Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 112

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Half an hour later, I see the boy running to the place where we were talking and looking around for me. I watch the surroundings carefully, and no one following him, so I'm relieved to come out.

"Boss!" When the boy sees me, he's relieved as if he's afraid of me running away. Then he takes two tickets out of his pocket and gives them to me. I check the train number and time are all right. Then I hold it in my hand and check it again and again to make sure it's the real tickets.

He looks at my movements and immediately says, "You can rest assured! Absolutely true! Won't cheat you with fake tickets! We have connections!"

I nod and speak nothing.

Ticket scalpers are mostly related to the ticket office, which is known to all on earth. Otherwise, where do the scalpers have so many tickets? Without the connections, where can the scalpers buy so many tickets? It's ridiculous to shout to tighten the scalpers. Can they really do that? Why not check how so many tickets get into the hands of the scalpers?

The pool is very mixed!

Two tickets, the boy charges more than twice the original prices. I do not bargain, just pay for it, and then pull out two hundred dollars to him.

After the deal, I turn around to the road and have walked around for several times and make sure that no one is following me. I'm just reassured.

Then I find a nearby fried chicken restaurant, go in and order a takeaway set meal. When I go out, I take out two train tickets from my pocket, tear them to pieces and throw into a garbage can at the door.

Hum, just let you chase!

I sneer, taking the food, cross the street, and enter the subway entrance.

My strategy is simple:

These people at the railway station, whether they sell fake tickets or false certificates, or scalpers who resell train tickets. They are all organized. It's like another underground world.

The underworld is not just as people understand that all of those gangsters or hooligans who are tattooed and fought outside. The guys like that boy who make living in the train station are also part of it.

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I'm sure that Jimmy Chou's people can't catch up with me in the original city, and they'll search surrounding cities quickly. Hai City will definitely be searched by them as a key target.

Moreover, once they start searching, they will find these big and small groups who make living at railway stations, wharfs and long-distance stations, ask them if they have any news, and order them to pay attention. After all, these guys are the local villain.

At that time, they will easily get the news that "a young man who looks like Chen Yang bought two tickets to Rooyan City in the morning. According to the description of his appearance, he is suspicious and acts like a ghost. And according to the identification photos of the boy scalper, he is very similar to Chen Yang himself! So they can basically make sure that was me!

Then what?

Then they just go to Rooyan City to look for me everywhere. I'll just leave the whole city to them, without me for sure.

Why I chose to deal with that boy? It's simple, because I know their rules.

The people who just came up to talk to me were all bit parts, and the boy, who had been very stable in the corner, did not go to talk to anyone at all. This fellow is the subchief here. This kind of guys will not come up and talk to passers or do business on they own. He will leave his subordinates to work. He is mainly responsible for supervision and observation.

I used them to send out a false message. I'm sure there will be at least 80% chance that Jimmy Chou's people will be misled that I'm escaping to Rooyan City.

When you are running away, you'd better take a train or a long-distance bus. Because these two means of transportation do not need to register names.

As for airplanes, don't take it unless you have false documents, because they will leave an identity record. But I know now that airport checks are very strict and it's hard to get rid of false documents.

Taxis are absolutely not allowed to ride! Because of taxis are operating vehicles which are organized by the companies. Once someone intends to track you down, just need to ask the company to give a notice to all vehicles that any vehicle going out of town must report to the company. Such an order is very easy to give. Every taxi has a walkie-talkie. After a few words from headquarters, almost all taxis know it immediatly.

At that time, you take a taxi to escape, where to go, as long as people check afterwards, you can be found out easily!

As for those black cars that are soliciting business at the station, they are even more unable to sit!

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Like the scalper groups at the station selling fake invoices. In fact, most of these black cars in the station are organized. The chasing people will find those black cars. If you take their cars, you will leave a clue too!

Take long-distance bus or the train, the biggest advantage is that there are so many people. No one will pay attention to you!

If you take the taxi to run, only you and the driver in the car, your appearance is easy to be noticed. Take the black car is the same.

I casually find a station out of the subway and go upstream in the crowded. Hai City has a very dense population, with heavy traffic during the day, especially in places like subway stations. City men and women are all walking fast. The rhythm of the whole city is so fast and tense!

I walk expressionlessly on the street of this strange city, go to take another few Metro stations, come out, turn several corners after leaving the station, and make sure I'm safe now. I cross two streets and find a train ticket retail outlet.

It's on the first floor of a big building. There's a bank on the left and a hotel on the right. I watch outside to make sure there's no camera probe, and then I swagger in.

I buy four tickets, all to GZ City. Unfortunately, there are only hard seats, but it's no idea. We're running away, not traveling, so we can't pursue enjoyment.

I go out and find another train ticket outlet and buy four more tickets to FZ City.

After all this, I take my things back to the hotel.

I did these out of double caution.

Maybe I'm a little too cautious. But there was an old runner who had said to me: Never dislike yourself to be too careful, the more careful, the safer! Sometimes a lot of seemingly indifferent preparations can save you in the end!

I bought four train tickets because, in case they checks, they know that I am one or two persons escaping. They usually don't care about those who buy four train tickets at a time! This reduces the likelihood to let me be found out!

At the same time to buy two directions of train tickets, I also have an extra preparation! It also reduces the possibility of my being discovered.

Plus the clues I left to the scalpers at the railway station deliberately, it can also divert most of their attention.

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All these actions can greatly reduce my danger!

I go back to my hotel room and see Dorra has got up. She changed her clothes and sitting in bed in a daze. When I enter the door, she seems to be relieved to see me back.

I look at her. After thinking about it, I say lightly, "You don't have to change clothes every day in the future. We come out only with these two sets of clothes. There're few chances to wash after the change. Keep your clothes. I'll let you change them later, OK? You just dress plainly, don't be too clean. If you make too clean, in this environment, it is easier to attract attention. Understand?"

The girl nods, jumping out of bed, running to me and hugs me. She holds her arms tightly around my waist, her head against my chest, and her body is trembling.

I sigh, know she's afraid. I put down my things gently and take out my hand to pat her. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared." The girl looks up at me, "I thought you have run away, regardless of me."

"Nonsense!" I laugh, push her aside, let her seit down and take out the fried chicken set I have bought. "Eat. You haven't eaten much since last night. You must be hungry."

I know she may have something to say to me, but I don't want to say anything for now, just put her on the chair to eat. I don't like fried chicken very much myself. When I was waiting for the scalper at the fast food restaurant in the railway station, I have already eaten something. Now I simply light a cigarette and sit on one side in a trance.

During the whole day, neither of us go out and just waiting in the room. I take out the newspaper I bought in the morning and read it three times. Dorra was sitting on the bed and turned on the TV. It's just obvious that her eyes are not watching TV, but are twisting her fingers, glancing at me from time to time, wanting to talk but dares not.

"Chen Yang... "After a long time, she finally says:" I know I was wrong."


"I really know I was wrong." She repeats in a low voice, "Can you forgive me?"

I put down the newspaper and look at her. "I've forgiven you. It happens when it happens, and no one can make time flow back again."

She bows her head, and asks, "What are we going to do next? What are your plans?"

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I shake my head, "Nothing, just hide. They can't find us. I bought some train tickets." I take the tickets out and hand to her.

She's stunned: "GZ City... FZ City... Why are two places? And so many tickets?"

I sigh and explain to her, "Actually, it's a spare. I'm not going to really go today. I have to talk to someone tomorrow before I decide where to go. Buying these tickets is a backup plan. If that person can't help us, I'll take this backup plan."

She asks puzzled, "Have you asked a friend for help?"

"Well!" I think and say, "To be exact, it's your father's guy. I've informed them. They're already planning your way out."

She relaxes a little. "Did you find my father? What will he do?"

"I don't know... Maybe it's to send you abroad. Aren't you ready to go abroad?" I smile.

She asks again, "What about you? Are you going abroad with me?"

Suddenly, I'm stunned!

Yes. How will Juan arrange me?

Suddenly I have thought of a possibility that makes me feel uncomfortable.

Juan is the subordinate of the big boss. His future and all his things are given by the big boss. Now I'm in such a big trouble. Juan can't let anyone know about his relationship with me.

So what will he do to me?

Suddenly an idea is coming into my mind that makes me feel terrible.

Juan, will you just kill me? Because once someone knows his relationship with me, He'll be done!

(Although I'm out of town, but I still catch up one chapter. Am I good?)

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