Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 147

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Later that night, we are suddenly called out of the room and into the warehouse behind the garage.

I find a car is parking here, Silo and I, and a dozen other guys are told to start working.

This is a red Mustang, the license plate is no longer available, I clearly look at the car windshield there are several bullet holes! And the car doors, as well as the tires, are stained with some blood!

Looking at this and remembering the news, I almost understand something immediately!

A dozen of people with various tools, spot welding guns, cutters, open the front cover of the car engine, and then quickly dismantle all the mechanical parts inside. Tires, spindles, and all the other parts of the car have been removed. There are also people waiting behind, with tools, it is easy to erase the number and stamp on the engine, put a new one on, and then do some renovation processing.

After all that is done, the car has only one shell, no tires, and the seat cushions are removed either.

Then we pick up the spray gun and begin to move on the car's casing. First we spray the paint on the car again, then we continue to disassemble it. An original complete car, one night, is made into numerous pieces, dismembered into numerous parts.

I know that these engine, spark plug, oil pipeline and other parts will be used if they are replaceable when repairing cars for other customers in the garage in the future.

We've been busy all night until dawn! In the morning, I can say with certainty: that Mustang is no longer existing! It is split into countless parts and assembled into various cars.

I know it's necessary to do so. The police usually go to the black car market to check the lost vehicles, but now the car has become countless spare parts, how to check?

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We have been busy all night. Everyone's eyes are red with fatigue. Then we are allowed to go back to rest without working during the day.

I wash my hands to clean the oil from my hands, and am about to return to my room with Silo when I'm stopped.

"Little 5!"

I look back and see a Papa 8 subordinate. Last time I saw him in Papa 8's room.

I hear him say to me, "Come with me. Papa 8 wants to see you." I look at Silo subconsciously. His eyes are envious, but he does not speak anything, Laughs at me and leaves alone.

I follow the man out to another warehouse. I see a lot of workers busy on working. They seem to be refitting the cars. The welding glare let me subconsciously avoid my eyes.

Walking down the stairs to the second floor, I stand on the railing and look down. I find two men standing beside me, all in simple coats. They don't wear overalls here, which surprise me. Because I've been here for a week, unless the own person here, no one outside can come inside!

But I don't say anything, just follow to a door.

"Get in." He glances at me and say.

I push the door in and see Papa 8 sitting in a chair with his chin in one hand, as if reflecting on something.

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"Papa 8…" I step up and call him in a low voice.

He earths to himself, takes a look at me, points to a couch beside the wall and say, "Sit down."

I sit down, behind me is the window. Outside the window, downstairs, the workers who are busy refitting cars.

Papa 8 first hands me a cigarette and then smiling, "How do you feel after a week here?"

"Very good." I answer calmly: "It's good here, and everyone is good to me."

"Well." He smiles, then casually takes out a large brown paper envelope from the table and slightly throws it to me, "This is yours."

I'm a bit confused, open the envelope to see. There are some documents inside it. I can not help looking up at him.

"Your legal identity." He keeps smiling. His smile is with a unique charm, very peaceful, very affinity.

"You have an ID and passport now. You do not be afraid of immigration officers or the police on the street. But your visa is temporary and only valid for three months. After three months, I'll help you get permanent identity."

"Than you!" I look at him seriously.

"You were arranged here by Ocean. Anyway, I'll take care of you." He says softly, "I hear you seem to have some emotional problems yesterday afternoon?"

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I'm stunned, but then I realize that must the gym manager have told him.

I hesitate a little and decide it would be better to be frank.

"I'm in a bad mood." I look at him unavoidably: "Papa 8. I jump the boat and stole here. It was a life of nine deaths at sea. It was a narrow escape from death. I want to do something, no matter how! At least I don't want to be just a car washer all my life! This week, I've been working here and I feel like..."

"Think it's hopeless?" He's smiling, with a deep meaning in his smile: "Do you think life here is very boring?"

I don't say anything, but being acquiescent.

"Young man." He rubs his temple and looks at me deeply. Suddenly he stands up and goes to the window.

He turns his back to me and looks at the busy workers outside the window and says, "Have you seen them?"

"Yes, I see."

"They are all my people! Many of them also have good skills and willing to fight! Some of they are all like you, came here by stealth, and they all have their own cavity of blood. They want to do big things! They all eat by me and work for me now. Why can I stand in Canada? Because I have many brothers! My brothers really believe me! Every one of them is willing to go out and work hard for me!"

He suddenly turns around, the original gentle face, is unexpectedly showing a slight expression: "Big things! Everyone wants to do something big! But where in the world are there so many big things to do for you? Everyone wants to go to the top! But opportunities are always very few! Do you think we are the American government? Every day looks for places to fight all over the whole world? Finished Afghanistan, then finish Iraq, then Iran? Where are so many big things to do for you?"

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Suddenly he is sighing and shaking his head. "I'm old... I do not know how many people come in and out here. Many of them are the same young people like you, with extraordinary skills, one by one excpected higher than the sky, came to want to do great things to make a difference. But how many survived in the end? I saw too much and sent too many of them into the coffin. They are all good boys! Everyone wants me to give you a chance, but do I really like to send you to death?"

He changes his tone and looks at me: "You are new here! After all, a new comer! Don't forget that. I have a lot of brothers to look after. Some people have been waiting for two years or maybe three years. There's no chance to go out to do things! How long have you been here? A week! Are you already in a hurry? Can't help it? Nobody is worse than anybody! Here I am, brothers are all equal! I'm not going to value you differently because you're arranged here by Ocean! What would my other brothers think of me if you are allowed to have the priority? What do they think of you? I help you to make the legal identity done, it's the favor. But we can't always pay the favors when we are doing all the things!"

I'm silent. I understand that what he said makes sense, and it's not wrong to do so.

Yeah, other people have been waiting here for so long. Why should I get ahead when I come?

Looking at my disappointed expression, he's suddenly smiling again, pats me on the shoulder, comforts me for a while and says, "But you do have the skill, I understand. You're very good, I will not turn a blind eye. As I said, always pay the favors in doing things. I only value the ability and capability! You really have the ability, and I won't waste it! Hmm, I ask you come today, there are two main things. The first one is to give your legal identity certificate to you. The second one is..."

He smiles mysteriously, looks at me and says gently, "I'll give you a chance now."

I'm refreshed!

In the early morning, I get into a car. The car is the one workers were refitting under Papa 8's office.

I sit in the front seat of the co-driver. The driver is Papa 8's man. There are two men sitting in the back of the car, the two I saw in the garage yesterday.

These two people are very cold. One is expressionless, the other one has always been with a smile, but I still feel that he is cold. Because even when he is laughing, his eyes are fierce!

Both of them are out of forty. After get into the car, they put their hands in pockets and begin to sleep without saying a word. The car soon leaves Vancouver and heading north.

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