Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 116

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Indeed, I drag a little girl down to work, at least not like a policeman.

He immediately welcomes me with open arms and wants to pick up the bag from my hand. I use my arm to stop him, smile and say: "Please take more care of us."

"Join us and we will be one family! A family!" He's laughing, and immediately comes over a woman to hold Dorra, intentionally pointing her voice and laughing, "Ouch, what a smart girl!"

Dorra looks at her coldly and shrinks her body behind me. The obscene man immediately winks and the woman steps aside.

Then we join this group and they are immediately surrounding. There are two people who are seizing the opportunity to teach how to make a fortune. After check the tickets, the whole group go all the way out of the station.

Several bad boys try to stop us, but then two of their companions stop them with laughter. I can vaguely hear them say, "These are pyramid fraudsters, a bunch of field rats, you don't need to check them."

Finally, he spit at us far away and scolds, "Damn rats!"

I heard this very clearly. I look at the newly-netted guys in the group. Their exciting faces with eyes flashing, and they are dreaming of making a fortune. Suddenly I feel pity for them.

Really, I feel they are pityful.

Those hooligans are generally acknowledged by most people to be inferior in quality and uneducated. But even those people know that pyramid selling people are "rats", but there are people who are desperate to drill into this trap.

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Outside the station, a dilapidated van is parked. The body paint has fallen off a lot. The license plate in front of it is covered with dust, covering one third of the number. It's not known whether intentional or unintentional.

The obscene man leads us to the front of the van. The driver jumps up and looks at us with triangular eyes. He has an unkind face, but he's tring hard to squeeze out a friendly smile, shakes hands with everyone: "How are you!" Then he looks at our new faces and says, "Are these new brothers and sisters? Welcome! Welcome!" Then he helps us enthusiastically carry the luggages onto the van.

Originally only six seats van has been plugged ten people, coupled with everyone's luggage. Sitting inside, people attach to people, extremely close with human breath, just like sardines canned.

I don't speak anything. We're still near the railway station. I dare not leave now. I've decided to wait until safe to leave.

I also come first time, so I can't tell the direction and there is no sun in the sky. Sitting in the van, I just feel that the car turns several times left and right, and goes around several times, driving farther and farther, and I don't know where it's driving to.

I can only see that the buildings around are all pretty low, seems we have reached a place similar to the old city, and then the van goes down a path and finally stops at the door of a small building that looks a little better than the others.

The van stalls and a black plume of smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe. I doubt the van was picked up by these cheats from some abandoned place. The engine sounds like a tractor all the way.

Getting out of the van, I look at the building in front of me, somewhat both funny and annoying.

Obviously, this is a very historical building. I even accidentally see a large "tear down" written in white paint on the corner. But most of it was carefully erased, and it looks vague. I look around at the buildings, and the people who come in and out of the low houses, all looking suspicious.

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While they are carrying the luggages, I take a few steps to the side and see an address on the door beam of a house. But the address was also brushed. It's only after a long time that the paint on it fell off. I half look and half guess that I can see what the address actually says.

Then I follow the crowd into the building, which surprised me! This place looks like a dilapidated building from the outside, but it is well decorated inside. A bronze sign hanging in a very prominent place says "WC Company". The hall is not big, but because the walls are inlaid with mirrors, the space looks much more deserted. The floor is marble, although it is the cheapest kind.

It seems that some people in the hall are slouching around lazily. When they see us coming in from outside, they're moving one after another, no longer slouching. They're queuing up in line, shouting and crowding into the two counters in the hall as if they are in a rush to buy. In addition, there's a formal front desk. I see a counter air conditioner beside the front desk! But it's obviously not opened. I even suspect that the well-known brand of air conditioning is probably just a shell there.

A sick girl is standing behind the front desk. As soon as she sees us come in, she straightenes up and tries to make the kind smile: "Hello! Welcome!"

She is wearing a suit of professional business suit. But looking at the cloth, it is obvious fake. The white high heels under her feet has faded and showed a little black lining because they are too old, but it seems that she has carefully smeared them with white chalk, at least not so conspicuous.

We go inside and turn into a lounge. Then the obscene man asks everyone to put down the luggage first.

I see some people waiting here. Some of them are apparently new lamps too. There are excitement expressions on their faces. There are luggage bags beside.

The room is quite large, about the size of a school classroom. There is a small white simple teaching board hanging in front of it. There are paintbrushes under it. There are seven or eight rows of small chairs in the room. At the end, there is a row of sofas which looks very old. The cloth on them can't tell the color.

The front desk girl busily takes out more than a dozen paper cups and makes more the tea. I look sideways and I wonder if it's tea or not. It's like the foam of some kind of leaves.

I look at the room. There are about seven or eight lamps, including me and Dorra. Besides, there are seven or eight deceivers, who are sitting in the back and sides of the room. Every time the obscene man says a word, they applaud loudly. Driven by this atmosphere, soon some lamps begin to follow blindly.

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Because everyone is new, can not tell who are new, whare are old. Anyway, People are blindly obedient, seeing others applaud, for a long time, they also habitually applaud.

Then the obscene man begins to introduce some of his colleagues, saying that some of the company's senior staffs to introduce successful experience.

Then from the back row and two sides of the room, several men and women stand out in turn. Anyway, just one word: cheat!

Some claim to have been unemployed before and how much money they made a year later.

Some claim to be company employees. After resigning and doing this, they bought a house and a car a year later.

Some claim to be part-time workers. After doing this, they went to their rural homes built new houses.

The most fucking ridiculous thing is that a guy in a suit comes up and claims to be a owner of a company. He used to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, but then he saw that he could make money by doing this. He then shut down the company. As a result, he made a million dollars a year now.

I looked at all him, from shoes to suits. Although they are imitations of famous brands, they are at least passable in appearance. But it's just the same tone as reciting lines, which makes people feel a little strange.

But there are a lot of cheering people around, applauding warmly. The numbers are deliberately thrown out by those people, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions.

These figures are intuitively stimulating, and the number of "show-up" routes, though old-fashioned, can still deceive people after all. Moreover, these deceived lamps are selected by deceivers.

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Didn't that say? "More money, more fools."

Just as the lamps are flushed with the excitement of a bright future, the obscene man throws out a heavy bomb!

"Now we have a professional marketing instructor from our company. Miss Liu will give you pre-job training!"

Hearing the sound of high-heeled shoes, a white-collar beauty comes in from the door. She's small, dresses in a pale yellow professional dress, very decent, and her hair is easily spread over her back. She comes in with a few books and a folder in her hand.

To give her her due, this is a beautiful woman. As soon as she comes in, the room becomes quiet.

The obscene man looks at the crowd seriously and says, "This is the marketing expert of our company. She's a senior talent who has studied abroad. Let's call her Miss Liu!"

I'm shocked!

I know her.

This woman dresses as a white-collar beauty, with light makeup and professional expression on her face.

But I immediately remember the way she used to snuggle in the bosses'arms and "thank you bosses" one by one. This woman, who broke the rules and was expelled from the nightclub by me. She's Phenix!

Watching this "marketing expert" comes in, I immediately dodge behind a person.

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