Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 119

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When indoctrinating the theory of pyramid marketing, the first and most critical element is that offline can begin to develop from the relatives and friends. This is a way to use the trust to cheat money.

Of course, after brainwashing process, the leader will tell you that this is not deception, but to help them get rich together!

"Today you seem to have cheated them of their money, but in fact you are pulling them together on the road to becoming rich! They will be grateful to you in the future!"

After listening to their nonsense for a long time, I take time out to go to the toilet and find that there are two man cheaters following me. This is clearly the surveillance. I'm not worried. The toilet is just outside the house, only two or three steps away. I'm not afraid of something happening to Dorra. If anything happens, when she shouts, I can hear it immediately.

Two cheaters try to talk to me, but when they see my cold face, they dare not speak. When I take out my mobile phone to dial, one cheater immediately becomes alert: "What do you want to do?"

I look at him and say, "Call home, I don't have much money on hand."

They hear that I call back to ask for money, relaxing immediately, and the other one encourages me: "Stick to it! We must insist! Your family may not understand you at first, but we will be your strong backing! They won't understand you at first, but they will understand when you are succeeded in the future."

I walk impatiently to one side.

The phone rings three times to connect.

"Chen Yang?"

"Um." I look at the two cheats who are not far away from me and whisper, "It's me."

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"Where are you going? GZ city?

"I..." Suddenly my heart is moving!

A strange idea comes from my heart! The scene at the railway station today makes me very confused! Why are those people coming so fast?

"I may arrive tomorrow." I change my tongue again. "Is it safe there now?" I ask casually.

The thick voice on the other end of the phone seems to be silent for a moment: "Are you suspicious?"

I say nothing.

"You have no choice but to trust me. It's safer here than anywhere else," he says lightly, "Call me when you arrive."

Then, without waiting for me to say anything, the phone has been hung up.

I hold my mobile phone, and I don't know what it's like in my heart.

From my point of view, I don't want to doubt Juan's man. Even more I'm unwilling to doubt Juan! But the scene I saw out of the railway station today really makes my heart unable to relax.

How could they throw all their nets here so soon?!

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The two cheaters behind me watch me come back with the phone. I look a little bad. They thought it is not easy for me to ask for money from my family. They just come to comfort me one after another. They also say they were the same for the first time too. They suggest that I go to quarrel with my family, and they have done so. At the same time, they are afraid of my misunderstanding. They also explain to me in particular: "This is also a temporary means of emergency, and we will succeed in the future. Families will understand!"

I'm too lazy to ignore the two guys and go straight back to the house. Dorra is being surrounded by two women to persuade her something. The little girl's face is impatient, incessant anger saying: "Enough! Are you bored?"

"We're doing it for your good..." A woman next to her just says a word, when I come back, she quickly flashes aside.

"What's wrong?" I frown.

"They're going to take my baggage and documents." Dorra is very angry.

I stare at the woman and say, "I don't mean to be rude to women, but you'd better not provoke us."

The whole afternoon, the old cheaters are busy persuading the new lamps to send money or get relatives and friends to be offlines. And I obviously become a different kind of person there. The leader is willing to talk to me several times. I just look at him coldly. Two young men next to me want to be rude to me, but when they look at the brick I had broken before, they just cringed.

But I do not intentionally provoke, the money I should pay, I just pay. I need to spend money to find a hiding place anyway. I listen to what they say, just don't talk.

In the evening, the leader comes to me with some young men. He says kindly that he wants to have a good talk with me. He says that I have emotional and ideological problems. They should enlighten and enlighten me and do ideological work for me. These people are so strange. These are obviously nonsense theories, but they really regard it as the truth!

They are different from the general cheaters. The general cheaters understand when they cheat people that this is wrong, but only cheating people for money. But they're different. They've all been brainwashed. They're totally crazy. They really fanatically think it's possible to make a fortune in this way, and they seem really sincere in trying to persuade me to join their big family!

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Of course, if I refuse, then there will be house arrest and other violent means. I know this very well in my heart. I speak no word just listen to what they say, without refuting it. But if they want me to hand over my mobile phone and certificate, I just refuse.

The leader is somewhat annoying. He's keeping persuading me. But I'm just like a stubborn rock and keeping silent.

They don't have much energy to concentrate on me either. After all, there are a lot of lamps here today, and not all of them are fools who let them cheat. Although some people are brainwashed, infected and heartbeated in that atmosphere, but after the momentum passed, they are repentant, hesitant, and even say that they want to leave here.

After all, not all people who go out are fools.

So these cheaters are busy doing everyone's ideological work, let them pay out to join the club, become members and "into the big family".

I take this opportunity to leave Dorra in the room, go out and circle around, and immediately someone follows me. It seems that the newcomers are not allowed to wander around, especially those who have not yet been tamed like me. If I want to get out of this place, they just stop me.

The rule here is not to go out! All outings must be applied with the leader of the house where they live!

I'm both funny and annoying. Militarized management restricts personal freedom. In this way, there are people crazy enough to believe that this can make a fortune? Amazing!

In the evening, several new faces come into the room with some food. They live in our house too. It seems that they have been here for a long time.

So it turns out that all the purchasers are the real "own people" of these fraudsters, while the others are strictly prohibited from going out! There is no newspaper, no TV, no going out, every day is a class, purifying the mind, instilling theories that make people mad and paranoid.

I feel like it's almost the same as being in prison! Indeed, those so-called spiritual exchanges, those family meetings, will make you very touched. But it's just a clever trick that uses human psychology.

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Every time you are touched, you have to take some money out! When you're out of money, they'll let you call home and ask for it! If not, just make trouble or cheat! If the money is empty, just let you find your relatives and friends to develop offline! It's better to deceive people to come. They will pick them up at the railway station anyway! Then when someone is brought in, it's the new lamps!

As for the people who used to be here, they want to go? No way!

You can't walk away, because you are under house arrest. The leader won't let you go, and other cheaters won't let you go too. In fact, most people have been brainwashed, very firmly believe that it will really make a fortune! As long as the unremitting development offline, there will be a day to be successed!

Even if occasionally one or two people wake up to want to go. No way! They lock you up and imprison your freedom. Is it illegal to restrict personal freedom? What other people do is to break the law.

Moreover, for most of the brainwashed madmen here, if you want to go means you want to go out and report and expose here, which is tantamount to destroying their way to wealth! These crazy guys will think of you as a mutual sworn enemy first!

These people are really pathetic! They are a bunch of fools who dream to get something for nothing, and a bunch of madmen who dream to get rich and succeed!

To my surprise, these people are very united! Very, very united! Almost unswervingly surrounded by the senior cheaters, the feelings between them are very good! It's like a kind of dependence!

But then I realized that these guys in order to develop offlines have almost deceived all the relatives and friends they could find. Real friendship and family have already been cheated. They have no real friends and relatives now. Even if there are, no one wants to see them. It's like a person who has fallen into the water. He can only hold on to everything around him.

Just one day, I've see too much. Let me laugh and cry is, a few men take me as an enemy, because I do not obey the leader, not serious purification of the soul, refuse to open the mind to the cheaters. So, they actually huddle together to squeeze me out!

It can be said that here is a completely distorted, bizarre, ridiculous but sad place!

I can go so far as to say that I have never seen anyone so determined. They're a bunch of nuts! A bunch of crazy people full of persistent ideals! Poor crazy people!

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