Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 107

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In the elevator, Nanny's face is worried, and the fingers of both hands are tightly twisted. I look calmly at the mirror on the wall of the elevator.

When the elevator reaches the floor of my house, I pull her out and we stand in the corner of the door.

"Nanny." Suddenly I say, "Can I beg you something?"


I look into her eyes, hesitate, and change a slightly colder tone: "I'm not afraid of death."

"What do you mean?" Her eyes show a little panic.

"I say, I'm not afraid of death." I pull a mocking smile from the corner of my mouth,"I didn't tell you my story before, but I'm not afraid to die anyway… But I have something else to worry about now. Can you help me?"

She looks like about crying. I reach out and grab her face. I whisper, "Count it as a request from me, okay?"

"You say it." Her tone is the weak talking.

I nod, take a long breath, point to the door not far away: "I will take Dorra run away immediately and find a place to hide temporarily. But I want you to take care of Didi. Can you take care of my girlfriend?"

Without waiting for her to speak, I have lowered my voice and say quickly, "I'm the one who caused it... Those people are looking for me - I'm sure I'm going to run, but I can't take her with me! She shouldn't be involved in this matter... If she runs away with me, it would be much more dangerous. So I beg you. Can you take care of her for me?" I sigh and then say, "She's a poor girl. She shouldn't have followed me through those frightening days. You... Can you help me?"

Nanny is crying. She hides her face with her hand and asking, "What do you want to do?"

"Chen Yang... I won't let anything happen to you! I won't let them touch you!" She grits her teeth.

I shake my head, stare into her eyes, and say in a solemn voice, "This is not the thing you can interfere with. What Yumi said just now makes sense. You can't help me. I don't want to cause you so much trouble. So I just want you to take care of Didi for me untill we're safe after some days. Can you promise me?"

"So..." Suddenly she breaks out of my hand and screaming hysterically, "What about you? What about you?! Where are you going? Which place are you going to hide? Will you never come back again?"

I quickly close her, put my hand over her mouth and stare into her eyes. The woman's big beautiful eyes are weeping in panic, and her face is full of unknown panic. Her hands are involuntarily gripping my arm and her body is trembling faintly.

"Don't shout." I say softly, "Don't be! Just don't be emotional, okay? I just leave for some time. Just find a way to hide for a while. I will be fine!" After a pause, I lean over and whispere in her ear, "I promise!"

Then I lean my head back a little, draw a little distance between our eyes, and ask again, "That's what I ask for you. Can you promise me?"

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She looks at me, says nothing and nods with difficulty.

Five minutes later, Nanny and I walk into the door together. She has wiped away the tears from her face. Although her eyes are still a little red and swollen, seems very tired and haggard, but she has been a little calm. When I enter the door, I see Didi is holding a glass of water. It seems to be brewing medicine.

She sees me come in and Nanny behind me, apparently stunned. Without explaining, I go straight over and take the glass from her hand and put it on the table. My tone is serious: "Didi, now you go in and pack up! Take everything you have. Photos, certificates, everything that can leave a clue, take it all away! Now, be quick! Get Dorra up and I'll give her five minutes to dress up!"

"What happened?" Didi hasn't finished asking. I've interrupted her.

"Do as I say first and I'll explain to you when I have time! We have to move right away, right now!"

She is pushed into the room with a look of doubt and confusion, and I add, "Time is pressing now. Quick!"

I ask Nanny to wait outside for a moment and go into the room to collect my things.

Compared with women, I don't have much to tidy up for myself. I just take a small bag that I can tie to my waist and pull out all my documents and bank cards from the drawer. Of course, the most important thing is the measuring device, which I carefully put into my bag. After hesitation, I take a larger bag in my hand, stuff some clothes in, and turn out of the room.

Dorra has already asleep in the next room. Today, the girl suffered too many frightens. She is already tired physically and mentally. She got cold water and has caught cold. She has just gone to bed. Now she is woken up. She rushes out to find me immediately after she gets up. I watch her standing in front of me, panicked, in the pajamas, which are obviously Didi's.

"We're leaving here." My face is calm. "Get dressed now."

"Why?" At the moment, Deira finally shows her age-appropriate response: panic and helplessness.

I just look at her. No words.

She immediately realizes, "It's them... They found us?"

I endure the anxiety in my heart and say, "I don't have time to explain now. You go to dress first. We can talk on the way."

The house is in a mess at once. I think about it. I go to the kitchen and pick out a fruit knife with serrated teeth from the table. I weigh it in my hand and strike twice. I touch the knife edge with my thumb and feel its sharpness. Then I silently stuff it into my waist bag.

Nanny is in the living room watching my gesture with the knife. Her face is somewhat uncertain, and she seems to want to say something, but she dares not speak.

I come out of the kitchen and take a look at her, smile lightly: "Just in case, I hope it won't be used."

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No sooner, Dorra comes out of the room crying, dressed and carrying the bag she had just brought from her own home this evening.

The girl's eyes are full of regret now. I can read clearly her mind.

I still don't talk to her, just walk past her, pat her on the shoulder, then I go into the room to check Didi's collection.

Didi moves so fast that she has taken all the clothes out and throw them into a big box at random. There's no time to fold clothes, so we have to stuff them. I check the drawers one by one to make sure that she doesn't leave any documents or photographs. Because I have to make sure that her and Amy's identities are invisible. I have to make sure that when they track me down, they can't find any clues in my house that will reach them.

Of course, I can imagine when they find my address. They can surely get some information from my neighbours and the property. For example, in this house there are women. They will also check out that I have a girlfriend.

But, if they won't find out who my girlfriend is! They don't know the identity of DIdi and Amy, so maybe they two will be both safe!

I have checked all the drawers and find nothing missing. Actually, my biggest loophole tonight is Dorra's phone!

It can be said that without that phone, they might not be able to find me very soon! But even if Dorra didn't drop her cell phone there, they can still find me by confirming Dorra's identity and to check her phone record!

But even if I was seen in and out of that neighborhood, even if Dorra's classmates knew there was a person like me. But they don't know my name, phone number, address, etc either! It's hard for them to find me if they only know how I look like. After all, they are not the police. It's impossible for them to arrest me by arrest warrant.

So my goal now is clear: I can't hide the fact that I have a girlfriend from the people who are going to follow me up here, but at least I can't let them know that my girlfriend is Didi!

I also thought they could check my phone call list. But at this moment, I suddenly feel very happy about one thing!

Instead, I don't worry about them checking my phone list, because I rarely call Didi. Even Jojo and Azle seldom talk to me. I used to work in the club, and I have at least a few hundred phone numbers on my phone record! Either some Mummies or some customers, they can't check out who I am!

When DIdi and I are together, I have left the nightclub. People around me know her identity, except for Azle, Jojo these sworn followers, only Nanny knows. No one else knows Didi's existence. So for now, she's still safe.

Twenty minutes later, DIdi has packed up. She looks at the clock and is worried, "Amy hasn't come back yet."

"Call her." I immediately say, "Do you pack her things together?"

"Well, I'm all packed up." DIdi hesitats for a moment: "Actually... You had a quarrel with her this afternoon. She had packed all her things in the evening and was ready to move away."

I laugh bitterly and say nothing. Compare with the trouble I'm having now, the afternoon conflict is almost nothing.

"Go down and wait for her!" I'm a little anxious. Amy don't know where to run so late.

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We go downstairs, three women and a man. Before I left, I didn't even bother to lock the door. Just glanced at the door behind me, and suddenly a little sad.

... Home!

It's been a long time. I really think of this place as "home".

At least, coming back every day, I know someone will keep the door for me at night, will turn on the living room light, will put some meals in the microwave oven. Although I seldom eat hot. There will be hot breakfast in the morning and laughter at the dinner table in the evening. It's no longer me eating takeout alone. On Sundays, washed clothes hang on the balcony. There are three different color's toothbrushes in the bathroom.

Now, I need to stay away from this kind of life again. I can't help laughing bitterly. At the last moment when the elevator door closes, I take a deep look at the door of my home.

Darra next to me is so guilty that she dares not look up at me.

But to be honest, I'm not in the mood to blame this girl.

She's only a child after all.

Didi keeps dialing Amy's cell phone. Finally, when we get out of the elevator, the telephone is connected. She says a few words to the phone and then looks at me with relief: "Find her, she's in a barbecue shop near the company."

I say nothing but nod and walk out of the building with them.

Nanny's car is parked behind the building. I ask Didi to get in. She immediately realizes what it is meaning, stares at me in silence for a moment, and her voice is hoarse: "You're not going with us?"

I pretend to laugh lightly: "You go with Nnny first. I'll come to find you."

Didi's face is changing and his body is shaking. "You... Where are you going?"

I shake my head. "Don't think too much. I'll come to you soon. You go back with Nanny first. Remember to pick Amy up first. When you get her, you both go home with Nanny." I go over her and hug her for a minute. "Take leave these days, don't go to work. Or, just change the job."

I take out a cell phone card out of my bag and open it.

This is an anonymous telephone card I have kept by myself. It was bought from the black market.

This kind of anonymous phone card is the safest because when you buy it back on the black market. Ghost knows what name the card is registered with. Anyway, there's only the initial charge. This anonymous phone card, in general, is one of the necessities for gangsters. I've been out for a long time, but habitually, I'll have a spare.

After I take this card apart, I take out her cell phone from DIdi's pocket, replace the phone card inside, then take out a new anonymous card, and also replace my own cell phone card, shaking in front of her: "Now, let's contact with the new numbers! These two numbers are reserved by me. I bought them on the black market. Nobody knows the registered names and can't find us. You don't have to call my original number. Do you understand?"

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Didi is trembling, biting his lips deadly and looking at me. Tears are rolling around in her eyes, but she doesn't say a word.

Actually, I know her character very well. Her silence at the moment is the saddest expression!

Girls like her don't say such nonsense as "I'll follow you wherever you go" or "I'll never leave you when I die".

Some people say better than done, others do better than said!

Didi is the latter.

She looks like a silly girl, but she knows everything in her heart. Now, although I haven't said much about it, she already knows that I'm running.

She even know that I can't take her with me. Because to take her with me is not only dangerous to her, but also more dangerous to me! She is biting her lip so hard that a trace of blood comes out of the corners of her mouth!

"Please." I look at Nanny and say. Nanny's face is as gray as death, as if she dares not look at me. But she nods softly.

I push Nanny into the car with all my strength. Didi gets on herself, but her eyes keeps staring at me as if she is going to imprint me in.

"Promise me you'll come back to me!" Her lips flick a few times and jump out with such a sentence.

I grit my teeth, "I promise you!"

Then I call to Nanny, "Drive! Drive fast!"

Watching the car's taillights flicker, go away. I look at Darra next to me. The little girl is still wiping her tears. My heart is a little depressed, but I wipe her face vigorously. Then I put her shoulder in a heavy embrace and pull a reluctant smile from the corner of my mouth: "Okay, now it's time for us both to the fugitive!"

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Chen Yang..." Dorra bursts into tears.

I look at her coldly and grit my teeth and say, "Okay, now is not the time to cry!"

To be honest, I'm really angry. I even feel an aversion to the girl in front of me.

Yes! I know she's just young and ignorant, and I promised Juan that I have an obligation to take care of her!

However, because of her youth and ignorance, I'm in a big trouble! Now also give up the warm home, away from the lovely girlfriend, give up the quiet life, rushing like a dog in the middle of the night!

"Dorra, stop crying and don't say anything now." I take her to the roadside, stop a taxi and say lightly, "I'm in a bad mood now, so don't say anything... I really don't want to get angry with you! Let me be quiet!"

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