Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 149

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The sneering man turns to look at the fellow sitting in the chair and raises his eyelids. "How?"

"So so." The fellow says this in a disgusting way,, then simply raises his legs and closes his eyes: "Fighting skills are left to you, I don't care."

Then he picks up a worn cowboy hat that didn't know where to find out from the cabin and coveres his face as if he has no interest in seeing it anymore.

"Do you feel very dissatisfied? Do you think you've played pretty well?" The sneering man looks at me with a mockery on his face.

"Yes." I don't hide my emotions and meet his eyes: "I think I did it well."

"Not too bad." He shrugs his shoulders, but there's more mockery in his smile. His tone is like hiding a needle: "If you are going to a professional boxing match, or go to be a kickboxer, keeping training well, you may win a championship or something. You have a good body and a good foundation of kungfu. But..."

He utters a "crack" sigh in his mouth and then asking slowly, "I ask you, before you punched, you were standing there breathing deeply, and suddenly shouting, what is it?"

"... It's preparation." I frown and can't help explaining, "Before I punch, I need to concentrate, and then I need to use the whole body's movements to drive the whole body's strengths to..."

He interrupts me with waves of his hand: "I'm not asking you the principle of this punch. Speaking of kungfu, I know a little too. I understand the principle. I just want to ask you, is it true that you have to adjust your body before you punch?"

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"... Yes." I have a vague idea of what he's going to say.

"You just adjusted three or four steps and waited at least five seconds before punching..." He shakes his head and feels as if I'm very funny. He looks at me and says, "If I were your enemy, do you think I would give you five seconds to adjust? I will stand in front of you, do not hide, do not fight back, just stand here and wait for you for five seconds, until you finishi your adjustment to hit me?"

"... No." I feel a little bitter in my mouth.

"You've done a beautiful punch, but it's not practical."

"Not really." I can't help refuting, "It's just that I'm not good enough! If my master did it himself, he would not need any adjustment at all! "

"I know." The sneering man does not refute me, just says lightly: "Kungfu training to the real high level can be how powerful, I know it better than you! But it is impossible to reach that level without twenty to thirty years of hard work. I'm afraid you'll be over forty when you get to that level."

I don't say anything, but I'm still not convinced. Then he sighs and stares at me, "You're practicing split-and-hang boxing, right? Many of the killing tactics in the split-and-hang punch are very powerful. Your puch, on the contrary, it's a bit flashy. Didn't your master teach you anything else? There are many really lethal killings tricks, can you?"

"No." I'm a little depressed: "Master didn't teach me."

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He nods and then smiling. This time, the smile is not ironic, but sincere: "Your master loves you very much."


"Hey!" He's laughing: "A man good at fighting dies for fight, a man good at swimming dies in water! Haven't you heard that word? Your Master didn't teach you all the real killing tactics. He was afraid you would cause trouble! I think he hoped you would find less trouble in the future. It was also for your good!"

I'm stunned for a moment. I carefully recall that when I was studying, Master was really reluctant to teach me how to kill. The only one I know was finally he sparing his feelings to some extent of teaching me. Unexpectedly, he still left a hidden hand. Master taught me this tactic seems to be very powerful and lethal, but it is not very practical.

At my present level, in order to hit such a punch, I need to adjust it first! When fighting, who will stand in front of you and wait for you to adjust? I fought with people before. One hand, it is because Master warned of not to seriously hurt others for any tiny reason. On the other hand, I haven't met any good fighter and no opportunity to use it.

I never thought it would be of useless.

And if I have a high level of Kungfu and can use it as freely as Master, I'm afraid it's like sneering man says. I'll have to wait until I'm over forty years old. But after a man is over forty years old, all aspects of the mind have matured, and people have become stable. At that time, I would be no longer young, no longer impulsive, even when I could be available to use this killing puch freely, I would not easily make trouble. I'm afraid that's Master's intention.

"What else can you do?" The sneering man looks at my depressed expression and his attitude softens slightly. "Show me."


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I dare not be arrogant this time. I seriously show a set of split-and-hang punches. I don't show off, but sneering man's face shows some satisfaction finally.

"Not bad. You have a good foundation. I can see that you have done some hard works. Your strength and speed are pretty good. Well, as I said, if you train on your own, go to free combat fight, you will be a good professional player. But..." He sighs and does not continue his speaking.

I understand what he meant, and it seems that I'm not good enough.

Then he thinks about it and laughing, "Well, you're really good, at least 8's boys, you're the best I've ever seen. You're a smart man, too. You have the foundation, so that I won't teach you any ways to practice your body. You have strength, speed and body. So I'll just teach you some ways to use it! First, I don't have time to teach you a whole set of things systematically. Second, the conditions here are not allowed. Third, I don't have that much time either."

I nod, with a respectful expression on my face.

The sneering man... No, at this moment I have some respects for him, and I dare not slander anything. He comes slowly and looks at me. "I think you should be able to know something... What I can do is not what outsiders should learn... To tell you the truth, what you will learn may not be good for you. I'm not going to teach you those beautiful postures. I'm not going to teach you the whole sets of Kungfu. What I'm teaching you is killing skills. Do you understand?"

I'm shocked!

"Killing techniques. The most direct, the most effective, and the simplest killing techniques!" He looks at me coldly and says, "I ask you, have you ever learned human structure?"

"... No." I laugh bitterly: "I only went to middle school, and I forgot all the basic things I learned in biology class."

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"Well, the first step in learning the skills of killing is to understand the structure of the human body! Understand that the human body has those fatal defects, and those places are the key to fatality!" He looks at me and then points to the cabin. "You go to my room and carry the wooden stake out of here."

I'm puzzled, but I still do as he says. A moment later, I carry a wooden stake as tall as a man from his room. Or it can be said a wooden figure!

I looked at the knife-edge marks on it. It's obviously very old. I can't help wondering and look at him.

"It was something I made it for fun last time I lived here, and it was used as a target to practice flying knife. I didn't expect it could be used for you today." He looks at my puzzled expression, laughing and scolding, "Okay! Let me tell you, I've been to this place twice. Basically, I help 8 to do things. Every time we finish, we have to stay here for a period of time to avoid the limelight. This boring place is so stuffy that I have to do something for myself." Then he stares at me: "There's another time to listen to the story! Now you concentrate on me!"

When he speaks, he naturally has a strange momentum! Let me uncontrollably body shock and stand straight at once!

"Look at those little words on this wooden figure, I wrote them last night. Your task today is to hold them to see! Then recite all the parts I marked and the words! Memorize every word! And mark them into your heart!"

I looked at the wooden figure, which were densely marked with small characters written in pens in all parts, and in some places were marked with circles!

"Ear, auricular nerve is close to the brain. After being hit, it can damage the artery in meninges. It can cause bleeding in the ear or death in the serious case... Axillary, inferior nerve, hit the consequences: severe pain or temporary local paralysis... Right rib, lower side of the liver, where the skeleton is fragile, the liver can be severely damaged after beating, heavy death... Spine, 7-9 cm above the belt. Aftermath: paralysis, death..."

The whole wooden figure is almost densely filled with these similar marking words, each circle points out all the parts pointed out, the content is very detailed! Even a total of 100 bones in human limbs, each kind of bone will have what effect after being hit, are all marked out one by one! And how to use the right beating method to cause dislocation, fracture or ligament tear.

I'm stunned and can not help looking up at him.

I just find out that although he looks very energetic, his eyes are a little red and swollen. Obviously, these things were written by him last night! This discovery immediately makes me feel a little heartfelt gratitude for him. Even the strange smile on his face is not so annoying.

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