Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 113

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The structure of human brain is really complicated. And the mind is not controlled by man himself.

Since I came up with that inexplicable idea, although instinctively forbidding myself to think in that way, the idea in my heart can no longer be suppressed.

How will Juan treat me?

Leave me, and he will bear the cost of losing everything, even his life, when things are exposed!

So, what can he do? Kill me?

Suddenly I'm laughing, laughing more ugly than crying. The complexity of my mind at the moment is beyond words to describe. Juan will harm me? Or will he help me?

These two questions go round and round in my mind, causing my brain to ache.

I can't think about it, and I shouldn't think about it.

Because he's Juan! He used to take good care of me, and treated me well before! He used to be my eldest brother!

The newspaper in my hand has been pinched into a ball, and under my irritation, I take out cigarettes and smoke them one by one. Dorra sits aside and watching me grow more and more irritable, but she dares not speak anything.

Finally, I look out at the sky and sigh.

Anyway, just let it be then.

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"What would you like to eat at night?" I stand up, ready to go out.

"Up to you." Dorra whispers, "I'll eat whatever you eat."

I nod and go out to a small food shop at the left intersection to buy some food. I have looked at the shop during the day and buy a bottle of beer along the way. When I return to the room, I find nobody in the room, and there is a loud sound of water in the bathroom. Dorra seems to be taking a bath.

I frown. Quickly clear up the only table in the room, then lay the wine and foods, poured myself a glass of beer and pour it down. The bitter beer stimulates my taste buds. A pleasant feeling is rushing to the head. I sigh and suddenly grin.

To tell the truth, I don't know what I'm laughing at, but I just think it's ridiculous.

I don't know how long time it has taken for it to be completely dark outside. I look at the time. She has been in the bathroom for at least an hour. I think about it and shouting: "You'd better faster. Hot water is supplied on time!"

Dorra responds vaguely in the bathroom.

I turn on the TV casually, but the shit hotel is not equipped with cable TV, so I can only watch news channel.

It's so dull and I almost lose my mind. Suddenly, I hear the door of the bathroom sounds softly, illuminated by the light in the room. A figure slowly comes out.

Dorra's long, wet hair hang over her shoulders, her beautiful face is still wet, her cheeks are steaming red, her eyes are shy, one of her hands is on the wall, and the other hand is holding a bath towel tightly in front of her chest.

She is wrapped up and down in the bath towel. A pair of round shoulders like jade, the belly of a girl like a swan, beautiful curve. Under the bath towel, I can vaguely see that well-developed breast. The hem of the bath towel is just on her thigh. Against the snow-white bath towel, the delicate curves of the girls'legs are perfectly displayed in front of my eyes. They are straight and round. She has plump and elastic calf belly, and the round and small ankles.

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She stands barefoot in front of me, with her head hanging slightly, her eyes bright with a little girl's shyness, but she's summonning up courage to look at me so directly.

To be honest, in such a moment, I am really confused.

She's walking slowly towards me, with a very light pace, like stepping on cotton, and moving very slowly, but she never stops!

She comes up to me and looks up into my eyes. At that moment, I have been waking up a little and asking, "What are you doing?"

She shakes her head and bites her lips lightly. Suddenly, she opens her hands and pulls off her bath towel. She's immediately exposing the perfect nudity of the girl to my eyes and throwing herself into my arms.

I'm totally stunned!

Although it was only a short moment for her to pull off her bath towel and plunge into my arms, the girl's naked and beautiful body was startled in front of my eyes under the light. Instinctively, I'm feeling dryness in my throat, and my heartbeat accelerates abruptly.

After she throws herself into my arms and immediately hugs me like an octopus, then closes her eyes and kiss me. On one side of my instinct, the girl's lips kisses me on the chin. Her wet hair swept my cheek.

Her hair is cold and wet. The lips are hot!

The body in my arms is still shivering, as light as a feather, and in that shivering, with excitement and a bit of panic. She try her best to drill into my arms. At the same time, the delicate fragrance of that girl is also drilling into my nose, the girl's red lips are rubbing on my face.

The lights are dim and the air in the room seems to condense. I'm stiff for ten seconds. Finally, when Dorra's lips are finally touching my lips, I'm suddenly waking up. Then I reach out to grab her arms and push her away.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?!" I shout in a low voice, then pick up the towel on the floor with one hand, quickly cover her shoulder, and push her away.

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She stubbornly wants to drill into my arms again and is pushed away by me coldly. This time, my strength is slightly stronger. She's pushed down on the bed. The towel is scattered aside, and the girl's perfect body is exposed to the light.

I take a breath and hurry over, pull the sheet hard to cover her, then stand up and look at her coldly: "What are you doing on earth?!"

She stiffens for a moment, then suddenly bursts into tears and squeezes the sheets, looks up at me and crying: "You... Why don't you want me?"

I'm laughing angrily. "Then why do I need to want you?"

She hangs her head and dares not look at me. She hesitats and shakes her head. "I don't know... I thought for a day that only by doing so can let me feel better... I don't know. It's a mess, but I'm only sure of one thing... I want to give myself to you!"

I take a deep breath and stand by the bed, staring at her: "Why?"

"No why, I just want to give you." The girl looks at me stubbornly.

I'm sneering: "What is it? Repay kindness? Guilty? Compensation?"

"All not!" She's crying sadly. Looking at such a touching girl, crying like a child, with tears and runny nose, she says, "I just want to give you... I just think you're so kind to me. Only by doing so can I feel better. I can feel better!" At this point, she suddenly raises her head, bites her lips and stares at me. Suddenly, some words are jumping out of her mouth, "Chen Yang, I love you!"

I'm laughing again and feeling helpless: "Do you understand what love is? You're too young to say that word easily!"

Then I slowly sit at the end of the bed, change a slightly softer tone, and say to her, "You really don't have to do this... I know how you feel now. You feel guilty because you think you hurt me and dragged me down. You want to compensate me. On the other hand, you feel very scared. When you meet such a big problem, you are very scared and depend on me in your heart. I can understand all this, all right? Don't think about it anymore. It's ridiculous. Just stop it."

She wipes the tears and stares at me, asking quietly, "Do you dislike me? I'm still a virgin. This is my first time. Don't lie to you, it's true... Don't you believe it?"

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"I believe!" I smile and say in mild way: "You don't have to prove you are a virgin or not. I'm just telling you, you don't have to do that!"

I hesitate for a moment, tentatively stretch out my hand and gently hold her shoulder, and murmur, "I know you're afraid now, a little confused, and you don't know what to do in the future. I can understand all this. But you don't have to do that."

"But... But I love you..." The girl is crying again, as if wronged.

I shake my head and laugh bitterly, "Okay, you're not in love, you're dependent." Then I sigh, "Actually, I'm not good either. Yesterday, such a big thing happened. I've been in a bad mood, and I haven't given you any good looks. You must be very upset. But I still need to say, you don't have to do that!"

I stand up, go into the bathroom, take all the clothes she left and throw them on the bed. I say gently, "I'm going out for a cigarette now. When I come back, I hope you're dressed, and then we think it hasn't happened tonight, okay?" After that, I stop talking, turn and walk out of the door.

Later all that night, she's very silent, eyes have been looking at me. Where I go, there are a bunch of eyes following. No matter I sit or lay, her eyes are always on me, and even when I sleep at night and turn off the lights, I can still feel she is looking at me in another bed behind me.

The next morning, when I get up, Dorra opens her eyes too. Her eyes are red and swollen, like peaches, and I didn't know if she had stayed up all night or what was going on.

Without saying anything, I get out of bed and stretch out. I've been sleeping with my clothes for the past two days, and my body is somewhat shackled and uncomfortable. In fact, sleeping without undressing is a very uncomfortable thing.

Then I wait patiently until the appointed time yesterday before I dial the phone again. Dorra doesn't speak anything, just watching me quietly.

The telephone rings three times and is connected.

Still the deep voice of the man: "Chen Yang?"

"It's me."

"Listen, have arranged. You just do what I say."

(I'm back)

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