Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 148

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"I'll come every few days. If you need anything, you can call me."

After getting off, Papa 8's man gives me a cell phone with a number in it. Then he turns, gets into the car and driving away.

I look at the two men beside me and don't know how to describe my feeling.

This is a farm. I don't know the direction. I just know it's a long way from Vancouver. Because the car have been driving here from morning to later afternoon. Judging from the surrounding environment, it should be the countryside far from the city.

The temperature is a little low, and I feel the wind blowing on me a little chilly. The two middle-aged men look indifferent. Both of them were sleeping all the way. They seem very sleepy. Although we have got off the car, they still stand there yawning.

The farm in front of us should be big and the fences around it are so low that people can barely get in. But outside the door, there's a wooden stake with a board hanging on it, and a line of words is written in paint, both in Chinese and English, and in French.

"Private territory, intruders bear the consequences!"

I know this is a warning. In North America, the first rule is that private property is inviolable.

Here, no one can break into other people's private territory, even if you are a police officer, if you do not have legal procedures, you want to break into other people's homes, the owner can even shoot you, and do not have legal responsibility!

This farm is somewhat deserted. Because of the climate, Canada's overall geographical location is north, the more northward it is, the colder it is. I feel a little stiff when I step on the earth.

Two middle-aged people take a look at me, lift their bags under their feet, lazily carry them behind and head for the farm.

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By the way, my mission here is to stay in this farm with these two middle-aged people for sometime.

My job here is: take care of them.

The so-called take care, meaning very clear. I will be responsible for cooking, cleaning and hygiene. And some farm works. To put it simply, I'm going to be a "service soldier" for these two men for the time being.

When Papa 8 arranged this to me, I almost thought I had misheard it at first! After I confirmed it, I realized he wasn't kidding. He really asked me to come over and be a "service soldier" for these two guys.

Is that also counted as offer me an opportunity?

Then Papa 8 coldly told me that if I didn't want to, he could give the chance to someone else. He looked at me as if I was an idiot.

I'm not an idiot for sure. I immediately realized that following these two guys was obviously not as simple as it seemed.

The farm door is unlocked. In fact, there's no need to lock it. Anyone is able to turn over the fence anyway. This gate is nothing.

As for the farm, I can see that there should have been a pasture here, because I saw a wooden fence, which should be used for cattle. But now it's empty and idle.

This is a very barren place, surrounded by a row of hills, not high, but very long. The nearest highway is about two kilometers away from us. We have to go out and run along the path to see it. Inside the farm there is a cabin. Thank goodness. There's at least an electric light here!

I feel like I'm walking into a Western movie with a row of mangers and an abandoned canal beside it. I even see a well, which is an underground water intake well with a man-made pipe. The wellhead is only about the size of a washbasin. There is a water pressure device on one side, so when you press the handle a few times, you can take out the water.

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This row of wooden houses looks very old, but it's strong. The door is locked, but the Papa 8 man has given me the key.

Since I am a service soldier now, I naturally have the consciousness to do service, and I rush to the front to open the door.

After entering the door, there's a smell of decay and mildew. It seems that no one lived in this place for a long time. A layer of ash on the floor and on the table confirms my guess.

The two middle-aged men are very calm. They enter the room one after another, throw their bags on the ground, drag over the chair, take a dirty cloth hanging on the wall, pat and lean on.

"Get something to eat first." This is the first word they said to me since we have met. It's the one who looks kinder and keeps smiling.

I went out of the room without saying much. There is a cellar on the left of the house. Opening the cellar door, the dust makes me cough for a while. I stand outside and wait for a moment for the air flows. I pick up a torch hanging on the sliding door and go down.

Can... Can... Can... There are various cans in the cellar. Sardines, Tuna, Salmon...

Damn, all fish cans.

I can understand that, after all, this is not far from the west coast of Canada, and fisheries are well developed. But looking at the full eyes of canned fish, it is really helpless. I pick up some cans and go to the kitchen next to make a fire.

On this day, I feel like I have become a standard farmer in a mountain village! I even cut firewood to make the fire, and then carry a barrel to get water in the well and heat it up.

I'm busy cleaning up and wiping out the dust. After the water is boiled, the three of us wash our faces, and then I clean the cabin to make out three rooms.

Finally, the three of us gather around the table and eat canned fish with hot water as our dinner.

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I try to talk to them, but they are always cool and not interested in speaking.

These two people are very strange, their expressions, eyes, are full of a strange taste. It's a disregard for everything. This temperament, I have only seen in one person in my life. That is Jim!

I also find that they have thick palms, thick knuckles and thick cocoons on their palms. But I have only looked at them for a moment, they immediately notice, and then the cold eyes are shoting at me. I immediately retract my eyes.

Honestly, staying with these two people, I feel very stuffy! They don't talk, so I can't speak. I can't talk to myself, can I?

I'm not a man who can't be wronged, nor is it unwilling to be a servant. I used to carry dishes in nightclubs. I'm not afraid to work, but I'm a little depressed when I mix with these two boring people.

After eating, they immediately throw the empty cans in front of them and stand up. This time the poker-faced man talks.

"It's late, rest."

This is the second word I hear from them today. After that, they go back to their rooms to rest directly.

I'm stunned here, and suddenly there is some fire in my heart. What the fuck is that? I feel a bit hate and say to myself: don't you understand? You're here to be serviced.

The next morning, I'm still sleeping. The blanket on body is the original ones in the house, which smells mildew. I'm not used very much. Last night I made up my mind to wash all these blankets during the day. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be fumigated by the smell. It's too uncomfortable!

But in my confusion, I suddenly feel a chill on my body! My heart is beating wildly and a fierce one rolling up from the bed. I see the man who always has a cold smile on face is staring at me on my bedside.

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"Well, kind of alert. But I've been standing by you for a minute," he says coldly. "In that minute, if I were an enemy, you would have died a hundred times!"

After that, he turns and goes out, leaves a word: "Give you five minutes to prepare. I'll wait for you outside."

There's a chill on my body and I just feel the cold sweats on my back. I get up quickly, dress and rush out of the room.

It's just a little light, and the sun has not come out yet. Only a fish belly white can be seen on the horizon. Both of the dull men are already outside, dress neatly. The cool guy sits lazily on a chair, playing with a long metal object in his hand. I approach to find that it's a prism! The sneering man who called me up is standing by with his hands in his arms.

On one side of the cabin, there's a big tree which trunk was wilting. Then the cool guy motiones me to go into the cellar and bring up a sandbag.

It's the same type leather sandbag as in the gym of our garage. I hang it on the tree and adjust the height under their instructions.

"Listen, boy." The sneering man looks at me in a cold, even unfriendly tone: "I don't know what relationship you have with 8. Our two brothers have been hiding here for a few days and are going to get on board and leave soon. But he asked us to stay and teach you. Look at his favor, we agreed. I haven't seen how you are, but 8 said you're good at Kungfu and you can blow the sandbag with one punch. Ha-ha! Young man, I'll try you now. Just show me your kungfu."

He points to the sandbag and says, "Show me what you can do with all your strength."

"OK!" I do not talk nonsense, a little movement, then go to the sandbag, make a posture and adjust breathe.


I hit the sandbag with my master's killing trick as I did in the gym. The leather of the sandbag is exploded.

I take back my fist, glance at the sandbag in front of me satisfactorily, and then look at the sneering man again, with a slight challenge taste in my eyes.

He laughs, but there's disappointment in his eyes.

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