Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 104

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Where's Dorra? Where on earth is she?

I stand outside the living room and look around at the corner for a moment, then I make sure Dorra isn't in the lobby on the first floor. Then I look at the surrounding terrain and there isn't her in the kitchen behind me.

And on the other side of the living room. It's a staircase leading to the second floor. I hesitate for a moment, take a deep breath, stand up and swagger into the living room.

The men and women in the living room are all half asleep and half awake, so when I walk in, no one around me is surprised. Everyone are twisting. Some two people hug together, some three or four people hug together.

As I'm walking past the crowd, I suddenly see two men standing up in the corner, their eyes on me. After a start of astonishment, they come towards me quickly.

I immediately realize that they are awake!

I grab a bottle from a table next to me and hide it behind me. But my face is still calm, pretending not to be aware of anything.

Finally, the man in front of me on my left comes up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "You are?"

I realize that he might also be hesitant. I even suspect that he may not fully know the people present. He just think my face seems strange and a little skeptical.

Such a chance must not be missed!

I just let him put his hand on my shoulder, pretend to be drunk, say with my tongue wide: "What… are… you… saying?"

His eyes twinkle, reaches another hand for my arm, seemingly trying to take me to the side. As soon as his finger touches my arm, I hit it with a sharp elbow! The metal handle torch that I'm holding in my arm has hit him heavily on the chin. The man is immediately covering his chin and screaming. I do not hesitate. The bottle in the other hand hits him on the head!


The bottle is broken and the golden liquor spill all over the floor.

The other man immediately raises his hand and hits me with a punch. I lower my body and head down. At the same time, I take his arm with my shoulder and punch him in the throat.

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The man is falling down, covering his throat. His face turns red and he can't even breathe at the moment.

This is still my mercy! If I beat him harder, I'm afraid he can be broken his throat knot!

I knock them down, and no one jumps out of the crowd next to me. One by one, they are all staggering, giggling, and shouting, "Oh yeah! Oh, yeah! "

Another man, with an obscene smile on his face, leans askew towards me, and his mouth does not know what strange tone to call out: "Honey!"

"Honey your mom!" I knock him down too.

The group is hopeless. I give them a cold look.

I know that once you take stimulants, your mind is basically out of your control. In this case, all your behavioral awareness comes from your body's instincts. Or rather than "instinct", are some behaviors stimulated by drugs. Just like dreaming.

I rush upstairs as fast as I can. I also carefully stay at the stairway entrance for a second, for fear that there would be someone there! At that moment, my heart has been completely nervous!

First of all, I have clearly realized that people who can live in such places are definitely not ordinary people. Dare to hold such a huge psychedelic party at home, if there is no strong background, who dares?!

The second floor is an arched ceiling with a small hall with half corridors on each side. There are paintings on the walls, and I hear music coming from a door at the end of the side corridor. It's a kind of slow rhythm music, mixed with the groaning voices of men and women made by electronic music synthesis, with a faint sound.

In the days when I had fallen, I didn't know that this kind of music had been heard hundreds of times, and it was released to urge love! It's the ordinary R&B music plus the groaning voices of men and women in sex movie. When it's playing, it's accompanied by psychedelics. It can be said an indispensable thing of this kind of erotic party.

My face is cold and I walk over with the long-handled metal torch, pushing the door hard, and the door is locked. I step back two steps, lift my leg and kick it hard!


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The door has been kicked open, half of the door locks falls off and hangs aside.

The room is smoky and the air smells strange. I know, it's the volatile smell of hallucinogens mixed in wine. It's a little sour and sweet feeling. If such odor smells too much, people will feel dizzy. Although not comatose, but it will make people mentally retarded, just like a few days and nights without sleep, extremely sleepy state.

The light in the room is light red, and a lamp post shot down from the top of the head. Rotating and twinkling, in this light, I've seen the scene of the room.

In the middle is a big bed, very big bed, and classical Italian style, round! There is a mirror on the ceiling of the roof. There is a man and a woman in the bed, naked all over. They are carrying on the most primitive and instinctive human movement, roaring and entangling. When I have broken in, they still all ignore me completely. Both seem to have lost consciousness, totally ignoring any movement around them. The man looks strong and tall. The woman on him looks tall and slim, short-haired, kneeling on him, naked. The man is holding her in his arms, both agitating desperately, while the man burying his head in the woman's chest, and there are wild animal roars from his mouth from time to time.

Because the two of them have a half-sided view of me, I can see the girl clearly. To my relief, she's not Dorra.

The girl's face, which should have been very young and pure, has been completely distorted now, with a look like madness on her face, biting her lips to bleed! And her eyes, obviously, it is godless and has lost consciousness. Her delicate skin is covered with red and green marks, as if it has been scratched out. She is straddling on the man's body. A pair of long legs tightly entangled in the man's waist, in the middle of the lip biting, while meaningless moans and screams, do not know whether excitement or pain.

In the corner of the room, there is a DV on a tripod. The lens is pointing at the bed. Look at the flickering lights on the camera. Obviously, they're shooting!

My eyes continue to glance over, and finally I find Dorra in the corner!

She sits on her knees in the corner, her hands on her back, her wrists handcuffed, a piece of tape on her mouth, and her hair scattered. Her clothes are torn, but I can see from her trousers that she should not have been raped.

She is wearing a pair of jeans and only one shoe left on her feet. She leans over the wall and looks a little confused.

I rush to the bedside, the couple does not respond at all, still desperately making love. I pull the man's neck from behind, drag him down from the bed and kick him on the face!

The man is shouting loudly, and instead of suffering, the voice is still very exciting!

I kick him in the nose and probably break the bridge of his nose. I know the strength of my kick, and half of his face is full of the blood. The body is so naked hanging on the bedside.

To my surprise, the girl suddenly jumps at me as if she's mad. She opens her arms, ten fingers open to grab my face. I wave her and throw her aside.

The girl's face is crazy, her eyes are empty, but the muscles are twisted, gasping and screaming vaguely in her mouth: "Give me! Give it to me! Give it to me!"

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I run quickly to Dorra's side and want to pull her up. But I find that the handcuffs is baked on a ring, which is embedded in the wall!

Fuck! Asshole!

I'm so angry that I loosen Dorra, turn around and run to that man, grab him by the neck, pick him up, and smash him in the stomach with a punch.

The man got a punch from me, and the whole man bent down like a shrimp. Then he raises his head and make a "Ho…Ho…" sound in his mouth. There is a strange light in his eyes. Then he suddenly frowns and puking.

The vomit he vomited out of his mouth, with a strong alcohol smell and a foul smell, I pull him aside and shake his neck forcefully: "Where's the key? Where's the key?!"

The man finally regains some consciousness. He seems did not take too many stimulants, but apparently drank a lot of alcohol. He looks at me with blood on his face and shouting, "Who are you? Let go of me! I'll kill you!!!"

I'm anxious because I can't confirm how many conscious people in the house. When I see that there is a small bathroom in the room, I drag him over like a dog, then put his head in the toilet and press the flush button.

The cold water makes him scream, and the water chokes into his mouth and nose. His hands are immediately reflexing to the edge of the toilet and struggling violently. I pick him up again: "The key! Where's the key of the handcuffs?!"

He is a little sober, but after all, he took drugs and alcohol, and his mental reaction is much slower than that of ordinary people. He looks at me dully for a moment and can't speak clearly: "Who are you? Dare you hit me? I'm going to kill you!"

"FXXX!" I'm so angry that I slap him on the face. He falls out, hits his head on the wall and breaks a mirror.

The pain stimulates his nerves again. He gives a ghostly cry: "Anybody come?! Anyone there?!"

He is half crouching on the ground, trembling, bloods streaming down from his head. His face, stomach, and shoulders are red, and some mirror fragments are stained on his body. What makes me sick most is that his penis is dropping there urgly.

"Key! Where's the key of the handcuffs?!" I pick up a piece of glass and put a sharp end to his neck: "Where's the key?!"

At last there is a little fear in his eyes and a little tremor in his arms: "Clothes! Clothes... Inside..."

I leave him, go back to the room, search everywhere, and finally find a suit of clothes under the bed. I search for it, and sure enough, there is a small key in the pocket. I run over to release Dorra's handcuffs.

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The girl has completely collapsed, maybe frightened, maybe medicated. In short, she is soft and could not say a word. Her eyes are half opening and half closing, and only when she sees my face clearly, she finally shows some vitality. She hangs on me, but her feet are as soft as cotton and can't walk a step.

I simply put her on my shoulder, then pass the door of the bathroom and see the man on the ground.

This time, by the light in the bathroom, I see what he looks like. He's about twenty years old, very young, probably similar to me, originally a good-looking face, nose was knocked down by me, the bridge of the nose is a little crooked, half of the face is covered with blood, the other half has a few bloodstains, as if scratched out by girl's nails.

His eyes are a little loose, but he stares at me deadly, and he speaks a little tongue but viciously, "Kill you... I'll kill... Kill you!"


I can't hold back my anger. I go to the door of the bathroom, look at his open thighs, raise my feet, and step on his shoes against the mass of things under his crotch.

The fellow gives a scream at once. But because of the drug, in this state, people's sensory response is dull, so he does not normally suffer the kind of pain of such a blow. The cry is mostly fear more than pain.

I step on it, twist my foot a few times, then lift it up and step on it again. I step on four or five feet, and the guy turns his eyes and faint.

I'm carrying Dorra, see the camera in the corner of the room, grab it, and stride out of the room.

As I expected, the people downstairs are still wiggling wildly.

But compare with the time I just went upstairs, almost half of these twenty people are now naked, and two of them are already lying on the ground and having sex.

I carry Dorra through the hall, go behind, push the door back to the parking lot, where three people are still lying on the ground. The girl is asleep and two men are moaning.

I walk over to give each of them another kick, kick them all on the genitals. Then I pull the door of a car and stuff Dorra in. I fumble in the car for a while and finally find a car key behind the front mirror.

I drive the car to the gate and the gate opens automatically. I breathe a sigh of relief, and then quickly drive out of the villa area and chang the car in the outside parking lot.

Throughout the process, my heart is on tenterhooks. I know very well that tonight's matter will not be a little trouble! I'm just heading downtown as fast as I can.

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