Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 118

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It costs 1,800 dollar to buy a complete set of products. Not lamp can pay so much money on the spot. But it's OK. They can let you take your time.

You don't have that much money now? Simple, first live into this warm family! Then you can ask your family to remit you money.

I don't know when the obscene man disappeared. Instead, two other cheaters come. In fact, I can see that they were good people, but only the assimilated poor people. They are all dish-colored and take us out of the small building through the back door.

This is obviously a Southern building bungalow area, and the buildings are on the old. Behind it are many illegal buildings with simple shed one by one, like psoriasis.

I see dozens of people wandering around here, with muddy eyes but a little crazy, like wolves eager eating human beings, patrolling the new group.

Into a low Adobe bungalow, our new arrivals are deliberately separated. Only Dorra follows me closely. I look cold-hearted. Someone has tried to separate me from her, but when I look at the man coldly, he just withdraws.

"This is our staff dormitory! It's also a big family where you brothers and sisters live!" A woman of about forty comes over enthusiastically to help me carry my luggage, and I stop her. I carry my bag and walk in with Dorra. Dorra is apparently scared. She closes to me and whispering, "Are we going to stay here?"

I shake my head and motion her not to speak.

The room is very crude. It's not even use the word crude enough to describe.

There are only two houses here. One for man and another one for woman. There are only wooden beds, and nothing else.

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I see coal stoves outside some houses, burning honeycomb coal, smoke billowing.

"They are cooking." The cheater who's leading the way smiles kindly: "When we enter our big family, brothers and sisters take care of each other!"

Then he introduces one by one that people here are managed separately. There are several people in a house. Old cheaters, middle cheaters, small cheaters and lamps are mixed up. The old cheater acts as the leader, which is equivalent to the monitor. The people below should listen to the leader's words and they must not refuse to listen!

In their words, "It's tempering! Cultivate your spirit of hard work! The harder you work, the more resilient you will be on the road to success in the future!"

Then he immediately indoctrinates me with theory, first of all emphasizing that everyone is a family. They are close relatives like brothers and sisters and close comrades-in-arms on the road of success. Then it means that the family should be unified management. Now we are still in the training stage, we need to accept the training of leaders. First of all, I need to submit all my certificates and mobile phones and so on.

"For the sake of unified management." He puts aside others, deliberately lowers his voice to me and says, "Young man, I am for your good. You think that so many people in the dormitory, what if your valuables are lost? I represent the company to help you keep it all together!"

I reply lightly, "No, I keep my things myself."

Then no matter he says anything, I just look at him coldly. The cheater is helpless but can only go. After a while, there are three cheaters come around me to brainwash me, nothing more than that I need to respect the leadership, need to obey management first, to understand that the current training is to build the foundation for future success! Later, I'm getting impatient, go straight to the corner, pick up a brick from the ground, throw it in front of them, and say coldly, "I'm here to make a fortune, not to be managed! Whoever talks nonsense, I'm not polite!"

After that, I raise my hand and knead it into a fist. I hit it with one punch, and the brick breaks into four pieces immediately.

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These cheaters dare not speak anymore and they all withdraw.

In fact, I understand that they will not force you at first. They will not show their grim face until you have emptied your money. Moreover, I am not afraid of it!

This place is really safe though it's humble. The whole pyramid market home is like a rat's nest.

Originally, I was curious about why these people all look like malnourished. I finally understand when we have lunch.

The dinner is boiled cabbage in white water. Dorra frowns and eats a few mouthfuls before she can eat any more. The cheaters next eat with relish. And then I continue to indoctrinate the spirit of hard work.

"If you eat a little bitter now, you will taste ten times sweet in the future!" To my surprise, when I say these words, the cheaters are sincere, as if they do believe in this idea.

This is a real brainwashing!

Next let me broaden my horizons!

Who says cheaters have no technical? I find that these illegal pyramid sales are all psychologists!!

In the afternoon, there's a meeting in the room. They say it's "family meeting". Let everyone feel the warmth of the family! Especially the newcomers!

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More than a dozen people, most of them are the cheaters, the rest are the lamps, including Dorra and I, sitting around the room. Then we begin to sing some inspirational songs! At the beginning, some new people can't let go, while the other cheaters, men and women, are all exciting, shouting slogans to get rich successfully, and then singing Inspirational songs in a high-pitched and exciting tone!

Then we sing together, and the louder we are singing, the more the atmosphere gradually mobilizing. Then I started to do some... Then we start playing games. These are some very simple games, such as losing hands, beating drums and spreading flowers, and so on. For a while, we are all laughing and laughing. Whether they are lamps or cheaters, they all laugh together in the house. Now there is no distinction between a cheater and a lamp. The atmosphere has been completely relaxed. Even Dorra, who has frowned for a day, is enjoying herself now.

Next, there are some memories of bitterness and sweetness.

The leader loudly announces the beginning of the process of "purifying the mind today", and all the trained cheaters are immediately quiet. Then the light in the room is turned off. The middle-aged woman who leads the way lure everyone with a soft tone, relax our minds, close our eyes, and carefully recall the pains, frustrations, hardships and sufferings we had experienced, the miseries, those miseries. If not, recall those grievances, those losses, what exams failed, unemployed, lovelorn, anyway, pick those sad memories of the past. A few minutes later, seeing that everyone's mood is almost, the leader orders several old pyramid sales here to tell their tragic history, young men and women, and middle-aged people, the more tragic they were anyway.

Everyone is an ordinary person, mostly experiences similar, what kind of lovelorn unemployment and other things, is how many people experience more, and the leader has a very skillful selection of men, women, old and young each out. Let them repeat again and again, immediately let others have a sense of empathy! The atmosphere reaches the climax instantly

Clever! It's really smart!

Several of the girls who are listening even can't help crying. At the end of the day, the leader shouts excitedly, "Let's release the pain in our hearts. In this big family, we are all relatives! There is no need to continue suffering alone! Let's support each other and interdependence!"

Most of the people present weep bitterly with each other in their arms.

I can't help wondering, it's so damn awesome!

This is absolute master of psychology!

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First, with those singing, games and other processes to weaken people's heart defense, promote the integration of the atmosphere, let everyone further familiar with each other, and then with the memory of bitterness and sweetness to arouse the pain and weakness of all hearts, and finally become a family of all!

Even the little girl, Dora can't help falling a few tears too.

"Are we suffering now?"


"Then do we want to get rich? Do we want to be success?"


Then several cheaters jump out to explain how they feel the warmth of the big family, how they succeeded in their career, how many points they earned, what membership level they reached and how much they got in return after they embarked on pyramid selling.

These speeches immediately moved the lamps whom have been tricked into tears by the previous series of activities!

I know it's only the first day!

If they do this once or twice a day and constantly use these seemingly "family meetings" like activities. In fact, these are the strong repetitive psychological hints!

Day by day, over time, these newcomers will eventually be brainwashed! Those illegal pyramid selling theories will be deeply rooted in their minds! The whole person will become a pyramid-selling madman!

And then they will become part of the cheators too and then use it to trick the new lamps.

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