Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 99

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"How?" Minister Kim is stunned.

"It's very simple." Winson says leisurely: "For example, I bet on an one-for-ten odds, I win, and Chen Yang bet in a one-for-three odds, he also wins. Although his has more chips than me, but my odds is higher than his, indicating that I take greater risk than him. I'm more insightful than him, so I just win! How do you think?"

Minister Kim laughs: "What do you mean is that, regardless of the chips number, we only bet on the odds? Then I just need to find the one with the highest odds. I may win for sure!"

"You have to win the bet first!" Winson smiles faintly: "If you lose, what's the use of the highest odds?"

Minister Kim's eyes brightened up after a while. "I see, you want to compete the ability of predict the market maker's operation!"

Winson nods, turns to me: "How do you think? Are you interested?"

I frown: "What do you mean? I don't understand."

Winson squints and laughs mysteriously: "You really don't understand, Chen Yang? Have you never gambled?"

By this time, casino staff has come in with a slim laptop, put it in front of us, and opens some strange pages from the laptop for us.

"These are all forms of gambling that we can participate in today, from football matches to horse racing, as well as the gambling methods of major European gambling companies, all of which we have instant betting business." Dealer says, "Please choose at will."

Minister Kim first begins to select, and then the staff takes another three laptops and put them in front of me, Winson and Nongda Park.

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Winson doesn't watch the screen. He's looking at me.

"Actually, predict the market maker's operation is also called reckoning the market maker. Chen Yang... You're not really out of touch with the gambling industry, are you?" He looks at me and nods, grinning bitterly. "It's really strange. Your card playing skills are so excellent!"

"I was just lucky!"

"Well, let's escape that first." Winson says slowly, "Actually the so-called predict the market maker is just a kind of mathematical calculation. Of course, most gamblers don't understand this, such as a football match, ordinary gamblers will only analyze the strength of the team, players' condition and so on... In fact, these analyses are too much, and they are useful. But the real results are always in the hands of the market makers!"

"I understand that." I nod. It's almost the same as Little 4's motorcycle racing.

"If the market makers want to make sure that they are profitable, the odds they offer are calculated strictly. But the amount of bets should also be considered. To give a simple example, a football match, after the market makers give the odds, most people buy team A to win, while few people buy team B to win, then if team A really wins, the banker will lose money! So the market makers will control the result of the game and let Team B win!"

"Of course, in fact, the real situation is not that simple. If it is so easily to be seen through, then no one will come to bet again. So odds play a decisive role. For example, the odds of buying team A is 1:100 and that of buying team B is 1:3. Most gamblers think Team B is popular and buy team B to win. So even if team A has less bets, but because of the odds are high enough. So if Team B wins, the market maker will lose a lot of money. If team A wins, the market maker can make a small profit."

"Of course, I don't mean that all football matches are fakes. But there are several very large gambling groups in the world, which are so powerful that you can't imagine! In order to make a profit, they will control a considerable part of the football matches. Most of the matches you see are real, but a few are manipulated."

"A gambling group usually plays many matches at the same time. Most of matches are normal. They don't have any tricky. Market maker will just control the odds, after accurate calculation, the odds and the amount of bets are all calculated, to make a balanced data out, to ensure that no matter which team wins, they will at least make income even without losing money. Meanwhile, one specific match they control is used to make a lot of money!"

"The problem is that outsiders don't know which game is controlled in so many gambling matches. Most people, if you bet on games that are not controlled, then depends entirely on your luck. If you accidentally bet on the match that market maker is well-controlled. Well, you'd better bless yourself are not on the opposite side. Otherwise you'll lose for sure!"

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"The controlled game is like a balance, with lots of gamblers throwing money on both sides. But the market makers see it very clearly. By calculating, they will take away the money on the side with a larger amount of money and let most people lose and a few win. So they make a lot of money in the middle. For professional gamblers, the way to gamble is to find a way to predict the market maker's operation!"

"First of all, in many games which a banker opens up odds, you have to figure out which ones are not manipulated and which ones are manipulated! This is calculated and judged according to the hot degree of betting. It has a lot of knowledge."

"Professional gamblers specialize in betting on matches that have been manipulated by the bankers. Because by calculating the banker's odds, they can judge which side the bankers will win in the end. It is equal to knowing the result of the game beforehand! That would be naturally winning for sure! Of course, calculating odds is a very complicated knowledge. It's not so easy to judge who wins the game by calculating. It's a skill to test the professional gambler's ability!"

I'm so absorbed that I can't help but say, "Well, if the result of the game controlled by the banker is judged and bet on it, won't you win a lot of money? Doesn't the banker have to lose money?"

"It would be impossible." Winson shakes his head, "Even if you can judge the result of the game by calculating, you have to calculate how much you bet in order not to affect the overall situation! If you bet too much at one time to let the bankers would lose money, they will immediately change the match's result to Let you lose."

After that, Winson looks at me helplessly and says, "You really don't understand these things? I thought you are a hidden master."

I smile and say, "At least I'm very grateful to you for telling me that."

"For what?"

"After going out from here today, I'll tell my friends around me. Don't spend even a penny on gambling, because it's all fraud. Ten gambling games have nine frauds. The ancients were too damn right!" I laugh and take the laptop, look carefully find the which I can bet on now.

Ten minutes later, Winson is the first to finish. He chose a gambling horse in Macau, and so did Minister Kim.

Obviously, both of them have been carefully calculated. The odds of the two horse races are quite high. They are 2:6 and 1:4. Seems not that surprise hits, but they both look confident.

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Winson smiles to me and says: "Chen Yang, which game are you betting on?"

I'm still looking for the information on the computer, and suddenly my eyes light up, pointing to screen and ask: "This one can also be bet?"

The staff next comes and looks at it. "Yes, sir, we can broadcast the football match live for you, and you can watch it on the TV screen."

"Well, that's it!" I say with great enthusiasm, "But I can't understand some of the odds above. What's the meaning of this?"

Winson looks at the information on the computer screen in front of me, stunned! He can't help saying, "Chen Yang, do you really want to bet on this? It seems that the bankers aren't optimistic at all. The chances of losing are higher. I'm afraid..."

And Minister Kim comes together and he's also stunned!

Then they look at each other, "You really want to bet on this?" Minister Kim says with difficulty.

Winson doesn't speak, but he looks at me as if I have had lost all my possessions.

The staff next to me looks very professional, without any contempt for me, and steadily says, "Sir, this game is calculated according to Asian odds, today's odds is that the home team two balls handicap. Are you sure you want to bet?"

I do not hesitate to put my finger on it: "I'll bet on this game, but I won't bet on the home team, I'll bet on the away team!"

Asian Cup Football Qualifications. Korea VS China. (Fiction for plot needs.)

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"I'll bet on China!"

When I speak this word, even the staff next to me looks at me with a "you're dead" look.

I shake my head calmly. "I don't gamble much. Anyway, as you said, regardless of the amount of gambling, we are competing with the rate of the odds, the odds of betting on China are the biggest."

Then I snap my finger and laugh, speak to the staff beside me. "Go ahead, turn on the CCTV, I'll watch the live broadcast! Do you have beer? How can men watch a football game without beer?"

Winson glances at Minister Kim. Minister Kim suddenly laughs and says, "OK! Let us see if your luck will be still so good this time."

Nongda Park speaks something there.

Nanny has been sitting beside me all the time. She hasn't said a word during we were playing cards. Now she listens to Nongda Park's words. She can't help frowning slightly and whispers in my ear, "This man is really annoying. He said that he admired your patriotism, but he thought that China football can't be an opponent of the Republic of Korea. So he decided not to bet on anything else. If you bet on China, he'll bet on Korea."

I don't care at all, "OK! It's really a fun to have people gambling together!"

At this time, the waiter brings the beer. It's the German black beer. I'm immediately overjoyed and raise my glass to greet with Nongda Park.

In fact, I am very sorry.

Damn it, unfortunately I have no gambling luck today. Otherwise, I will be betting at least one million to let the Korean lose to cry to death!

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