Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 111

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The other end of the phone is silent for a while. It seems that there are some noisy voices, and some machine roaring. Then the man's voice comes intermittently: "Wait a minute, don't hang up."

Ten seconds later, the voice becomes clearer and the murmur disappears. The man seems to have moved to a quieter environment.

"Chen Yang?"

I'm shocked that he knows my name, but then he immediately says, "Don't be surprised, your name has been registered all over the South since last night."

I laugh bitterly and say nothing.

"I know a little about your misfortune. I don't ask where you are now. I just want to tell you that you will call me at this time tomorrow. I'll arrange an escape route for you then." At the other end of the phone, the man speaks in a very indifferent tone and has no emotion at all, just says to me dryly.

I do not speak, the other party suddenly sneers, "Why, do not believe me? Since Jim asked you to call me on this phone, you should trust me absolutely. Otherwise, you don't have to make this call."

"All right." I sigh and say slowly, "Tomorrow morning, I'll call you again."

Then I hang up the phone. There is some confusion in my heart.

All over the south, my name is registered? These guys are really big-handed!

I'm still sitting on the toilet, laughing bitterly and dazed.

I still have some doubts. Why did they run to the railway station to catch me so quickly last night?

After thinking for a moment, I pick up the cell phone and dial another number.

This is the number I left to Didi before I have left. The phone rings only once and is connected.

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"Brother Little 5? Chen Yang, is that you?" Her voice is very exciting on the phone.

"Well, it's me." I whisper,"Are you all right?"

"I... I'm fine. Are you okay? How are you doing? Where are you now?"

"Not bad," I hesitate and say. "I can't tell you where I am. It's for your good. By the way, is Nanny there? You give the phone to her."

There's a silence on the other end of the phone, then Nanny's voice comes.

Her voice is obviously trembling, but she pretends to be calm.

"Now what's the situation on your side?" I ask in a low voice.

"Not bad." Nanny smiles bitterly and says, "In the middle of last night, Yumi called me and said they had found your address and identity and you were my company's person. She told me to be careful, but they dared not touch me. By the way, Didi and the other girl are all in my uncle's home. This is the family area led by the army, high security level, guarded by sentries, outside people can not enter. You can rest assured. I will live here these days, and my family is no longer safe too."

I'm greatly relieved to hear that the girls have been safely transferred and arranged.

Then I ask my question to Nanny. I want to know whether she knows any news abou it.

To my surprise, she answers my question!

Because last night when Yumi called, she said that the tactics used to track me were very clever!

It turned out that Jimmy Chou is a cunning fellow. On the one hand, he sent people to track down the telephone records in Dorra's mobile phone. On the other hand, almost the first time, he sent people to all long-distance stations, railway stations, wharfs and airports for blockade! All the people who went there did not even know my identity or my name, but they all got the description of my appearance! There were even superb graphic experts according to the description of two bodyguards who met me and drew a picture of my general appearance at the first time!

There is no doubt that he acted wisely. He didn't wait to find out my exact identity before pursuing me. Instead, he sent people to block the traffic at the first time. This was just in case, but he almost caught me!

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But Nanny also says that Yumi has said she could not provide us any help now, and for the sake of safety, Yumi could not contact Nanny for the time being.

Because I've been found out that I'm an employee of Nanny's company. And Jimmy Chou knows the relationship between Yumi and Nanny.

I think Jimmy Chou would be surprised. The man who caused him great trouble is a young man who had once had a crush on him.

Having said all this, Nanny hesitates for a moment and says, "Would you like to say something to Didi? She's been waiting for your call since last night. She hasn't had a minute's rest, just been on the phone."

I'm feeling a sudden acid in my heart, and I don't know what it likes.

I take a deep breath," OK! " Nanny immediately forwards the phone to Didi.

"Didi," I try to say in my calmest voice, "Listen, take care of yourself and be safe! Just take good care of yourself!"

Every time I say a word, on the other end of the phone, she gives a gentle grace.

"... I'll check it when I get back. If you lose weight or lose a hair, I'll be angry, you know?"

"... Em!" Didi still doesn't talk on the other end of the phone.

"I'll be fine. You can rest assured of that. I'll go back as soon as possible." I think about it and say, "If it's convenient, I'll get in touch with you."

"... Um..." Didi is still silent on the other end of the phone, but the voice is trembling as if she is choking.

Afterwards, despite all my distress, I hang up the phone.

I'm sitting in the toilet and feeling not messy in my heart. Even I've got through to the phone Jim had left me today.

But I don't think it can help me solve any problems. It can help me escape at most.

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How can I solve this problem?

Jim's under Juan, and Juan's under the big boss. So basically, I don't have to count on Juan to help me out. The only possibility at hand is just one word: escape!

I'm so upset that I just lock the door, strip naked and take a shower.

The hotel has no hot water in the early morning. But I don't care. The shower head comes out of the cold water, and I'm just standing below, letting the cold water wash my body, and then suddenly laughing like a psychotic.

Under the cold water, I begin to shiver, but then I rub my body hard to adapt to the bitter cold of the freezing water. My expression is grim, my face twists and my laughter is growing louder and louder.

FXXX! Come on, you just come to me! Who wants my life, I'll take yours first!

When I come out of the bathroom, I see Dorra sitting at the end of the bed, curling up in the quilt. She looks at me in a panic.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"Your laughter inside just now, it was really scarry!" The girl says cringingly.

I don't anwser, just find out a clean coat and put it on myself. Then I leave a word to her: "Don't talk, don't walk around and don't call." Then I leave the room again.

On the way, I look for a stall and buy a hat to wear. It's an old-fashioned cap, looks silly, but I don't care about it at the moment. At least I wear this cap, as long as my head is a little droops down, it's hard for others to see my face clearly.

I've been to Hai City several times. I can easily find the subway station and then go to the railway station.

Despite the previous call, that man has asked me to call him tomorrow and he also said that he would help me arranging the way to escape. But my habit is not to place hope on others!

I'm used to doing more preparation! There must be a plan B.

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When I arrive at the railway station, at the long waiting line in front of more than a dozen ticket windows, hesitate for a moment, think about it, and go out again.

The railway station is very big. There is a big square outside. On both sides of the square is the underground entrance of the subway. I cross the square at will and immediately surrounded by many chatterers.

"Boss, do you need a certificate? Absolutely looks like real!"

"Boss, do you want a train ticket?"

I ignore them, and then go to a corner. Here comes another half-old boy, about seventeen or eighteen years old, who looks like a local rascal. When he sees me coming, he also goes to me and whispers, "Boss, do you want cigarettes?"

I'm laughing.

I'm not surprised that there are many such people in any city's railway stations. I think about it, stop the boy and say, "Do me a favor. I'll give you one hundred dollars."

"Well?" His eyes are shinning, "What's it?"

I point to the railway station in front of us: "You go to the ticket window to help me queue up and buy a ticket, and then bring it back to me. I will give you a hundred dollars. How do you think?"

"Just this thing? OK!" He looks surprised.

I take out my wallet and pull out some banknotes: "The train to Rooyan City, N638 tonight, two hard seats."

The boy takes the money from my hand, hesitatesto look around and whispers, "Boss, I have a way to help you buy a berth ticket, do you want it? Absolutely true ticket! I won't fool you with fake tickets! I have some connections with the ticket office!"

I laugh: "Okay! If you can buy me the berth tickets, no matter how much it costs, I'll give you an extra two hundred dollars."

The boy runs away happily. I wait in a fast-food restaurant behind the square and look out at the scene behind the glass window.

(Bad news. I'll be out on around one week since 21th. Update might be stopped then. Just waiting for my back. )

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