Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 128

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Is it worth?

I close my eyes, then open again, and continue to look at the ceiling.

I dare not even close my eyes, because once I close it, it seems as if I see Jim standing in front of me and say to me coldly, "I'm sorry, little 5."



I unconsciously pull a smile from the corner of my mouth, then I glance at the fat fellow's face and slowly say, "I... I don't know."

His face is calm, then he comes up and put half of his cigarette in my mouth and let me take a breath. This action makes me feel warm.

"I feel terrible." I squeeze these words out of my mouth and look at him. For a moment, I'm feeling very weak. Really weak!

"I understand." "It's normal for you to feel bad now," he says lightly. There's a slight mockery in his eyes: "Do you believe me now?"


"Remember what I told you the day before yesterday?" He says coldly, "There is no kindness in the world that you can repay with your life, except for your own parents."

I raise my finger, struggle for once. He takes the cigarette for me again. This time, he simply leaves half of the cigarette on my mouth and lights another one for himself.

"I used to regard Juan as my father." I grit my teeth and look at fat fellow. He's stunned for a moment, eyes slowly falling on my face: "Father?"

"Yes." I smile, but my eyes are wet: "When I went to school, my parents were gone. Later, I had a master who was the first great benefactor in my life. Unfortunately, he died early and I could not repay him. Juan is the second. He gave me alomost everything. He gave me job, good payment, trains and trusts. He looked up to me, took me as his confidence..."

I speak calmly. Say what happened when I was with Juan. Say how Juan promoted me from a dish boy. Say Juan asked me to practice boxing together, sauna with him, then rub his back. At that time, he was really like my father!

I speak slowly. Fat fellow does not interrupt, just listening quietly, and listening all the time.

After listening, he suddenly sighs, stands up and goes to the window. He looks out with his back to me and then suddenly laughing with sarcastic. "Juan seems to have misread this time!"

"..." I look at him, somewhat puzzling.

He turns and stares at me. "It's a pity! Juan is tough enough and skilled enough to control people. Unfortunately, he misread you! He really misread you, kid!"

I still utter no word.

He flickes the soot quickly and says lightly, "I didn't expect you to be such a person! Boy, I was wrong on you too. You are not only persistent, but also too stubborn that you don't know how to live or die! If Juan is smarter, hey! If I were him, I would find you directly and tell you face to face that I'm facing death. If you don't die, I'll be dead. If I were him, I would not send people to kill you, but to tell you these words in person. With your personality and his position in your heart, I can almost be sure that you would even die for him voluntarily without his sending someone to kill you!"

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At this point, he's laughing as if he has seen the most ridiculous thing in the world: "The smarter the more foolish! Juan, you've done a stupid thing this time!"

After laughing enough, he sighs, looks at me, thinking about it, and sighs, "Actually... Nor can he be said to be foolish, but in his way of thinking, it is impossible to think of the possibility of voluntary sacrifice on your own initiative."

I'm silent.

Indeed, if Juan hadn't sent someone to kill me, he would have calmly told me face to face that if I hadn't died, it would have been impossible to solve, and he would have died himself. In such a situation, maybe I would really die for him!

No... Not "maybe", that's almost certain!

"It is impossible for selfish people to understand the selflessness." Fat fellow smiles, shakes his head and sighs,"Actually Juan also really had no idea already. Subordinate like you, there's no boss won't like! There are too few loyal people nowadays. You are willing to serve him, abandon your love and life to save her daughter to escape. Such sentiment, which boss does not like? He wants your life just for self-preservation. What morality, what kindness, really at the critical moment of life and death, they just think of themselves. Nor can he be regarded as selfish, but morally speaking, it's too chilling for you to do so!"

I still have no words.

I just feel very disappointed.

My heart is as freeze as an ice!

With a reluctant smile, I gasp and say, "Thank you anyway."

He shakes his hand. "I may not be a good man. I just think that it's a pity that a boy like you would die like this. So I just try to save your life."

I really feel ridiculous.

Juan, I have tried my best to protect his daughter's life, I insisted on not giving up, but he wants to kill me at last! And an complete stranger fat fellow saved my life just because I pleasing to his eyes

I sigh, "Where is this place?"

"A safe place." Fat fellow smiles and says, "That doctor is good, isn't he? He just has a bad temper. He was medical soldier He and I used to carry guns and been to battlefields. Now he's a veterinarian. But the medical skill is really good. Don't worry, if he said that if you won't die, you won't die. That fellow's face smells a little bit, but his eyes are still very accurate."

Then he comes up to me, touches the bandage on my body gently, and laughs, "Unfortunately you have good skin and flesh and look very energetic, but you'll have many scars later on. Within so many scars, it must be frightening to wear less clothes in summer. Finding a girlfriend is likely to be affected."

How can I'm interested in talking about this now? I just bitter smile and say nothing. Fat fellow raises his eyebrows and laughing, "Well, actually you don't have to worry about it. A man living without depand on appearances! Only women live on their fucking pretty faces! Men with the ability to do everything! "

He sits down slowly and looks at me. "What do you want to do after that?"

"I don't know yet."

I'm telling the truth.

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I really don't know what else I can do. I don't know where the road is.

Originally, my goal was to protect Dorra and send the girl to Juan safely. Now that this thing is over but Juan is going to kill me. Who else can I find? Where else can I go?

"Hate?" Fat fellow looks at my face and suddenly asks.

"Hate? Not hate?" I shake my head and my neck has moved the wound. I feel very pain, "I can't tell."

Just then, the door is knocked outside.

Fat fellow frowns and shouts, "Doc, knock your ass! Don't you have a key?"

No one answers, just still knocking.

"Bang Bang! Bang!"

Three knocks, two long, one short.

Fat fellow's face becomes heavy at once. He slowly stands up, glances at me quickly, then looks at the door, muttering to himself, "Damn, this guy is really dead-hearted."

Slowly he reaches under my bed and pulls out a pistol under the bedplate. He looks at me coldly: "Lie still."

He sits down slowly, leans on the chair, one leg over the bed, and then sighs, "Come in, no need to knock and knock and knock, don't bother!"

The door opens silently. First, the butcher-like doctor, with a dirty white coat, is steping backwards from outside. His hands hang down on both sides of his body and his eyes looks out coldly.

Then I see a gun on his forehead! Then the arm, and finally Jim comes in slowly from the outside. He puts one pistol on the doctor's forehead in one hand, and a pistol in the other hand. As soon as he enters the door, he just points the gun at me.

His face is cold and his eyes are bright. Although he doesn't even look at me, but I feel like I'm stared at by a venomous snake.

Fat fellow is still leaning on the chair, squinting eyes, the fat on his face is so crowded that there are only two cracks in his eye's positions. He looks at Jim quietly. Jim comes in and kicks the door shut. Fat fellow sighs.

The doctor does not speak, but slowly stretches out his hands, indicating that there is no sense of resistance, and then steps back to the wall. Jim stares at him for a moment and slowly lowers the gun he is pointing at.

Then he turns and looks at me, "Little 5."

To be honestly, my heart is feeling strange at the moment. Very strange!

Jim comes after me and points his gun at me. I don't even mean to be afraid at all!

Yes, there is not even a trace of fear! I feel as if I have breathed a sigh of relief, as if I have simply felt that: That's it.

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A voice in my heart seems to say to me, "That's it! It's a good end."

"Jim, do you have to do that?"

It's the fat fellow speaking. His voice is calm. He even looks at Jim with a bit of laziness.

"I have no choice." Jim looks at him, the gun is still pointing at me: "If he does not die, Juan would die. If Juan dies, many people would die!"

Fat fellow doesn't move, the gun in his hand is only held, but does not lift it. Instead, he sighs, with a trace of pity in his eyes: "Is that what Juan said? Do you really believe it?"

"I believe it!" Jim answers faintly, then slowly approaching and looks at me: "Little 5, people living, some things can't do, some things must be done! Some things have no choice! Do you understand?"

Suddenly, a trace of anger is bursting out in my heart!

I jump up from the bed! Despite the severe pain of many wounds on my body and the twisted expression on my face, I look at Jim deadly and my voice is hoarse: "Jim, I don't respose your words, can I ask you a question?"

"..." Jim hesitates. "Okay, you say."

I laugh. I don't even understand why I can laugh at this time! But I'm just laughing!

"You say there is no choice, very good!" I have complicated keen-sighted to stare at him: "Choice! I ask you, when you entrusted Dorra to me, did I talk to you about choice? Did I choose not to do it?! When Dorra was caught by the son of big boss, did I choose not to cause this trouble?! I gave up my family, my job, my lover and my life for this matter. Did I choose not to do that? Did I say to you at that time,'I have no choice'?"

The muscles on his face are twitching.

I face his gun and continue to say coldly, "Okay, now I'm going to die. You said I have to die, so there's no choice. When you need me to bleed, form bleed or protect myself, I chose to bleed! When it's your turn to kill me, you say you have no choice!" Gradually the smile on my face comes out with a slight grudge, facing Jim directly, then point to my forehead and shout, "Shoot here!"

The expression on his face changes a little. He has opened the pistol insurance. But he does not pull the trigger.

Fat fellow sits up slowly, raises his gun and points at Jim: "Jim, you've changed."

"I didn't change." Jim shakes his head. "That's the way it is. If he doesn't die, Juan would die."

"Are you fucking brain broken?!" Fat fellow is suddenly becoming angry, jumping up from his chair and staring at Jim. "I ask you, Juan is going to kill this kid because he would die if the kid is alive. Do you believe that? What about his daughter? Why can his daughter live?!"

"Because we can find a body to replace her." Jim answers quickly.

"Then this kid can do the same, why not?" Fat fellow says coldly.

"Because he's not at all reassured!" Fat fellow's cold language, like a knife, pierces a sheet of paper that has been covering the matter in an instant: " Because Juan is not reassured! He takes his own life seriously. The safest way for him to guarantee his life is to let the kid die! Because the dead person will not speak, the dead peoson will not reveal his things, the dead peoson will not betray him! He didn't kill the girl because that is his daughter, he can't do it! And this boy, although he has a good relationship with him, is not his own son after all. A subordinate sacrifice is sacrificed, it doesn't matter! That's what matters! Is it? In the final analysis, Juan does not believe in others, he only believes in himself! The bottom line of the matter is that Juan is afraid that he will be in danger if the kid is not dead. That's just a possibility! But he can't even tolerate the possibility that endangers him!"

Jim's corners of eyes are trembling.

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Fat fellow has said so much in one breath, then slowly sits down and puts down the gun in his hand: "No matter this kid dead or alive, in fact, Juan is not necessarily in danger. He is just afraid that the kid will be found and betray him. In fact, you can find someone to replace him. Every day there are so many corpses in the morgue in the hospital. You can just find one to deal with, won't you? But Juan, for his own safety, is too careful, too cautious!"

Jim's gun is still pointing at me.

At this time, fat fellow suddenly speaks in an unusually calm tone and says the last sentence slowly. This sentence immediately defeats Jim's psychological defense line!

He slowly says, "I ask you a question. If you can answer it, I'll let you kill this kid. I won't stop you!"


"If..." Fat fellow's tone is lightly. He says word by word slowly: "If this time Juan's daughter was not protected by him, but you. Encounter this situation, you guess Juan in order to ensure his own safety, will he decide to kill you too?"

Jim's eyes seem to have a light fading slowly.

Fat fellow smiles coldly and says, "This kid is just a mirror. Jim, can't you see Juan's character now? Did he really save you for the sake of righteousness? If you don't have the ability, will he save you? Can't you see through this kid's thing?"

He shakes his big head and says quietly, "It's a chilling thing to be seen!"

Jim suddenly puts down his pistol!

He looks at me for a moment in silence, then suddenly takes out his wallet from his arms, takes out all the cash from it, piles, then slowly puts on the ground, thinking about it, and puts his gun on the money.

"Don't use your bank card anymore. It will leave the records. Follow the records and you can be caught up." Jim's tone restores that mechanical indifference without any emotional fluctuations.

He looks at the doctor in the corner and says, "Doc, I'm sorry, I'll invite you to drink some other day to make amends."

"Lose your mother's ghost!" The doctor scolds him coldly and then adds, "Next time you come to me for help, I'll double charge!"

Jim doesn't look at him, goes to the door and gives me a deep look: "Go, the farther you go the better! Never come back! Your family will be fine, I promise!" He seems to hesitate for a moment, his muscles are trembling, and then grits his teeth.

He suddenly forces smile. it is a very bitter smile: "5, I actually really admire you!"

The door is closed. After a long time, I still look at the gate somewhat blankly. It's quiet in the room, only the stack of banknotes on the ground and the gun Jim left me!

Suddenly the doctor jumps up and points at fat fellow and scolds, "Damn! Ocean, you're fucking sick! You don't know how dangerous Jim is?! Why don't you shoot? You take it seriously?!"

Fat fellow also a whole face's angry, throws the pistol out, smiles and scolds: "Shoot your mother's ghost! I still want to get the hell to beat you! Why there is no bullet in this gun?! I was hanging my heart just now! Damn it, if everybody's got a gun, would I be afraid of him? But I don't have a bullet in my gun!"

The doctor stops talking and rubs his nose after a while: "There's no bullet in the gun. Damn, I forgot!"

Then fat fellow comes to pat me on the shoulder and pulls me out of my meditation: "Now, kid, things are over for the time being. Clean up, I'll take you out of here now."

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