo’s hand burst into flames without any external source. Dark flames surged three meters high, instantly turning the pages into ashes. The black flames licked Zhong Chengshuo’s fingertips, colder than ice and snow.

“You still haven’t answered my question.” Yin Ren leisurely formed hand seals with his fingers.

Zhong Chengshuo exhaled slowly. “That was my book.”

“I can see that. It’s not like it’s some rare edition. Anyway, I’ll buy you a couple more tomorrow—who told you to ignore me just now?” Yin Ren’s tone was as gentle as before, but it carried a hint of grievance. “Zhong Ge, are you angry?”

Zhong Chengshuo touched the ashes on the table, leaving distinct marks with his fingertips. He sighed, finished the now cold milk in his cup, and briskly stood up.

The cup was placed back on the table, producing a faint but distinct sound of impact.

In the next moment, Zhong Chengshuo felt a slight constriction on his limbs, neither light nor heavy. “Zhong Ge, you still haven’t answered me… Are you angry?”

“Are you angry?”

The strands of hair transformed into the familiar texture of wings in Zhong Chengshuo’s perception. They were warm and soft as usual, but quickly bound his limbs, rendering him immobile.

Those soft strands of hair slipped into Zhong Chengshuo’s pajamas, gliding against his skin. Yin Ren’s tone was gentle, like usual, and Zhong Chengshuo momentarily struggled to determine whether Yin Ren was angry or acting spoiled.

Yin Ren took a step closer, and the oppressive atmosphere in the room felt like an unfrozen swamp in winter. The lush green plants in the living room quickly withered and turned black; their shriveled leaves covered in a layer of frost. With a snap, the warm glow of the ceiling lamp suddenly burst, plunging the room into darkness.

Moonlight spilled through the window, casting everything in the room into shadows. Zhong Chengshuo stared directly into those familiar crimson eyes, and in the darkness, those eyes resembled two drops of blood.

Zhong Chengshuo moved his lips, but ultimately didn’t utter a single word.

Once or twice could be attributed to carelessness or unintentional actions, but Zhong Chengshuo was sure that the current behavior was undoubtedly deliberate. This was the first time they experienced a cold war, and Yin Ren’s expression became extremely unpleasant to look at.

He took two steps forward, placing his palm on Zhong Chengshuo’s chest, which was scorching hot. The strands of hair crawled on Zhong Chengshuo’s body like serpents, entwining more tightly.

Zhong Chengshuo slowly lowered his gaze. His right hand, hiding the wooden talisman, subtly accumulated power. In the next instant, he struggled to break free from the entangling hair, swinging his hand towards Yin Ren. This time, Zhong Chengshuo’s speed was extremely fast, using all his strength. Yin Ren didn’t have time to react, and the strands of hair left bloody marks on Zhong Chengshuo’s arm.

Under the moonlight, blood splattered.

However, his speed was ultimately no match for Yin Ren, who was the “Ghost King”. Yin Ren’s hair turned into whips, lashing fiercely at Zhong Chengshuo’s right wrist. Stimulated by the attack, Zhong Chengshuo’s grip loosened. A blurry and faint shadow flew out of his palm, making a light tapping sound as it landed in the gap behind the sofa.

The black hair directly restrained Zhong Chengshuo’s wrist, forcing him to open his five fingers, revealing the blood-stained palm.

“So that’s how it is.”

Yin Ren’s fingertips brushed over the fine wounds in Zhong Chengshuo’s palm while their chests pressed together. They were of similar height, and now their breaths intertwined, carrying a sweet and bloody scent.

“When you went to the kitchen just now, you cut your palm to stain the wooden talisman with blood. After weakening its aura, you planned to take advantage of the situation and attack me… Zhong Ge, I’m so disappointed.”

Yin Ren’s tone was soft, as he lifted his bloodstained fingertips and brushed them over Zhong Chengshuo’s lips. Yin Ren’s fingertips were scorching hot like embers, and the blood on them became stickier as they moved away from the wound. Zhong Chengshuo instinctively closed his lips, and the strong scent of blood instantly filled his mouth.

It was his own blood.

“Since you want to deal with me, I thought you would come up with more interesting moves.”

As Zhong Chengshuo turned his head in response to Yin Ren’s words, Yin Ren’s fingertips made another shallow cut on the corner of his lips, leaving a trace of blood.

“For Advanced Primordial Elementals like us, they seem to assume that the new ones should consume the old ones, right? It’s rare that our relationship is stable, so please don’t ruin this hard-won peace, okay?”

Yin Ren’s last sentence was almost a whisper, like murmuring in a dream.

Zhong Chengshuo was like a butterfly caught in a spider’s web, being entangled by thread after thread. Yin Ren leaned closer, lightly biting Zhong Chengshuo’s earlobe with his teeth.

Zhong Chengshuo’s eyes moved like dry ink. His breathing was steady, and he remained silent as usual.

Yin Ren sighed softly, using a bit more force with his teeth. Crimson droplets of blood seeped from the soft earlobe, coiling into Yin Ren’s mouth. The taste of fresh blood made Yin Ren’s heartbeat suddenly accelerate. Through the thin fabric, Zhong Chengshuo could even feel the pounding of his heart.

Maintaining their close proximity, with sticky strands of hair, Yin Ren pressed his fingers gently against Zhong Chengshuo’s eyes, then moved along his nose bridge, lightly gliding over his lips.

Pausing at the bloodstained lips for a moment, his fingertips slowly continued to move towards Zhong Chengshuo’s throat.

“I don’t like my previous self. There were too many distractions, and I overlooked the most precious thing to me.”

At some point, two additional arms appeared on Yin Ren’s body, emerging from under his ribs and encircling Zhong Chengshuo’s waist ethereally.

“I’ve never been this clear-minded before. Maybe I was too indulgent and lazy in the past, but it’s okay if you don’t like my current state. Given time, you’ll get used to it.”

Yin Ren slowed his breathing, pressing a kiss with a mix of blood and sweetness onto Zhong Chengshuo’s lips. Then, another strand of hair wrapped around Zhong Chengshuo’s throat, directly enclosing it.

“How does the pressure feel? Isn’t it uncomfortable?” Yin Ren touched the point where flesh and hair met, as if caressing the most fragile silk. “I just don’t like it when you’re silent like this… This won’t do, Zhong Ge. If there’s any problem, you have to speak up for it to be resolved.”

With each word Yin Ren spoke, the strand of hair around Zhong Chengshuo’s throat tightened a bit more.

But Zhong Chengshuo remained silent.

Yin Ren’s pupils contracted. Zhong Chengshuo instinctively tensed his muscles, but the restraint around his neck didn’t tighten. In the next moment, the earth shook, and all the hair on Zhong Chengshuo’s body straightened, propelling him instantly a half step away from Yin Ren.

The closeness between the two disappeared, replaced by a half-step distance, allowing a clearer view of each other.

Zhong Chengshuo’s Adam’s apple slid as he voluntarily raised his head, meeting Yin Ren’s gaze. His heart thumped against his ribcage, and there was no sign of retreat in his eyes.

Zhong Chengshuo seemed to have turned into a true flesh puppet, completely sealed off, determined to defy Yin Ren’s demand for an answer.

The crimson light gradually intensified in Yin Ren’s eyes as the strands of hair wound tighter and deeper into Zhong Chengshuo’s flesh.

His limbs were imprisoned, making it difficult to maintain balance. Zhong Chengshuo simply straightened his back and unexpectedly bumped into the table. The table legs moved slightly, emitting a faint scraping sound.

Countless strands of hair crawled on his body like creeping vines, disheveling his once neat pajamas. The cold breeze passed over his exposed skin, and the delicate and warm entanglement made his head spin. Zhong Chengshuo couldn’t stay still, but as soon as he moved, his shirt almost slipped off.

Zhong Chengshuo had a tight and firm physique, with fair skin. In the moonlight, contrasted by the pitch-black hair and those lifeless eyes, his presence was as sharp as a blade, making people hold their breath.

Sensations continuously traveled through the strands of hair. This strange and powerful person was firmly held in his grasp, yet his skin felt so warm.

Yin Ren couldn’t help but move closer. This time, he didn’t act recklessly; instead, he cradled Zhong Chengshuo’s face with both hands. Zhong Chengshuo remained silent, but his eyes followed Yin Ren’s every movement, exuding the only hint of vitality.

“Do you know, I really like you.”

Yin Ren sighed softly. He gazed at those familiar eyes and affectionately brushed his fingertip over the corner of Zhong Chengshuo’s eyes.

“Having lived in the mortal world for hundreds of years, I thought I understood the ways of the world. But watching from the sidelines is completely different from experiencing it firsthand, being consumed by the flames. Before, I used to think it would be better if you weren’t a mortal… Then we could stay together for a long time, whether in peace or conflict, it would still be better than being rootless and adrift.”

“But now, I no longer think that way.”

Yin Ren lowered his hand and, through the strands of hair, caressed the spot where Zhong Chengshuo’s heart was. His extra pair of hands still rested on Zhong Chengshuo’s waist, and his beautiful face was now filled with a sinister air, almost devoid of Yin Ren’s original “human” aura.

“Now, I want you to be a mortal. I want to witness your life, your death. Your entire life held in my hands—wouldn’t that be wonderful?”

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Yin Ren rested his head on Zhong Chengshuo’s shoulder. His action resembled that of an affectionate beast intertwining with its mate.

“Now, I am following my instincts by consuming you. It can be seen as fate, merging our blood and bones… But if I consume you, you won’t be able to speak to me anymore. Thinking about that, I hesitate.”

His lips pressed tightly against Zhong Chengshuo’s neck; his scorching breath touched the skin with each exhale, while his idle hand slowly brushed over Zhong Chengshuo’s chest and abdomen.

“But then again, I thought, if you never speak to me, it wouldn’t be any different from being consumed by me.” Yin Ren’s voice carried a cold, chilling smile. “Wouldn’t you agree, Zhong Ge?”

Once again, a horrifying silence fell over the living room.

“…Forget it, forget it.”

Yin Ren muttered. For a brief moment, Zhong Chengshuo even thought that this person had returned to normal.

“After all, I just ate the ‘Innocent Thoughts’ not long ago, so it’s only natural that you’re not accustomed and want to show some defiance. As long as you’re willing to make a sound today, I won’t eat you—”

Yin Ren released his grip on Zhong Chengshuo’s waist and abdomen, returning to his usual human form. He made a casual gesture, causing Zhong Chengshuo to stumble and fall onto the sofa, pulled by the strands of hair.

This time, Zhong Chengshuo didn’t hide his anger on his face. His mouth was tightly pursed, and his breathing became rapid.

Yin Ren remained calm and unaffected, while the strands of hair gently moved around Zhong Chengshuo. The eyeballs at the end of the hair transformed into familiar wings and flowed down to the ground.

Yin Ren approached as usual, embracing his stiff lover tightly. His fingers slipped into the gaps between the hair and skin, feeling the tension in the other’s muscles. He then commanded the hair to relax, capturing Zhong Chengshuo’s injured right hand and biting down on his fingertips.

His tongue was scorching hot as it lightly swept over the bloodstained fingers.

“I remember very clearly. Your finger bones are quite beautiful,” Yin Ren said softly. “If it doesn’t work out, I can keep a small part as a memento. Do you think it would be better as a ring or a necklace…?”

Before he finished speaking, Yin Ren suddenly chuckled.

“Ah, I thought you were really angry with me tonight. At least it would require some effort from me.”

Above their skin, Yin Ren’s hair and ten fingers moved together. His tone became much more relaxed, with a hint of cunning satisfaction.

“Zhong Ge, you seem quite interested after all.”

Yin Ren’s face was covered in shadows, leaving only his joyful, blood-red eyes. The aura of the Ghost King was entwined with desire, smelling like bone-chilling syrup. Zhong Chengshuo’s breathing became slightly more rapid.

Yin Ren leaned down, lazily resting on Zhong Chengshuo’s chest, and once again bit down on his lover’s knuckles. “How about we make a bet? Let’s bet on when you will make a sound for me—as for me, it will be before dawn.”

After saying that, he bit Zhong Chengshuo’s neck. Zhong Chengshuo groaned softly, feeling a burning pain on his neck.

Previously, Yin Ren liked to lightly bite, but this time his strength was terrifying. The skin was pierced instantly, and fresh blood gushed out. If this person hadn’t held back his strength, Zhong Chengshuo had no doubt that Yin Ren would have torn off that piece of skin without hesitation.

Zhong Chengshuo didn’t have time to react before the strands of hair on his limbs suddenly tightened, firmly securing him to the sofa.

“Oh, by the way, the wooden talisman is still nearby. Can’t have you picking it up,” Yin Ren said nonchalantly.

A few strands of hair wrapped around Zhong Chengshuo’s wrist, functioning like handcuffs, and also entangled Yin Ren’s wrist. Even if Zhong Chengshuo gained his freedom, he couldn’t move freely.

“As an extra precaution, I’m sure you can understand.” Yin Ren licked the blood off his teeth. “This way, there won’t be any problems.”

After saying that, he touched Zhong Chengshuo’s lips and sat down.

Zhong Chengshuo had experienced the stimulation of human desires before, but he had never mixed it with fear and oppression. Poison gas mixed with fragrant flowers, poisoned wine with excessive sugar. Various stimulations brewed into a strong acid, surging through his veins, corroding his heart with a hissing sound.

Every muscle in Zhong Chengshuo’s body tightened, and his entire nervous system trembled. He couldn’t help but lower his gaze, staring at his madly possessive lover.

Amidst the intense entanglement, Lord Ghost King’s eyes were half-closed, and his scorching gaze remained glued to the edge of Zhong Chengshuo’s lips. His hands lightly caressed Zhong Chengshuo’s chest, and a strand of hair consistently and steadily tightened around Zhong Chengshuo’s throat.

The sofa emitted regular vibrations from the weight, and Zhong Chengshuo’s fingers clenched and released, revealing a noticeable redness due to the restraints. Warm sweat mixed with a little blood flowed over the skin, blending into a shimmering light red. The pale red liquid seeped into Yin Ren’s black hair, eventually staining the soft sofa fabric.

Zhong Chengshuo couldn’t sense evil qi in the room, but he could feel the turbulent airflow stirred up by Evil Force. The withered green plants trembled incessantly, and the dried-up leaves fell lightly, making a soft sound.

He had never stepped into such a frenzy of sensations before, and for a moment, Zhong Chengshuo almost lost his sanity.

Only the clock in the living room dutifully continued to tick.

An hour passed, with bloodstains dotting the sofa and writhing clusters of wings scattered on the floor.

“I like you.” Yin Ren gasped, his scorching breath carrying a strong smell of blood.

He kissed Zhong Chengshuo’s lips, but the other’s mouth remained shut like a clam, showing no signs of cooperation.

“…I like you.” Despite this, Yin Ren repeated with a smile.

Two hours passed, and the moonlight was shrouded by dark clouds, leaving the interior nearly pitch-black. The two of them fell to the floor, knocking the coffee table askew. Yin Ren held Zhong Chengshuo tightly, like a drowning person clinging to the last piece of driftwood within their field of vision.

“I like you.”

Yin Ren’s fingertips brushed against the taut strands of hair, as if a musician were caressing the strings of a violin. At the end of the hair strands, Zhong Chengshuo’s hand intertwined with Yin Ren’s other hand, and his nails dug deeply into the other’s flesh.

“Answer me, please…”

Zhong Chengshuo remained silent, turning his head away.


In the late night, the crescent moon finally emerged from behind the dark clouds.

After a while, Yin Ren stopped demanding an answer. He only murmured vague words of love while his body trembled as he left bloody bite marks on Zhong Chengshuo’s body.

Zhong Chengshuo’s hands, bound by the hair, had already loosened slightly, no longer tightly clenched. His wrists were still tied to Yin Ren’s, restricting his freedom of movement.

“I can’t see through you, but I like the enigmatic you… If only you were a mortal, I could protect you as I pleased… But why do you treat me like this…”

There was no oppression, no hostility. In the faint scent of blood, Yin Ren’s whispers carried genuine sadness and confusion.

His fingertips swept over the oozing wounds, and in the pale moonlight, his eyes glistened with a hint of moisture.

“I like you. You must have noticed… Why did things have to escalate like this over a few mortals you don’t care about? I can’t understand…”

As another biting episode ended. Zhong Chengshuo could suddenly move his arm.

One moment, Yin Ren was immersed in his words of love. The next moment, he froze like a vigilant beast, immediately halting his actions.

In the unbearable stillness, Zhong Chengshuo stretched out his arm and lightly touched Yin Ren’s lips, then gently tapped his own.

His eyes remained dull, but there was a hint of helplessness and tenderness in Zhong Chengshuo’s expression. He didn’t even glance at the sofa where the wooden talisman was, instead, he focused his full attention on Yin Ren.

“Well, it seems like I’m going to win.” Yin Ren’s tone suddenly became cheerful, as if he had won a small game.

He leaned down once again, kissing Zhong Chengshuo’s lips.

With the smile of a victorious person, he licked the remaining bloodstained lips. Zhong Chengshuo didn’t tightly seal his lips this time. Instead, he tentatively extended his hand and held the back of Yin Ren’s head.

Yin Ren eagerly deepened the kiss, and Zhong Chengshuo tilted his head in response, cooperating with his lover’s movements. Yin Ren’s tongue ventured forward, but instead of encountering hard teeth or a soft tongue, it touched a warm, moist wooden object.

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As soon as Zhong Chengshuo’s lips parted, a chilling and fierce power burst out from between his teeth.

It was the wooden rabbit talisman.


Yin Ren tried to dodge, but his head was forcefully held down by Zhong Chengshuo. The wooden rabbit talisman was pushed by Zhong Chengshuo’s tongue into Yin Ren’s mouth. Yin Ren’s hair stood on end—upon contact with the wooden talisman, the surroundings instantly became distorted and blurred, as if a liquid was constantly surging.

No, I’m disappearing!

In this crisis, Yin Ren had no time to think about whether he liked this state or not. He immediately released the spell of the “Innocent Thoughts”. As expected, as if the fog had dispersed, the familiar living room returned to normal clarity.

Yin Ren felt a moment of confusion, then met Zhong Chengshuo’s complex gaze.

Yin Ren: “…………”

Zhong Chengshuo: “…………”

Zhong Chengshuo watched as the expression in his lover’s eyes changed from confusion to horror, and then to explosive embarrassment. Yin Ren’s face turned almost the same color as his eyes, and he immediately gathered up his scattered hair, wanting to awkwardly get up—however, given their current intimate position, this movement was quite difficult.

So Zhong Chengshuo kindly reached out his hand and pressed down on Yin Ren, who wanted to slip away.

Yin Ren immediately made a muffled sound, and his mouth opened and closed repeatedly. His body trembled slightly, and his face seemed to change like a kaleidoscope.

“This is… seduction!”

The dignified Lord Ghost King had long lost his previous air of dominance. He tried to take the initiative, but his confidence was clearly hollow.

“Zhong Chengshuo, how could your control plan be so… so—”

He couldn’t continue speaking.

“We are accomplices, and I had to choose a method you absolutely couldn’t anticipate.”

Zhong Chengshuo’s limbs had already regained their freedom, and his palm slid over the strands of hair soaked with sweat. The clusters of wings stiffened for a moment and then shrank into a ball. However, someone with a vengeful mindset held onto one of the clusters, kneading it gently.

“Well, umm…” Yin Ren sniffed and slowly pried Zhong Chengshuo’s hand away. “The experiment went quite smoothly, so let’s stop here… Uh!”

Zhong Chengshuo readily released the cluster of wing balls, but his hand returned to Yin Ren’s body.

“Well, um, the thing that I knocked away just now… um…”

“You can find out for yourself.”

Amidst the jolting, a strand of black hair wiggled and poked into the depths of the sofa. After a few minutes, it trembled as it hooked out a blood-stained pen cap. Looking at the table, there was still a pen lying on the surface—the very pen that Zhong Chengshuo had used for annotations just now.

Yin Ren’s mind had long been free from the distractions of uncontrollable affection, and he instantly understood this person’s intentions—

Zhong Chengshuo deliberately reduced communication and “sealed” the wooden talisman in his mouth. Then he used blood to stain the pen cap, impersonating the wooden talisman, and pretended to entice Yin Ren to knock it away.

Finally, all Zhong Chengshuo needed was to request a kiss in an atmosphere that wouldn’t arouse suspicion.

For the lightning-fast King Yama, even the magic tricks of mortals were no different from spells in his hands.

Truly cunning.

The entanglement was not yet over. In his gradually fading consciousness, Yin Ren made an effort to lower his body, burying his burning face in the nape of Zhong Chengshuo’s neck.


As the clock approached five in the morning, the two of them squeezed into Zhong Chengshuo’s bathtub. Yin Ren had half of his face submerged in the water, blowing bubbles with a melancholic expression.

“Are you sure you’re a Primordial Elemental and not a rabbit monster?” Yin Ren suddenly emerged from the water with a stern face. “Stop laughing. You’re just reveling in my misfortune.”

Zhong Chengshuo pointed to the numerous bite marks all over his body.

Yin Ren immediately deflated like a balloon, making a couple of deflated sounds as he gently touched the scabbing wounds. “I’m sorry. I’ll help you apply medicine later.”

“It’s okay. The wounds are shallow.” Zhong Chengshuo pinched a strand of Yin Ren’s hair—at the end of the hair, a small, withered wing hung limply, making it difficult to tell whether it was pretending to be lifeless or not.

“I… Even though I asked you to prepare in advance, to be honest, I didn’t expect it to turn out like that.”

Yin Ren hung his head in dejection; his entire being turned into the color of a thoroughly cooked crab, as if steam would come out from the top of his head.

“I thought that as long as I liked you so much, nothing bad would happen. That state was truly terrifying, like losing my mind and becoming fanatical.”

It was only because Zhong Chengshuo wasn’t affected by memory spells. Otherwise, Yin Ren would have wanted to erase all memories of tonight—regardless of whether they were in Zhong Chengshuo’s mind or his own.

Lord Ghost King was embarrassed to the point of wanting to dig a three-foot hole and sleep for another thousand years.

However, Zhong Chengshuo just calmly looked over, absentmindedly rubbing the little wing between his fingers. That pitiful soft wing trembled and almost dissolved into a squishy liquid.

“At least the experiment was successful, and our hypothesis was correct. The missing people are all of the type who rely on ‘love’ as their life support. Once it’s daylight, we’ll synchronize our findings. Maybe we can find a stable method to enter the Other Side.”

Zhong Chengshuo analyzed seriously while piling a ball of foam on top of Yin Ren’s head.

“For now, I don’t want to discuss this. We’ll talk about it tomorrow, for real this time,” Yin Ren weakly stated. “I won’t touch that thing even if you beat me to death next time. What kind of rotten idea did Hu Tao come up with…”

“It’s already ‘tomorrow’,” Zhong Chengshuo pointed out mercilessly.

This time, Yin Ren submerged his entire head underwater, exhaling bubbles filled with despair.

“Yin Ren.” Zhong Chengshuo continued observing Yin Ren as he continued to blow bubbles underwater and called out to him.

Yin Ren pretended not to hear and remained submerged, shutting himself off from the world.

“Yin Ren, come out. I have something to tell you,” Zhong Chengshuo urged.

Yin Ren finally resurfaced; his entire body was still pink from the water. When he spoke, there was a sense of resignation in his voice. “…Go ahead, tell me.”

“To be honest, I’ve been thinking today that maybe I don’t like you as much as I thought.” Zhong Chengshuo pushed aside the wet hair on Yin Ren’s face; his eyes still resembled two dry wells.

The pink hue on Yin Ren’s skin immediately faded, and he froze in place, gradually turning pale.

“But tonight, I realized that I actually like you more than I imagined,” Zhong Chengshuo continued, enunciating each word distinctly.

Then he opened his arms and, without waiting for Yin Ren’s reaction, embraced him. Their skins pressed against each other, and the water temperature was just right. Yin Ren was stunned for a few seconds before tightening his embrace.

“You did it on purpose,” he said, encircling Zhong Chengshuo’s neck and gently biting his ear.

This time, Yin Ren left only a faint mark.

A warm atmosphere filled the air once again, bringing a comforting tranquility. In this reassuring sense of fulfillment, Zhong Chengshuo closed his eyes.

“You won,” Zhong Chengshuo whispered softly. “You bet that I would make a sound for you before dawn, and you won.”

“…Please, spare me, Zhong Ge. I’m begging you, don’t bring that up again,” Yin Ren pleaded, pressing his forehead against Zhong Chengshuo’s, feeling utterly embarrassed. He even submerged himself completely in the water again.

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Zhong Chengshuo leaned against Yin Ren’s forehead, unable to contain his laughter any longer. The latter, filled with both anger and humiliation, lowered himself, allowing the water to completely submerge him.

Watching Yin Ren’s powerless and wriggling hair, Zhong Chengshuo closed his eyes.

He still remembered the scene when he first obtained the pill.

After receiving the clues provided by Hu Tao, he immediately searched for information. “Innocent Thoughts” was a metaphysical prescription that had emerged in recent years. It could make people lose their sanity, lose interest in food and drink, and fill their minds with adoration for the target. This thing wasn’t really popular. According to the seller, most buyers were infatuated men and women who used this medication for revenge. There were also a few “black widows” and “black widowers” who used it to control wealthy elderly people.

Thinking about it, there were no normal couples in love buying these things.

Zhong Chengshuo, in fact, found this somewhat perplexing.

Experiencing a very pure emotion firsthand, wasn’t it a good thing? If it weren’t for him being unaffected by these metaphysical items, Zhong Chengshuo would have loved to experience that feeling of “pure love” himself.

At that moment, the two of them were flying in the air. Zhong Chengshuo looked at Yin Ren’s face. In the next moment, Yin Ren seemed to sense his gaze and playfully narrowed his eyes at him.

However, Zhong Chengshuo’s mood wasn’t as relaxed as it seemed.

He did care about Yin Ren. When they were apart, he would worry, and when they were together, he would long to touch him. Being together made his emotions lighter and brighter than before.

But it was only limited to that.

Compared to the probing and underlying currents before they got together, now that they were truly sharing their lives and meals; seemingly everything was somewhat mundane. Especially since Yin Ren was skilled in navigating social interactions and had a sense of propriety, they rarely had sharp conflicts.

Zhong Chengshuo was certain that he liked Yin Ren a lot.

He was the first person Zhong Chengshuo reached out to in the vast emptiness; the first of his kind that he encountered during these lonely years in the mortal realm.

But was his liking a genuine expression of love, or had he mistaken their prolonged intimacy as adoration?

He couldn’t feel the fervent love described in those narratives. Previously, Zhong Chengshuo claimed not to care about these “meaningless” details, but recently, with the unrest in the outside world, he couldn’t stop his thoughts.

“Zhong Chengshuo, why do I feel like you’re somewhat enjoying this situation?” Yin Ren had asked when he was about to take the pill.

At that time, Zhong Chengshuo didn’t answer Yin Ren.

In truth, he wasn’t enjoying it, but rather, he had a slight desire to try it. “Innocent Thoughts” wouldn’t blindly stimulate love but rather remove other emotions and purify the purest feelings. Only then would everything become clear. With a definite result, he wouldn’t have to worry so much.

Yin Ren was different from him. He firmly believed that he would be affected by uncontrollable love, but he had no concerns about the nature of their own relationship.

How did Yin Ren determine what “like” meant?

As for himself? Would he be like he was a thousand years ago, merely assuming an innocent facade and using that person to achieve his own goals? …If Yin Ren were to be replaced by another strong and compatible person, would he also “fall in love” with them?

Now he had an answer.

Uncontrolled Yin Ren was just as strong and acted in harmony with him. If Zhong Chengshuo wanted, he could also calmly cooperate with Yin Ren. However, as he looked at Yin Ren in that state, his heart was filled with a hollow emptiness and an indescribable sadness.

Zhong Chengshuo gently tousled Yin Ren’s hair.

“How about having lamb rice noodles?”

“Yes!” Yin Ren immediately resurfaced from the water and instinctively exclaimed, only to realize afterward. “Wait, didn’t you only cook one serving?”

“I just overcooked the soup. The rice noodles don’t need to be cooked for too long.”

Zhong Chengshuo rested his chin on Yin Ren’s shoulder, carefully feeling his body temperature.

“I’ll add some more meat and eggs. It’ll be perfect for breakfast.”

“Sure, go ahead.” Yin Ren took a deep breath, deciding to put this unbearable night behind him.

Anyway, they had found the cause of the disappearances, and it was worth exchanging his embarrassment for such valuable information. Besides… Although he lost control, tonight’s experience was still quite thrilling and exciting. He did feel sorry for Zhong Chengshuo, who ended up with marks all over his body from his biting.

Thinking about this, Yin Ren shook his head vigorously, hoping to shake off the overwhelming shame in his mind.

Zhong Chengshuo’s special lamb soup must have been stewed for a long time, and it must be delicious. A bowl of warm and tasty lamb rice noodles would help put the past behind!

Unable to dodge in time, Zhong Chengshuo, whose face was splashed with water: “……”

Zhong Chengshuo: “Oh, by the way, there’s one more thing. I thought it was necessary to let you know.”

“What is it?”

“To ensure a complete record, I used an anti-evil qi recording pen to capture the audio from last night.” Zhong Chengshuo maintained a solemn expression. “Do you want to listen to it?”


In the morning, amidst the sound of the audio alarm clock saying, “Is work more important than me?” Yin Ren, who usually liked to sleep in, jolted up as if he was blasted. A few sob-like sounds escaped his throat.

When he went to Shian today, he should also ask about “how to make a science post forget”.


“Well, your information is very useful.”

Li Nian pretended not to notice the bite marks on Zhong Chengshuo’s collar that couldn’t be concealed.

“If your conjecture is correct, the victims won’t be in immediate danger. I will start a project on my end to find a way to “stably disappear” and quickly establish a pathway.”

“How long will it take?” Yin Ren coughed dryly twice.

“According to Minister Jiao, if we only consider constructing the pathway, it will take five days. Finding a safe method for round trips is the more time-consuming part.”

“…I see.”

Yin Ren contemplated for a moment.

“Great, you guys keep up with the research. As for us… well, since we have nothing better to do, let’s go check on those who haven’t disappeared.”

After all, Qi Xin had promised them that if Yin Ren could kill Mr. Le, they could officially establish cooperation with her.

Yin Ren wasn’t sure about the intentions of the Primordial Elementals, and although he wanted to rescue Lu Xiaohe’s missing mother, he didn’t want to involve Zhong Chengshuo in any danger. Qi Xin’s original form should still be on the Other Side and having a “local” to assist would be better than stumbling around blindly.

“Besides, the police station has been overwhelmed recently, and they happen to be short-staffed.”

At some point, Fu Xingchuan appeared leaning against the doorway. He held some documents, and his tone wasn’t as relaxed as usual.

“You’ve been in contact with Officer Sun before. He’s currently dealing with a live burial case, and the atmosphere in Haigu has been off lately. It would be better for you to go and take a look.”

“No problem.”

Yin Ren responded quickly. It was like being offered a pillow when feeling sleepy; he was actually looking for an excuse to investigate a “non-disappearance case”.

“We’ll go today.”

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