Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 120

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In the middle of the night, while I'm sleeping, I'm suddenly awakened by a stir. I sleep alertly, and when I heard the noise, I immediately turn around and sit up. I see three or four men outside open the door and come in. The dark shadow has filled almost all the space of the small room.

I frown. Are they going to do something to teach me so soon? Or is it because today's performance is too selective so that they want to kill a chicken for monkeys?

But then the light in the room is turned on. This is a small light bulb of less than 20 watts. A man looks at me and says, "Come out with us."

The rest people of the room have awakened too, but they are immediately warned not to move. The man in front of me seems to be the driver who picked us up in the van during the day, but at night the lights are too dim to see clearly.

"I don't mean anything, but the head of the company wants to see you." He speaks in a friendly tone and seems not mean to fight.

I take a look at him and then pat Dorra next to me.

I won't let her sleep in a room with those female cheaters at night. I'm not rest assure! I just let her sleep next to me with her clothes. The girl refused first. She said that there are other men in the room. She felt bad. I told her: Don't treat them like human beings.

I wake her up and ask her to follow me out with her clothes and the bag.

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"She has to stay here." That man hesitates for a moment.

I look at him coldly. "Where am I going and where is she going!" The fellow looks back and discusses with the people behind him, and agrees.

I take Dorra out of the door, and pass through these houses with them. We come to a small building where's the place we have been during the day, and go to the second floor. I push the door into a room under their guidance. As soon as I enter, I see a bright light inside. Phoenix is sitting on a sofa, smiling proudly: "Oh, Brother little 5! Long time no see! I didn't expect to see you here!"

Her style finally restores the image of the nightclub mummy in my mind.

Then she stands up, and the man behind me closes the door. She comes slowly, twisting her waist and puts one hand on my shoulder: "I say brother little 5, how do you come here to make a fortune? When I saw you, I hardly dare to believe it!"

When she finishes, she winks at me. Actually, I know she's not flirting with me. It's just a professional habit.

Since I've been recognized, I just sit down on the sofa with a big grin and ask Dorra to stand beside me.

"Brother little 5, how affectionate!" Phoenix purposely shouts with a tune in her voice, "Come all the way here with such a beautiful little sister beside you! Do you always take her with you as a precious?"

I look at her face and say steadily, "I'm wrong. I didn't expect to bump into your nest. Come on, you call me come here in the middle of the night. What do you want?"

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"Don't worry, Brother little 5!" She stares at me, picks up a cigarette from the table, pulls out a delicate silver Givenchy lighter and clicks it on. She puffs on her cigarette and then spits it out to my face, her eyes smugly mocking. "You're still so impulsive. Hey! I was really surprised to see you sitting down there during the day. At that time, I was wondering why our brother little 5 come to my little place. Hum..."

I frown in disgust, wave the smoke in front of me, and say nothing.

She has laughed for a while and then looks straight at me. "Later I realized that you are running! Little 5, do you know that you are already famous now? Someone is looking for you by name. If I haven't seen it today, I wouldn't call and ask about it, but I didn't know you would have caused such a big mess!"

"What on earth do you want? Go straight ahead!" I look at her calmly.

"Hum! That's what you always look like!" She picks up a little finger and points at me. She says coldly, "Do you think you are still a big brother? Do you think you can still call dozens of brothers with a single call? Aren't you very arrogant? Hum! You made me couldn't stay. I've been taken the girls under me. I dare not even fart but to go away! Time has changed, brother little 5!"

When things come to here so far, I'm not worry now. I just lean back on the sofa and say. "What do you really want? Let's be clear. Outside the door, there are dozens of your people waiting for bury me alive? Anyway, I can see that you here is in the wild, digging a pit outside, bury a man down, no one will aware!"

"You are afraid of death?" She laughs disdainfully and says, "I thought you really are not afraid everything!"

"Everyone is afraid of death." I shrug my shoulders and say, "For you, you won't invite me here in the middle of the night to tell me all this nonsense!"

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She's laughing, and the cruelty on her face is gathered up. She tryies to show some charm, points to Darra beside me. "Is this little girl your sister? Did you run so far to protect her? I say you really have lived and grown back! In fact, you are unlucky to meet me. Well, I thought you would run away after seeing me in the daytime, but I didn't expect you are so bold! My men were staring at you secretly, and you were dangling around my place like nothing happened."

"I bet my life." I laugh lazily and say, "They've scraped the floor three feet to find me outside. If I'm going out to hang around the street now, maybe I'll be stabbed to death in less than half a day. It's safer here!"

Then I just turn up my legs and look at her. "Okay, Phoenix! After all, we've worked together before and we know each other. So don't play with that empty set. Just tell me straight. You call me up at night, what would you like to talk to me about? You know, don't expect to frighten me. I'm born bold!"

She's laughing, deliberately makes a look of all kinds of customs, raising her hand. "OK!" She says with a smile, "I knew you couldn't hide it. Let's be clear. After seeing you in the daytime, I've been checking you for quite some time! No one knows what trouble you've caused, but they're all searching you everywhere. Which god have you messed with? What a big stir!"

I skim my mouth and say nothing.

She sighs intentionally, makes a friendly appearance, go to my side, sits down next to me and says, "I'll tell you straight! We've known each other for a long time! For old times'sake, I let you off the hook, or you can say I pull you a hand. How do you think?"

"How?" I smile.

She's willing to help me? If so, weasels can pay New Year's greetings to chickens. No, not only New Year's greetings, but also to be brothers.

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"I know you're excaping now. I have a way in my hand can send you to the beach, and then take a boat and send you out of the country!"

I change my sitting position a little.

She's a very smart person who can tell by my expression that I don't believe her. She stands up, swayes twice in front of me and stands still in front of me, a pair of eyes are staring at me for a long time before she grits her teeth and says, "OK, let's talk it through today! Little five, we bear grudges against each other. But that was not a big deal! That was my fault. I broke the company's rules. You acted according to the rules. Although I hate you for not being ruthless, but think carefully, we have nothing to do with each other. You had no reason to protect me that time. I was forced out of that circle. I need to thank you for that now!"

I'm still not talking.

"You are a man I know too well." She hums: "You are very fastidious, conscientious, dare to fight, do things in a proper way, and can control the people under you. You are a very suitable for being a boss in the field! Say it clearly, The business here now is to make money without conscience. I don't know which day the wind will change. I will be planted then! These money are too hot! I intend to find another business to do, but I'm a woman. No people and no resources. If I try to do other business, I'll be eaten even without bones in an instant! So I lack a core person who can support me!"

Now it's my turn to be unexpected!

Phoenix wants to attract me! It's really surprised me. She glances at me and sneering, "Why, surprise? Or am I not fit to take you in? Tell you, this is no better than the past!"

This previous nightclub mummy has a bit more vigorous now. Her eyelids lift, with a dash!

Then she looks at me steadily and says slowly, "I don't believe anybody else. Now the world is full of people. If my trust is wrong, I may be betrayed in any moment. But you are the man I do believe! You have a sense of righteousness and principles in everything you do. Say it well, you're a bit of a tough talker. Say it bad, you're a bit foolish! But principles are good! I'm just short of this kind of person! Today, I take advantage of your difficulties and pull you a hand. As long as you pull ashore, you must remember my goodness in your heart! Even if you don't like me inside your heart, you will still repay my kindness and work hard for me. Am I right?"

Looking at this proud woman, although I don't want to admit it, I still have to acquiesce. She does take my character perfectly.

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