Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 121

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After thinking about it, I say, "What business are you going to do then?"

She's smiling, sighs intentionally, and says leisurely, "Ouch... What else can I do? I'm a woman, and I don't know any other business. So I can only do my old job! I have chosen the place. You just rest assured, not in here! I'm going to open a new nightclub abroad. Take advantage of the wind here is not tight, once finish the things here, I'll take the money to go abroad to enjoy life with ease!"

I guessed it! The woman wants to roll up the money and go abroad to run a nightclub!

I stare at her for a while and sigh, "I'm really curious. How did you build up such a team in such a short period of months?"

"Leave it alone!" Her face sinks slightly, flashes a trace of color, then smiling again: "Anyway, you can rest assured that this place I am the master! If I don't sell you, you're safe! My people are all very strict mouth, outside people can not easily enter and people here can not easily go out! You're right. My place is safe!"

I sigh and shake my head: "Are you afraid of retribution of what you had done here? Damn, the batch of people here, one by one, have been mad. Others cheat people will at least leave a way to live. You cheat is to let the whole family fall into."

Her eyebrows flicks and she's sneering, seems a little frightened. She stares at me coldly and says, "Retribution? Do I fear retribution all my life? I sold myself at the age of eighteen, and I can't remember how many men have rolled over me all the way up to now. You tell me the retribution?!"

Her tone is somewhat disdainful, in fact, with a hysterical venting general. Her fingertip cigarette is trembling: "Yes! I was forced by you to jump out of that circle and got into present situation. I have sworn I would never let me live by selling laughter to men again! Damn, do you think I made a good profit by selling it before? Young and beautiful, with two thighs, the money will be handled smoothly! But even if a woman is beautiful, she's willing open her thighs. How many years can she fucking sell it? Can't she sell it for a lifetime? Ignorance of conscience? If I didn't do this, who can I expect to support for the rest of my life?"

She's yelling with a light-hearted laugh, "Retribution? I am not afraid of retribution! What's wrong with doing bad things? In this world, men become bad if they have money! If women become bad, they'll have money!"

Her chin holds high, her eyes looks like poisonous snakes, her voice is flying, and the soot between her fingers falls unconsciously on the ground.

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I see a trace of madness in her eyes, think about it, and close my mouth, say nothing anymore.

Honestly, I begin to admire the mad woman in front of me. She can even say such interesting things. The words are rough, but the contents are deep.

She's a little irritable, slowly walking back, put out the cigarette on her hand and stares at me: "Little 5, can't you give me a pleasant word? If you say yes, I can arrange to send you out tomorrow!"

"If I say no, are you going to tie me up and give me to someone outside who's looking for me?"

She smiles and says, "I'm not as hard-hearted as you are. I'm not going to tie you up and send you out. It will get into trouble for no reason! I'll throw you out on the street. Didn't you say that now people outside are looking for you? I might say something quietly at most."

I look at the woman and slowly stand up.

She looks at me and says, "Do you want to kill me first?"

"I dare not." I'm honest and frank, and say with a bitter smile, "You are very cunning, knowing that there is a girl beside me, you dare to see me alone. You're not afraid of I'll kill you. If I do it to you, outsiders will rush in, and at most everyone dies together. You know I don't care about my own life. But you've seen through me, I can't bear to let this little girl die."

"That's it!" Phoenix looks at me: "I know you so well, you're a wolf! If I'm not sure, I dare to meet you here alone? I'm a woman. You can kill me with one finger. But I know you value the little sister beside you very much. I have watched you for a whole day in the daytime, and you have to protect her everywhere you go, and let her be around when you go to bed at night. Little 5, I haven't seen you so good to anyone, have I?"

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"You're still wrong. You don't really know me!" I sigh intentionally and shake one finger in front of her: "Since you know that I am a man of principle, you should know that you are doing this kind of ambiguous conscience thing, I will not touch it."

She says lightly, "Then don't complain that I don't remember the old friendship. Well! As I said just now, we are not sentimental anyway, but we do have a lot of hatred." She smiles maliciously at me and says, "You can rest assured that I won't do anything to you. I said, I won't do it myself. You'd better run as fast as you can when you go out from here! Look at the past, I don't let the news go out now. But after dawn? Hey hey..."

I look at her, sneering, raise my thumb, "You're terrific! You're the most terrific woman I've ever seen! Changeable in prosperity and decline! I've remembered what had happened today!"

She sneers: "Rest assured, if you die, I will pray for you."

I'm too lazy to talk to this mad woman any more. I take Dorra out of the room with a big stride. There're quite a few people standing in the aisle outside. Many of them look like bad people, but none of then stop us all the way.

It's almost dawn, and I look at the sky and sigh slightly. As soon as we're going downstairs, I hear a sharp whistle coming from below.

Then someone is screaming and shouting, "Cops!"

Subsequently, do not know how many searchlights and flashlights come over, instantly the small building is illuminated as if it's daylight in general!

I don't know how many people there are, and I can only see many shadows. Then the siren sounds violently. In a short time, many policemen have surrounded the area and rushing in from several directions.

Facing with such sudden emergencies, people here seem to be stunned. Phoenix is rushing out of the room in a fury, holding the railing and glancing down, screaming and scolding, "Son of a bitch, I've received so much money on weekdays, now dare to spoil my business?! You fucking shit!"

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But she has no time to scold anymore. She's just running out the other side of the corridor as quick as she can.

The noise outside has shocked the neighborhood, and countless people are awakened from their sleep. Whether they are lamps or cheaters are all rushing out of the room. But they are greeted by police batons. There are police with loudspeakers warning everyone to squat down over and over again under the warning. There are still some desperate people trying to resist, but soon are laid down.

Some die-hards are shouting of for their own successes, trying to provoke the madmen to confront the police. But apparently the police are well prepared to rush several routes into the residential area, effectively disintegrate the sporadic resistance.

I see the momentum is not good, first jump from the second-floor railings of the small building, then stand below and shout to Dorra in low voice, "Jump down!"

She hesitates for a moment. In the darkness, the girl has incredible trust in me. She jumps down and falls into my arms. We both roll several times on the ground to relieve her falling strength. But the bag is cut open, and some staffs inside it has bee scattered out.

I know it's no time to pick things up now, so I just pull her to run away as fast as we can.

It's a big place. Although we have been surrounded, but the police can't surround like a barrel. There are still some dead corners.

Besides, we jump down from the back of the second floor. There's a dead end behind the building. I don't care about that much, depending on my own strong body, meet the wall over the wall, meet the room and go cross the room. Although it's inconvenient to take Dorra together, but it's dark and noisy all around now. The residents in the neighborhood are hiding at home for safty. No one dares to come out and see the excitement, no matter how noisy it is outside. We turn over several walls and feeling almost pumped out. But at last the noise behind is quieter. I find a secluded place and listen carefully for a long time. Then I'm relieved to know that no police is coming after.

Damn, we are so lucky!

As soon as I quarreled with Pahoenix, she's just surrounded and suppressed by the police. It seems that I've got new chance to breathe for a while.

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I'm really realy lucky. I even want to laugh, but the time is urgent. So I just pull Dorra to keep running.

We cross several paths before turning to a decent road. The storefront buildings on both sides are quite normal.

I hesitate and finally pick up the phone to dial that number. The phone is connected when it rings three times.

The first sentence on the other side is: "Have you thought it over?"

His voice is still strong, but with some mockery.

I understand what he meant. He didn't ask me whether I had arrived, but whether I had thought it over. It seems to be on the previous phone, he has heard that I don't trust him so much.

Instead of answering directly, I say lightly, "In my situation, it's no harm to be careful."

"Where are you?" He asks very simply.

After looking at the roadside building for a while, I finally find a sign address, and I tell him.

"... Heck, you're all out of town! How did you get there?" On the phone, his voice is somewhat surprised, and then he calms down: "You just wait there, I'll pick you up right away."

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