Evil As Humans

Chapter 237

Chapter 237: Humanity

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Zhong Chengshuo was still in Yin Ren’s palm. Apart from the mutated eyeballs and the abnormal black circle on top of his head, his appearance hadn’t changed at all.

Yin Ren was slightly surprised. He had never seen Zhong Chengshuo truly utilize his essence before. At most, he indirectly used the power of his essence to scare a few murderers or ignite the Karma Lantern. At this moment, the essence remaining within Zhong Chengshuo’s body was highly active. Just this small portion that hadn’t merged completely made the red light of Fear completely obedient.

…It was understandable. Zhong Chengshuo had always been rational and restrained. Unfortunately, the instinct deep within living beings could only be brought out in a state of madness and chaos.

Zhong Chengshuo was dressed in a white linen shirt, with loose cuffs. His glasses were still perched on his nose, and the three black pieces on his head gave off an almost inorganic, non-human feeling.

Unfortunately, his ears were bright red, disrupting the solemn atmosphere. Under the illumination of the Karma Lamp, this person’s earlobes were almost glowing on their own. However, Zhong Chengshuo stubbornly continued to compose himself, looking straight ahead, pretending as if nothing had happened.

Yin Ren stifled a chuckle.

Without the bone-deep pain, his body felt as comfortable as lying on a cloud, giving him a rare opportunity for contemplation. Since madness could lead Zhong Chengshuo to find a path, perhaps rationality could also guide him in the right direction.

Yin Ren folded his arms, and countless wings quietly sprouted eyeballs, gazing around…

The people who were originally moving in their respective spaces turned their bodies and began walking in unison toward Yin Ren’s location. Countless gazes pierced through Yin Ren like sharp arrows. Their faces contorted with expressions between gentleness and pain; especially Zhong Chengshuo’s—the most abundant images in the illusions—their speed of convergence was astonishing.

Yin Ren closed his eyes and focused on tracing the flow of power around him. The wind, the scent, the direction where the Karma Lantern’s red light was most concentrated…

There was a problem with the flow of power. As expected, Love was preparing to leave this place. It hadn’t fully emerged yet and lacked sufficient strength. Naturally, it didn’t want to confront the two gods head-on. Love clearly knew the way out, but for some reason, its birth was being obstructed, and its progress was slow.

Now Love was in a dilemma, at the point of a desperate struggle. If it were Yin Ren, he would definitely launch an explosive attack once and for all, disregarding everything, to be born!

They must crush Love here, or there would be endless trouble in the future.

Yin Ren took a deep breath, pushing away the interference of pain, and a vague conjecture emerged in his mind.

“Zhong Chengshuo, use the lamp to protect yourself. You’ve consumed a lot, and now you need to regain your strength.”

This time, Zhong Chengshuo lifted his head. “Once I stop, the contamination of Love will return.”

“I know.” Yin Ren looked at the crowd closing in from all directions, answering firmly.

“Do you have confidence?” Zhong Chengshuo asked as the gray crowd continued to gather, becoming denser.

“No,” Yin Ren said. “I only have a rough idea that needs verification.”

Zhong Chengshuo fell silent. Below, numerous “selves” had already reached out their hands and forcefully tore at the cluster of wings. Wherever the illusions made contact, the corruption of Love spread once again.

“…I believe in you,” Zhong Chengshuo said. He then closed his eyes and said no more.

“I do too.” Yin Ren raised the small figure of his lover, tilting his head forward and gently touching Zhong Chengshuo.

Unlike before, Zhong Chengshuo didn’t touch his forehead. Through the red veil, Zhong Chengshuo slightly raised his head and gently kissed the enormous monster.

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“I do too,” Yin Ren replied once again, even though the other party hadn’t said anything.

Immediately, Yin Ren gently lifted his palm upward. A clean set of wings separated from the mass of wings and caught Zhong Chengshuo like a mattress, floating towards safety.

Following Yin Ren’s instructions, Zhong Chengshuo concentrated on the red light around himself, like a tiny flame beside an enormous creature. The dissipation of Zhong Chengshuo’s power stopped there, and he let out a long breath, nervously looking down.

With no red light suppressing them, the eyeballs on every white heart opened wide in an instant.

The phantom versions of people no longer approached like zombies but charged at Yin Ren from all directions. They reached out their arms, their fingers clawing randomly, as if trying to tear Yin Ren apart alive. Shouts and wails filled the air, making a buzzing sound in people’s heads. Every time the illusions tore and scratched, they left behind a trail of white corruption.

Like an anthill when a flood came, these illusions wrapped layer upon layer, with the newcomers trampling over the previous ones, all in order to tear off another piece of flesh. Yin Ren’s body was large, now resembling a statue drowned in dust, with the vibrant red gradually being covered by a pale gray.

Zhong Chengshuo watched everything calmly.

The lingering effects of Love’s corruption still raged within him, and he tightly held onto his own arm, waiting in place.

He believed that Yin Ren would never joke about his feelings. Zhong Chengshuo forced himself to watch, with the Karma Lantern in his hand ready at any moment. As long as Yin Ren gave any signal for help, he would immediately dispel that darkness.

But Yin Ren himself remained as quiet as a statue, allowing the overwhelming crowd to pounce on him.


Yin Ren scrutinized the people rushing towards him.

The villagers of Yin Village were at the forefront—their distinct features were clearly visible, and they were all familiar faces he had glimpsed from afar.

And they were all faces that died in the flames that night. Their hair became disheveled, their bodies covered in dark stains of blood, and their white hearts pounded as if on the verge of bursting.

Why? Why?

Tears of blood flowed from their eyes, and their mouths grew wide, spewing similar syllables from the black void within.

“Great Master, you promised to protect my family…”

“Great Master, you could have saved my parents…”

“Great Master, we’ve been waiting for you. Why didn’t you come?”

People vomited the anguish of “betrayal”, smashing countless expectations rooted in reason and logic. They climbed and tore, layer upon layer, gradually enveloping everything in darkness.

The corruption from Love spread wildly on Yin Ren, and the previously pitch-black cluster of wings turned almost entirely white, growing malformed hearts. With the arms that reached out, corruption crawled up Yin Ren’s cheeks.

Within the dominance of Love, it erased the darkness and dimmed the red, turning everything into a marble-like whiteness.

Love clashed within Yin Ren’s heart. Each impact brought self-blame, pain, despair, and regret. Familial affection, friendship, love… The diverse forms of love transformed into a sea of suffering, squeezing both his physical and mental being. Yin Ren’s body seemed as if it would collapse in the corruption from Love at any moment.

In the gaps of the white hearts, Yin Ren continued to observe.

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The people were close enough, and he could see them clearly. The patchwork clothes worn by the elderly in Yin Village, he had helped mend them. The dark-colored clothes of the children, stained with blood, he knew every knife mark and crease… Every detail was exactly as he remembered. Looking up, there were no blurry faces or illusions masquerading as the real ones. There were no baseless expressions of love and hatred.

Love hadn’t lied; these illusions were born from his own heart.

…This is truly, wonderful.

Through the gray veil, Yin Ren lowered his head.

“Why?” In front of him, at the closest distance, several Zhong Chengshuos were accusing him in unison. “I don’t want to see you hurt. I’m willing to die for you.”

“You know all of this, yet you still risk yourself…”

“The person I love wouldn’t blame me for something like this.” The corruption spread to Yin Ren’s head, and his words became slow.

“Zhong Chengshuo surely understands that I wouldn’t make him suffer for no reason. Unless he becomes a madman driven solely by love…”

The cluster of wings, covered in hearts, struggled to move and touched the “Zhong Chengshuo” who was murmuring softly.

A faint light ignited in the darkness, a spark amidst endless pain.

“…He will figure it out. I just need to experience controlled pain like he does, to coax out some hidden instincts.”

The trembling cluster of wings pressed against the phantom’s face.

The eyes and hair remained black, and the white oversized linen shirt remained unchanged. But like a drop of paint falling into clear water, the phantom’s skin acquired a warm tone, and its lips revealed a faint blood color.

The phantom ceased its accusations, gradually closing its mouth, and a touch of red appeared at its ears.

“I can’t represent any emotions, nor create a space like the Primordial Elementals.” Countless clusters of wings fluttered, and Yin Ren’s voice contained a hint of laughter. “Love, you’re right. Humans will always be humans, with limitations…”

Half of Yin Ren’s face was now covered by the deformed hearts, as if parasitized by a sea squirt.

“…Haha.” But he laughed as if he had told a funny joke.


A crack appeared on the hearts on Yin Ren’s cheek.

The countless illusions that enveloped Yin Ren froze completely. The shouts and curses of the people ceased as if muted, and they continued to stare at Yin Ren, their faces carrying a sudden realization as if waking from a dream.

“My loved ones…”

Centuries ago, facing the enemy’s cavalry, the men of Yin Village picked up their farming tools, and the women sharpened their knives. They bravely charged forward to protect their loved ones with their own blood.

But they didn’t foolishly pray until the end.

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They also left him an apple.

“My friends…”

Huang Jin attached a face that didn’t belong to him, stepping into danger for the sake of the person he loved. Ge Tingting protected the child who saved her life until the end. Fu Xingchuan repeatedly charged to the frontlines, while Hu Tao put away all her madness and showed him a final smile.

“Mom and Dad won’t blame me, right?” The question she left him held no trace of blame or complaint.

She let go of all attachments.

“My love…”

The grotesque rabbit climbed up the mountain cliff, the handsome youth on a bicycle stopped in the rainy night, and the resurrected “Fear” gave him a gentle kiss. From human to evil, to evil to human, to finally standing side by side as gods.

“Regardless of the future, I hope we’ll always be the best accomplices.”

Zhong Chengshuo blew out the candles at his birthday party, making a solemn wish.

“…Every person I remember in my heart is not a fool who can be swayed by Love.”

Yin Ren’s thoughts spread throughout the entire space, filled with a strong killing intent.

As soon as his words fell, countless colors exploded throughout the entire space.

With Yin Ren at the center, the black-and-white world transformed into a vibrant explosion of colors. The fruits on the offering plate at the entrance of Yin Village became vivid, Shian’s fountain reflected a beautiful blue, and Zhong Chengshuo’s home was bathed in warm sunlight, becoming incredibly cozy.

People stumbled back to their rightful places, their expressions gradually coming alive, and the twisted madness vanished without a trace. In this colorful world, the white hearts on their chests beat slower and slower, and their vertical eyes weakly closed.

‘Success,’ Yin Ren thought.

In life, actions were intertwined with complex causes and effects. The so-called “love” couldn’t dominate the entirety of a person’s heart, nor should it ever.

Though he didn’t represent any emotions, nor could he create a metaphysical space, his advantage never changed; compared to those Great Primordial Elementals, he would always understand humans better…

…”True humanity”, this was the corruption belonging to “Yin Ren”.

From this point on, the final puzzle piece of his abilities fell into place. He was no longer the so-called “cub”.

“Zhong Chengshuo!” Yin Ren shouted loudly.

Not far from him, that small red spot instantly expanded. Within nearly infinite space, the same twilight arrived. The pure white corruption on Yin Ren once again peeled away, becoming food for the clusters of wings.

[Even if you can suppress, you cannot decipher…]

The voice of Love weakened considerably, but it still carried an exasperating calmness.

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Just as it was leisurely refuting, those illusions moved.

“What the hell is this place!” “Let us go back—” “What the hell is happening!” The villagers of Yin Village chattered noisily.

“So many of me; they should all be illusions.” The various Zhong Chengshuos looked at each other. “A trick from Yin Ren’s enemy?”

After a brief moment of chaos, they gradually made the same decision.

People picked up the weapons at hand and began to destroy everything that didn’t conform to normalcy. The entire colorful space burst into countless fragments, collapsing rapidly. The colorful “snowflakes” scattered and grew larger as they descended. The red veil swept over, and a storm surged within the entire space.

“Watch closely. This is the version of them that I know.”

Yin Ren spoke in a deep voice. He floated in the air with a murderous aura. The hearts in the people’s chests were lifted by the strong winds, swirled around Yin Ren, and then disappeared into the sea of dark wings.

His four arms spread out completely, and the pitch-black feathers surged and condensed, forming the deadly sickles once again.

“Zhong Ge, the situation is almost over. Help me find the weak points.”

The blades emitted a dim red light, much thicker than before. They scattered in all directions, exuding a dense and ominous aura.

“…Let’s completely destroy this goddamn place.”

The red light flickered madly, tearing the heavens and earth into fragments along with the illusions. Under the gradually crumbling colors, the pale essence of Love once again revealed itself. The pitch-black wings entangled with each other as the red veil spun wildly around, enveloping countless curses filled with killing intent.


In an instant, the pitch-black blade pierced through that massive heart.


In the human world, The New Pedestrian Street in Donghe District.

Sun Qi’an’s body shook, and she vomited a mouthful of blood. She raised her bloodied hand with a face filled with disbelief.

Across from her, Huang Jin lost consciousness and was lying on Fu Xingchuan’s bone roc. Fu Xingchuan was covered in blood with a deep wound visible on his face, and he seemed on the verge of passing out from blood loss.

“At a time like this…” She delicately furrowed her brows.

“But… it’s not over yet…”

The author has something to say:

But it’s almost over! Miss Love.

Xiao Yin and Xiao Zhong have finally reached their max level (…

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