Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 153

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Sand Snake doesn't notice my arrival. When I'm standing beside him, he still closes his eyes, fingers are beating on the edge of the chair, and his face is with a little happy and complacent expressions.

My eyes are calm and cold. I stare at his neck and throat for a moment, then gently pick up the razor on the edge of the pool.

The pool is full of water. I don't know if they were going to take a bath or do something else. I just walk quietly to Sand Snake. He still does not notice my arrival, closing his eyes, humming softly with the music.

I scratch a little with the razor in my hand.

The next second, I have reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and when he opens his eyes a little, I immediately put my arm around his neck from behind. Then, despite his is desperate struggling, I still drag him straight from the chair. He's tring to wriggle, and I know he wants to yell. But he is stuck in throat, and can only squeeze out the "Kah…Kah…" voices, but can not shout any word.

His strength is not small, but I've strangled his neck. So he struggles for a while, because of lack of oxygen and has weakened his strength. I drag him to the edge of the pool and press his neck into the water, while the other hand with the razor reaching over.

The razor cuts his neck and throat, and the blade cut his throat easily. The skin and trachea of his neck are cut out immediately. And because it's underwater, blood doesn't splash out, and it won't spill on me. Only a stream of blood comes up from the water.

I just step back two steps and let go of his arms. He's like an empty sack, soft on the ground, with his hands holding his throat. Blood keeps coming out of his fingers, and in a minute it has dyed half of his body red! Then I watch him grow up with his mouth and breathe like hell. Unfortunately, because his throat was cut off by me, he can not breathe air anymore.

Gradually, his power to twist and struggle on the ground is becoming less and less. I just stand there and looking at him coldly. I watch his eyes pop out like dead fish's. He's just staring at me, staring at me...

I don't know if there's such a thing as die with an everlasting grievance in the world, but at the moment he looks just like it!

I walk carefully to him. Then I look down at him for a few seconds, and say in a calm tone, "Papa 8, say hello to you."

After that, don't care he can hear or not, I turn around and go to the pool, where I washed the blood stains on my fingers and palms with water.

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I finish all this with slow and careful moves. After confirming that there's no blood left on my hands, I look in the mirror to see what I look like and to make sure that there's no blood left on my cloths.

I look at the time. It takes me three minutes and thirty seconds to walk in and finish what I need to do.

When I walk out, the girl at the door looks at me in some surprise and seems to want to stop me. But when I drop a few bills, she immediately has no other action anymore.

The driver of Sand Snake is sitting in the car outside, holding a disposable paper bucket in his hand, eating with a pair of chopsticks, probably a takeaway.

His eyes sweet me over again. This time, without looking at him, I go directly to him, stand outside the car door and tap on the window.

The guy opens the window impatiently and asks me something. Without saying a word, I take out a cigarette and make an act of borrowing a fire. He frowns, but still looking at me. Subconsciously, he puts a piece of beef with his chopsticks into his mouth and the other hand into his arms to get a lighter for me.

In such a second, I suddenly raise my hand and slap it hard on the back of his chopstick-holding hand!

With a Pah sound!

Chopsticks go straight into his mouth and are almost pierced his throat!

His mouth is immediately blowing blood, but because of where he is, the blood is sprayed into the car. I slightly flip away, and then watching his hands grab his mouth painfully trying to pull out the chopsticks. It is also the natural reflex of human beings.

I hit his hand again! This time, with the strength of my punch, chopsticks go deeper into his throat. The chopsticks didn't penetrate before, but this time they do! The chopsticks are obviously broken too!

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I know he's dead!

Then I immediately turn around and leave the car and head for the other end of the street. Behind me comes the continuous whistling of car horns, presumably the driver falls on the steering wheel after losing his breath.

The sharp sound of the trumpet startles the girl inside. The girl runs out and immediately gives out a terrible scream. I walk out of the street in this scream and the sound of car horns, and then I get on a car parking on the corner and leave quickly.

When the car leaves the street, I take the steering wheel in one hand and put another hand's fingers in my mouth and bite with my teeth a few times. Each of my fingers is covered with a small plastic film, so that I can be sure I won't leave any fingerprints.

Then I drive the car to a designated place. This is a car wash shop. As soon as my car enters, several workers come and wash the car with water guns. I get out of the car, do not say a word to these people, and go to the backyard. I quickly take off my coat, remove the fake beard from my mouth and throw them into an iron garbage can. I pick up a bottle in a corner, pour the liquid into the can, light a cigarette for myself, take a sip, and throw it into the garbage can.

A fire bursts out from the can, burning everything to ashes.

I look at the flame, a little distracting.

Suddenly, I feel a burst of nausea. Then I rush quickly into the bathroom beside, bump into a small toilet compartment, squating down immediately, holding the toilet and spitting out!

I keep vomiting and feel my stomach cramp. I've spit out almost all the tea I had drunk this afternoon. My stomach is empty, but still holding the toilet, almost to spit out my own bile!

My face is full of snotty tears. The dirty residues were left on the corners of the mouth. I'm gasping, feeling as if I have been hollowed out, fluttering, weak and soft.

Calm down, I come out, turn on the tap of the pool, and then washing my face with water. Then I begin to wash my hands again! I pick up the soap and wash my hands for five times, rubbing the skin on my hands red! But I still don't stop! I even pick up a brush aside and brush hands as hard as I can!

Even though I've brushed my hands to bleed, I still feel that there's an unbearable smell of blood on my hands. The dirty smell makes me almost spit out again.

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I look up at the mirror in front of me. The man in it is very blue with water droplets on his face and rolling down from the head and cheeks. There is a twist and ferocity in eyes.

My heart is a bit cold, is this really me? Is it Chen Yang? Is it the Little 5?

I struggle to squeeze out a laugh to the mirror. In the mirror, I'm showing a mouth of teeth that have not been smoked by tobacco. They are still white. But my eyes are twisted.

I killed a man!

I've killed a man!

Yes, it's not the first time I've killed someone. In the bloody battle on the streets of GZ City, I've already killed people. At sea, I also killed the black man on the stowaway boat.

But those two are different from today!

In the bloody battle on the street, I was forced. They wanted to kill me. I had to fight with them! I can only do my best to protect myself! Desperately, killing people, I do not have much regret in my heart.

At sea, I killed the black man because of hatred! It's the humiliation they used to treat us like animals, and what they did to Phoenix. I killed that bastard, only felt happy in my heart!

But today is different!

This Sand Snake, I don't know him at all. I know nothing about this man except his name and age. Even before yesterday, I haven't even heard of this person. I don't even know there's such a person in the world.

I don't hate him, I don't know how he is, and I don't know if he really deserves to die. I kill him just because Papa 8 let me kill him, because I have to kill him to get a chance!

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Without hatred to kill someone who has nothing to do with me for no reason at all. This situation makes me feel that my heart is full of a distorted feeling at the moment.

Before that, there's no intersection between my life and the two living people. But now I appeared and then took these two stranger's lives!

So who am I now?

Am I still Chen Yang?

Am I still the Little 5?

The skin on my hand is brushed, blood is flowing out, and the pain is stimulating my nerves, but I don't care. I just focuse on contemplating at myself in the mirror!

After a long time, the door is pushed open, and the subordinate of Papa 8, the indifferent middle-aged man, comes in.

"It's done?"

After he looked at me, his eyes rest on my bleeding hands.

"Yes." I nod.

"Well, Papa 8 wants to see you."

I'm about to go out with him without saying a word, but he suddenly turns around and smiles at me. His smile with a trace of complexity: "Ah, I almost forget to tell you, my name is Tiger. I didn't tell you before because you're an outsider. Now..."

He looks into my eyes and says in a gentle voice, "From now on, you are your own man."

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