Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 100

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Everyone knows China football team is not that good. They always lose the important matches. Especially to South Korea team, there's almost no victory record before.

I take the beer glass and look at Nongda Park's face. No wonder he is so confident. Like Winson said, look at the odds, it's obviously not manipulated. The result seems pretty much sure.

It there's no the ring on my hand, kill me if I would have such confidence in China men's football team!

Because when I worked in the nightclub, I saw a lot of insiders!

There's a team this city. I've seen how shit these players are.

Some players are the often guests of the Clubs. When they finish a match, they will come to club to find some girls for relax. They just eat, drink, and have sex. Actually girls don't want to have sex with these guys due to they can insist too long time without the shoot, which is pretty alike they are on the field.

The China men's football team is too weak. Everyone knows it. Even Nanny, a woman who doesn't understand football, also looks at me with a worried face.

I'm not caring a damn, just look at the TV screen.

Television relay signal comes from ESPN. First, the soccer commentators introduce the two sides' lineup, and then they analyses the match against history and technical and tactical characteristics of both sides. Then the game begins. The Red Devil Cheerleading Team of Korea almost fills the whole stadium with roars.

Five minutes after the start, the Korean team almost scores. A China defender carelessly kicks the ball to a Korean striker's feet. The Korean raises his leg and shoots, causing the screams on the spot.

China team's goalkeeper is OK, he jump to the left and hold the ball.

For the next 20 minutes, the game is almost one-sided. Korean players surround the China team's penalty area. Fear ambush at every tree and tuft of grass.

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China team is suffering a crushing defeat. The players begin to breathe heavily one by one. But the ball just always passed two or three feet and was snatched by Korean players.

In the first half, China team's only threatening attack comes from the only striker. He's been waiting for a long time, finally got a long pass. He immediately ran with the ball at the fastest speed. Then he raised his head to observe. His eyes flashed and he shot furiously at the front of the penalty area. With the wind, the ball whistled like a shell and flew directly to the corner flag…

The referee blows the whistle at the end of the half and enters the halftime.

Nongda Park is probably quite happy. He has an indifferent face and a hint of unconscious delight. The beer in front of him has been finished. He takes a deep look at me. I think about it and say nothing.

The second half starts, the situation is changing abruptly!

South Korea team passes the ball twice in the first two minutes, opening up the gap of China defenders, uses China defenders' mistake to burst into the penalty area and shoot. The score changes to 1:0.

Five minutes later, the Korean striker finds a chance to shoot a long shot in front of the penalty area, and the score turns to 2:0.

It is South Korea odds of two balls handicap, which means they just need one more goal. Gamblers who bet on South Korea's winning can wait to count their money. From the present situation, this possibility is infinite.

Nongda Park has ordered another glass of beer. He raises a full glass of beer, gives me a distant gesture, with a smile on his face.

I stay calm and collected, take out a cigarette and light it.

I believe in the magic of the ring!

Sure enough, five minutes later, things changed!

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Originally two goals down in the second half, the players of the China team have abandoned, most of them have returned to their own half to defend. Suddenly, in a China defender's big foot clearance, the ball goes straight over the half-court, unexpectedly accurately lands at the foot of the forward!

He runs with the ball at once!

A South Korean defender comes up and the striker begins to stumble. Somehow, the defender slips on the grass and falls down. As a result, the two collides and the football flies straight out of the bottom line.

China team's corner kick.

After the corner kick, the China team rushes several top headers into the South Korean team's penalty area. The South Korean goalkeeper roars and hits the ball with both fists. Under the eyes of tens of thousands of spectators, the ball hits the forward's buttock accurately and then flies into the net.

2:1 China pulls back a goal.

"Cool! It's so coquettish to score a goal with the buttock!" I have a good drink of beer.

Two minutes later, the China team comes back again!

A player of South Korea's team kicks a long pass, and the ball draws a magical arc in air, as a result, it hits the referee's face with a bang!

The poor referee falls to the ground. The ball flies and lands at the feet of the striker.

The whole stadium is quiet for three seconds, and the players are frozen. The poor referee is lying on the ground can't get up.

Have to say, this China forward is still very graceful! His first reaction is to kick the ball out of bounds. But we can't ignore his footwork!

Generally speaking, Chinese players shoot. If they aim at the opponent's goal, the ball will fly to the corner flag. And if in turn, they're aiming at the corner flag...

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Under the silent gaze of tens of thousands of spectators, the ball flies into the net, while the Korean goalkeeper obviously stands a little ahead, although he has done his best to save the ball. The Chinese forward's shoot can be said a "magic strike flying beyond the sky"!

Just imagine, people kick against the corner flag, a few seconds later, the ball is flying towards the goal.

At this time, the referee finally stands up, looks at the dumbfounded players, hesitates, and blows a whistle - the goal is effective!

All the people in the stadium are crazy!

Korean players are crazy! The audience is crazy!

The China coaching team is crazy! China players are crazy!

Only the striker who scored the goal is not. He looks at God. His face is on the verge of collapse, and a huge positive close-up is given on the TV screen.

The tough character of the Koreans is inspired. They attack China team's penalty area in the next ten minutes. After six consecutive shots, the ball is kicked out by a China defender.

It must be said that it is a purely unintentional attack. The midfielder kicks the ball to the striker by the way. At that time, three South Korean players around him has jumped toward. In this case, he chose the smartest way to play.

He lowers his head, almost has exhausted all his strength, kicks the ball out in a random way. Then he turns back and runs towards own half.

I guess that his actual idea at that time is to kick out at will and then rush to participate in the defense.

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But just then, the classic goal that can't be surpassed in a hundred years is born!

We see the ball he kicked with all his strength is in the middle of the air. This time there is no curved but almost straight. It hits one defender's face accurately like a bullet. After a scream, he falls over with his face covered. The ball rebounds to reflect another defender, and the ball reflects again, rolls into the goal from the goalkeeper's crotch.

The goalkeeper is almost crying. The opposing player just kicked at random, refracted twice, and scored?!

There is no suspense about the rest of the match.

Koreans may have a strong will, but facing of this strange situation, any human beings can't understand. Everyone collapse psychologically!

Five minutes later, the referee blows the whistle to end this match.

In this football match, China team created a great reversal by relying on the great striker's hat trick and three consecutive goals in the situation of losing two goals first.

And these three great goals will be forever recorded in history!




Nongda Park, Minister Kim, even Winson, the beer glasses in their three hands fall to the ground.

They are all looking at me like looking at a ghost.

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