Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 154

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When I see Papa 8 again, he doesn't say much words, just throw me a pile of money and some documents.

"This is a bank account with enough money to buy a car and a house." He looks at me and says, "Enjoy it for a while. You can also spend the money freely, whether you buy a house or not, just up to yourself."

I think about it and say, "Papa 8, I want to live here, in my old room."

He's a little unexpected, but the slightest unexpected look is just flashing through his eyes, and then he simply nods his head to show that there is no objection..

Silo is surprised to see me back. When I come in from outside, he's lying under the chassis of a car with a wrench in his hand. I go there to kick him lightly, and he's immediately rolling out, staring and ready to scold. But as soon as he sees me, his face is showing an expression of surprise: "Are you back?"

Then he's jumping up from the ground with a loud cry, and his face is full of excitement: "You've made it done?"

"Yes." I nod. Anyway, all the people here are Papa 8's men, and they all know that I came back from the work means what, with a little envy in the eyes they throw at me.

"Come on! Let's have a cup of drink together." I pull him over, Silo is very excited. He greets the foreman and comes out with me.

But instead of taking him out, I take him all the way back to the room we live. I've actually just come back and put a bag on the table with several bottles of wine in it. Although I don't know English, but I used to work in nightclub, so I still do know the wine.

The cash in Papa 8's envelope for me was almost used to buy expensive wine. A large heavy bag lay on the table.

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Silo is pulled in by me. He seems to be some surprise, staring at the bottles on the table and taking a long breath: "Why did you buy so much wine back? Damn! It's all good wine. Have you made a fortune already?"

I just look at him and smile, don't say anything.

"Actually, we can just go out and have a drink. I know there's a small bar nearby, and it's not expensive."

Then I sigh softly and say slowly in a low voice:

"Silo, I'd better go out less recently."

He understands immediately. After hesitating for a moment, he's tentatively asking, "You... Are you doing business for Papa 8 now?"

I nod, then go over and take out the LP. Then I open the record player, set up the speaker, push open the window, and start playing at maximum volume to the street outside the window.

I take a bottle of wine and sit down on the floor, twist the lid open. I take a sip of it first, take a long breath and close my eyes, listen to the music all over the room quietly.

Silo sees something strange about my mood, and he sits down beside me with a bottle of wine.

"What's wrong? Did things go wrong?"

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"Very well." I turn to look at him and suddenly laugh, "Siro, did you kill anyone?"

He's obviously surprised.

"No!" But then he immediately has a little more complexity on his face: "But I'm sure I'll kill somebody in the future! It is inevitable to do things for him in the future."

I laugh. "You're doing better to take to heart than me."

Instead of laughing with me, this time, Silo looks at me and whispering, "Little 5, when you are back this time, you seem to be a little different."

Different? That's for sure. I say to myself in my heart.

The next few days. I stay in the garage. I go on washing the cars and go to the underground gym to fight with the other brothers.

A lot of things have happened outside these days. In Vancouver's gangs, several big and small leaders have been killed, one of them is Sand Snake.

Everyone knows in their hearts that this is all done by our people. Young brothers are very excited. They go back to watch the "Battle report" on TV every day.

In fact, the next day I've seen the news on TV about the killing of Sand Snake. The police's definition was gangster hatred. His case file in the police station was more than a foot thick, and he was the first to die, and a series of gang leaders were killed. The Vancouver police were burned on fire to death.

The killing of Sand Snake was just the beginning, and was later masked by mass gangster hatred later.

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My mood has returned to calm, even when I saw the news about Sand Snake on TV, the expression on my face is not changed.

The whole Vancouver gangs are in the nervous state. They are all so gun-shy and panicky.

I'm shocked with the strength Papa 8 has shown. Almost in the same time that Sand Snake was killed, just within two or three days, so many gang leaders were killed, and then there were several shooting cases in Chinatown!

There are obviously some fierce battles between the two sides. There were not only pistols, but also even AK47 and grenade guns appeared. As the police is intensified their pressure, they are beginning to clean up the underground world frequently.

Such repression had just begun to have some effect, and both sides had a slight quagmire for some time. But two days later, Vancouver had its biggest explosion in a decade.

At a wharf, a private yard warehouse belonging to Vietnamese exploded. When the explosion happened, I didn't know what was piled up in the warehouse, which caused a continuous fire. A total of six warehouses covering an area of thousands of square meters were burned down. The fire from the explosion can be seen clearly even standing a kilometer away!

Later the Vietnamese begin to action too!

I'm really shocked!

I don't know how many people are under Papa 8's command, but we have fought with Vietnamese and other gangs for several times in the next period, and each side has its own losses. We even got the upper hand!

Such a large-scale and intensive series of cases make the police station once full of suspects.

I don't know where Papa 8 hides so many gunmen and weapons. These men appeared suddenly in a few days and disappeared after a few fierce battles with the enemies.

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Sometimes I see short video pictures on TV news taken by pedestrians or cameras. The masked men with weapons in their hands, were fighting in streets and alleys with local gangs and Vietnamese. Afterwards, they drifted away, well-trained, absolutely not like ordinary underworld people!

The problem is I don't know where these people came from! Silo and other brothers don't know either. Because according to what we know, most of Papa 8's men are working in car washes and garages. But those people on videos are moving forward and backward with guns, including when fighting are obviously vigorous and well-organized. They came and went away suddenly, as if they were marvellous soldiers.

The police arrested many people, but none of the mysterious soldiers was caught.

Finally, after the storm has passed, both sides stop. Papa 8 hasn't been in the garage these days. I even saw some suspicious guys at the intersection outside. I suspect that some of these people are the police. But slowly, we do not care about them anymore.

The disappearance of Papa 8 has lasted several days! These days, many young people in the garage are all hot blood boiling. Eventually, more than a week later, a turnaround happens!

The news spread outside is that both sides have suffered great losses. As a result, the local gangs were forced to make concessions. So the two sides end the war and have started a new round of negotiations.

At last, the outside world becomes calm, and Vietnamese seem to be calm too. I don't know if there will be a bigger wave after this calm.

During this period, the brothers in the garage are restricted access, even some of the most basic necessities of life, are every some time, send some people out to shopping together. The others are asked not to go out.

One day, Silo and I and two other brothers drive a pickup truck and stops at a large supermarket two blocks away from the garage. It's our turn to go shopping today. After staying in the garage for so many days, this is my first time to go out. The gang conflicts outside have been reduced a lot these days.

We bought enough food and daily necessities. After getting on, I sit in the back row. Today, the driver is Silo.

As we are driving through a block, Silo suddenly shouts in an exciting and tense voice, "There's a car behind us. It's been following us!"

The other two brothers and I immediately turn around and see a big SUV behind us that has overtaken us faster. The car's body is two full laps bigger than ours. After overtaking, they start flashing the taillights and slowing down to signal us to stop.

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