Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 115

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I smoke and wave away the smoke. Just for amuse, I say, "Do you mean that if you want to make a fortune, I just develop the offlines? If I join the company, develop more offlines, buy more products, the more commission I get?"

"Yes! Yes!" His eyes are shing and he seems so exciting that he want to pat me on my shoulder. But when he sees my cold face, just take his hand back. "Cool! Bro, you are really smart! I bought this condom for nine dollars each! When you get it, you will naturally sell one for ten. But don't worry! You can sell it to your offline, one for eleven. I think you're smart. You'll make a lot of money in this business! Look at me, I've been doing this for no more than two years, and now I'm having a good time!"

When he finishes the word, he takes out a box of crumpled cigarettes from his pocket and hands me one. I look at it and see from the box that it is the kind of fake cigarettes.

Then the fellow begins to tell what the real cases are, just who did this business and made a fortune, bought a villa and drove a famous car and so on.

"I'm not interested. Find someone else." I pinch the cigarette in my hand and turn to go back, but he comes after me and whispers along the way, "Don't go, brother! Let's talk about it again! Don't worry, we are legal!"

Ignoring him, I go into the carriage and straight to the seat. The fellow is still following me, trying to impress me with his words. I go back to my seat and find that the seat has been occupied. A strong man is sitting in my seat. Beside him, Dorra's face is white with anger. When she sees me coming back, she's immediately shouting, "This man grabbed our seat and sat down. He's unreasonable!"

I nod, not too surprise. There are many such things on the train. Some people go out and buy stand tickets in order to save money and carry on during the trip. This young man seems can't carry it anymore. He saw an empty seat and just sit down first, Dorra asked him to stand up, he closes his eyes protends he doesn't hear.

In a word, there are many more unreasonable people outside. If all the people in the world are reasonable, the world would have been fucking peaceful.

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I look at the man, lower my voice and say steadily, "Please get up, this is my seat." This fellow has an unflattering look on his face, looking at me with a white eye. He says in a stiff voice, "What's wrong with I sit here for a while? You fucking go away and I just sit in the empty seat. You fucking waste resources yourself."

I'm laughing at his simplicity

I've been out, and people like that often come across. Especially on the train, depending on their own strength, bullying things often happen. In this case, it is basically impossible for a weak person to face such people.

Are you looking for a train attendant? The world knows that they are basically useless in most cases. They come over and say a few words. That guy will give your seat back on the spot and dare to punch you back when the attendant leaves!

I don't talk any more. Anyway, it's no use talking nonsense when I meet someone who is unreasonable. I just reach out and grab his neck. The fellow immediately waves his fist to hit me on the face, and I grab his wrist. He's stunned, probably not expecting me to repond so fast. He has tried two times and can not break away. With a little effort from my wrist, I immediately turn his arm over.

He's less powerful than me. I pin his arm, he's twisting and body turning in pain at last. I push him on the back, and the fellow hit his crotch on the table. He shouts with the pain, and then softens down. I then take him to the aisle and throw him on the ground. Glancing around, there are two other men who are hostile to me as if they are his companions.

These people are just hooligans on the train. There are some people beside who stretch out their heads to see the excitement, and I stare at them and scare them back. I sit back on my seat, raise my foot and step on the back of his hand. He is just about to struggle, just feeling a chill on his face.

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I hold a saw-tooth knife in my hand and put it on his face. I ask him coldly, "You want red or white?"

This guy is completely soft. Watching the tip of the knife shake in front of him, he dare not move again. I let him go, and immediately he gets up and goes to the end of the carriage in a gray way, and two of his companions join him in squeezing into the other carriage.

The space is small, and the action of my knife is only seen by the two seats next to me. Looking at the eyes, I smile, put the knife back and say quietly, "I am a cook, this is for cutting meals."

Anyway, I don't care if people around me believe it or not. Few of them dare to interfere. This is the way of this world.

The obscene man stands aside and wanted to talk to me. But he was frightened and hesitated to speak to me again when he saw me showing the knife.

Actually, I don't want to be so publicized, but I can't. If you are not tough, you will be bullied. And I have Dorra beside me to take care of. I can't keep silent. If you let him take one step, he will dare to take two steps. If I give in, he would dare to come and bully the girl next step!

Then I close my eyes and pay no attention to the eyes around. Dorra is disturbed and frightened. She holds one of my arms in her hands and tries to stick her body to me with her head crooking on my shoulder.

The obscene man is not alone. I find that there are seven or eight of his associates in the whole carriage, both men and women. From the early twenties to the forties, they are chatting with passengers one by one. Every one of them is saying about how to make a fortune and earn a lot of money, and telling about the hard struggle history, expressing how depressed had been. Now, since doing pyramid sales, they have been rich. The monthly harvest of tens of thousands a month and have owned houses and cars already.

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I find it ridiculous that some people actually believe these nonsense words. At least I see some honest-looking people in several seats who are intimidated.

Until the next morning, no one was bothering us any more. In the morning, the train arrives at the station. I look out at the weather. It's still cloudy, but the temperature is much higher. I open the bag and find a coat for Dorra. Then we get off the train with the crowd.

Obscene man seems to have gathered a harvest. I see that their pyramid sales team has added three or four new faces. The new faces are all workers carrying bags. They follow out of the train expectantly. The pyramid fraudsters are very gentle and friendly. It is a kind of gray wolf's kindness to Little Red Riding Hood, helping to carry bags and luggage, and slowly squeezing into the exit at the end of the crowd.

Walking down the platform, I take a look at Dorra. The girl's eyes are still a little blank, but she leans close to me with a sense of safty in her eyes. My heart is softened a little, and I reach out to hold her little hand and walk out the train station.

I walk carefully in the crowd, keeping a proper distance from the people around, while not making myself too conspicuous. The speed is slow. As I approach the exit, I suddenly find an abnormal situation.

Outside the gate, some young men with long hair in flowery shirts are walking around, pulling pedestrians by the side of the road from time to time, looking at them with a fierce face, and then pushing them aside to signal them to go away. I've noticed that most of the people they are checking are young men and women.

My heart suddenly becomes nervous!

I even see two or three people crouching under a few pillars, clearly holding something like a picture in their hands, and then sweeping their eyes to the crowd from time to time.

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What's up?

My heart is full of doubts. Why have so many people been checking up here as soon as I arrive?

Time waits for no one! Although there were a lot of people in the train just now, but we stood there and just waited for a while. There are fewer people in the corridor. Sooner or later, we would be found.

Suddenly, I see obscene man group coming over. A group of pyramid fraudsters surround the lambs they had just deceived in the middle. Others continue to instill their wealth theory and take the time to brainwash these guys.

I suddenly have a brainstorm and immediately pull Dorra over and stop the obscene man. "Hello, man!"

"Huh?" He sees me, a little corrugated. I immediately laugh and say, "I thought about it carefully, and I think you had a good point. I just come here and I'm not familiar with other people, and I want to find a way to make a fortune... So..."

I deliberately stop here for a moment and look at him with a smile.

The obscene man hesitates a little. He had seen me shining the knife in the train before. Generally, this kind of cheater dares not to take man like me when he does not know very well.

But then I continue, "Look, I've just come here with a little sister. I have no job and no place to settle down. I'm also interested in the job you're talking about. Do you think I can try it first?"

He takes a look at Dorra and is relieved.

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