Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 106

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"I'm in trouble." After the call is put through, I tell her directly.

At the other end of the phone, Yumi speaks in a strange tone. She says quickly, "Now I'm not convenient. I'll contact you later."

After that, she just hangs up the phone.

I feel a little strange. Because her voice sounds irritable and her mood feels impatient, far from her usual calm tone. I even heard a little panic from her voice.

I frown and drive all the way home without thinking about it. When I take Dorra upstairs and enter the door, I'm freezing.

Didi and Nanny are sitting face to face on the sofa, and both of them look embarrassing. Watching me come in and there's a young girl with me. They are freezing too.

"You... You come back?" Didi seems to be in a little panic. She immediately stands up and looks at me, then looks at Nanny again. "This one... This Miss Fang is looking for you."

There's tension in her tone, and some doubts. I can't explain too much. I just nod to her. Then I bring Dorra up, point at her and say, "Didi. This is my friend's daughter. She'll stay with us for some time, you help her get in and tidy up her things first. Well, Dorra, you go with her."

Then I look at Nanny and ask, "Why are you here?"

Her expression is somewhat awkward, and she stands up, seems so nervous that she doesn't even know where to put her hands. "I... You said you were not feeling well. I just come after work and want to see whether you are OK."

Her tone of voice is a little grieving, looking at my eyes, obviously with gentleness.

I feel a little headache and sigh, "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong... Thank you... Thank you for coming to see me."

She seems to want to laugh, but she just pulls a corner of her mouth and can't laugh at all.

I sigh. I know my tone just now is a little too hard. Maybe she feels a little aggrieved. But now I'm really in a bad mood. What happened tonight is so sudden that I really don't feel in a good mood.

Didi stands aside. This girl is kind, but not silly. She seems to see that the atmosphere is somewhat delicate. But she doesn't say anything. She just gives me a deep look, sigh lightly, then she comes over and takes Dorra's hand, says gently: "Come with me."

Dorra hesitats and looks at me for help. I nod, and she obediently let Didi takes her hand and enter the room.

Nanny looks at me and finds I'm with a gloomy face. Grievances grow stronger in her eyes. She comes slowly and whispers, "I... I didn't mean to rush you. I'm just worried about you. Didn't you say you were uncomfortable during the day? I... "

I look into her eyes and whispers, "OK, I know, I know... I don't blame you."

She's still not reassured: "Are you really okay? I don't think you look very well." She seems to want to reach out and touch my face, but half of her hand, she puts it down again.

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I shake my head and say, "Sorry, I have something on my mind. I'm not in a good mood right now! But, it's no big deal." I try to soften my voice a little: "Let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?"

"Have you met any trouble?" She says, "Is there anything I can help?"

I think it over very carefully: "Not for the time being..." Looking into her eyes, I feel soft in my heart: "Well, if I need help, I will definitely liik for you, I promise, okay?"

Nanny is not a fool after all, and she knows that everyone is embarrassed now - especially this special place is in my home.

She shows a reluctant smile on her face. Then she sighs, "Okay, I'm leaving."

I send her out. Didi doesn't come out of the room until I come back and close the door.

"She's gone?" Her expression is still soft, with no complaint at all.

I'm a little embarrassed: "Yes... I'm sorry."

She smiles indifferently. "Why do you say sorry?"

I break off. Words failed me

Yeah. Why should I say I'm sorry?

Of course I know why I say "I'm sorry". But can I say the real reason to her?

DIdi is really an understanding girl. I even think she seems too surprisingly kind!

She smiles and comes to me, reaches out and helps me take off my coat. Then she frowns, "How did you get blood on the coat?"

I look at it, and sure enough, it was stained with some blood: "Other people's, tonight encountered some trouble, and I fought with some others."

She gives me a grumbling look and whispers, "Brother Little 5... Can you stop being so impulsive in the future? You've always been impatient... But do you know I'm worried about it. Please, for my sake! Okay?"

I'm speechless at the moment. I can not help holding her in my arms and kissing her on her hair. "Okay, I'll remember."

I look at her and ask, "Where's Amy? Why didn't I see her?"

She smiles helplessly: "Amy, she said to go out for a walk. Both of you two are so excitability... I don't know where she went."

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I just think about it, but I don't take it seriously. I just look at the room and say, "This girl..."

Didi is suddenly laughing, looking into my eyes and holding me. Her eyes gentle as water, whispers: "Brother Little 5, actually, I am a very simple girl. I never ask you what you are doing outside. I don't know so much, and I don't know what you're busy doing. You... There are many things you don't really need to explain to me." The girl blinks and says in a sincere voice, "That Miss Fang is coming to see you tonight. Actually, I know in my heart that I didn't want pretend to be silly on purpose. I just don't want to ask."

I feel a little choke with sobs and am unable to speak, whispering: "I… Actually, I… "

"You needn't say that." She shakes her head, sighs and hugs me tighter: "There are some things I really don't want to think about. Miss Fang, can't I see her mind? She's prettier than me, better than me, and richer than me, surely smarter than I am. I'm just a silly girl. I don't know anything except to help you do housework at home."

I don't know why. Suddenly, my mind is confused and I blurt out, "Don't you worry about me..."

"I worry." She still looks very weak: "I'm worried about it. But what's the use of my worries? Do I blame you and question you? Is it useful to have a big fight with you?"

Her eyes suddenly turn red and she buries her head in my arms and murmurs in a low voice, "Brother Little 5, if you really want to leave me in the future. Can you promise me one thing? You have to be the first to say to me, face to face, and then I promise I won't entangle you."

I don't know what it feels like. I'm just feeling a sense of guilt surging up in my heart, which makes me want to slap myself a few times: "Don't think about it in a fantastic way... What you said won't happen."

She quietly wipes the corners of her eyes in my arms, raises her head, and reappeares a bright smile on her face: "Okay. I go to get some medicine for that little sister. She seems about to have a cold and her hair is wet. Was it raining? It's not raining today..."

She comes out of my arms. I see Dorra, who don't know when to quietly open the door half way, reveal half her head and looks at me in the room with a slight wink in her eyes. Seeing that I have found her, she immediately retracts.

I sigh. Sitting on the sofa, I tidy up my mood. After a while, I take my cell phone and dial Yumi's number.

She simply stops answering this time. After a few rings, the phone is automatically cut off.

I frown slightly, as if I have smelled a trace of uneasiness.

In the night, it's already after ten o'clock. Didi has has Dorra bathed, I'm still sitting in the hall waiting for the phone. But my heart is full of doubts.

Doesn't Yumi want to help? Or she doesn't want to talk to me at all. In fact, I just want to ask her to help me find out who's the owner of the villa. Who's that man and where did he actually come from.

I sit on the sofa and think carefully about what happened tonight. There was no time to think so much that time. Now, sitting down and thinking slowly, I find that many details are worth studying.

First of all, I remember that when the man was beaten up by me, he spoke in a northern accent, absolutely not a local one.

Secondly, I remember there were a row of motorcycles parked outside the villa. There were several road racing motors, which look like professional racing ones, apparently very expensive. After all, I have spent time in the circle of motorcycle bunkers. This really top-notch racing motos are not available locally. I know that very well!

Finally, at about eleven o'clock, my cell phone rings!

It's Yumi.

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"Chen Yang, I'm downstairs at your house. You're coming down now, alone!" After that, she hangs up the phone in a somewhat cold tone.

I'm a little confused, get up, put on a coat, knock on Didi's door, tell her I go downstairs to buy cigarettes, and then I go out.

It's already over eleven o'clock. The neighborhood is quiet and the street lights are shining. When I come out of the gate, I see a silver BMW parks under a street lamp by the side of the road. The window half opens. Yumi is sitting inside.

Yumi holds a cigarette in her hand. The cigarette ends on her fingertips sparkle. I walk over. But when halfway there, I'm surprised to see Nanny is sitting in the back seat of the car.

"Get in the car." Watching me standing in front of the car and stunning, Yumi flicks off the cigarette, says the word lightly.

I turn to the other side and pull the door, get into the car. Nanny looks grave, seeing me worrily, eyebrows are wrinkling tightly.

Yumi doesn't look at me. She just rolls up the window first and turns out the lights.

"Chen Yang, I don't have much time to stay here for a long time, so I'll make a long story short... Don't interrupt me when I'm saying. I'll let you ask when I finish. Do you understand?" Yumi's tone is somewhat stiff.

"OK!" I reply.

"Nanny, and you, don't interrupt now." Yumi doesn't look back, just glances at Nanny with the rearview mirror.

She takes a deep breath and gives me a quick look with unprecedented dignity: "Chen Yang. You're in trouble, great trouble! I can even say that if there are no miracles this time, you're dead! Tomorrow afternoon at the latest, they will find you, and then you will die miserably!"

I frown and want to ask questions, but then I remember what Yumi has just said and close my mouth.

Yumi is wearing a very large coat. Hair is a little messy, and it seems to come in a hurry.

"Do you know a girl names Dorra? About three hours ago, were you in the villa area not far from the clubhouse in the eastern suburbs? And then you took the girl there, and hit some people to injury?"

She looks a little pale.

I nod.

She twists her body and looks directly at me, with a complex expression in her eyes: "I'm very realistic. I said you can come to me when you are in trouble. But this time you're getting too annoyed. I can't help you. If I dare to protect you, no, I should say, if I dare to reveal something connect with you. Even I will die too. So, I'm sorry. I can't help you. Just now, I found Nanny because I knew there was something between she and you. Don't get me wrong. I didn't ask her for help. I found her and told her to leave you immediately. Don't get in touch with you any more!"

I still haven't spoken.

Speaking of this, she seems laughing, but her smile is somewhat reluctant: "Unfortunately, she refused, I have told her everything, but she refused to ignore you, so I have no choice but to accompany her to see you, what I can do is to give you a suggestion. You'd better go upstairs and pack up your things at once, and then take your woman with you and go away at once! Go right now! Now! Take the fastest car, leave the city, wherever you go, just as far away as possible, or go to a small town, anonymously, and pray to God that they will never find you... And if you are found by them, you'd better kill yourself first! Otherwise..."

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"I..." I just want to open my mouth.

Suddenly she gets angry and holds out her hand to grab my clothes. The woman, who has always been calm and elegant, is angry in her eyes: "Are you crazy? How could you do such a thing! You know how big trouble you've caused?! Who do you think you are? Who can keep you alive? Juan? Or Nanny?"

I take a deep breath, stare into her eyes, pull her hand away, and say coldly, "Yumi, before you get angry with me, can you make things clear first?"

She turns her head and looks out of the window, takes a few deep breaths and then seems to suppress the fire in her heart.

"After you saved the girl, they found a cell phone left by the girl. You badly injured the man in that place. Now he is still in the hospital, but they have begun to search for the girl. That cell phone is an important leads. You should thank God that this happened to be known by me. In that cell phone, the last call record is your phone number. Two bodyguards who were knocked unconscious by you were told, that Dorra girl hid in the bathroom and was caught by them. Obviously, the girl made a phone call to you in the bathroom! So everything is clear. You ran to the villa, hurt those guys, and took the girl away, right?"

She hums, "Now Jimmy Chou has sent almost all his men in the casino just to find you out! Thankfully, they don't know who Chen Yang is, and I happen to know! And that phone number, I also recognize your phone! So I found Nanny... I can tell you honestly that I am not going to save you. I advised Nanny to give up on you!"

I look back at Nanny. Her expression is grave and her eyebrows are tight.

"Is the man I have beaten very great?" I sigh, "Did I provoke someone I shouldn't provoke?"

"He's nothing special." Yumi's tone is a little mocking and angry: "Just, Jimmy Chou or Juan, when they see him, they have to bow heads to him! This man, in fact, is nothing great. But his father, the big boss behind Jimmy and Juan! That is to say, the man you have beaten, it's the 'prince' of our organization! Now I guess the big boss got the news too. So if you run fast, you may be able to live a little longer."

"Enough, Yumi!" Nanny suddenly shouts angrily, "You shut up!"

She looks at me with some excitement and grits her teeth. "I'll go home tonight! I go to ask the old man to save Chen Yang's life! I go to beg him and kneel down to him! You say nobody can hold it back, so I'll go and ask the old man. If he speaks, nobody can touch Chen Yang's hair!"

Yumi looks at Nanny with a little pity in her eyes and shakes her head. "Nanny, you're totally unconscious. You're unconscious by what you call love! Are you going to ask your old man? What do you ask for? Old man can keep Chen Yang. But if he do that, you would be totally offending our big boss! If they turn their faces, there must be at least one reason for that. Why do you ask your old man to do this? Why did he make such a great sacrifice for Chen Yang? If he asks you: Who is Chen Yang? How do you answer? Answer Chen Yang is your man? You know... If you dare to say that, without the help of our boss, the Ng's family will start to scrap Chen Yang by themselves!" As she's shaking her head, she says with a touch of pity: "If Chen Yang only caused a little trouble, just like the last time he went to the police station, you can keep him by make a phone call. But now things are different!"

Nanny freezes, her face shows a little helpless look, deeply looks at me, eyes unexpectedly shed tears, grinding her teeth: "No matter! I will never let anyone touch him!"

Yumi shakes her head. Reaching out and touching Nanny's face gently, the tone softens a little: "Okay, now is not the time to say that... What I can do is to come and tell you the news. What we need most is to let Chen Yang run! Maybe there's still a way to go. But don't take plane, because that will leave your ID info. You'd better leave the city overnight by train or bus and find a place where you can hide your name." At this point, Yumi grins bitterly: "Don't come back for a lifetime. And I'm not sure if you'll be found. Because, Chen Yang, you can't imagine how powerful they are!"

She stares at me in the eye: "The big boss has only such a son. And this man has not even left his descendants. Now you beat him like this. The doctor said that he has lost his ability to be a man forever. You let big boss cut off his offspring. Do you think he'll let you go?"

She sighs, "I'm going back now... The whole organization is busy, Jimmy Chou is going crazy. Do you know, Chen Yang, two bodyguards who were injured by you in the villa last night are dead now. When Jimmy arrived, he immediately tortured the two bodyguards and killed them with his own hands. But there's at least one good thing about this is he's finished too. The big boss's son has an accident on his territory, and he's done with it this time."

After a few seconds of silence, Yumi starts the car and says, "Okay, I'm done with what I should say. Now I'm going back. I've been out too long to be suspicious. Go down, you two. I know Nanny you still have something to say to Chen Yang. I don't care what you say to him, but you'd better hurry up. Chen Yang walks one minute earlier, and he'll be a little safer!"

After that, Yumi closes her mouth and looks at me quietly.

I have some confusion in my mind and say in a hoarse voice, "Thank you, Yumi."

Yumi shakes her head. "Don't thank me. I can't help you this time. I'm sorry." Without stopping for a second, she starts the car and leaves immediately.

Nanny stands beside me, looks at me for a second, and then says, "Go upstairs, pack up, you and the little girl in your family, and your girlfriend. You must go with me immediately!"

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