Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 103

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I park my car in the parking lot outside the East Suburb Villa District. I jump out of the car and enter the door under the suspicious eyes of two security guards. They hesitate for a moment, one of them asks me, "Sir..."

I make an arrogant appearance, give him a cold look and continue to walk in. The man next to him pulls his companion, and I hear his whispering, "Hey... Is your first day working here?! Maybe it's another richer to look for his lover. You fool! Their mistresses are all living here and are taken care of by these wealthy people!"

There are about dozens of villas around here. According to the western style, each villa has its own garage, even gardens and courtyard walls. Several of them are built on the hillside and belong to scenic houses. After I go in, I look for the number of the house plate carefully.

It's completely dark, European-style street lights are all on, and a group of uniformed security guards are patrolling in the distance. I find that there are camera probes at intervals.

I finally find the last door number Dorra had mentioned in the phone and walk over carefully.

The building in front of me is obviously much larger than other villas, with courtyard walls outside. I can only stand at the gate and look inside. The garden is big and there is a separate swimming pool outside. Next to it are some conifers. I pick up my cell phone and dial Dorra again. There's still no any answer. I do not hesitate to walk quietly along the courtyard wall for a while, and observing the camera probe overhead at the same time. Finally, a blind spot of cross camera probe is found. Looking around, there's no security patrol nearby.

The courtyard wall is of iron grille type, with a pointed top and a slightly curved hook, about two meters high. But this kind of courtyard wall can't stop me. I reach out and grab a fence, with my arms exerting, my body is free. Then the other hand reaches over and holds on to the top, turning over, several centimeters away from the top of the courtyard wall, and I just jump in.

As soon as I land, I squat down and look around. The gate is about twenty steps behind me. There's a camera on it, but it isn't facing me. I breathe a sigh of relief and lean toward the villa building along the shadows under a row of trees beside me.

In the evening, standing outside, I can see the brilliant lights and the deafening music coming out. The window is full of the shadows of men and women, who seem to be having a party. The swimming pool outside is dry and there is no water. This season is winter after all, and the open-air swimming pool is idle.

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The garage beside the villa is very large, and the garage alone occupies almost more space than other villas here! But obviously there are many people come here tonight, because the garage door is open and there are three cars parking side by side, one of which is still a relatively rare open sports car. Outside the garage, there are also a row of road racing motorcycles and two Harley motorcycles parking side by side!

I bent down, run a quick trot along the front wall of the villa and quickly dodge into the garage. I confirm that no one saw me.

I go into the garage and check around it. I find a drawer on a tool rack in a corner. Although it is locked, I pull it hard and force it to open. Then I find a torch with a long metal handle. It's pretty weighed in my hand. I hold it within my back hand, stuff in along the sleeve of my coat and attach to my arm.

I know that there's a door in the garage that is accessible to the interior. I pull the door. Fortunately, the door is unlocked!

I open the door and am just about to walk up a few steps when I hear footsteps coming from. I'm shocked and hurry back to hide behind the door.

A sound of footsteps, first a man comes out, his hands seems to be carrying something heavy, follow his is another man. I hide behind the door and see that the two guys are carrying a girl!

There's no light in the garage. The light is very dark, but I have stayed in this dark environment for a while. My eyes have adapted to the surrounding, so I can see clearly.

The two men one by one lift the girl's hands and feet. The girl's long hair drops down. The whole person is unconscious. I don't know whether she is faint or drunk. I can't see her face clearly, but only by hearing, I realize that the girl is breathing fast and of different lengths. The two men lay her heavily on the floor, both gasping. Then one of the men suddenly is laughing lewdly.

I can smell a strong mixture of alcohol and tobacco in my nose. It's brought out by these three people.

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The two men are a little frivolous and tired. They lay down the girl. The man who's just laughing says, "Damn, this girl is not in danger of life, is she?"

Another man shakes his head and gasps, "No way! Don't scare me. It shouldn't be. But I don't expect her to be able to recover until tomorrow morning. Damn it. It's all your fault. You are far too much! This girl doesn't seem to have taken any that thing. How much did you put in her wine just now?"

"Just half a pill!"

"Half a pill?! Stop fucking me! I saw your hand shake. How much did it fall? Damn it, though it's usually not very effective! But if cause her die here, it would be a big deal!"

The other man stops laughing. He reaches out to the girl on the ground and touches her breast for a while. "It's all right. There are heartbeats. This girl is just drunk and faint."

The two men are relatively silent for a while. The man put his hand on the girl's chest on the ground and suddenly whispers, "Damn, she's still twisting around and fussing!"

"Fuck!" Another man laughs and scolds, "You fucking fool! The little girl's face, just look at it and I'm not interested. Do you want women of this appearance?"

This man laughs wildly and says, "Damn, but she's really in good shape. You just touch to feel!"

Standing behind the door, I watch two men squat down, unfasten the clothes of the semi-comatose girl on the ground, and they reach up and down repeatedly to touch her upper body. The girl on the ground has obviously lost her self-consciousness, wriggles a few times, and groaning meaninglessly in her mouth.

In the darkness, a man laughed, "Can't help it! Just make it now, damn it! Open the door and do it right here. Ha ha ha ha ha..."

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The two men's voices become lower and lower, and suddenly there is a light. It turns out that one man takes out a lighter and lighting.

By the light of the lighter, I see the girl's face on the ground. I'm somewhat familiar with it. I'm stunned before I have recognized that she's a classmate of Dorra. I met her before, and she was also a little messy.

Seeing that two men have already lifted the girl to a car, I touch the long-handled torch in my hand and quietly lean them from behind. Neither of the men notices that I am approaching quietly. I stretch out an arm and pull a man's neck from behind. With a bang, he falls backwards, lifting the girl's leg's hand loosening. I stand aside and the torch in the other hand slam into the back of the other man's head.


The man falls softly to the ground with a hum! The man whose neck I have strangled, his eyes are almost stared out. I drop him on the ground and kick him in the head. He's also fainted.

I'm relieved and feel the pulse under the girl's neck on the ground.

The little girl is completely unconscious, twisting like a dying snake. But she could not wake up, just trembling twists, with saliva coming out from the mouth. It looks like an epilepsy attack.

I've seen too many of these cases in some discos or pubs in the past. I know it is the reason of the potency of the drug comes up after taking it. I guess she's going to be like this for a while, and I'm not interested to care about this little messy is living or dead.

After take a breath, I immediately enter the house through the garage door.

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Push open the door, and immediately hear the deafening music coming from inside. The strong and shocking rhythm almost makes my ears ring!

It's a big living room, about seventy or eighty square meters! The sofas in the living room are all moved to the edge. Nearly twenty men and women are twisting with the music. The air is filled with the smell of tobacco and alcohol. From a distance, under the lamplight, the air in the room seems to have a circle of light blue smoke. I make a slight distinction. There's a faint smell of burned marijuana in the air!!

Aren't these guys afraid of choking to death?

I see another female classmate of Dorra at a glance. It's the girl with earrings and explosive head. Although there are many people here, her appearance is so striking that I quickly find her in the crowd. She's holding her hands against the wall, head is shaking and buttocks are twisting.

In the whole hall on the first floor, so many people there, none of them is awake. They're all like having taken drugs! I even see a man with a silly smile on his face, half of his shirt taken off, a large glass of wine in his hand, standing with a giggle, two steps forward, and then he falls down, just one head on the sofa. On the sofa, a girl is unconsciously shaking her head, just hugging that man. Then they wiggle wildly, screaming and tearing each other's clothes.

I understand it completely without thinking about it!

It's a pornography party! A drug party!

Looking at the scene in front of me, my heart has surged with rage and anger!


This girl! How could she come to such a party?!

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