Evil As Humans

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: Gesture of God

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[You’re not Zhong Chengshuo.]

A surge of thoughts, like crashing waves, gushed out from the colossal creature. Its gigantic eyeballs rolled up, and the deep black pupils were like black holes on the white monster.

[You’re Zhong Chengshuo’s lover. You are Yin Ren. You are the Fear cub—no, not the Fear cub—you were originally another offspring, just like me… So that’s how it is, so that’s how it is.]

The reaction of Love was swift, but Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo were even quicker.

Red veils fluttered, and red lights ignited. The brilliant, fiery red engulfed the white monster in an instant. Love was momentarily restrained by the authority of “Fear”. At that moment, Yin Ren charged straight at the abnormal giant eye. Under the red veil, his wings fused into massive black wings, transforming into a scythe-like structure—they drew a series of explosive sounds in the air, flying towards the center of the giant eye.

The red light of Fear greatly weakened the mobility of Love. It shifted its massive body, barely evading a bit. The black scythe struck the heart, slicing off a large chunk of flesh. The nearby scythes instantly returned to the form of wing clusters, tearing and devouring the pale flesh.

It was delicious but hard to eat.

Yin Ren tasted a similar repulsive sensation to that of Zhong Chengshuo. It stimulated his taste buds like an overdose of chili peppers. He struggled to devour it, and in one fell swoop, hundreds of scythes were swung out.

The red veil danced, and white feathers splattered. Yin Ren disregarded everything, slashing at Love’s wings and body. The wing clusters also ignored the pain, frantically devouring the maimed body of Love.

“Fear” rendered the movements of Love incredibly sluggish. Its once eerie and sacred appearance was nearly hacked into a pile of snow-white flesh. It tried its best to dodge, ultimately managing to preserve only its heart and eyes.

Quick; he had to be quick—even faster.

Opportunities were rare, and the nights were filled with dreams. Yin Ren didn’t want to give it any chance to counterattack. He unleashed his fastest attack speed, forcibly devouring one-third of Love’s massive body.

But as he relentlessly attacked, the surrounding fog grew thicker.

Finally, Yin Ren swung his scythe once again, but Love didn’t dodge.

It slightly adjusted its posture, and the giant eye turned toward Yin Ren once more. The fog surged, and the surroundings abruptly changed, transforming into an extremely spacious void. The maimed body of Love emitted a sticky sound as it suddenly burst into countless flesh masses, shooting in all directions.

Yin Ren’s movement faltered.

Love’s white space was coming. The ability that only he and Zhong Chengshuo hadn’t mastered—Yin Ren didn’t know how to use it yet, and as for Zhong Chengshuo, he probably couldn’t use it either, at least not at first.

In the next second, the two were engulfed by countless illusions.

Countless scenes piled up before Yin Ren—The grayish-white Yin Village appeared faintly in the mist, and the villagers wore smiles, energetically preparing for the ritual to welcome the gods. Boys and girls with big doll masks laughed and played, running through the village. The evil creatures once led by the Great Celestial Master floated peacefully in the sky while the members of Huajisi strolled outside the village.

The various scenes merged and overlapped, contradictory yet harmonious, as if fragmented memories were cut and reassembled into a palace.

Yin Ren remained suspended in mid-air.

Above the village and army of evil creatures was an inverted version of the Shian Campus. The cafeteria staff wandered around with pots and bowls, and familiar faces from Shian basked in the sun by the pool.

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Surrounding Yin Ren were the peaceful estate of Ping’an and the residence of the Zhong family.

Room after room lost its color, transforming into scattered spaces. Hu Tao secretly watched on the tablet in the living room; the elderly couple chatted and laughed in the living room; Zhong Chengshuo busied himself in the kitchen, shifting to diligently brushing his teeth in the bathroom, then quietly reading at the desk.

Then Zhong Chengshuo was in the bedroom. He leaned over and gave him a good morning kiss. Although there were no colors, Yin Ren could even discern the warmth of the other’s breath and the faint sunlight on his eyelashes.

Countless scenes, countless acquaintances.

They moved around Yin Ren with their most vivid appearances, each with a beating white heart embedded in their chests. Those hearts had beautiful pairs of eyes wide open, looking at him from all directions.


“Great Celestial Master.”

“Xiao Yin.”

“Yin Ren.”

They called out to him with cheerful voices.

Suddenly, Yin Ren felt a heaviness.

At some point, hundreds of white masses had grown on his wing clusters. The tips of the small wings were stained with white spots, and the meat chunks shaped like hearts were slowly growing on him. Once the eyes opened, countless delicate arms sprouted around the white hearts, reaching out to the next target.

Under the red veil, they resembled the spots on poisonous mushrooms, rapidly increasing and spreading, bringing waves of hot and comforting affection.

Amidst the dance of the red veil, a cold snort sounded from the darkness beneath it.

Countless black spells condensed around Yin Ren, arrow-like, piercing through each familiar figure, directly hitting the eyeballs on their hearts. Yin Ren didn’t even spare those that had grown on his own body.

Blood flowed profusely. The people he had loved stared with wide eyes; their faces twisted with expressions of betrayal as their lifeless bodies crashed onto the ground.

But Yin Ren only felt anger.

If Love had used these earlier, maybe they would have been effective against him. But now, Love still wanted to use such childish tactics against him.

Countless arms protruded from under the wing clusters, digging into the corpses to extract their hearts—

The cherished villagers of Yin Village turned into white bones, and the lineup of evil creatures had long since dissipated. The members of Shian were striving in the mortal world, while the person he deeply loved was clenched in his hands. As for Hu Tao… she was a victim of Love.

Yin Ren repeatedly watched the horrifying scene of Zhong Chengshuo’s death. Even though it pained him emotionally, Yin Ren knew what he had to do.

The wing clusters moved swiftly, and the sound of tearing and squelching echoed as Yin Ren captured those white hearts. Under the red light from Zhong Chengshuo, they emitted a layer of red, as if soaked in blood.

But when those wing clusters bit down, they found nothing but emptiness.

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The white hearts turned into mist once again and returned to the bodies. They wobbled to their feet, moaning and groaning in pain for a moment before tenderly calling out.

The vertical eyes on those hearts curved slightly, as if smiling.

The surrounding scenes were boundless and unchanging. Only Yin Ren grew another layer of white hearts on his body, accompanied by rapidly whitening wing clusters. He had to endure the pain and remove them—one by one, the milk-white hearts with black wing clusters were severed by Yin Ren, oozing crimson blood. The cut chunks of flesh merged into the ground, swiftly devoured by Love.

Yin Ren curled up cautiously. Countless black-red runes floated around him as he continuously severed the “infection” on his own body, desperately thinking of a strategy.

[Even if you’re not deceived by illusions, when you see them, you will be reminded of them. Your affection for them cannot be eradicated.]

The gentle voice of Love resonated in his heart, sounding somewhat like Zhong Chengshuo.

[Even the most rational person cannot deceive their own heart… After all, humans are humans, and there are limits…]

Unlike the violent attacks of the other Great Primordial Elementals, Love infiltrated and assimilated without exception, making it particularly terrifying. It aimed to corrode the enemy completely in an eternal cycle.

This was the result of the fear induced by Zhong Chengshuo. As a soon-to-be-born powerful god, “Love” shouldn’t be underestimated.

To deal with this deadly space, he had to possess a similar level of power. However, with the infections on his body being cut off and regrowing, the intense pain made Yin Ren unable to focus his energy. Instinctively, Yin Ren crossed his arms and firmly protected Zhong Chengshuo in his chest.

Suddenly, Yin Ren felt a peculiar sensation in the palm of his hand.

Warm, slippery, with a slight pulsation.

…Could it be?

A chill ran through Yin Ren’s heart. He slightly opened his hand and discovered a white heart at the back of Zhong Chengshuo’s neck.

It was like a strange bud, twitching rhythmically. The lantern in Zhong Chengshuo’s hand was clearly dim and unstable. Yin Ren raised his eyes and noticed many white spots in Zhong Chengshuo’s originally pitch-black eyes.

“Does it hurt?” Zhong Chengshuo tilted his head back, softly asking. “It must be very painful…”

Yin Ren had never seen such a delicate expression on Zhong Chengshuo’s face—when it came to emotions, Zhong Chengshuo always carried a simple and gentle clumsiness like that of raw wood. But now, he seemed intoxicated, and there was a certain abnormal vagueness in his features.

“I don’t like seeing you in pain,” Zhong Chengshuo murmured, his brows tightly furrowed.

This was bad.

Yin Ren knew he had intense emotions, and he had fallen into numerous emotional pitfalls in the past. From the “Innocent Thoughts” to Qi Xin, he had deliberately trained himself to resist emotional manipulation.

But Zhong Chengshuo hadn’t.

Zhong Chengshuo, by nature, was always rational and stable, and he was confident in this aspect. Moreover, nothing had ever been able to affect him. Zhong Chengshuo was like a blank sheet of paper. Neither cursed spirit weapons nor evil creatures, nor even the Great Primordial Elementals, could achieve that.

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…But beings of the same level as a “god” might be able to.

“Yin Ren.” Zhong Chengshuo leaned against one of Yin Ren’s fingers, holding it tightly. The lantern dangerously tilted, causing the flame to flicker even more. “Yin Ren, it hurts a lot, doesn’t it? Eat me…”

Yin Ren: “…”

The “Innocent Thoughts” version of Zhong Chengshuo unexpectedly didn’t exhibit any aggressiveness. Love had devoured his rationality, and Zhong Chengshuo had developed an obsession with the idea of “letting his lover eat him to heal”. Tirelessly, he called out to Yin Ren.

“Eat me, eat me now.” He held onto Yin Ren’s finger tightly, repeating persistently.

Yin Ren: “I won’t eat.”

“You should eat. My taste won’t be any less than Satisfaction.” Zhong Chengshuo was erratically offering himself.

“I won’t eat, even if I die.” Yin Ren emphasized. “Listen carefully, Zhong Chengshuo. I won’t eat, even if I die. I’m still waiting to go home with you.”

Zhong Chengshuo paused for a second, revealing a dazed expression of being struck heavily. “But you’re in pain.”

“I can’t help you, whether it’s with this lantern or the definition of our species. I can only assist, watching you take the lead. I don’t like seeing you hurt. I should be your shield…” Zhong Chengshuo’s eyes became less pitch-black, and some chunks of flesh flipped out from his eye sockets, showing signs of swelling and growth.

“Yin Ren, I want to do something for you, anything… Why won’t you eat me?”

Yin Ren somewhat understood Zhong Chengshuo’s horror when he had consumed the “Innocent Thoughts” in the past. Lowering his head, he looked down at his bewildered lover in his palm. He had no doubt that if he could find his mouth, Zhong Chengshuo would definitely try to climb inside.

Swish, swish. Yin Ren once again severed the infected parts on his body caused by Love. Amidst the intense pain, he suddenly had a somewhat bad idea.

“You just said you’re willing to do anything for me, right?” Yin Ren raised his hands high, his thoughts gentle.

Zhong Chengshuo nodded vigorously.

“In that case…” The beautiful monster leaned down, and his thoughts were like the whispers of a demon. “Without harming yourself, solve this problem of easing my pain—can you do it?”

Zhong Chengshuo froze, and even the white in his eyes stopped spreading.

He stood motionless in place, completely stiff. Yin Ren couldn’t help but think of the black rabbit that was like a stone statue when they had first met.

Alright, he’s restrained now. Satisfied, Yin Ren raised his head and continued to contemplate strategies amidst the intense pain.

A few minutes later, he felt an itch in his palm.

“Ah… Ah…”

Zhong Chengshuo looked up, revealing a suddenly enlightened smile.

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“Yes, that’s right. In addition to healing, I can also… I can prevent new wounds from forming. But I can’t do it now, I can’t. I shouldn’t be unable to do it.”

His tone carried a mixture of confusion and obsession.

“In theory, ‘I’ should be able to do it.”

Just as Yin Ren was about to say something, a sense of oppression suddenly burst from his palm.

Zhong Chengshuo’s eyes were no longer speckled with white. The pitch-black color returned, spreading incessantly. The snow-white heart behind his head exploded, giving birth to numerous black droplets.

Yin Ren’s vision briefly went dark.

When his perception returned, Zhong Chengshuo’s eyes no longer had any whites. There was only darkness mixed with countless patterns, where the essence of Fear rapidly surged. Above Zhong Chengshuo’s head, a pitch-black perfect circle slowly took shape, floating about a fist’s height above his skull.

Without thickness, it was like a layer of pitch-black shadow floating in the air.

The erosion of Love had weakened, but Zhong Chengshuo was clearly still in a state of confusion. He muttered words that Yin Ren couldn’t understand, tightly gripping onto the bone lantern.

With the whisper completed, he raised the lantern a little higher.

The blood-red light that had originally filled the sky, like all-natural radiance, now came to life and began converging towards the center of the lantern. The soft and faint light gathered together, shining brilliantly like the setting sun.

In the next instant, the golden-red light sphere split into thousands of golden-red light rabbits. They had strange and bizarre forms as they hopped towards the pale contamination on Yin Ren’s body. In less than half a minute, the rabbits took their places one by one, gently leaning against the contaminated cluster of wings. The soft red light was like pearls, illuminating the dark wings.

The expansion of the white spots came to an abrupt halt. The hearts gradually withered and dried up, the arms became brittle and snapped, and eventually, they were scattered into ashes by the cluster of wings.

Fear, the most primal and powerful emotion, theoretically had the ability to overpower everything.

Including “Love”.

Zhong Chengshuo raised the lantern higher and higher, and more red light gushed out from it, enveloping the two of them. Not long ago, the red light was simply sprinkled indiscriminately. Now, it flowed out of the lantern obediently, bowing down at Zhong Chengshuo’s feet.

Yin Ren’s pain, indeed, stopped.

The author has something to say:

Love-stricken Xiao Yin went crazy.

Xiao Zhong: (dodging) (resisting)

Love-stricken Xiao Zhong went crazy.

Xiao Yin: “You’re willing to do anything for me? Then solve this problem first.”

…Maybe this is the difference in experience (no offense).

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