Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 122

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Although the weather in the south is much warmer in winter, it's still cool to stand on the roadside in the early morning.

Dorra's clothes are thin. I watch her shrivel and take off my coat and put it on her. When I hold her hand, I catch the girl's slight frown. I take her palm and look at it. It is covered with blood.

"What's wrong?"

"Just now... When climbing the wall, my hand was scratched." She frowns with pain.

Look at the wound on her hand, it seems that it's not a light scratch! I take her to find a leeward place to stand, and look around, but I can not find a 24-hour convenience store. Now I can't even buy her a bottle of water to wash her hands.

I'm a little annoyed, but she has quieted down and leans beside me. Originally, she seldom spoke tonight, but now she whispers to me, "Chen Yang, that woman, you knew her? Have you had any feuds with her before?"

I think about it and just nod. I don't want to go into details with her about those dirty things in past.

"Then... Does she want you to be her business partner?" The girl asks timidly.

I take a deep breath, stand in front of her, stare at her eyes, and slowly say, "Those people, those things, are like ghosts, your eyes have seen, your ears have heard. I just want to tell you one thing that you can't be too deprived of your conscience! I am not a good person. There are some things I would like to do, but there are also some things I never touch, some money can be earned, some money dirty hands!" After a pause, I say lightly, "I don't expect you to understand this now, but when you have something to do in the future, you must think it over. There will always be a day to understand it."

She hangs her little face for a moment with silent. Suddenly she sighs: " I feel I myself like a great hindrance."

"What did you say?" I'm stunned.

"I feel I like a hindrance." She says slowly, word by word, "When we go out, I need you to take care of everything. Without you, I don't know what to do. I know that looking after me must be very tired for you. If I hadn't bothered you, you would have gone very far and already safe."

When she's saying these words, instead of tears, she's looking at me and speaking slowly in a seemingly calm tone. In the early morning light, her eyes are brighter than the cold stars in the sky!

"Don't say that." I shake my head.

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At this moment, the sounds of cars come from the street, and then the lights flashing. Two TV interview vans are driving quickly past. They are from the direction in which we escaped, follow them are some police cars.

Looking at those crowded police cars, it seems that the police's raid tonight has yielded a lot.

And it seems to be a very large-scale, organized and well-planned raid and siege operation. There are even media to follow the scene shooting.

Dorra leans on me, and I move a little quietly, using my back to keep her out of the wind.

Nearly an hour later, there's another car driving here. It's a medium-sized van with the words "Clean Vegetable Supply". The headlights are on and flashing. I hesitate for a moment and whisper to Dorra, "You just wait here. If I call you later, you can come out! If you see anything wrong," I point to an alley behind me: "You just run! As far away as possible!"

The van is driving all the way, then turns a corner at the end of the street and turns back.

I'm sure this is the man who's coming to pick us up. Then I take a few steps along the building before I come to the roadside, reach for the van to stop.

The van stops, then the window falls, and a huge head comes out of it. Listen to the voice. It's the one who has been in contact with me in the phone for the past two days. Originally, the voice in the phone was deep, but now hears in a low and muffled.

This is a fat man with a round head. He should have a square face, but stunned by the fat. He sits on the van and looks at me: "Chen Yang?"

"It's me." I put one hand in my trousers pocket and holding a knife there.

He looks around me, his eyes finally fall on my trouser pocket, and a funny smile appears on his face: "You're too careful! Don't believe me still?"

I shake my head. "Now I have two lives in my hands. I have to be careful."

The fat man has eyes that do not match his broad face. His eyes are very small, but very godly! When he blinks, it flashes sharp from time to time.

I noticed that he's also looking at me with great interest.

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I shout at Dorra's hiding place, and the girl comes running quickly and throw herself into my arms. The fat man is squinting at me for a moment, then pointing to the door and says, "Come into the van."

There's a strange smell in the van, like the vegetable flavor in the vegetable market. There are some rotten vegetable leaves in the corner of the ground.

Fat man let us sit down, and then start the van, and from the front hands back a bottle of water. He says lightly: "Wash the girl's hands. Her hands are bright and tender, how can make so much blood?"

Until now, my heart has finally really settled down. Although there're still some vigilance, but I have relaxed a lot. Dorra's face is also a little more color. I wash the wound on her hand and open the bag. Although the bag was cut and lost a lot of things, but there are anti-inflammatory drugs, I add them on her hands.

The fat man in front of me looks in the mirror and sees that I've done this. Then he hands me a cigarette with his back hand. He says lightly, "Little brother, smoke a cigarette and take a breath. You don't look very well either."

This guy talks slowly. Seems he's harmless and generous and hard to be alert. But I know the more such people are, the more I need to be careful!

After hesitate for a moment, I light the cigarette he gives me and smoke. I can't help being surprised.

The smoke smells very strong and unspeakable, but I immediately recognize that it is not an ordinary cigarette, but the special supply from the army! This cigarette is not available on the market.

I can't help but take a deep look at the fat man. He holds the steering wheel in one hand, holding the cigarette in the other, and says lazily, "You're too careful. How did you get to this place? This place has already out of the town! It was just belonged to the city when it was expanded last year."

Before I speak, the fat man says to himself: "Well, yeah, you want to hide in the pyramid sales den. You're brave enough! But it's smart."

I try to talk with him: "Could we have your name please, brother?"

"Oxen Fong. But brothers like to call me Ocean. If you like, just call me big brother. I'm almost twenty years older than you. Not take advantage of you." Fat man is smiling.

The van drives slowly into the city. Along the way, the buildings on both sides of the road have gradually grown taller, giving people a sense of moving from the countryside to the city. After a while, we come to a noisy place. After parking, he laughs, "Do you want to go down and look around?"

I hesitate. He says lighly, "It's safe here. Take it easy. So early in the morning, no one comes out to catch you all over the world. Do you think the gangsters are like the policemen, who come out patrolling day and night?" After a pause, he laughs and says, "Come out, get down to move a little bit and get something to fill your stomachs by the way."

I get out with Dorra. Looking around, we find that this is a very large agricultural market.

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In the early morning, the sky is only a little light. Several trucks of different sizes are parked around the market. Countless workers are moving bundles of fresh vegetables and raw meat under the truck. Some shippers are busy bargaining with vendors.

There is a row of breakfast stalls at the gate on the left of the market. But it seems that business is not good. The fat man takes us over and buies a snack for Dorra to eat. Then he leads us all the way to the market.

"Southerners are very fastidious about eating, morning tea is also fastidious, as long as conditions permit, are accustomed to go to the teahouse. Such roadside breakfast stall only northern people eat more." Fat man walks and looks around with his hands on his back. Every now and then there are people greeting him in a friendly voice.

Obviously, the fat man is quite popular here. Everyone calls him out politely, and some of them want to come up for a cigarette, but he shakes his hand and refuses to light up the cigarette.

In the market, although it's early in the morning, when you walk around it, you'll feel like you've fallen into a big beehive. The noisy businesses around you are crowding into your ears in all directions. Vegetable vendors put vegetables on the table quickly. They also take out water bottles with small holes and sprinkling some water on the vegetables to make them look fresh and tender. There are many people bargaining for business too.

The ground is wet and muddy, as if someone has sprinkled water early in the morning, and Dorra frowns. Fat man, however, has a pleasant face. He suddenly smiles at me and says, "You know, I like to come here every morning for a walk."


"Work needs, I'm here to buy, so many mouths in the unit are waiting for feed!" He claps his hands on the shoulders and greets the people around him. He continues to laugh at me and says, "Do you know why I like to come here?"


Fat man laughs, and his smile comes out of his eyes: "Because it makes people feel alive here! Don't you think it's a lot more comfortable to come to such a place, even if you're depressed, even inconsolable. When you come here, the market is always crowded and miscellaneous. It is full of vitality."

He sighs, eyes show a haze, and he says to himself in a low voice: "Especially for those who climb out from the dead, this kind of alive is the most comfortable thing."

This word shocks my heart! I can't help thinking: This fat man smokes cigarettes from the army, and he's Jim's contacts. He seems experienced the death before. Is he Jim's old comrade in arms? I know Jim used to be a war veteran.

But where does the fat man has a little Jim's killing and fierce all over his body? He just looks like a kind, fat, good man!

After a tour of the market, don't know how many people greeted him. Some just laugh far away, others used to chat for a while, shake hands or clap shoulders with him. We didn't see him buying anything, just walking back.

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"Aren't you coming for purchase?"

"Already done!" He heads to the van, takes out the key and opens the door, then leans aside to smoke.

A moment later, I see some people coming out of the market, just the guys who were shaking hands and clapping shoulders to greet and chat with him, carrying fruits and vegetables, as well as raw pork meat, coming and stacking them in the van.

Finally, he bows his hand to them, says a goodbye, and leads us back to the van.

"Already have bought? Don't you have to pay?"

He's laughing and says, "No, they're not afraid that I'm going to pay them! Besides, I didn't bring any money either. Today is not actually my purchasing day. But I ran out early in the morning and borrowed this van to pick you up. I have to find a reason. Otherwise, it would be bad to be stared at by people with intentions. When I'm asked later, I'll say I have had come out early to buy food. These vegetable vendors would like me to take their food, not afraid of my debt. I don't buy them for myself anyway. I don't usually bargain for their prices. Someone pays."

I see. It seems that this guy is in charge of the company's purchasing power.

There was a strange smell in the van, and there are raw pork meat, vegetables and fruits in half of the van now. The smell is even more strange. Dorra can not help pinching her nose.

Fat man laughs and says, "Girl, don't pinch your nose. I'll cook these things and bring them to you later. They're so delicious that you can drop your tongue!"

"Where are we going?" I can't help asking.

"To the safest place in the city." He's laughing and says, "I promise there's no place safer than there."

The van turns into a street, which looks very quiet, and then stops at a huge organ gate with police on guard.

I see on the sign in front of me a line with the big character "Police Station of GZ City".

The fat man rolls down the window and smiles to the policeman on guard, and soon the electric gate opens and let us enter.

"I'm the head of the canteen of the police station, in charge of kitchens and purchases." Fat man smiles and rubs his nose.

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