Evil As Humans

Chapter 193

Chapter 193: Motive for Murder

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“Is everything okay with Uncle?”

On the way to the Municipal Hospital, Ge Tingting asked anxiously.

At this moment, the members of Unit 9 were sitting in a van. Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo occupied the last row, while Lu Xiaohe and Ge Tingting sat in the middle row. Huang Jin, a loner, huddled in the front passenger seat, emitting a sense of hatred towards the whole world.

Since narrowly escaping the Other Side, Huang Jin immediately took a leave of absence and rested for a day. Ever since his “persistent affection for Ding Lizi” was made public to all colleagues, he wished to use all his vacation time to escape reality.

However, the progress of the case was too fast, and Huang Jin’s ostrich plan failed in just one day.

“My dad is fine. I’ve talked to him. Minister Li isn’t someone who would lie about these things. He said that Mom won’t have any problems in the short term, so she’ll be fine.”

After receiving the explanation from Shian, Lu Xiaohe managed to get some sleep and finally no longer wore a haggard expression.

“Our investigation of these unusual cases is equivalent to investigating the source of corruption indirectly.”

Ge Tingting nodded, seemingly half understanding.

“According to Shian’s current intelligence, there has been a surge in homicides recently, more or less influenced by those sources of corruption. Those small pendants are like sieves—whoever comes into contact with them, those who meet the conditions disappear, and those who don’t become ‘carriers of corruption’ and unconsciously spread the contamination.”

Yin Ren in the back row patiently added.

“Thanks, Yin Ge. I understand now.” As the van stopped at a red light, Ge Tingting couldn’t help but look out of the window.

The weather was nice today, and the streets were bustling with people. Vehicles on the road flickered with reflections, and the subway rumbled past. On children’s necks, students’ backpacks, adults’ keychains or handbags, and various small charms for blessings swayed and shook.

It should have been a lively scene, but it sent shivers down her spine.

How did Sunken Society manage to do it?

The strength of those small things’ aura was difficult for Shian to detect. Judging from the sudden increase in the crime rate in Haigu, their ability to corrupt shouldn’t be underestimated. Sunken Society had been repeatedly thwarted by Shian recently that Ge Tingting couldn’t understand how they enacted such a tightly knit plan.

Ge Tingting earnestly edited her questions in the input box. When it came time to send, her fingertip hesitated over the “send” button, but she didn’t press it.

…No, perhaps she knew the reason.

How to infect living people and trigger abilities—there was no doubt that Sunken Society had conducted many experiments in this regard. Her “little accomplice”, Feng Qi, was still in Shian and had to undergo a physical examination every week, fearing the dire consequences left by contact with an original source of corruption.

And how to spread corruption uniformly and cause a large number of personnel to lose control; this similar research was conducted by Sunken Society in Gengsheng Town. At that time, the residents of Gengsheng Town collectively went mad, showing that Sunken Society’s research was quite successful.

She quickly deleted her previous question and typed a completely new one in the input box voiced by the AI.

“Sunken Society has been preparing for so long just to increase the crime rate in Haigu? But even if they make Haigu panic, what benefits does Sunken Society get from it?”

After all the hard work and research, the final product was being used in such a way. Ge Tingting had a feeling that Sunken Society had spent three years sharpening a sword only to use it to cut grass.

“That’s what we need to find out.”

Yin Ren also watched the bustling crowd on the street, his tone relaxed.

Undoubtedly, Sunken Society was collaborating with the Primordial Elementals from the Other Side. He would remember to ask these questions before he started eating Mr. Le.

“Well, I have another question.”

Ge Tingting contemplated for a moment and honestly added another question.

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“It’s not that cold today. Why did you put a scarf on the flesh puppet? Is there any significance to it?”

Yin Ren’s relaxed expression froze on his face.

The autumn chill had been growing stronger recently. Yin Ren was fine; he just added a black hoodie over his T-shirt, still maintaining that casual and carefree look reminiscent of a classic modern young person’s attire.

On the other hand, Zhong Chengshuo was dressed neatly in a high-necked white shirt and a light beige windbreaker. He even wore a long, light brown scarf, looking quite formal. His glasses covered his dim eyes, giving him a harmless and gentle appearance.

“…My flesh puppet is precious, and it’s necessary to keep it warm.” Lord Ghost King glanced at his lover along the way and casually blurted out.

“Is there such a thing?” Huang Jin, whose knowledge as a spirit smith was challenged, finally couldn’t hold back.

“My flesh puppet is special. Is that not allowed?” Yin Ren crossed his arms. “What are you looking at? The flesh puppet spells you use were improved by me.”

“And I really like this scarf,” Zhong Chengshuo added as he naturally placed his hand on the back of Yin Ren’s hand. “We picked this scarf together.”

Huang Jin scrutinized Zhong Chengshuo for a while with a complex gaze, then loudly clicked his tongue.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the van was about to shift from colleagues bickering to a sorrowful story, the van creaked to a stop near the hospital. Huang Jin was the first to jump out, almost colliding with a group of passing students.

The young boys and girls were wearing school uniforms and had childish faces but were not short in stature. They seemed to be returning from some activity, walking around in a scattered manner, running, and jumping around. Huang Jin was bumped by a few male students who passed by and almost stumbled on the roadside.

Yin Ren followed and got out of the van. He grimaced at Huang Jin and said, “Alright, let’s go. Hurry up and go meet your Ding Lizi. Maybe you can catch lunch together. You two can be alone…”

Before he could finish his sentence, a surge of hostility suddenly surged around them, and a spell came crashing down towards them.

The spell itself wasn’t powerful, and Yin Ren easily blocked it with a casual gesture, but then he furrowed his brows—the source of that spell turned out to be the wooden spirit weapon in Huang Jin’s hand.

“Huang Jin, what’s going on?” Lu Xiaohe was surprised.

With a thud, the wooden spirit weapon fell to the ground. It rolled back and forth on the stone bricks a few times, dropped onto the road, and in the next moment, it was crushed into pieces by a passing vehicle.

Huang Jin broke out in a cold sweat, his chest heaving uncontrollably. He seemed to have just woken up from a dream, instinctively looking at Yin Ren with a bewildered gaze. “I… “

“What happened to you?” Ge Tingting’s expression wasn’t pleasant either.

“I don’t know.” Huang Jin tremblingly put away the spirit weapon. “I just felt annoyed by Yin Ren and wanted to give him a beating to feel satisfied.”

“Oh, really? Tell us about it,” Yin Ren took a step closer, his expression blank.

“No, no, no, I didn’t actually want to hurt you! I wouldn’t be able to kill you even if you stood there and let me hit you!” Seeing Yin Ren’s serious expression, Huang Jin remembered his identity, and his scalp went numb.

“No, what you did just now isn’t like you. What were you thinking at that moment? Tell us in detail.”

Huang Jin was taken aback. He seemed to realize something, and his expression turned serious.

“Since it’s related to the case, then I’ll tell the truth.”

Huang Jin looked up at the sky, and his tone became determined.

“I was thinking just now, even if Zhong Chengshuo is gone, and even if you’ve created some kind of evil substitute, there’s no need to show affection in front of everyone. I’m being cautious with Ding Lizi on my side, but you’re acting so casual… Forget it, I can’t put it into words. It’s just that when you were talking, I suddenly found you displeasing and wanted to vent.”

“Hmm.” Yin Ren didn’t get angry; he responded earnestly, then turned his head to look at the group of middle school students running in the distance. The sunlight was just right, and the loose school uniforms were wrapped around the figures of the youths. It should have been a scene full of youthful vitality.

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But he faintly felt a chilling trace.


“Zhang Hejun, thirteen years old, Grade 7, Class 3 of Haigu Junior High School. This girl has congenital heart disease and was my patient. She stayed in the hospital for a year.”

Outside the ward, Sun Qi’an drank a can of Red Bull and let out a heavy sigh.

“She was recovering quite well before. Her parents were discussing sending her back to school… But just a few months after returning, something like this happened. Her parents must be devastated.”

Inside the ward, Zhang Hejun was still sleeping. According to the police’s explanation, she was conscious for a while and managed to provide a description of the case. However, afterwards, she became extremely drowsy. At the moment, she was in a deep sleep, and the nurses didn’t allow anyone to visit her.

“How is Zhang Hejun’s condition?” Yin Ren looked at the tightly closed ward door.

“Not good. She was buried for quite a long time, and it was a close call to save her. Her physical condition wasn’t good to begin with, and the duration of cerebral hypoxia was too long. It’s a miracle that she woke up… As for any potential sequelae, it’s hard to say. But given her current condition, there must be some problem with her brain.”

Saying this, Sun Qi’an’s delicate face twisted slightly.

“Those kids are really crazy, doing something like this. There were no signs beforehand, and what happened far exceeded the level of campus violence. It doesn’t make sense at all.”

“…Yeah, and we can’t do anything about them. Among the kids who acted, the oldest is just twelve years old.”

Officer Sun, in plainclothes, brought a bag of drinks and approached the group.

“Dad!” Sun Qi’an’s furrowed brow relaxed, finally showing a hint of a smile. Officer Sun took out a can of hot juice and gently pressed it against Sun Qi’an’s cheek.

But when he turned to the members of Unit 9, his expression became serious again.

“I’ve given you all the basic information, and I’m sure you’ve read it. This case is sensational, but the motive is quite simple. This morning, I talked to the ‘perpetrators’ again, and their accounts match Zhang Hejun’s statement.”

Yin Ren nodded.

Before coming, Lu Xiaohe also organized the case materials. They were no longer rookies in Shian; each of them could recite the information by heart.

Zhang Hejun returned to school after a year of hospitalization, and her classmates were essentially one year younger than her. Coupled with Zhang Hejun’s introverted personality, she had trouble making close friends and seemed somewhat isolated.

However, according to the teachers, in the few months since school started, she had been keeping to herself and showed no signs of being bullied.

“According to the current reports, the problem is related to the popular show <Songs of a Thousand Seas>,” Lu Xiaohe continued the conversation with Officer Sun. “Are there no other motives?”

Officer Sun shook his head and let out a bitter smile. “Although it’s strange, there really isn’t. You guys are young. Has anyone watched that thing?”

All five members of Unit 9 shook their heads together. Zhong Chengshuo was about to nod, but then he remembered his identity and quickly stopped himself. Then, he looked at Yin Ren with a puzzled expression—this person seemed to have watched even <Tom and Jerry> with great interest, so he thought Lord Ghost King had already seen all the popular audiovisual works.

“I have some impression. It’s a 3D animation, right? It’s almost a thousand episodes, and the story is a bit childish, so I didn’t watch it. But I often see its promotional activities, and it seems to be quite popular recently.”

Yin Ren struggled to recall various major video streaming sites.

Officer Sun sighed and said, “Never mind, the work itself isn’t important. The situation is the same as stated in the report. Because Zhang Hejun hadn’t watched it and made a mistake in her words, those kids who took action believed that she insulted one of the characters in the show—that’s the only motive.”

Even though they were mentally prepared, the faces of the members of Unit 9 twisted in their own ways, except for Zhong Chengshuo.

Such a childish reason, yet it almost claimed a young girl’s life.

“Uncle Sun, this case should be closed. Why did you ask for Shian’s help?” Yin Ren scrolled through the report document on his phone. “Even if there’s some metaphysical object involved, once Shian confirms it, the process should be over.”

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Officer Sun’s mouth twitched a few times. “That’s the problem. Follow me… Honey, do whatever you need to do. Dad has work to do.”

“Okay, I’ll stay here. If Zhang Hejun wakes up, I’ll contact you right away.”

Sun Qian finished the hot juice in one gulp and waved to the group.

Within five minutes, the group arrived in front of a certain ward in the specialized section of Shian.

Officer Sun sighed and knocked on the door twice. “I’m bringing people in—”

“Come in, come in!” A familiar and desperate voice came from inside the room.

Yin Ren raised an eyebrow and followed Officer Sun into the ward.

His steps were a bit heavy, and as soon as he entered the room, there were a series of rustling sounds. If it weren’t for Zhong Chengshuo’s quick reflexes, the door would have been buried by the nearly collapsing cardboard wall.

Countless moving boxes occupied most of the space, almost reaching the ceiling. They were tightly sealed, with long numbers written on them. On one side, a stack of half-open boxes was haphazardly piled against the wall, forming a jungle of cardboard boxes.

Within the gaps of this cardboard jungle, Liang Shan sat with a locked laptop, wearing a pained expression as he typed. Two Shian appraisers stood nearby with numb expressions, arranging various small trinkets into the boxes—

Acrylic keychains, ballpoint pens, erasers, pencil cases, notebooks… all the school supplies and toys one could think of were present. Yin Ren randomly grabbed a notepad and barely recognized the characters from <Songs of a Thousand Seas>. He rummaged through it for a moment, then grabbed a planner with acrylic accessories from another work.

Feeling the familiar aura from these objects, Yin Ren’s expression also turned numb. Yellow Millet hanging as a pendant on his phone shook in confusion but managed to hold back its puffing.

“What are these boxes?” Finally, the unlucky Huang Jin asked the fatal question.

“Corruption sources.”

Liang Shan, typing frantically on the keyboard, raised his head with an exhausted gaze.

“All of these boxes contain corruption found in the secondary schools of Haigu… They’re like damn cockroaches; no matter how many we confiscate, we can’t clean it up, and we can’t find the source.”

Seeing the spectacular scene resembling a wholesale market of corruption sources, Huang Jin instinctively took two steps back. If it weren’t for Ge Tingting intentionally blocking the doorway, he would probably have exited in a hurry.

The seemingly ordinary cardboard boxes now carried a horrifying shadow, and the air was filled with an indescribable smell. There were at least a thousand items in these boxes. Even though Shian had dealt with them before, Huang Jin’s neck hair still stood up in the subtle, oppressive atmosphere.

“All of them are corruption sources.” He looked at the half of the ward filled with boxes and muttered.

“I don’t know what’s corrupted or not, but there’s something wrong with those girls, so Xiao Liang suggested conducting a thorough carpet search… Here, these are just the results from this morning’s search.”

Officer Sun rubbed his face in anguish.

“There have been quite a few incidents in Haigu’s secondary schools recently, but only the cases involving loss of life came to my department. The school has been suppressing a lot, and the remaining cases are enough to drive my colleagues in the neighboring department crazy. Anyway, the reason I called you here is this situation.”

Yin Ren: “…”

He wanted to use a levitation spell as an opportunity to have more contact with the corruption and find any clues about Mr. Le.

The problem was that they were given too many!


At the same time, inside Zhang Hejun’s hospital room.

The little girl lifted her heavy eyelids and looked at the ceiling. Sun Qi’an was sitting on a chair by her side. “Hejun, how are you feeling?”

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“…Sun Jie.” Zhang Hejun’s gaze shifted. It followed the IV tube down from the IV bag, stopping at the back of her hand where the needle was inserted. When she raised her eyes again, her eye sockets were a little red. “Sun Jie…”

“I’m here.” Sun Qi’an smiled and spoke softly.

Just as she finished speaking, Sun Qi’an’s pocket vibrated. Zhang Hejun was a bit surprised as she widened her eyes—she had heard that mobile phones were generally not allowed to be used in the ward.

However, Sun Qi’an nonchalantly took out her phone. She stood up, turned away from Zhang Hejun, and her voice became even softer and gentler. “Didn’t I tell you not to contact me using this phone casually?”

“The hospital has people from Shian, and I thought… Ahem, I thought it would be safer to choose another method. ‘Disgust’ died without clear reasons, and you know ‘Sorrow’s’ attitude… No matter how careful I am now, it’s not excessive.”

“…” Sun Qi’an remained silent for a long time. After a while, she sighed. “Alright, what do you want to say?”

“How is the preparation on your end? Who did Shian send over?”

The male voice on the other end of the phone asked earnestly and humbly.

“Everything is normal. Shian sent the newly promoted B-level Special Investigation Unit 9.”


“Don’t underestimate Unit 9. They are somewhat involved in all the current plans. Like you said earlier, being cautious is not excessive… You have to cast a long line to catch a big fish.” Her voice became softer, even emitting a motherly warmth.

“I, ahem, I understand, I understand…”

“Don’t call again. This method is not as safe as you imagine. Be careful with everything.”

After saying that, Sun Qi’an hung up the phone. She then snapped her fingers at the indoor camera before turning back.

The two of them quietly locked eyes.

Zhang Hejun sat upright on the hospital bed, with a murky white color appearing deep in her pupils.

“It’s really worrying.” Sun Qi’an returned to her chair, assuming her previous posture.

“We’ll have to remind him again face-to-face next time.”

Zhang Hejun opened her mouth, responding in the exact same tone.

“…Hejun, how do you feel?” The next second, Sun Qi’an’s tone became cheerful. “Your classmates came to visit you earlier and left many flowers. We can put them in a vase.”

“Sister, there’s no need to comfort me.”

Zhang Hejun smiled weakly.

“We’re all unfamiliar with each other. It’s definitely just the teacher’s request.”

As her gaze swept over the phone in Sun Qi’an’s pocket, a flicker of vacancy passed through her eyes.

Kinky Thoughts:

Just a note: Secondary school in China usually comprises grades 7th–12th. Going by my experience in the US, our school system is generally divided into middle school/junior high school (6th–8th, or sometimes 9th) and high school (9th–12th).

So some things may get confusing based on your understanding of your country’s school system.

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