Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 108

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We take the taxi to the nearby railway station. I find an all night open chain cafe shop which is about 500 meters away from the railway station. I take Dorra in and find a corner. Then I carefully say to her, "Stay here and wait for me! If I don't come back, don't walk away by yourself! Don't call! Don't talk to people! Don't walk around! You'd better not even go to the toilet!"

I leave her in the cafe shop and walk out to the railway station.

Winter nights in the south are not really too cold. But now I feel a trace of chill in my bones. There is no starlight in the sky. Looking up from the muddy exhaust gas in the city, it seems that the sky is grey. It is in the lights of the city. The sky is grey, which makes people feel hopeless.

I laugh bitterly and can't help but tighten my coat, but I still feel cold in my heart.

It's twelve o'clock, and there are few pedestrians on the road, until arrive the ticket office at the railway station, there are more people around.

Only a third of the windows in a row are still lit, and people are queuing to buy tickets. In the waiting hall, there are many passengers lying on the benches, some leaning back, some simply taking off their shoes as pillows to sleep. There are even places where people lie on the ground. Some are crowding around the corner smoking.

Far away at the ticket gate, a uniformed railway station worker naps in his chair while aother one is reading newspapers or magazines. The light is dim, which makes people feel sleepy.

I stand in front of the electronic train timetable and check the train number and time carefully.

I haven't even figured out where to go. My goal is very simple. Find the earliest and fastest train to leave, or even go anywhere!

As I'm looking at the train timetable, I carefully watch whether there're any suspicious people around me.

Although I think they can't find me so soon, after all, they need to find my identity before they can hunt me! But I still have enough vigilance. In this escape game, any care is absolutely not superfluous!

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From time to time, some ticket touts come around and ask me where I'm going, trying to peddle their train tickets, and some long-distance black cars coaches are also chasing me.

I ignore them, but calmly search for them on the train timetable. Finally, I decide on a goal: twenty-five minutes later, there's a train to go to HaiCity. This is the nearest express train I can find.

I go to the ticket window and the conductor tells me in a stiff voice that there's no ticket left. I think for a moment and buy two two train station tickets. I decide to advance the train platform, and then get in the train and pay the excess fare. We just need to leave as soon as possible!

When I pay for it, I suddenly notice that someone on the left seems to be coming towards me. My heart is throbbing, I pretend to count the change, and take a furtive look from the corner of my eye.

Two men, wearing grey coats and flat heads, have no luggage in their hands, standing about ten steps away. They seem to be looking at me carefully.

My heart leaps, and I'm on guard right now! At the same time, I noticed another man on the other side looking at me coldly, checking my appearance carefully.

I immediately feel a chill in my heart, take the change off the counter, and then turn around and run away!

The men on both sides see me run away and immediately stop hesitating. The two men on the left first respond and chase me. The man on the right is screaming as he running. It's too far away for me to hear. I want to rush to the exit, but I see seven or eight men rushing into the door of the waiting hall. Some of them are wearing black clothes and have clear goals. They're all rushing towards me!

Without hesitation, I turn around immediately and instead of running out, I rush towards the ticket gate.

For a while, people in the hall are turning upside down, because there are many passengers waiting for trains sitting on the ground in the hall, and some of them even leave a small place to step. There are so many people coming in a hurry that they have tripped up several people and causing some disputes. They are shouting in several places, accompany by shouting and scolding. I just stuff my head and rush into the station. The staff member who is reading the newspaper seems to want to stand up and stop me, but I push him aside and fall on the ground with one butt. Then I hold the railing with one hand and roll over it like a hurdle.

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In the adjacent duty room, there are one policeman and two security guards rushing to the station. I don't care, just run towards the station. The latter two guys are running after me very fast. We are rushing into the underground passage of the station one by one. Along the way, I bump into two or three travelers with luggage, and on one occasion I nearly fall down. I staggere a few steps and crash to a snacks selling cart. By this time, a man behind me has caught up with me. This man runs very fast, and pulls away a certain distance from the people behind me. With the momentum of tripping, I simply squat on the ground. The man behind me can't stop. He falls right over mem face down and falls heavily on the ground. I get up and go on running all the way along the platform.

At this time, some of the men chasing me behind are stopped by the police and security guards at the station. I see two other security guards standing in front to stop me. I grind my teeth, jump from the platform to the railway, and then rushing to the opposite platform.

Many people in the station are watching from afar, as well as the whistle sounds of the railway police, sharp and harsh! I cross the platform and head underground. Then I run towards the passenger exit, just after a turn, I suddenly see a leg is stretching out in front of me. I trip over it, stumble and fall out. I'm shocked and don't know where the pain is or where the numbness is. I can't care about it at all. The first thought is turning over immediately after I fall to the ground. Then I see a man holding an iron stick to hit toward my head.

I raise my hand, hold up the bag in my hand and block. The iron stick hit my fingers. It's so painfully, and immediately the whole palm lost its feeling. I kick him in the abdomen, and then I turn over, jump up and keep running.

At the exit of the train ahead, the lights are flashing in my eyes. Two uniformed staffs are hesitating to stop me. I run and pull out the knife at my waist. My face is stained with blood and I shout fiercely, "Get out! Get out of the way!"

The two staffs hesitate for a moment, and both step back carefully --- Compare with income, their lives are more important.

I think you are right. I can't take the winding rail passage and turn it over directly from the top. At last, my body turns softly and falls heavily on the ground. My knee is painful. I grit my teeth and stand up desperately. There's a rush of footsteps behind me. I feel wet in my pants. I guess my knee must have bled and flowed a lot. I can't care about that at the moment. So many people are rushing into the crowds outside who are holding up the signs and waiting for pick up passengers.

After a few screams, the crowd unconsciously give me a way, so I rush out of the station all the way from the exit.

Continue to use this sprint speed running for several hundred meters, I have some terribly fatigued, weak foot. My injury knee feels more and more pain. My lungs are shortness of breath and burning tingling let me unable to stick out.

At night, when there are few passers-by in the city, I'm escaping like a bereaved dog and turn into a dark alley by the road. I lean against the wall and finally fall on the ground with weak legs.

This is a backlit alley, but also a dead end, it is estimated that the sun is not shining all the year round, the ground is wet, the corners are suspicious slippery, do not know whether it is moss or something else. There's a rotten smell in the alleys, and some urine. I grin powerlessly. It must be that some people who couldn't find the toilet to nuisance here.

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Although I know the ground must be very dirty, but I really can't stand up now. My lungs seem to be burning. When people are nervous, some of the most bizarre ideas will jump out of their minds. I think sadly:"Damn, now the body is really not as good as before, just run this way and pant like this. It seems the time to quit smoking. Otherwise, my lungs really can't stand it."

I rub my numbed knees and look at my hand which was hit by the iron stick in a dim light. The thumb and index fingers are swollen, like two carrots.

I curse in a low voice and can't help thinking: How could they find me so soon?! How is that possible?

After gasping for a few minutes at this dead end, I'm sure that no one has come after me, no one has found me, and I feel a little calm.

I wait patiently for nearly an hour in the alley, then carefully take off my coat, turn its inside out and put it on.

Fortunately, when I went out, I wore a jacket can be worn on both sides. It is completely different in color and slightly safer when turn over.

Looking out of the alley for a while, I come out. I dare not walk to the cafe to find Dorra. Instead, I run to a bus stop about twenty meters away and jump on a bus. Then I get off at the next stop.

Bypassing the railway station, I spend another ten minutes crossing two lanes and heading for the coffee shop which Dorra is staying and waiting for me.

It's about seven or eight hundred meters away from the railway station. I intentionally pick the dark alleys to cross. But when I'm turning a corner, a dark shadow comes out from the corner of the wall, hits me and knocks me against the wall. Then I feel that my waist is held up by a hard thing. A hoarse voice, with a bit of courage and tension, and with a foreign accent, he's stammering, "Money! Hand over the money!"

There is another dark shadow standing at the entrance of the lane, facing me on the side, looking out nervously, turning back and whispering, "Hurry up!"

It's the robbery, but I'm relieved, and then whisper: "I have no money on me."

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"You... Give or not?! Don't you give or not?!" He says and raises panicked hands to slap me on the face. I squeeze his wrist. he gives a painful cry. A thing in his hand falls to the ground, and I immediately lift my knee and bump it into his stomach. The fellow at the entrance of the lane sees and seems to want to run, but he's reluctant to give up his companion, stands there for a second, and then rushing to me.

It doesn't take me any trouble to let him down easily. Then I pick up the thing on the ground and look at it. It's a screwdriver.

Looking at me, the guy in charge of the lookout suddenly begins to beg, "Don't hit. Please don't hit us!"

I don't have mind to care about these messy things now. I throw the sharp screwdriver on the ground and raise my legs to go. But the man seems to have misunderstood that I'm going to kick him. He's so frightened that he immediately lays down on the ground and hugs his head and says, "We are also forced. We can't go back without money. The damn truck can not run with no money to refuel, are we are hungry for a whole day."

I stop immediately, look at the two people on the ground, hesitate and ask, "Truck? What truck?" Instinctively, I seem to see a glimmer of hope!

They are two long-distance freight drivers who brought goods to our city. After delivery, the two guys were a little greedy and drove to the railway station to see if they could take one or two people back by the way and earn some extra money.

But in places like railway stations, thieves are famous! The two guys were not familiar with there, and in less than half a day, the purses were scratched. The money and reward they had just received were all stolen, and even the mobile phones were stolen too.

Together, the two men haven't even got a coin. They have been hungry for a whole day without eating. Now they can't even go home. Because there is not much gasoline in the car, they can run a maximum of twenty or thirty kilometers. It must refuel! But they don't even have half a dime. It costs hundreds to drive on the highway.

Two people were trapped in the vicinity for a day, stolen money, coupled with not being able to return home, anxious and angry, and suddenly aroused evil ideas, found a sharp screwdriver in the truck's toolbox, found this secluded Lane entrance, temporarily made a robbery.

And I, unfortunately, was their first target of robbery. Hearing this, A mind moves into my heart, I pull up the two guys on the ground and ask, "Where are you going back?"

"Heyan city, Zjiang pvovince." They answer me.

I nod, reach out and pat them on the shoulders: "So, I'll give you five hundred. and you'll take me to HaiCity, anyway, it's the same direction of your way. Five hundred is enough for you to go home all the way."

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