Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 129

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Fat fellow takes me away immediately and leave the doctor's place.

I come out to find that the place is behind a small courtyard and in front of it is a pet hospital. That doctor is indeed a veterinarian!

Now that Jim has let me go, he will not repent what he said with his personality, so he will not do anything to me. But fat fellow can't trust Juan.

In his words, Juan is not Jim. Since he can kill me with all his heart, he probably won't let me go! After all, for him, unless I die, he just can be completely reassured!

"He didn't believe in you at the beginning. He wanted you to die to reassure himself. Now, if Jim couldn't kill you, it means that the relationship between you two has busted up, then he will not believe you any more. He has tried to kill you before, not to mention now!"

His words are very reasonable. I didn't say anything, just obeyed his arrangement. He drives me away with the gray van.

This place is strange to me anyway. I'm injury with not good position, so I just lie behind the van and let it bump for half a day. I don't know where fat fellow is driving me to. The original van was still driving on the road, but with the increase of the bump, it seems that the road condition is getting worse and worse.

At last he gets out of the van and pulls the door behind. He lifts me up and laughs, "Okay, kid, you'll live here these days."

My whole upper body is injured, but fortunately my legs can still move. I feel dizzy after losing blood so I can't do strenuous exercise. I can only barely walk several steps slowly with the van.

Here's obviously far away from the city. It's like a countryside. The air around it is full of local flavor.

This is the southern countryside, with paddy fields planted in patches. There is a strong odor of chemical fertilizer, which almost fumigated me.

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There is a village on the side, but it doesn't look too shabby. Cement poles all the way to the village, there are all typical southern spire style tile houses.

When we reach the end of the village, fat fellow points to a small courtyard and laughs, "Here it is. Don't worry, it's safe here."

Cement wall, iron anti-theft door. Fat man takes out the key and opens the door. Then I see that there is a lot of dust on the ground and some charcoal on the other side. There is a kitchen and two big rooms in the house.

Fat fellow helps me into the house and carefully locks the door.

The interior room was well decorated, but it looks like nobody has lived for a long time and it's a little humid. There's a big bed in one of the houses and a hall room outside. Fat fellow helps me to lie down inside. I feel some musty smell on the quilt. It looks like it's been a long time no one live here.

Fat fellow goes out for a moment and drives the van behind the house to avoid it be seen. Then he comes to me, wipes my face first, and smiles, "You're a lucky boy! Do you know where here is?"

I grin bitterly: "I don't know."

"This is the place where many big runners have lived!" He grins and says, "There have been many people living in this place before."

I'm a little refreshed: "Oh?"

He has driven for half a day, seemingly tired, leans on the bed at will, sits beside me, and says slowly, "You know, everyone has a bad time. After all, this is the southern coastal area, which is very close to the border. Some of the bosses in HK's associations made things to escape, either to Thailand, Vietnam, or to the mainland. Usually these two major ways."

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He smacks his lips, takes out the cigarettes and lights for each of us. Then he continues: "The reason why they go to SouthEast Asia is that the consumption level is low. For example, Vietnam, an ordinary family of three in the city, earns tens of dollars a month. When they arrive there, they can stay a long time with a sum of money! Run to the mainland, however, takes into account that the mainland is too big, the population is too large, the place is too big, and you can find a place to hide at will. As long as you do not come out and contact people, you will not be able to be found in general."

Suddenly he slaps the bed, blinks, and laughing loudly, "You know what? One year ago, a head of HK's association made a mistake and escaping. I took him to hide here. He lived in this house for a whole month!"

I listen to him, then suddenly my heart moves and asking, "Man, what on earth are you doing?" After that, I take a deep look at him. "Don't tell me you're just a normal cook. A cook can't help people to arrange escaping."

Fat fellow squints his eyes and grins: "I'm really a cook, but some old friends are out to make livings. I am too lazy to move, and I don't want to have that kind of scary day on the tip of the knife, but just be a marginal person here. Do you understand the marginal people? It's a reception point. If any brother is in trouble and escaping, I'll take care of them. After taking care of them, they would somehow repay me."

He says and laughs again: "For example, as I just told you, the brother who hid here for a month a year ago came back. Now he is the top three in the gang!"

I'm not surprised at all. I'm ready to know that he's not an ordinary people.

"Do you make money on this?" I laugh.

"No, money is not the most important thing." He says lazily, "I'm almost fifty years old. I've spent most of my life. What's the use of money? Hmm... I crawled out of the heap of dead people. I've sort of been dead once. I can see everything better than others. If some brothers are in trouble, they could come here and I can help them. If they make the fortune in the future. These newriches will be willing to give me money. I won't refuse it. That's the way it is..." At this point, his face shows a faint smile: "For example, the HK brother I have mentioned, he said. If I have anything to need help in the future, he would be able to break through the knives moutains or the sea of fire for me!"

I am silent.

After a while, I look at him again and ask, "That... How long have you been doing this?"

"Nearly ten years already." He breaths a sigh of relief.

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I take a long breath!


That is to say, do not know how many people had his help to escape! After all, many great people have bad luck. Don't know how many big names owe him the favors!

After these days, I have fully felt that when people flee, that kind of panic and despair, like a lost dog's nest panic! And at this time. If someone can stand up and help. Undoubtedly, he will be grateful for a lifetime!

How many people have he helped in last ten years?

Even among the people he helped, one third of them, no, even if only one tenth or one in twentieth, after running back, make a rapid advance. So the human debt that fat fellow holds in his hand is amazing enough! Those people who have owed him the favors, even if they don't give him money, in the future, if he would has any trouble to ask for help, as long as it's not too much, that would be absolutely no problem!

"What's wrong? Surprised?" He smiles.

I say nothing.

We have bacon and rice at night.

Obviously, this place is one of the places where he help people escape. Obviously, he do this very professionally. A lot of food has been stored in this nest for a long time.

In his words, fleeing requires the awareness of fleeing, and going out as little as possible. Try not to contact with the outside world. Only in this way can the risk of exposure be avoided to the greatest extent!

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With food and water at home, it's best not to go out of the door at any time! In short, safety comes first!

The bacon has been stored for a long time, and the entrance smells bad. But I eat very carefully. Fat fellown told me that my body needs nutrition to recover faster!

Although the taste is not very delicious, the combination of vegetables and meat can also meet the normal nutritional needs of the body.

Over the next few days, he has been here with me. He doesn't seem to have to go back to work. What worries me more is that whether this matter will involve him!

But for my concern, he just smiles lightly: "Don't worry, Juan dare not provoke me." Although it's just an understatement, it's self-evident that there's an implicit weight in it.

"You'd better worry about yourself, boy." He looks at me and sighs, "Jim won't kill you, but Juan won't stop. Don't think it's over. Jim may get a corpse back for business, but Juan will still find the truth and keep killing you. You are alone now. You have no power or fortune. I say, you're almost a dead end!"

But I don't respond to that.

These days, instinctively, I don't want to spill over all the topics of Juan. I seem to be careful not to think of anything about him!

Sometimes in the middle of the night, I can't fall asleep in bed. I listened to fat fellow snoring like thunder, but I just quietly looked at the ceiling.

I often dream. The most of the scenes I dreamed about were Juan's smiling and generous voice, saying to me, "Little 5, you are my man, I will take care of you!"

In a twinkling of an eye, Jim is pointing a gun at me and says, "Little 5, I'm sorry..."

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